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Improvement of Fault Injection Techniques Based on

VHDL Code Modification

J.C. Baraza, J. Gracia, D. Gil and P.J. Gil
Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group (GSTF) - Department of Computer Engineering (DISCA)
Technical University of Valencia, Spain
e-mail: {jcbaraza, jgracia, dgil, pgil}

Abstract Fault injection techniques based on the use of VHDL the model is modified, either inserting saboteurs [3], [8], [9]
as design language offer important advantages with regard to or mutating the model components [3], [10], [11].
other fault injection techniques. First, as they can be applied Signals
during the design phase of the system, they allow reducing the Simulator
time-to-market. Second, this type of techniques present high VHDL-based Variables
controllability and reachability. Among the different techniques, fault injection Saboteurs
VHDL code
those based on the use of saboteurs and mutants are especially modification
attractive due to their high capability of fault modelling. Other techniques
However, it is difficult to implement automatically these Figure 1. VHDL-based fault injection techniques
techniques in a fault injection tool, mainly the insertion of
saboteurs and the generation of mutants. In this paper we The techniques labelled as Other techniques are
present new models of saboteurs and mutants that can be easily implemented extending the VHDL language, either by adding
applicable in VFIT, a fault injection tool developed by the Fault- new data types and signals, or modifying the VHDL
Tolerant Systems Research Group (GSTF) of the Technical resolution functions [4], [12]. The new data types and signals
University of Valencia.
defined include the fault behaviour description. Nevertheless,
Index Terms VHDL-based fault injection, Saboteurs, Mutants.
these techniques require developing ad-hoc compilers and
I. INTRODUCTION simulators, and introducing control algorithms to manage the
language extensions.
During last years, the utilisation of Fault-Tolerant Systems Our research group has developed VFIT [13], [14], a
has been continuously growing. As the use of these systems is VHDL-based fault injection tool that applies several of the
generalising, a diagnosis in early phases of the design cycle techniques described above. In fact, only the Other
allows saving time and money during their development. A techniques group have not been implemented due to their
common experimental method for diagnosis is Fault Injection excessive complexity.
[1]. The objective of this work is to present new designs of
Fault injection techniques can be classified in three main saboteurs and mutants, and to show how these new designs
categories [2]: physical (or Hardware Implemented Fault can be automatically inserted in a model in order to perform a
Injection, HWIFI), software implemented (SWIFI) and fault injection campaign. Some models of saboteurs and
simulation-based. mutants [15] will be discussed and revised, and new models
Simulation-based fault injection is a useful experimental will be proposed.
way to evaluate the dependability of a system during the The distribution of the paper is as follows. In Section II we
design phase. An early diagnosis allows saving costs in the explain summarily VHDL-based fault injection techniques.
design process, avoiding redesigning in case of error, and thus Section III describes VFIT, the fault injection tool developed.
reducing the time-to-market [3]–[5]. Another interesting In Section IV, the models of saboteurs included in VFIT are
advantage of this group of techniques with regard to others is discussed, and a new set of models are proposed. Section V
that those based on simulation offer both high observability analyses the models of mutants currently used in VFIT, and
and controllability of all the modelled components [6]. presents a new implementation method. Some results of
Particularly, there exist a group of fault injection implementing the new methods proposed are shown in
techniques based on the use of VHDL [7] as modelling Section VI. Finally, both a discussion of the results and a
language. These techniques are widely applied, due to the proposal of future work are provided in Section VII.
advantages of employing a standard hardware description
language. This work is framed in this group of techniques. II. VHDL-BASED FAULT INJECTION TECHNIQUES
Fig. 1 shows a classification of VHDL-based fault injection
techniques. A. Fault Injection Using Simulator Commands
Simulator commands technique is based on the use of This fault injection technique is based on using the
simulator commands to modify the value or timing of the commands of the simulator at simulation time, in order to
model signals and variables, without altering the VHDL code modify the value or timing of the signals and variables of the
[3]. In the remaining techniques, the original VHDL code of model [15]. Moreover, VHDL generic parameters are
managed as special variables. This enables the injection of conditions of if and case statements (called stuck-then,
