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Science Class 8 – Chapter 1

1. False. The food needs to be produced, managed, and distributed evenly.
2. False. Rabi crops are grown in the winter season.
3. True. Kharif crops are grown in the rainy season.
4. False. Pea is a rabi crop.




C. 1. The practice of cultivating and harvesting crops, and also rearing animals to meet the
demands of food, fibre, and other products is called agriculture. Crops are the same kind of
plants grown on a vast portion of land.
2. Crops can be classified as rabi and kharif based on the season in which they grow.
Examples of rabi crops are mustard, barley, and wheat. Examples of kharif crops are soybean,
paddy, and cotton.
3. A farmer has to perform various important activities to cultivate crops. These include
preparation of soil, sowing, addition of manure and fertilizers, irrigation, protection from
weeds, harvesting, and storage. (Any two of these are correct).

D. 1. The main three factors that determine which crops can be cultivated in a region are
(i) temperature,
(ii) soil, and
(iii) humidity and rain fall.
• Temperature: Temperature is one of the most important factors that affects the growth and
development of crops. A favourable range of temperature is required for the growth of crop.
• Soil: Type of soil is also a determining factor for which crop can be cultivated in a region.
Different crops grow well in different types of soils.
• Humidity and rainfall: These factors also play an important role in growth and development
of crop. Some crops require less rainfall and dry conditions, whereas others require higher
rainfall and high humidity.

2. Rabi crops are crops that are grown in the winter season. They are generally sown in
November and harvested in April. Some examples are wheat, barley, mustard, gram, pea, and
linseed. Kharif crops are crops that are grown in the rainy or monsoon season. They are
generally sown in June and harvested in October. Some examples are soybean, cotton, paddy,
maize, and groundnut.
3. The practice of cultivating and harvesting crops, and rearing animals (such as cattle and
poultry), to fulfil the demands of food, fibre, and other products is called agriculture. Farmers
perform various important activities to cultivate crops. These are called agricultural practices.
They include preparation of soil, sowing, addition of manure and fertilizers, irrigation,
protection from weeds, harvesting, and storage.
E. 1. To cater to the needs of a large population, food needs to be produced on a large scale.
This can be achieved when food is produced regularly, managed properly, and distributed
evenly. The practice of cultivating and harvesting crops, and also rearing animals such as
cattle and poultry, to fulfil the demands of food, fibre, and other products is called
agriculture. Several efforts have been made to increase farm production to meet the growing
demands of the increasing population. These include increasing the area of cultivation,
increasing the number of crops grown, improving irrigation facilities, and use of fertilizers
and high-yielding variety of seeds. Agricultural development results in increased food
security of the increasing population. Some of the developments include using technology
and mechanization of agriculture.
2. On the basis of the season in which they can be grown, crops in India are classified as
kharif crops and rabi crops. Kharif crops are crops that are grown in the rainy or monsoon
season (i.e., they are generally sown in June and harvested in October). Some examples
include soybean, cotton, paddy, maize, and groundnut. Rabi crops are crops that are grown in
the winter season (i.e., they are generally sown in November and harvested in April). Some
examples include wheat, barley, mustard, gram, pea, and linseed.

Worksheet 1.2

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words:

1. Soil is loosened with the help of a (plough/cultivator) which is drawn by a pair of animals.

2. Ploughing allows the (stems/roots) of the plants to penetrate deeper into the soil.

3. Soil crumbs are broken with the help of a (leveller/hoe).

4. A hoe is a tool used for removing (weeds/crops) from the soil.

B. Match the following:

1. Plough - Tilling
2. Leveller - Levelling
3. Hoe - Weed removal
4. Plank – Breaking crumbs

C. Very Short Answer Questions:

1. Why should manure be added to the soil before tilling?
2. How are earthworms useful for the soil?
3. Name the modern tools used by farmers for ploughing.


1. Manure should be added to the soil before ploughing or tilling to ensure that it mixes
properly with the soil during ploughing.

2. The burrowing action of earthworms makes the soil porous and helps in loosening and
turning the soil. They also help in decay of dead plants and animals, thus helping in adding
nutrients to the soil.

3. The modern tool used for ploughing by farmers is the cultivator. It involves the use of the
tractor, which is driven by a driver.

