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SAFER - Health and Safety Risk Assessment Attachment 5.1: JSA Format

JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS (to be filled out by Operations/Maintenance Staff o

Area: PKN Job Description: Entry into Confined Space to carry out repair anticipated for
TANK bottom floor plate and annular plate, repair by hot work (welding, cutting
by using grinder/gas cutting)

Job Location: 11TK30

Team Leader: Dept: Olefin IV
Name & ID: Date:

No. Job Steps Potential Hazards

1 Prepration of Tools and Equipment 1.1 Un-uncertified tools and

(Welding machine, grinder, electrical equipment’s/ incompetent
cables, welding cables, compress gas personnel that could lead to
cylinder). personal injury

1.2 Grinder and cables/

extensions cables that could
lead to personal injury.

1.3 Welding Machine and

tools that could lead to
personal injury.
1.3 Welding Machine and
tools that could lead to
personal injury.

1.4 Compressed Gas

Cylinders (Argon, Acetylene
& O2) that could lead to
personal injury and property

1.5 Falling from height.

1.6 Un-organized materials
that can cause slip, trip and

1.7 Combustible material /

flammable materials (like
rags) around confined space
lighting set-up may lead to

1.8 Falling of gin wheel

pulley, objects / material
while installation / using.

1.9 Slip, trip and fall from

2 Personal entry into Confined Space to 2.1 Atmospheric Hazard
carry out repair anticipated for TANK (Oxygen deficiency)
bottom floor plate and sketch plate,
repair. by hot work (welding, cutting
by using grinder/gas cutting)
2.2 Poor Illumination that
could lead to personal

2.3 Slipping/tripping hazard

that could lead to personal

2.4 Improper
communication lead to
personnel injury.

2.5 Electrical/ static hazard

that could lead to personal
2.5 Electrical/ static hazard
that could lead to personal

2.6 Un-organized materials

that can cause slip, trip and

2.7 Falling due to improper

access / scaffoldings.
2.8 Falling debris, tools
and/or materials from

2.9 Improper ventilation

3 Inspection 3.1 Sharp Edges that could
lead to hand injury.

3.2 Falling of Personnel

3.3 Exposure to dust

3.4 Poor illumination.

4 Repairing of TANK bottom floor plate 4.1 Molten slag's and open
and scketh plate. flame that can cause fire.
4.2 Electricity/ Electrical

4.3 Welder adapting unsafe


4.4 Tripping from electrical

cable leading to cut injuries

4.5 Burn injury from hot


4.6 Accumulation of welding

fumes/fire smoke inside
confined space may lead
choking of respiratory tract
and lungs .
fumes/fire smoke inside
confined space may lead
choking of respiratory tract
and lungs .

4.7 Heat Stress

4.8 Non Compliance to SMP-


4.9 Improper support to

welding/cutting piece may
lead to injury for welder and

4.10 Slip & Trip

4.11 Arc rays/IR/UV

radiation that could cause
personal injury

6 Cutting by using Grinder/gas cutting 6.1 Breaking of rotating disc

may cause serious injury.

6.2 Fire hazard.

6.3 Electricity/ Electrical

6.4 Fabricator adapting

unsafe posture

6.5 Tripping from electrical

cable leading to cut injuries
to the fabricator

6.6 Improper support to

cutting piece may lead to
injury for fabricator.
6.7 Noise Hazard

6.8 Flying Object

6.9 Slip & Trip

6.10 Defective gas cutting


7 Housekeeping 7.1 Slip trip and fall hazard

Section A :JSA Preparation /review
1- Team Leader (PK maintenance / execution Supervisor): I have led the JSA team during
the preparation phase and I have agreed to the highlighted risks, mitigation actions and
listed steps of this JSA

2-Contractor/Operator/Subject Matter Expert (as applicable): I have reviewed and

agreed with all steps of this JSA

3-Operation Supervisor: I have reviewed and agreed with all steps of this JSA

4-EHSS representative: I have reviewed and agreed with all steps of this JSA
OMS No. SHEM02.02
Rev. #( 1 ) Date Jul-21
Next review Date Jun-24

perations/Maintenance Staff or Group Leader together with JSA Team Members)

out repair anticipated for JSA number : TIS-PK-N-02 Requester name: TAMIMI
by hot work (welding, cutting

Mention Applicable Procedures: SHEM 08.07,SHEM 08.10,SMP-SE-032

Use additional sheets if necessary.
Attachments: Yes / No If Yes state number of pages:

Remaining Risk Level

Risk Level Steps to Reduce Hazard

1.1.1 Power tools (grinder) electric extension boards

and cables should be inspected from PK (N)
authorized electrical person.

