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“Special Summit on Covid-19”

Jenderal Achmad Yani Model ASEAN Meeting 2021

Chair & Delegate Script

Opening Ceremony Script

Chair: “Good day delegates. Welcome to the Jenderal Achmad Yani ASEAN Meeting 2021.
This is the Opening Ceremony. We are Vietnam (or if you are not the Vietnam, please mention
your country name) and it is an honor to serve as the host country for this ASEAN Meeting.”

Chair: “As the host country, we will start the Opening Ceremony by presenting our speech.”

[Vietnam speech]

Chair: “Now we will call by alphabetical order the next speaker in this Opening Ceremony.”

Chair: “The delegate of (country name), you may have the floor.”

Delegate (Head of Government/HoG): “Thank you Honorable chair and distinguished

delegate, ..... [HoG speech]”

Chair: “Thank you the delegate of (country name), the next speaker is the delegate of (country
name), you may have the floor.”

List of Country Brunei

- (BN)
Cambodia - (CB)
Lao PDR - (Lao)
Indonesia - (IN)
Malaysia - (ML)
Myanmar - (MY)
Philippines - (PH)
Singapore - (SG)
Thailand - (TH)
Vietnam - (VN)
Chair & Delegate Script
Model ASEAN Meeting 2020/2021

Chair: “With every country has already delivered their speech, the Jenderal Achmad Yani
ASEAN Meeting are officially open. Clapping is in order.”

[Strike gavel twice]

Chair: “We will now move to the Coordinating Council Meeting to discuss regarding the Draft
Chairman Statement.”

Coordinating Council Meeting Script

Chair: “Good day delegates. Welcome to the Jenderal Achmad Yani ASEAN Meeting 2021.
This is the Coordinating Council Meeting which consists of ASEAN Political Security
Community, ASEAN Economic Community, and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community. We are
(chair name) and (secretariat name) and we will serve as the Chairperson and ASEAN
Secretariat in this committee. We will be here to facilitate discussion and expedite the needs of
the committee. Please treat the chairs, members of secretariat staff, and one another with
utmost respect.”

Chair: “Before we begin with roll call, the chair would like to take this opportunity to highlight
several points to the delegates of this committee.”

[Take this opportunity to brief delegates on your expectations or set ground rules to
avoid having to repeatedly disrupt debate later to clarify these points. Chairs may wish to
consider the following points.]

(Example: Chair: “We encourage every delegate to remain active because this is a platform to
learn how multilateral cooperation works.”)

Chair: “Delegates may use laptops and electronics (e.g. phones) during committee sessions.
Delegates are expected to maintain decorum at all times during the conference. There is no
speaking order, anyone can speak on the issue after the roll call has been taken. If there are
any other questions or clarifications, please raise your placard. If there are none, we will
proceed to the roll call.”

Roll Call

Chair: “We will start the roll call with alphabetical order.”

[call each country]

Chair: “The Delegate of (country name)”

Delegate (Person in Charge/PiC APSC, AEC, ASCC): “The Delegate of (country name) is
present/here.” [Raise Placard]
Chair & Delegate Script
Model ASEAN Meeting 2020/2021

List of Country Brunei

- (BN)
Cambodia - (CB)
Lao PDR - (Lao)
Indonesia - (IN)
Malaysia - (ML)
Myanmar - (MY)
Philippines - (PH)
Singapore - (SG)
Thailand - (TH)
Vietnam - (VN)
Outline Of Proceedings

Chair: “The chair will now outline the proceedings of the conference.”

Chair: “The 3 ASEAN Council will be debating on the topic of [Topic name]. Delegates will be
discussing this topic over the course of this conference.”

Chair: “Through debate and negotiations, we hope delegates will seek solutions to the problems
at hand and Ideally, we would like to pass a Chairman Statement by consensus at the end of
this topic.”

Chair: “The committee would begin its reviewing the Draft Statement. The Draft Statement will
be reviewed clauses by clauses. At each clauses, we would be calling for amendments. Any
delegate can raise an amendment by raising their placard.”

Chair: “There is no limit to the number of amendments that a delegate can raise in each
clauses. There is also no limit to the number of amendments that each clauses can receive.“

Chair: “Once all proposed amendments have been received in a clauses, we will discuss each
proposed amendment, and ask if there are any objections from the committee to this proposed

Chair: “If there are no objections, the amendment is automatically accepted. If there are
objections, we will shelve the amendment, and return to it after we have reviewed all clauses.”

Chair: “Before we proceed, are there any questions from the committee?”

[pause for 5-10 seconds]

(if there is a delegate response/ask)

Chair: “Yes delegate of (country name)?”

Chair & Delegate Script
Model ASEAN Meeting 2020/2021

Delegate (Person in Charge/PiC APSC, AEC, ASCC): “We would like to ask regarding…….”

(if there is none delegate response/ask)

Chair: “Seeing none, we will proceed to the amendments process. We will now read each
clauses in the draft statement.”

[Chair reads each clauses in the draft statement]

[Chair after reads each clauses in the draft statement]

Chair: “Does any delegate wish to raise an amendment?”

[pause for 5-10 seconds]

(if there is a delegate response/ask)

Chair: “Yes, delegate of (country name) you have been recognized.”

Delegate (Person in Charge/PiC APSC, AEC, ASCC): “Thank you chair, we would like to

Chair: “Thank you delegate of (country name), are there any other delegate who wish to raise
an amendment?”