some non-usual fault models, such as delay faults [5]. stuck-else, dead clause, etc.), disturbing assignment
Using simulator commands permits injecting transient, statements (assignment control, global stuck-data, etc.),
permanent and intermittent faults. Though, there exists one disturbing operators in expressions (micro-operation, local
restriction: due to the special nature of variables in VHDL, it stuck-data), etc.
is not possible to inject permanent faults in variables.
This technique is the easiest one to implement, and its III. THE FAULT INJECTION TOOL
temporal cost (to perform the simulation) is by far the lowest. The Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group (GSTF) has
B. Fault Injection with Saboteurs developed a fault injection tool called VFIT (VHDL-based
A saboteur is a special VHDL component added to the Fault Injection Tool) [13], [14], whose main features are:
original model [9], [5]. When activated, the mission of this • It runs on PC computers (or compatible) under
component is to alter the value, or timing characteristics, of Windows.
one or more signals when a fault is injected. During the • It is model-independent.
normal operation of the system, instead, the component • It has been built around a commercial simulator,
remains inactive. Saboteurs affect to the ports of the ModelSim [17], by Model Technology. The reason
components in the model. Thus, this technique is applicable is that ModelSim allows controlling the simulation by
only to structural descriptions. using Tcl1 commands, being possible to inject faults.
Attending to how saboteurs are inserted in the model, two • It is able to inject faults automatically applying
types can be distinguished: serial and parallel [3]. As Fig. 2-a simulator commands technique. It also allows injecting
shows, a serial saboteur interposes between a component port faults using saboteurs and mutants, but in this case the
and its source signal, whereas a parallel saboteur (Fig. 2-b) is injection process needs the intervention of the user
added as an additional source of a given signal. because the insertion of the saboteurs and the
generation of mutants are not automatic.
Original model O I • It can inject permanent, transient and intermittent faults.
O I • As Table I shows, it has a wide set of fault models that
try to be representative of deep submicron technologies.
This set surpasses the classical stuck-at (for permanent
faults) and bit-flip (for transient faults). The model
Sabotaged model O S I O I
called pulse represents transient faults in combinational
n logic (i.e. Single Event Transients, SETs).
S An injection experiment is performed in three phases:
(a) (b)
• Set-up, where the parameters of the experiment are
Control specified. These parameters are related to the model
Figure 2. Types of saboteurs. (a) Serial. (b) Parallel (i.e. workload file, workload duration, etc.), the
injection of the faults (i.e. injection technique, number
Parallel saboteurs have two important drawbacks respect to of faults, fault target selection, fault duration, fault
serial: first, implementing them is noticeably more complex, models, selection of injection instant, etc.), and the type
because it is necessary to modify the data type of the signal of analysis to carry out (error syndrome or validation of
affected, as well as the resolution function associated to the a Fault-Tolerant System).
type. And second, they allow injecting fewer fault models. • Simulation. Here, the model is simulated in presence of
For these reasons, their implementation has no special faults, generating a golden run and a number of faulty
interest. So, in this work, only serial saboteurs will be simulation traces.
• Analysis. In this phase, every faulty trace is compared
C. Fault Injection with Mutants to the golden run, extracting different measures
A mutant is a component that replaces another component. depending on the type of analysis selected.
While inactive, it works like the original component, but The main elements of VFIT, shown in Fig. 3, are:
when it is activated, it behaves like the component in • Tool Configuration. The mission of this module is to
presence of faults. The mutation can be made in three ways: configure the tool, considering the simulator as a part of
• By adding saboteurs to structural model descriptions. it, setting both the tool and simulator parameters.
• By modifying structural descriptions replacing sub- • Graphic Interface. With this utility, the user can specify
components (i.e., a NAND gate can be replaced by a the injection parameters and analysis conditions needed
NOR gate). to perform an injection campaign. To allow the user to
• By modifying syntactical structures of behavioural select the injection targets, it uses the syntactic tree of
descriptions. the model, generated by the Syntactical and
There could exist lots of possible mutations in a VHDL Lexicographical Analyser.
model, but representative subsets of faults at logical and RT
levels can be considered [10], [11]: replacement of values of
Tool Command Language, it is a standard macro language.