1.1.2 Verify equipment inspection Sticker is valid.

Ensure GIN wheel and manila rope are also
C3 L4 (Minor) inspected. C3 L5 (Insignificant)

1.1.3 Petrokemya qualified personnel shall execute

the preparation work under direct supervision.

1.2.1 Check portable grinder and its cable, switches

are in safe condition, use checklist (SHEM 08.07),
verify dead man switch.

1.2.2 Visually all equipment should be inspected

C3 L4 (Minor) prior start the job. C3 L5 (Insignificant)

1.2.3 All defective tools should be removed from

area immediately.

1.3.1 Visual checks for all equipment’s and tools

prior start the job, use daily check list.
C3 L4 (Minor) C3 L5 (Insignificant)
C3 L4 (Minor) C3 L5 (Insignificant)
1.3.2 Remove all defective equipment’s/ tools from

C3 L4 (Minor) 1.4.1 Check the physical condition of Compressed C3 L5 (Insignificant)

Gas Cylinders. Valve condition for any likely leaks,
and stenciled permanent identification shall be

1.4.2 Compressed Gas cylinders should be stored in

its rack or in cylinder trolley and properly chained,
in upright vertical position.

1.4.3 Compressed gas cylinder should be stored in

shaded and well-ventilated area.

1.4.4 Cylinder cap must be placed if cylinder not in


1.4.5 Oxygen and acetylene cylinder should not be

stored together, should keep away at least 6

1.4.6 Flash back arrestor should be used.

1.4.7 Check the condition of cylinders and its
accessories prior to start the activity.

1.4.8 Oxygen cylinders, hoses and gauges shall be

free of oil and grease. No one to operate with oily

1.4.9 compressed gas cylinder shall never be taken

inside confined space

1.4.10 Standard key shall be used and kept in place.

Acetylene cylinder valve shall not be opened more
than three-fourths of a turn.

1.5.1 Never move open edges without guardrails .

Always maintain 3point contact on fix ladder and
scaffold ladder.
C3 L4 (Minor) C3 L5 (Insignificant)
1.5.2 visualy inspect the gratings.and other walking
1.6.1 Conduct proper housekeeping by arranging
the cables, hoses, tools and equipments away from
C3 L4 (Minor) the access. C3 L5 (Insignificant)

1.7.1 Remove all combustible un-needed material

around the confined space and specially near the
light set-up area (stand light).
C3 L4 (Minor) C3 L5 (Insignificant)

C3 L4 (Minor) 1.8.1 Ensure to inspect the gin wheel visually prior C3 L5 (Insignificant)
to each use and remove it from service if found any

1.8.2 Ensure the third party certificate for the gin

wheel is available and it's validity.

1.8.3 Ensure to secure the gin wheel with clamps on

each sides to secure it in place.

1.8.4 Ensure the maximum load shall not exceed

more than 10kg.

1.8.5 Ensure scaffold system shall support two times

the maximum load of force to which it is likely to be

1.8.6 Ensure to minimize the distance between the

fixing point of gin wheel and temporary elevated
working platform (Scaffolding).

1.8.7 Ensure joints above last tie level on inside

standards should be lapped.

1.9.1 Always hold hand rails while ascending &

descending the stairs. Avoid carrying materials in
C3 L4 (Minor) hands, use shoulder bags if required. Visualy C3 L5 (Insignificant)
inspect the gratings and other walking platform
C3 L4 (Minor) 2.1.1 Tool Box Meeting between Entry Supervisor C3 L5 (Insignificant)
and his crew to describe the activity associated
hazards, Ventilation Plan and rescue plan.

2.1.2 Verify Blinding, proper decontamination and


2.1.3 Ensure mechanical ventilation (Air mover) is

provided and grounded all the time. Provide black
or green color hose for ventilation..

2.1.4 Oxygen level should be 20.8%, LEL 0%. SCBA

shall be standby. Assure proper frequency of gas
test as per SHEM 08.10.