(if there is none delegate response/ask)

Chair: “Seeing none, we will proceed to the consensus process.”

Chair: “Are there any objections to this proposed amendment by the delegate
of [country name]?”

[pause for 5-10 seconds]

[There are no objections]

Chair: “Seeing that there are no objections, this amendment is accepted and incorporated into
the Draft Chairman Statement.”

[There are objections]

Chair: “Yes, delegate of (country name) you have been recognized.”

Delegate (Person in Charge/PiC APSC, AEC, ASCC): “Thank you chair, we would like to object
Chair & Delegate Script
Model ASEAN Meeting 2020/2021

[After the objection, chair will retain the clauses into the original version”

Chair: “Seeing that there is an objections, this amendment is failed and we will retain the clauses
into the original version.”

Chair: “Now we will continue to the next clauses.”

[After the chair review every clauses of a community]

Chair: “We have completed this reviews on the (insert name of the community: ASEAN
PoliticalSecurity Community/ ASEAN Economic Community/ ASEAN Socio-Cultural
Community). The committee would begin reviewing the next community. Once again, the Draft
Statement will be reviewed clauses by clauses. At each clauses, we would be calling for
amendments. Any delegate can raise an amendment by raising their hand.“

[Retreat to the next community based on the outline of proceedings]

[If each community has already been reviewed, we may escalate the draft chairman
statement into the ASEAN Summit]

Chair: “Now, the Draft Chairman Statement will be escalated into the ASEAN Summit.”

ASEAN Summit Script

Chair: “Delegates, we have come to the end session of the Jenderal Achmad Yani ASEAN
Meeting which is the ASEAN Summit.”

Adopting Draft Chairman Statement

Chair: “We will now vote on adopting the Draft Chairman Statement. Please be reminded
that ASEAN adopts the Draft Chairman Statement by consensus. If there are no objections
by any delegate, the Draft Statement will be adopted.”

Chair: “Before we proceed, are there any questions from the committee?”

Chair: “Seeing none, we will proceed on voting to adopt this Draft Statement. Are
there any objections from the committee on the Draft Statement?”

[pause for 5-10 seconds]

[There are no objections]

Chair: “Seeing that there are no objections, this Draft Statement has been adopted.
Clapping is in order.”
[Strike gavel twice]

[There are objections]

Chair & Delegate Script
Model ASEAN Meeting 2020/2021

Chair: “Seeing that there are objections, this Draft Statement will not be adopted.” [Strike
gavel twice]

Chair: “ Now, each Head of Goverment will sign the Draft Chairman Statement. Clapping is in

[Signing of the Chairman Statement]


Chair: “As the host country, we will start presenting our closing speech.”

[Vietnam speech]

Chair: “Now we will call by alphabetical order the next speaker in this ASEAN summit.”

Chair: “The delegate of (country name), you may have the floor.”
Chair “Thank you the delegate of (country name), the next speaker is the delegate of (country
name), you may have the floor.” (reply after each delegate finish their speech)

Delegate (Head of Government/HoG): "Thank you Honorable Chair and distinguished

delegate,... [HoG Speech]"

List of Country Brunei

- (BN)
Cambodia - (CB)
Lao PDR - (Lao)
Indonesia - (IN)
Malaysia - (ML)
Myanmar - (MY)
Philippines - (PH)
Singapore - (SG)
Thailand - (TH)
Vietnam - (VN)

Delegate: “[speech]”

Chair: “With every country has already deliver their speech the Jenderal Achmad Yani ASEAN
Meeting are now officially closed. Clapping is in order.”
[Strike gavel twice]

Chairperson Tips and Tricks

Chair & Delegate Script
Model ASEAN Meeting 2020/2021

Chairperson’s Tools: Mediation

If there are major disagreements between two or more delegate:

Chair: “We have noticed that there are major disagreements between [list of countries]. At this
point in time, we would like to call for a break to have mediation of the meeting.”

Chair: “In this suspension of the meeting, we would like to call on the countries that had major
disagreements to stay in the room to discuss a possible compromise. We would like to invite the
delegations of [list of countries] to stay in the room for the discussion. All other national
delegations, please leave the room. This meeting will reconvene once the delegates are able to
come to a resolution.”

Reconvening after suspension:

Chair: “The suspension of the meeting has ended. Delegates, please return to the committee
room. Discussion on this topic will now resume.”

Chairperson’s Tools: Retreat

If the discussions on the topic have come to a standstill:

Chair: “We have noticed that discussions on this issue have come to a deadlock. At this point in
time, we would like to call for a Chairperson’s Retreat.”

Chair: “In this Chairperson’s Retreat, we would like to invite the Head Representatives of
each ASEAN Member State to stay in the room with the Head Representative from the
ASEAN Secretariat. All other delegates not seated as the Head Representative would be
invited to leave the room.”

Chair: “However, please note we would require the approval of all Member States before we
can break into a Chairperson’s Retreat. With this in mind, are there any objections from any
Member State present? This meeting will reconvene once the delegates are able to break this

[pause for 5-10 seconds]

Chair: Seeing none, we will proceed with the Chairperson’s Retreat. Head
Representatives of each ASEAN Member State and the ASEAN Secretariat, please stay
in the room. All other delegates not seated as the Head Representative, please leave
the room.

Reconvening after retreat:

The Chairperson’s Retreat for this meeting has ended. Delegates, please return to the
committee room. Discussion on this topic will now resume.
Chair & Delegate Script
Model ASEAN Meeting 2020/2021

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