Problems in Steel Designs

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LESSON 1- BASIC ELECTRICAL TERMS ‘The folowing sa ist of many of the terme one would encounter in the study of electica system design ‘Ampacity. The current in amperes, that a conductor can carry continuously under the conditions of use without exceeding its temperature rating. Bonding (Bonded). The permanent joining of metalic parts to form an electrically conductive path that wil ensure electlal continuty and the capaciy to conduct safely ‘any current likely to be imposed, Branch circuit. The circuit conductors between the final overcurrent device protecting the circuit and the outlets) Bus. A conductor, a group of conductors, in switchgear assemblies which sarves as a ‘common connection for two or more circuits, Cireuit Breaker. A device designed to open and close a circuit by non-automatic ‘means and to open the crcuit automaticaly on a predetermined overcurrent without damage to itself when property applied within ts rating Concealed. Rendered inaccessible by the stucture of firish of the building. Wires in concealed raceways are considered concealed, even though they may become accessible by withdrawing them, Conductor. An objector type of material that can carry electricity along ts length ‘Bare. A conductor having no covering o: electrical insulation whatsoever. Insulated. A conductor encased within material of composition and thickness thats recognized by this Code as electrical insulation Continuous Load. A load where the maximum currant is expected to continue for’3 hours or more Cutout Blox. An enclosure designed fer surtaes mounting that hae ewinging coors or covers secured airecty 10 and telescoping win the walls ofthe box proper Disconnecting Means. A device, or group of devices, or ethor means by which the conductors oa rut can be aiscannected from their source of supply Dwelling Bweling Unit, One or tore toons for the use of one Or more persons as @ housskeoping unit with soace for ating living, and sleeping, ard permanent provisions for ccoking and sentation COne-Fanrly Dweting. A tullding that contain selay ef ene dveling unit Two-Family Dweting. A building tra! contain soley ef two dweting Uni ‘Muritamiy Dueling. building that contain hrBe or mere dweling unit Enclosed, Surrounded by #caze, housing fence, or wal(s) that prevents fersons fom ‘accidentally contacting energized Enclosure. The caso er rousing of apperaiue, er the fence or walls Instalaton te prevent personnel from accidertaly contacting energized parts, oF to protest the ecuipment from physiael camage, Energized, Electrically connected 1o a source of peel aerence, Exposed (2s applied to ive parts), Capable of bsing inadverentty touched of approached nesrer than a safe distance by a person. Ik is applied to perte that are not sutably guarded, isolated, or insulated. Exposed (2s applied to wring methods) Cn or attached tothe surace or bah panels Feeder, All circut conductors between ine service equipmert, tne sourca of a separately derived systom, or other power supply souroa and the final branch-ciei vercurrert device Fixture Anintera separ sa-conisned unt whieh may conan ene or mare bulbs or fhoroscert tutes Ground A ceesuctira connaction, whether ifotioral or secant between = octal ctcu © equppvant an the ear. oF to seme conducting body tat somes A Dace ofthe eat sennactont of eutciorty ew impsemnce andharing suffer aurentcarying capacly Grounting Conductor. A conductr wed tcormect eqipmeri orthe grounded exeut sewing system o a grounang eecto0e er elesrades ‘Guarded. Covered shsled fenced enclosed, or etharwee protected by means « Nandhcle Enclosure, An aciesu ioniios for use in undergiourd syste, FHovided wih an open or dosed bot. and size o alow personnal o reachinto, bet Fo ene, fer he pupese a isialing oparsing ce maining equipment er wiring fet Imtedock A cevice acute bythe opsraion af ome ator device with which tis Srocty ansecited. fo oven sucatedng operations othe same or alias devices sumper A shor lengthct coneutersradto make a connacton betwen tamivas sound a break in acct ° arourd an instrament, ts