D. Short Answer Questions:

1. Define ploughing. Name any two implements used for it.

2. List three benefits of tilling the soil.
3. What is humus? Write two ways in which humus is useful for farmers.


1. The process of loosening and turning of the soil is called tilling or ploughing. It is the first
step for the preparation of soil. The implements used for ploughing are plough, hoe, and
cultivator. Plough and hoe are traditional implements, whereas a cultivator is a modern
tractor-driven machine.

2. The following are the benefits of tilling the soil:

(i) It allows the minerals, water, and air present in the soil to reach the roots of the plants
more easily, and also facilitates deeper penetration of roots into the ground.
(ii) It provides air to earthworms and microbes present in the soil. These organisms also help
in turning the soil while feeding on the dead organic remains in it. This leads to the formation
of a nutrient-rich substance called humus, which increases soil fertility and helps in plant
(iii) It brings the nutrient-rich soil to the top.

3. Humus is a nutrient-rich organic material that is formed in soil when microorganisms feed

on dead and decaying plant and animal matter. It has several benefits for plants. The two
ways in which humus is useful for farmers are as follows:
(i) It makes the soil fertile.
(ii) It helps in plant growth.

E. Long Answer Questions:

1. Explain how a farmer prepares the soil for cultivation.

2. What are agricultural implements? Name the traditional and modern implements
used for ploughing. Describe any three implements used for preparation of soil
1. The farmers prepare the soil before the cultivation. The first step is to turn the soil and
loosen it. Manure has to be added before ploughing. The process of loosening and turning off
the soil is called tilling or ploughing. It is done by the plough, hoe and a cultivator. The soil
then needs to be levelled by sowing with the help of leveller. The soil has to be moistened
before sowing. Manure may be added to the soil before ploughing to make sure that it mixes
properly with the soil. After ploughing and levelling, the soil is watered before sowing seeds.
2. The implements used for agricultural practices are called agricultural implements. The
main tools used for this purpose are the plough, hoe, and cultivator. Of these, plough and hoe
are traditional implements and a cultivator is a modern implement.
(i) Plough: It has been used since ancient times for tilling the soil; it removes the weeds and
turns the soil. It is made of wood and is drawn by a pair of bulls or other animals (horses and
(ii) Hoe: It is a simple tool that is used for removing weeds and for loosening the soil.
(iii) Cultivator: This is a modern tool for ploughing which is driven by tractors.

Worksheet 1.3
A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words:

1. The quality of seeds can be checked by submerging them in (milk/water).

2. Using a (seed drill/combine) helps the sown seeds to get properly covered by the soil.

3. (Manures/Fertilizers) are organic in nature.

4. Urea is a (manure/fertilizer).

B. Write one word for the following:

1. Super phosphate is an example of this

2. Organic substance that enriches soil with nutrients
3. Alternate cultivation of different crops
4. In legumes, the Rhizobium bacteria lives in nodules present in this part


1. Fertilizer
2. Manure
3. Crop rotation
4. Roots

C. Very Short Answer Questions:

1. Which agricultural practice needs to be done before seeds can be sown in a field, and why?
2. Name the two substances that can be added to the soil to improve its nutrient content. Give
an example of each.
3. Briefly explain the traditional method of sowing.


1. Ploughing or tilling is done before sowing seeds because it makes the soil porous allows
the minerals, water, and air present in the soil to reach the roots of the plants more easily, and
also facilitates deeper penetration of roots into the ground. It breaks and turns hard soil and
brings the nutrient-rich soil to the top.

2. Manures and fertilizers are substances that are added to the soil to improve its nutrient
content. Ammonium sulphate, urea, potash, and superphosphate are some examples of
fertilizers, whereas the compost of decaying matter is an example of manure.

3. The tool that is traditionally used for sowing seeds consists of a funnel connected to two or
three pipes with sharp ends that pierce the soil. The funnel is filled with seeds that pass
through the pipes and get released in the soil.

D. Short Answer Questions:

1. How can you segregate between good and damaged seeds? Why is it important to choose
healthy seeds?
2. Describe any three benefits of adding manure and fertilizers to the soil.
3. What is crop rotation? Explain with the help of an example of crop rotation in North India.

1. A method to check the quality of seeds is to submerge them in water. Damaged seeds are
hollow and light, so they float on top. Healthy seeds are dense, so they sink to the bottom.
This is a good method for separating healthy seeds from damaged ones. It is important to
choose healthy seeds because good-quality seeds ensure good crop yield.

2. (i) Adding manures increases the water holding capacity of the soil.
(ii) It also increases the number of friendly microbes that help in making the soil more
porous, allowing for better gas exchange.
(iii) Adding fertilizers helps in providing additional and missing nutrients in the soil that
increase the growth capacity of the crops.