2.1.5 Ensure that authorized standby man available

with log sheet at all manways. Entrant shall entry
exit from same manway unless in emergency
situation (notify and log in/ log out accordingly).

2.1.6 Standby man shall ensure that the entrance of

confined area barricaded & placed warning
signage’s, during breaks and after Completion of

2.1.7 Ensure JOB supervision all the time. Exhaust of

Welding machine and other running equipment
shall not enter confined space consider wind
direction while placing the Welding machine.

2.1.8 Approved rescue plan shall be available and

the entrant shall not exceed as mention in the
rescue plan.Ensure the entrant from other
company work group shall not be allowed if the
no.of entrant exceed from approved rescue plan.
2.1.9 One among the entrants must carry oxygen
gas monitor.

2.1.10 Ensure all entrant out off confined space if

required fuelling of compressor supplying

2.1.11 Comply special PPE as per work permit .

2.2.1 Adequate 24V lighting shall be provided. The

lighting equipment (intrinsically & explosion proof
type) shall be used. Additional PKN approved flash
lights shall be provided with atleast one entrantand
stand by man.
C3 L4 (Minor) C3 L5 (Insignificant)
2.2.2 Damaged/frayed Flexible cords/cables/wires
shall not be used. Cords should be inspected before
each use. Flexible cords shall be used only in
continuous lengths without splice or tape.

2.3.1 Provide proper access way near the entrance

of confined space and do not stock material, use the
strap method to hold the required cables away from
C3 L4 (Minor) C3 L5 (Insignificant)
2.3.2 Proper housekeeping during and after the job

2.4.1 Stand by man shall establish eye to eye

contact with entrants.

2.4.2 Standby man must have emergency air horn

C3 L4 (Minor) & SCBA. C3 L5 (Insignificant)
2.4.3 Proper supervision is required to monitor the
activity all the time.

2.5.1 Ensure that all electrical cords do not touch

any hot surface/ water.

C3 L4 (Minor) C3 L5 (Insignificant)
2.5.2 All power tools shall be double insulated and
should be protected with GFCI.
C3 L4 (Minor) C3 L5 (Insignificant)
2.5.3 Electrical cables shall be routed without
touching metal parts or Column. Use insulated
padding or insulated hangers.

2.6.1 Provide proper access way near the entrance

of confined space and do not stock material, use the
strap method to hold the required cables away from
C3 L4 (Minor) C3 L5 (Insignificant)
2.6.2 Conduct housekeeping by arranging the cables
& tools away from the access.

2.7.1 Ensure proper access to enter confined space,

organize hoses to avoid slip, trip & fall.

2.7.2 Prior to use the scaffolds ensure that it is

being inspected and signed and it has a green tag
stating that it is safe to use.

2.7.3 Use full body harness with shock absorber

double lanyard. Hooked to a firm anchorage point
(100% tie-off is required), whenever working on
unprotected edges or extending body outside
handrail or Scaffold having a yellow tag. Hook full
body harness above shoulder level as closer to
C3 L4 (Minor) C3 L5 (Insignificant)
2.7.4 Maintain three (3) point contact when
ascending and descending the ladder and never
carry any tools or materials.

2.7.5 If any removal of Gratings, Platforms or

Guardrails create an opening and exposes worker
to fall from height, then required to fill Attachment
10 SHEM-08.09 with approval. Execution supervisor
shall communicate with his crew, OPS and next shift
execution supervisor.
C3 L4 (Minor) 2.8.1 Ensure that toe board on the working platform C3 L5 (Insignificant)
is properly installed.

2.8.2 Use bucket when transporting up small tools

and/or materials to avoid from falling.

2.8.3 Any tools or materials should not be thrown

from height. Never carry tools in hand while
ascending or descending the ladder, use rope or
2.8.4 Barricade the area with caution sign board

2.8.5 Working scaffolding platform should be clear

and free from any obstructions and remove
unnecessary materials.

2.8.6 Wear Safety Helmet with Chin Strap

2.8.7 TAMIMI supervisor and FSR shall communicate

with crew about hazard, precaution, diposal,
firefighting information and first aid measure

C3 L4 (Minor) 2.9.1 Ensure approved ventilation plan and C3 L5 (Insignificant)

implemented in field.

