Buenviaje Modules 4-5

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TEASER [Duration: 5 minutes]

The facilitator will instruct the participants to go out. With the help of other
facilitators, the assigned facilitator will disarranged the chairs to let them guess
the title of the module. The facilitator will then introduce the topic by asking
“Where you doing the right thing to arrange the chairs?” Then introduce the
module’s topic.

INTRODUCTION [5 minutes]

The youth is the hope of the future. As youth leaders, it is of prime importance
that we provide for them a good foundation in terms of social involvement. It is
necessary to ground the youth in the principles of Authentic Christian Humanism, to
clarify their concepts of a human person. With this understanding, they will anchor their
discernment and choice in various societal issues. Jesus has perfectly shown to us an
example of genuine justice. As God’s co-creators and workers, we dedicate ourselves in
the continuing call for justice.

OPENING SONG: Please rise. Let us put ourselves in the presence of the Almighty
God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Let us reverently
listen to the song FREEDOM IS AT HAND.

Note: The facilitator must avoid dead airs as a result of the preparation of
activities. He/she must devise means to spontaneously present the module by
always reciting the mechanics and guide the groups in the activity. He/she may
utilize other facilitators to be the group’s spiritual adviser.

ACTIVITY 1 [Duration: 10 minutes -5 minutes preparation and 5 minutes presentation]

Instruction: Divide the participants into 5 groups [adjust if there are more than 100
participants – at least 20 participants per group]. Each group will have an assigned color.
The group will complete the chart of the 5 essential relationship of the human person.
The leader will ask his/her member on their relationship to God, other persons, society
and nature. Include in the report the following questions:
1. Who are the persons you value in life and what are their qualities? Why?
2. If the persons loses these qualities, do you think this person will remain
important to you? Why?
The Leader will then present their report.
ACTIVITY 2 [Duration: 15 minutes - 5 minutes preparation and 10 minutes presentation]
Instruction: Divide the participants into 3 groups. Each group will have an anchor and
three reporters. They shall simulate a 3-minute news report concerning present issues.
The report must contain 2 real and 1 fake news. After presenting, the remaining group
will guess which report is true and which is fake. Each group will have 5 minutes to
prepare and 3 minutes to present. Facilitator will choose 3 co-facilitators to comment on
the news presented.
INPUT [Duration 55 – 85 minutes]
 Definition of Terms
Humanism refers to the view of the person which believes in the primacy of the
human being.
Authentic represents one's true nature or beliefs; true to oneself or to
the person identified.
Cristian means believing and following Jesus Christ who is the perfect human, who
revealed to us what it means to be a person/human
 5 Essential Relationships of the Human Person

 Has intellect and free will

Every person is gifted with ability to reason and decide freely, to grasp
and know the truth, to discriminate good from bad. Despite his fears and
sufferings, Jesus choose to act on His freedom fully that brought Him to
his Passion and Death, for his love of humankind.

 Has dignity
We are graced with dignity – something that cannot be taken and
destroyed. Jesus ate with tax collectors, prostitutes and sinners to
recognize their dignity. He forgives and accept us.
 created in the image and likeness of God
We are embodied spirits called to be like God in the affirmation of truth
and love, co-creators and co-workers of God in the work of salvation.
 Ambivalent
Every person has natural capacity to transcend beyond evil deeds. Thus
there is a need for a stronger relationship with Christ through prayer and
 Limited
We are limited in terms of our life span on earth. We can only know so
much in a particular given time we are given.
 Unique
No two person are the same. Each has unique qualities, stories and
experiences, views and perspectives.

 A social being
Every person is oriented towards other people. No man is an island. The
Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone…”
 Is of equal value with other persons
God has gifted us with equal dignity [Revum novarum]. Thus, we have
equal basic rights and needs with other person. Jesus in the time of his
public ministry, explicitly shows us how to treat people, Jew or Samaritan,
widow or barren.

 Intervenor
We are called actively in the society since it is us people who creates and
reform/change them.
 Patriot
Through our leadership, we must take our best efforts to ensure our
countrymen are free from oppression, uplift lives and lead people. Jesus
showed on His love for His countrymen by His acts of charity and His
work for justice.


 A material being – bodily dimension of the person. We need resources

of the material world in order to sustain us.
 A worker – Work is our response to God’s call to have dominion over the
earth and to fulfil and glorify Him.
 A caretaker – We are the steward of creation. Thus our choices towards
creation should be for its nurturance, development and preservation.
 Above material things – live only in accordance to our survival and
enrichment of personhood. All things of this earth are given to us for the
sole purpose of helping us know, love and serve the Lord.
5. GOD

 Transcendent
We all need to relate to a Greater being for it through God that we have
our being. Thus, we are constantly called to choose always that which will
help us fulfil our goal.
 Has Conscience
Conscience is the most secrete core and sanctuary of the person, where
he/she can be alone with God, whose voice echoes in his/her depths
[Gaudium et Spes].
 Dependent to God
Our life and all that sustain it comes God. We depend on God to be
completely free. We turn to God constantly.
 Child of God
By virtue of the Incarnation, we are the adoptive children of God.
 Tools for social analysis can provide mechanisms and guidelines for the youth to
understand society and its surrounding social issues. It is important that a youth
leader to be equipped with necessary skills that will help them make a good
judgment on specific social situation or issues. The Catholic Church adopts the
Pastoral cycle as a tool for social analysis
Instruction: The facilitator shall cite a present issue for social analysis using the
Pastoral Cycle.