3. In crop rotation, two or more different types of crops are grown in the same field one after
the other. In this method, the nutrients utilized by the first crop is restored in the soil by the
second crop. Farmers in North India alternate between the cultivation of legumes in one
season and wheat in the next. Wheat crop uses up the nitrogen present in the soil, leaving it
deficient in nitrogen. As legumes contain the nitrogen- fixing Rhizobium bacteria in their root
nodules, the practice of crop rotation replenishes the soil with nitrogen.

E. Long Answer Questions:

1. What advantages does a seed drill have over traditional sowing methods?
2. Explain the differences between manure and fertilizer. Why should manure be preferred
over fertilizers?

1. Sowing with a seed drill has many advantages over traditional methods of sowing.
The seed drill sows the seeds at the proper distance and depth, and ensures that the seeds are
covered properly with soil. This method protects the seeds from being eaten by birds. A seed
drill allows uniform sowing of seeds at proper depth and distance, which prevents
overcrowding of plants and ensures that all plants receive equal and enough sunlight, water,
and nutrients. Sowing by using a seed drill saves time and labour. However, sowing in a
traditional method takes time and requires a large amount of labour.

2. Manure is obtained from the dead remains of plants and animals, which are decomposed
by earthworms and microbes. Thus, manure is organic in nature. Manure helps the soil to
retain more water making it porous which facilitates easier exchange of gases between the
soil and crops. It provides optimum conditions for the growth of friendly microbes. It also
improves the overall texture of the soil. Fertilizers are man-made chemical substances that are
manufactured in factories. They contain specific nutrients in high amounts. Some examples
of fertilizers include ammonium sulphate, urea, potash, super phosphate, and NPK (Nitrogen,
Phosphorus, Potassium). Although fertilizers improve crop yield, their excessive use can have
adverse effects on soil fertility. They can also cause water pollution. They can also seep into
groundwater and harm us. Chemical fertilizers may also get washed into water bodies and
harm aquatic plants and animals. This process is called leaching. Because of the harmful
effects of fertilizers, the use of manure should be encouraged instead.

Worksheet 1.4

A. State whether True or False. Correct the false statement(s):

1. Water protects crops against hot air currents and frost.

2. Dry sown seeds can germinate.
3. Chain pump is a modern irrigation technique.
4. Weedicides are harmful for crops.


1. True
2. False. Dry seeds do not germinate.
3. False. Chain pump is a traditional irrigation technique.
4. False. Weedicides are not harmful for crops.

B. Match the following:

1. Rat - c. Pest
2. Dams - a. Sources of irrigation
3. Khurpi - d. Used to remove weeds
4. Sprinkler system - b. Modern irrigation system

C. Very Short Answer Questions:

1. Define irrigation. What are the factors that affect the frequency of irrigation?
2. What are the two ways in which weeds can be manually removed from a crop field?
3. What are weedicides? Give two examples.


1. The supply of water to crops at regular intervals is called irrigation. The irrigation and its
frequency depend on the crop type, soil type, and season.

2. Weeds can be removed manually by uprooting them from the soil by hand, or by cutting
them off as close to the ground as possible at regular time intervals. They can also be killed
by using weedicides.

3. The undesirable plants which grow along with the crop naturally are called weeds.
Weedicides are the chemicals used to remove the weeds without harming the crops.
Examples are 2,4-D, metachlor, dalapon, and siziazine.

D. Short Answer Questions:

1. Briefly describe any three methods of irrigation.

2. Give any three reasons for the removal of weeds from fields.
3. Why should farmers cover their mouth and nose while sprinkling weedicides? Why is it
important to wash fresh fruits and vegetables?

1. The three method of irrigations are the following:
(i) The traditional irrigation practices involve lifting the water from wells, canals, and lakes
by different methods and taking it to the field to water the crops.
(ii) The sprinkler system is a modern method of irrigation, which is mostly practised on
uneven or sandy lands where the supply of water is not sufficient.
(iii) The drip system is also a modern method of irrigation, which is useful in regions with
inadequate water supply.

2. Weeds need to be removed from fields because of the following three reasons:
(i) They may be harmless, but they can affect the crop yield.
(ii) Weeds compete with the crops for water, nutrients, sunlight, and space and decrease crop
yield and quality.
(iii) Weeds are also poisonous for human beings and animals.