Injection technique Transient faults Permanent/Intermittent faults

Simulator commands Pulse*, Bit-flip**, Indetermination, Delay Stuck-at (0,1), Indetermination, Open-line, Delay
Saboteurs Pulse*, Bit-flip**, Indetermination, Delay Stuck-at (0,1), Indetermination, Open-line, Delay,
Short, Bridging, Stuck-open
Mutants Syntactical changes Syntactical changes
* In combinational logic. Represents a Single Event Transient (SET)
** In storage elements (registers and memory). Represents a Single Event Upset (SEU)

2000-25425). In FIT project, TTPTM/C [18], a real TTP-based

User communications controller was validated [19]. In DBench
project, the representativeness of fault models was studied by
analysing the error syndrome of several micro-controllers
Syntactical and syntactic Graphic
Lexicographical tree
model Analyser of the Interface


In this Section, after discussing the main advantages and
injection analysis
config. config.
drawbacks of other saboteur models previously developed,
we describe a new set of saboteur models implemented. Also,
injection Injection
we include an example of how to automate the insertion of
Manager saboteurs using the new proposal.
A. Previous Models
Nowadays, VFIT can inject faults using serial saboteurs
inserted manually in the design. The models of saboteurs

implemented are [15]:

VHDL • Serial Simple Saboteur, SSS: It interrupts the
connection between an unidirectional local port of a
component and its formal port, modifying either its
Result value or its timing.
trace analysis
files results
• Serial Simple Bi-directional Saboteur, SSBS: It has two
bidirectional ports, and a read/write signal (R/W) that
VFIT determines the direction of the perturbation.
• Serial Complex Saboteur, SCS: It breaks the connection
Figure 3. VFIT block diagram
between two unidirectional local ports and their formal
ports, modifying either their values or their timing.
• Injection Manager. This module controls the injection • Serial Complex Bi-directional Saboteur, SCBS: It has
process. Using the injection configuration file generated two couples of bi-directional ports, and a read/write
by the Graphic Interface, it 1) creates a series of signal (R/W) that determines the direction of the
injection macros, in order to perform an error-free perturbation.
simulation (that is, a golden run) and the number of • n-bit Unidirectional Simple Saboteur, nUSS: It applies
fault-injected simulations specified in the parameters, to n-bit unidirectional buses (for instance, address and
and 2) invokes the simulator to run the macros, control). It has been implemented by means of a
obtaining the simulation traces. The simulator is structural description, using n Serial Simple Saboteurs.
launched in background, thus the overhead introduced • n-bit Bi-directional Simple Saboteur, nBSS: It is used
by VFIT to the execution time is almost negligible. with n-bit bi-directional buses (for instance, data and
• VHDL Simulator. As indicated above, we have used the control), and it is composed by n Serial Simple Bi-
commercial VHDL simulator ModelSim, by Model directional Saboteurs.
Technology. • n-bit Unidirectional Complex Saboteur, nUCS: It
• Result Analyser. This module takes as input the analysis applies to n-bit unidirectional buses, and it is composed
configuration file generated by the Graphic Interface. by n/2 Serial Complex Saboteurs.
According to the parameters there, it compares all the • n-bit Bi-directional Complex Saboteur, nBCS: It is used
faulty-traces to the golden run trace, looking for any with n-bit bi-directional buses, and composed by n/2
mismatches and extracting the analysis parameters Serial Complex Bi-directional Saboteurs.
specified. Every saboteur is controlled by means of three inputs:
VFIT has been applied in various research projects. The • Control, whose mission is the timing of the injection:
most important are “Fault Injection for TTA” (FIT, IST-1999- its activation determines both the injection instant (tinj)
10748) and “Dependability Benchmarking” (DBench, IST-
and the fault duration (∆tinj). It can be seen more clearly • All the models have been implemented using