2. 9.2 Ensure the ventilation provided by inspected

air compressor. Ensure to replace continouss
running compressor to avoid over heating and
affecting ventilation rate as per authorized
technician evaluation based on daily inspection.

2.9.3 Ensure the ventilation hose is connected by

experienced personnel and verified by execution
2.9.4 Ventilation hoses shall be connected properly
and air movers secured properly. The number of air
movers and its installation shall be as per the
ventilation plan C3 L5 (Insignificant)

3.1.1 Heavy duty hand gloves shall be used to

perform the activity.

3.2.1 Never carry any materials in hand while using

ladder and maintain 3 point contact.

C3 L4 (Minor) 3.3.1 Always wear N95 dust mask.

C3 L5 (Insignificant)

3.4.1 Ensure sufficient lights are provided inside

confined space.

C3 L4 (Minor) 4.1.1 Gas testing shall be conducted to ensure that C3 L5 (Insignificant)

there is no presence of flammable liquid/gas and it
shall be 0 ppm toxic gas. If observe any presence of
toxic gas stop immediately and report to operation.

4.1.2 Fire blanket shall be provided during hot work


4.1.3 Fire watch must be available in the hot work

location and monitor the activity. Fire watch shall
leave the area at least 30mins after complition of
the job.

4.1.4 Ensure Fire hose with water charge up to

nozzle is available. Provide two (30LB) DCP fire
extinguishers near outside the manway for outside

4.1.5 Provide metal bin to collect used grinding disc,

welding rod and welding slag's.
C3 L4 (Minor) 4.1.6 Ensure metallic scafolding planks shall be
used. Welder, fabricator shall protect neck by
covering with FRC hood.

4.2.1 Ensure all the electrical cables are inspected

by PK N personnel. Ensure floor and gloves are free
from moisture or wet surface. Cables shall be well
organized (by strapping) and shall not pass over
sharp and wet surfaces.

4.2.2 Ensure electrical source has GFCI and in C3 L5 (Insignificant)

function (SHEM-08.05). Ensure to avoid overloading
electrical source with mulitiple power tools and
4.2.3 Electrical cables shall be routed without
touching metal parts or Column. Use insulated
padding or insulated hangers. Never touch welding
machine power terminals with wet hands. Ensure
insulation is proper for the welding cables.

4.3.1 Assign authorized experienced Welder for the

C3 L4 (Minor) activity. Provide adequate platform for the activity. C3 L5 (Insignificant)

4.4.1 During the grinding welding activity the cable

shall be arranged properly, area barricaded and
C3 L4 (Minor) restrict unauthorized movement. C3 L5 (Insignificant)

4.5.1 Full PPEs must be used, welding gloves, with

welding helmet connected with welding hood,
Welding boots, FRC overlap neck protection at least
4"(inch) bellow the collar & welding apron.
C3 L4 (Minor) C3 L5 (Insignificant)
4.5.2 Double Eye protection (Safety glass with face

4.6.1 Ensure ventilation for the hotwork as per

SHEM 08.10. Standby man shall stop the activity and
evacuate/ inform Operation WP Issuer (if observe
any change in condition like any gas release).
C3 L4 (Minor) C3 L5 (Insignificant)
C3 L4 (Minor) C3 L5 (Insignificant)
4.6.2 Remove rag pieces and combustible materials
in the area.

4.7.1 Comply with the PK North Heat Stress

C3 L4 (Minor) guidelines. C3 L5 (Insignificant)
4.8.1 Ensure to comply with SMP-SE-032 step by
C3 L4 (Minor) step as per scope of the activity. C3 L5 (Insignificant)

4.9.1 Ensure to provide required support for the

weld/cutting piece to avoid any injury from swinging
and falling of cutting welding piece. Accordingly
C3 L4 (Minor) SMP/JSA/Hazard assessment form shall be use. C3 L5 (Insignificant)

4.10.1 Proper housekeeping shall be done prior to

C3 L4 (Minor) start the hot work activity. Hose and cables shall be C3 L5 (Insignificant)
secured to avoid any trip hazard.

4.11.1 Welders shall use proper welding hood and C3 L5 (Insignificant)

the fire watch & other workers should not stare at
the welding Arc.
C3 L4 (Minor) 4.11.2 Welders shall use correct shade filter lens as
mentioned in SHEM-08.10 (attachment#17)

C3 L4 (Minor) 6.1.1 Use the correct rated disc, compatible with C3 L5 (Insignificant)
grinder. Make sure that the disc is not expired.
Note: Worn out disc with moisture shall never be
used even if not expired.