Note: Do not present the text below only the chart above.
EXPERIENCE – What are they undergoing and how are people responding.
SOCIAL ANALYSIS – Causes are examine, consequences are probed, see
linkages, and identifies the stakeholders. Put the experience into a bigger picture
and draw connection from them.
THEOLOGICAL REFLECTION – Analyse deeply by relating it the scriotures,
church teachings and resources of tradition.
PASTORAL PLANNING – What response is to be made in the given situation.
In Activity 2 we have learned to distinguish what is real from fake. In Tools for
Social Analysis we have used the Pastoral Cycle to address societal concerns.
Now we are going to define what critical thinking is.
 Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skilfully
conceptualizing, applying, analysing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information
gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning or
communication, as a guide to belief and action.
 It is incorporated in a family of interwoven modes of thinking – scientific thinking,
mathematical thinking, historical thinking, philosophical thinking.
 It varies according to the motivation underlying it. It is never universal in any
 It is important in combatting false information.
 Pope Francis challenge us in educating the youth to be critical thinkers.

 “As followers of Christ, we cannot fail to be concerned for the welfare of

the weakest; we must also draw the attention of society and the civil
authorities to their plight,” – Pope Francis
 Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the
fatherless; plead the widow’s cause – Isaiah 1:17
 Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute.
Open your mouth, j udge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and
needy – Proverb 31:8-9
 But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet
closest his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little
children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. – 1 John
 “To think critically and encourages growth in moral values” – Pope
 “What you think, you must feel and put into effect. Your information
comes down to your heart and you put into practice. Harmoniously. What
you think, you feel and you do. Feel what you think and feel what you do.
Do what you think and what you feel.” – Pope Francis
Instruction: Let the participants reflect on what they have learned in the module by
answering the following questions:
1. As a youth, are you concern in the societal issues surrounding you?
2. What are the issue surrounding you that needs your concern and how did you
address it?
3. Are you critical when analysing an information or a news?

TEASER [Duration: 5 minutes]

The facilitator shall disarrange the word C-O-M-M-U-N-I-T-Y and let the
participants guess the word. Call someone and ask “What comes into your mind
when you hear the word ‘Community’? Think of a word and relate it to
‘Community’.” Prepare words related to community in visual aid or you may use
power point presentation instead. Paste or reveal the word when a participant is
able to speak the word you prepared.

INTRODUCTION [Duration: 5 minutes]

This module will help the participants cultivate an awareness about the
importance of young Catholic’s Eco-Spiritual Formation. It involves building strong
communities of Christ and its impact. The idea developed on the Church as a community
of disciples is akin to the theme of “followership”. Christ is the great leader and teacher
and we [Christians] are the disciples and followers. Jesus formed a community of
disciples to continue God’s mission in and for the world. Everyone is part of the
community of disciples, equal in freedom and dignity. Let us encourage one another
through faith, love and care in spirit of our common baptism. Please rise and let us sing
the song “Ako Nagdala ug Katilingban”. [The facilitator and the participants sing the


ACTIVITY 1 [Duration: 30 minutes – 5 minutes preparation, 25 minutes presentation]
Instruction: The participants will be divided into three [3] groups. The facilitator
shall assign a topic to be acted by each group. One shall show an act that shows
community discipleship through prayer, the other one, ans act that show Cristian
evangelism as an event for individuals. The other one depicting growth in
community through discipleship. The act will be presented in any of the following
manner – theatrical, comical skit, drama or stage play. Each group will act for a
maximum of 5 minutes. Included in the act preferably during start or at the end, is
a narration of the act and what biblical scripture the act is all about.
INPUT [Duration: 50 minutes]
 The vision of the church as community of disciples can be concretely
experienced in the BECs [Basic Ecclesial Community]. The communitarian role
of the church and of discipleship remains an abstraction. In the BECs the
ordinary Christians are awakened to their call to live their discipleship fully and
actively and in the context of the community. Community Discipleship through
BEC means that the BEC are nourished by the Word of God. Christ continues to
ne their teacher. The community of disciples is an evangelized and evangelizing
community. It is a prophetic community that proclaims the kingdom of God – a
message of salvation and liberation.
Instruction: The facilitator shall say “To better understand discipleship, please
find a partner and face each other. One shall be a model and the other a mirror and vice
versa. After the activity, the facilitator will ask the following question and call a
representative to answer.
1. Did the activity have any meaning to you?
2. How do you feel being a model? a mirror?
3. How do you define a Christian disciple? Discipleship?
4. In what way is Christ an example for us to follow?
 Mark 16:13-20 [ A reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Mark]