usualy a temporary Eo tunetion Box A 20x vin bare cover whieh series the purpose of jonig tren uns of raceway or seble, and prevded wih suficiert space for connection ard ranenng of ne ercoseatconducers Listed, Equipment meters, or services inoue in a st pubs by an orgrizatin thats accepate io he auronty havng jrsditon and concerned wih evabaton of Products 0: servione meets appropriate cesgnated stances cr hat Deen tetne arc found sulle or a spocited purpose Loud Any curantonieming deve Damp Lecaton Parialy Fotectes loratone under canapes, rarquose, roctes open porctes, end I lozations, end inererlzatons subect to moderate Gages of moisture, such as sore basements, some bers, and some col storage warehouses Dry Location, Alocaion net nermally mbjctio damgnoss cr weress.Alocaten lassie as ty may be temporally subject © dampness o wetness, as h the case of ‘a balding uncer constuction Wot Location. hetlintons underground & inconeroe sib or nasony in srs contact wit te eat and locatons sued to sluraton with water or oer gus, ‘such as vor washing areas ang eeatons exposed to weather anc urprbiected Luminaire A comlet istry unt canssting ot lamp or lames tgemer wth he part designocto dtr the gn, postin end pete fe aps and ballast (where applicable) ard te conned th lampsto fe power supp cag or ecosure Motor Cortroi Cantar An aster ot che orrore encase sacsonsnawng s ‘commen power bus ard pinapalycentanng motor controls ‘Outlet. A point ov tre winng s/Sten at wien cures ten fo supe utizatin oquerront CTR ry ros. 90 overous, shor oa grou fu Afro, would cause comege or dangerous overeating Atel sch as a shert creat or Panelboard. A single panelor gov 0 panel unts designe tx assembly nthe for of ‘singe parot nating buses, aterstis Ovorcurertdaicos, and eauipped wih or witht suices forthe crtole ihe heat or power cats, ‘signet be olaced i a cabinet ar aut bo plaad in o& again! a weler partion snd aecrsiia enya the front Full Box. box Hark cover which tinted in one ore rin a racovay 0 factate puilng nthe cenductrs, and may ako serve the pupose of istibuting inotved ‘Quatfied Person. One who has sls an hnawede flac othe constucton anc ‘pension ofthe elecncal equpment and insilaiont ans hes recived say trating onthe hazards volved Raceway, An ercloses chancel & metal or ronmettlic matrele designed expresely {ec hoking vires, cables, orbusbars, wth adatonalfunciers as aemited in ths Code Raceway incl, bu aa ot ited to, gi metal cancut 99 nonrattis cont intrmeriate metal conduit iuctight faible conduit, foxtio metalic ibng, texble rteta conduit, eectical nonmetalic tubing, eectical metalic tubing, under-toor raceway, celular concrete for racswoys, celular mal feat raceways, srtace racovaye,wreneys, wiowaye and burwaye Senice Drop. The cvethoad service conductors om the last pole ar othar aera support to and iteuing the spon f ary connecting © he tervioe-entance conducrs a he busier a suctre Seniee Entrance “Tho conucers and equgmant fer slowing aacte energy fm the cena utlity t2the wing sysiem ofthe premisee sev. Helecre energy is supp by ofr Senice Equipment The necessary eauipmert, usualy conssing of # cuit breer's) of svtces) and fusets) ane her accessories, connacied tte lad ond of fr¥ce conductors ]+)«[>]-4 f+ [afa] 2] |=] 13]8] |=] |=) 9] =|3|-[-[-[-]-[-[-[-[- sf] =halsel=|=lse}=l=l+lelel>|-l-l-l- 3] S|e]3|=]5|=|2]2|2|2]=|5/3[-[~/|-|=[>]-/-|-[-|-|- S\Slele}a}elele|el=)9\e]-)+l4]-[-[-]-|--- =) ||} 2] »|s[a}e|=]s|~[=[=]=[-[-[-[-[-[-[-[-[-] | efslea)elals|=12)-/¢1-[e]>-[-1-[-14 alSlalelal=llselalalelellel eller llel} eSlabelalslalal-lel-[-[--[-1-1-1- el stetelstelalalelalelelelelelelelrerrrer] leellellal| he -- FEF lalalal=l-lalalelel-l=l-l-l-[-[-I-lelelelelelele] | laletalalelel-l-b-F-/-lele| -l-lel=t-l-leleleleleletelel} | fslabelal-[-l[--1-1-l-1-lelelele ef {+ -|-felelel=[efe[e] =| al-l-feleleletelelalelolelele} | fétalelele[- "zo [stomcm| 3/9) 2/3/8/8) 3) = a 0 nn MHL ‘MHL CNAME NM ‘NHL © z ee betie ar a 1 = a 7] 2] = eft 2 6 [10 2 pete tepetetete sper tet efere tates ts] Pepetstette te steps stetetetetete terete : 4 z = : . : é be

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