6.1.2 Grinding tools must have proper guards

correctly fitted and correct size disc to be used.

6.1.3 Ensure to unplug the grinder while replacing

the disc and do not remove guard.

C3 L4 (Minor) 6.2.1 Ensure Fire hose with water charge up to C3 L5 (Insignificant)

nozzle is available. Provide two (30LB) DCP fire
extinguishers near outside the manway for outside
purposes.Fire blanket shall be provided during hot
work activity
6.2.2 Fire watch must be available in the hot work
location and monitor the activity. Fire watch shall
leave the area at least 30mins after complition of
the job.

6.2.3 Ensure any flammable/combustible materials

not around job location.

6.2.4 Ensure to arrange Oxygen-Acetylene gas hose

so as sparks/slugs do not fall on the gas hoses and
lead to any safety incident.

6.2.5 Before start cutting ensure flash back arrestor

is attached and maintain safe distance (approx. 15
inch) from the cutting edge.

C3 L4 (Minor) 6.3.1 Ensure all the electrical cables are inspected C3 L5 (Insignificant)
by PK N personnel. Ensure floor and gloves are free
from moisture or wet surface. Cables shall be well
organized (by strapping) and shall not pass over
sharp and wet surfaces.

6.3.2 Ensure electrical source has GFCI and in

function (SHEM-08.05). Ensure to avoid overloading
electrical source with mulitiple power tools and

C3 L4 (Minor) 6.4.1 Assign authorized experienced fabricator for C3 L5 (Insignificant)

the activity. Provide adequate platform for the

C3 L4 (Minor) 6.5.1 During the grinding activity activity the cable C3 L5 (Insignificant)
shall be arranged properly, area barricaded and
restrict unauthorized movement.

C3 L4 (Minor) 6.6.1 Ensure to provide required support for the C3 L5 (Insignificant)

cutting piece to avoid any injury from swinging and
falling of cutting piece
C3 L4 (Minor) 6.7.1 Ensure employees are wearing ear plug while
using grinder. C3 L5 (Insignificant)

C3 L4 (Minor) 6.8.1 Wear face shield on top of safety glass

during grinding and cutting. C3 L5 (Insignificant)
C3 L4 (Minor) 6.9.1 Proper housekeeping shall be done prior to
start the hot work activity. Hose and cables shall be
secured to avoid any trip hazard. C3 L5 (Insignificant)

C3 L4 (Minor) 6.10.1 Ensure that gas cutting is inspected for its C3 L5 (Insignificant)
safe working condition as per SHEM 08.03
6.10.2 Locate the gas cutting set to safe area job
location with respect to SHEM 08.03 safe material

6.10.3 Open the gas cylinder in safe manner by

assuring hands and leather gloves are free from oil
and grease. Do not open the oxygen gas cylinder
more than 3/4 turn.

6.10.4 Never try to over tighten any nut of regulator

connection or cylinder valve spindle to stop the
leak. This can lead to damage.

6.10.5 While performing the job, the hoses should

be laid properly and kept out of any moving
machinery, sharp corners, high-temperature areas
etc. Ensure they are not dangled, knitted or tipped

6.10.6 The connections between the hose and

blowpipe, and between hoses should be securely
fixed with fittings

C3,L4 / MINOR 7.1.1 Adherence to Housekeeping is mandatory. C3,L5 INSIGNIFICANT

7.1.2 Proper hose/cable management must be done

7.1.3 Material, tools shall be placed in locations that
will not hinder any passage

7.1.4 Always ensure all material, tools etc is

removed from site after completion of work and
always keep the work area clean

Section B: JSA Approval

5-Approved by Maintenance \Technical Manager

6-Acknowledged by Area Operation \ Owner Manager

7-Approved by Department Sr. Manager: (Only required if any of the remaining risks is higher than
Insignificant )

8- Acknowledged by Director (Only required if any of the remaining risks is either Significant or Major).

9- Approved by President: (Only required if any of the remaining risks is either Significant or Major).

Remaining Risk Level

C3 L5 (Insignificant)

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ficant or Major).

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