3. Farmers should always cover their mouth and nose while sprinkling weedicides because
although weedicides may be harmless to the crops, these are chemicals that can affect the
farmers’ health adversely. So, farmers should handle weedicides carefully. It is important to
wash fruits and vegetables to get rid of any traces of weedicides and fertilizers, and also to
wash away germs.

E. Long Answer Questions:

1. Describe the sprinkler system.
2. What are the advantages of the drip irrigation system over the traditional irrigation


1. The sprinkler system is a modern method of irrigation, which is done on uneven or sandy
lands where the supply of water is not sufficient. It contains a main pipeline with many
perpendicular pipes connected to it at equal distances. These pipes have rotating nozzles on
top. The water flowing through the main pipe under pressure created by a pump is released
from the nozzles of the perpendicular pipes and sprinkled on the plants.
2. The advantages of drip irrigation over traditional method of irrigation are as follows:
(i) Areas that experience scarcity of water can be successfully irrigated using drip irrigation.
(ii) Drip irrigation method saves 30 to 70 percent water and it is possible to irrigate three
times the area with the same amount of water.
(iii) It delivers water and nutrients directly to the plant’s roots, in the right amounts, at the
right time.

Worksheet 1.5

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words:

1. Harvesting is done when crops become (dry/mature).

2. (Sickle/Hoe) is a tool used for manual harvesting.

3. Freshly harvested seeds need to be (packed in plastic bags/dried in the sun) before

4. Dried (mango/neem) leaves can be used to store food at home.

B. Write one word for the following:

1. A machine that is used for mechanical harvesting

2. A combination of a harvester and a thresher
3. Technique used by farmers to separate grains from the chaff
4. Large-scale rearing of animals for food


1. Harvester
2. Combine
3. Winnowing
4. Animal husbandry
C. Very Short Answer Questions:

1. What are pests? Give two examples.

2. What are the two ways in which crops can be harvested?
3. How are large and small quantities of harvested grains stored?


1. The insects which destroy standing crops and stored grains are called pests. Some
examples are rats and insects.

2. Harvesting can be either done manually or with a machine. The tool called sickle is used
for manual harvesting. A machine called a harvester can be used for harvesting.

3. Small quantities of harvested crops are stored in metallic bins or jute bags, whereas large
quantities of harvested crops are stored in silos and granaries.

D. Short Answer Questions:

1. Define harvesting. Name any two implements that may be used for harvesting
2. How should harvested crops be stored to prevent spoiling?
3. What is animal husbandry? Name any two products obtained from animals.


1. The process of cutting and gathering mature crops is called harvesting. Mature crops can
be either pulled out of the soil or cut close to the ground. It can be done in two ways:
(i) Using a sickle—It is a tool used by the farmers for harvesting manually;
(ii) Using a harvester—It is a machine used by the farmers for harvesting.

2. The grains of the harvested crops need to be stored in optimum conditions to prevent
spoiling. They should be stored in an environment that is devoid of moisture,
microorganisms, rodents, and insects. Freshly harvested seeds need to be dried properly
before storage to get rid of moisture as it attracts fungi and other organisms that can cause the
grains to lose their ability to germinate.

3. The practice of rearing animals on a large scale for food and other requirements is called
animal husbandry. The reared animals should be provided with proper food and clean shelter.
They should be looked after with care especially when ill. Some products obtained from
animals are milk, meat, fish, eggs, and honey

E. Long Answer Questions:

1. Explain the different steps involved in obtaining grains from a mature crop.
2. What causes spoiling of harvested crops? How are harvested grains stored in big


1. The following steps are involved in obtaining grains from a mature crop:
(i) Harvesting,
(ii) Threshing, and
(iii) Winnowing.
Once crops become mature, they can be either pulled out of the soil by hand or cut close to
the ground. This process of cutting and gathering mature crops is called harvesting.
Harvesting can be done manually using a sickle, or by using a machine called harvester.
Next, the grains are separated from the rest of the plant. This is called threshing and is done
by using a thresher. Some farmers use a machine called combine, which is a combination of a
harvester and a thresher.

2. The moisture left in the grains can spoil the harvested grains. So, freshly harvested seeds
need to be dried before storage to get rid of moisture, which attracts fungi and other
organisms that can cause the grains to lose their ability to germinate. Large quantities are
stored in silos and granaries. They can also be stored in large godowns in which case special
chemical treatments need to be done to prevent spoilage.

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