These returned and reported it to the rest; but they did not believe
them either. 14  Later Jesus appeared to the Eleven as they were eating; he
rebuked them for their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe those
who had seen him after he had risen. 15  He said to them, “Go into all the world
and preach the gospel to all creation. 16  Whoever believes and is baptized will
be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17  And these
signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out
demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18  they will pick up snakes with their
hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will
place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” 19  After the Lord Jesus
had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand
of God. 20  Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord
worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.
[The Gospel of the Lord]

5. What does Jesus say about discipleship?

 The beauty of discipleship in the context of community is that we all disciple one

another, ultimately pointing one another to Christ. Churches have so many
names for small groups these days—fellowship groups, Bible study groups, city
groups, life groups, care groups, and missional communities.
 As regards the mission of the disciples, their first activity is to be with Christ. The
focus is not on physical presence, but rather on being, therefore a matter of
participation. The second element of the mission is the sending of the disciples to
preach and to give testimony by their deeds.


 Jesus is the one to whom all authority in heaven and earth has been
given. – Mathew 28:18
 Jesus is the one whom it will be said forever, “Worthy is the Lamb who
was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor
and glory and blessings!”. – Revelation 5:12
 He’s the one whom every knee will bow. – Philippians 2:10
 …the one on account of whom all the tribes of the earth will wail, -
Revelation 1:7
 …and from whom the fury of God’s wrath will be executed. – Revelation
 Jesus has that kind of supremacy – so what he says matters. And beyond
that, we’ve been united to Jesus by faith,… - Romans 6:5
 …made alive in him by grace, … - Ephesians 2:4-5
 …counted righteous in him because of his work. – Gatatians 2:16
 Jesus, in all of his supremacy, is also our shepherd – so we know His
voice. – John 10:27

 Therefore, by virtue of His power and grace, because he is the Sovereign and our
Savior, when he tells his church to make disciples of all nations, we really want to do

 A reading from the 1st Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians: [ 1

Corinthians 11:23-26]
On the night before he was to suffer, he took the bread in his holy and
venerable hands, and with eyes raised in heaven to you, O God, his almighty
Father, giving you thanks, he said the blessing, broke the bread and gave it
to his disciples, saying: “TAKE THIS, ALL OF YOU, AND EAT OF IT, FOR
In a similar way, when supper was ended, he took this precious
chalice in his holy and venerable hands, and once more giving you thanks, he
said the blessing and gave the chalice to his disciples, saying: “TAKE THIS,
God, Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ]
 What do you see when you gaze upon the Sacred Host?  With your eyes
you see bread, but with your soul you should see God.  You should see
God in all His glory and power and you should adore Him with all your
might.  Think about how you relate to our Lord as He is present in the
Holy Eucharist.  Pray that God will flood your mind with a true knowledge
of Him and inspire your heart with a burning love.
 It is impossible for us to love and adore Christ deeply enough as He is
present in the Most Holy Eucharist.  When we are before Him, present in
the Most Holy Eucharist, we should see the Almighty God present in
veiled form.  He is: Mercy, Eternal Life, The Eternal God, The Savior of
Sinners, The Living Water, The Fire of Pure Love, The Medicine for All
Our Ills, All Sentiments of Love, The Hope of All, The Lifter of Burdens…
and He is worthy of all our trust.
 The Holy Eucharist is the peek or the fountain of our faith, the foundation
of the Roman Catholic Church, the origin of unity between God and His
mankind. The source of our salvation.
The facilitator shall request the participants to form a circle and together
raise their arms and blessed a loaf of bread and a cup of wine. Each participant
shall pick a piece of the blessed bread and give it to a person of his choice and
do a blessing to that person. And the person shall do the same until all
participants receive the bread.
Facilitator: Let us put ourselves in the presence of the Almighty God. In
the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Lord, help me to know and
love You as You are present in the Most Holy Eucharist.  Help me to understand
the gift of Your Mercy made present through this Holy Gift.  May I learn to adore
You every time I am before Your presence in this Sacred Host.  Lord, when we
eat this Bread and drink this Cup, we proclaim your Death, O Lord, until you
come again. May your sacrament, O Jesus, be light to the mind, strength to the
will, joy to the heart. May it be the support of the weak, the comfort of the
suffering, the wayfaring bread of salvation for the dying and for all the pledge of
future glory. All these we pray in the most Holy Name of Jesus. Amen.

Instruction: Let the participants reflect on what they have learned in the module by
answering the following questions:
1. In what way will you disciple your fellow youths in building a strong communities of
2. How did you let yourself to become a disciple of Christ?

3. As a youth , what is the meaning of Christian discipleship in the ministry that you serve?

4. How does the Holy Eucharist help in building a strong community of disciples?


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