in Fig. 4. behavioural descriptions. This simplifies greatly their
code and, what is more important, also the code of the
design including the saboteurs. Moreover, the n-bit
Control fault versions can be used for vectors of any length, because
tinj t their length is defined by means of a generic parameter.
Figure 4. Timing of fault injection Every time a n-bit saboteur is added to the model, the
actual value of the generic parameter must be set.
• The number of saboteurs has been reduced to ease their
• Selection, that allows selecting the fault model to be
automatic insertion. Now, depending on both the length
(1 bit or n bits) and the mode (that is, the directionality)
• R/W, which indicates, in the bi-directional versions, the
of the port sabotaged, only one model can be chosen.
direction of the perturbation.
• The bi-directional versions have the capability of
Although this technique requires an extra complexity due
injecting the fault only in the direction that data flow. In
to the addition of these control signals, saboteurs allow
this way, the R/W input used in the models of prior
injecting more fault models than simulator-commands (see
version is not anymore needed, thus reducing the
Table I). This makes the technique attractive enough.
However, at the time we intended to incorporate the
• They can inject more fault models: pulse, short, and
models developed to VFIT, some problems were found when
we tried to automate the selection of the most adequate
saboteur model in every case. The main causes were the C. Automatic Insertion of Saboteurs in the Design
excessive number of saboteur models and the way they are Although the task of modifying automatically a source
implemented (by means of structural descriptions). We have code seems apparently very complex, if we consider that it
tried a new set of models that fix some ambiguity difficulties, should be carried out by a tool that includes a parser (in the
reduce the number of saboteurs, and simplify their case of VFIT, the Syntactical and Lexicographical Analyser)
complexity, and consequently, also the complexity of the this is not actually so. The syntactical tree of the model
sabotaged design. contains the complete structure of the model, so it is possible
B. Enhanced Models to go over the tree and generate a new copy of the source
files, inserting new sentences or modifying other existing as
The new models of saboteurs proposed, shown in Fig. 5,
needed. The insertion of saboteurs involves three actions:
are four [21]:
1. Declaring the signals required to activate the saboteurs
• Unidirectional Serial Saboteur, USS: It is the same
and to select the fault model to be injected.
model as the SSS in the previous set, although the USS
2. Declaring the components of the saboteurs introduced.
allows injecting new fault models.
3. Inserting the instances of the saboteurs, interposing
• Bi-directional Serial Saboteur, BSS: It is similar to the
between local and formal ports of the sabotaged
SSBS in the first set, but like in previous case, the fault components. This also implies declaring new signals to
model set that can be injected has been extended. Also, connect the saboteurs to local ports, and modifying the
it eliminates the R/W control signal. original mapping of ports.
• n-bit Unidirectional Serial Saboteur, nUSS: This model Fig. 6 shows an example of a sabotaged model. Shaded
replaces all the unidirectional multi-bit models in prior boxes and dashed lines in lower scheme represent
model set. respectively the saboteurs and the connection signals added to
• n-bit Bi-directional Serial Saboteur, nBSS: It replaces the model.
all bi-directional multi-bit models in the former
proposal, and eliminates the R/W control signal. i1 o1
i2 o2
4 4

i1 o1
i2 o2 4
4 4 4

Figure 6. Example of perturbation of a model. Distribution of saboteurs [21]

Figure 5. New set of saboteurs implemented. (a) Unidirectional Serial
Saboteur; (b) Bi-directional Serial Saboteur; (c) n-bit Unidirectional Serial Fig. 7 describes how the three actions affect to the VHDL
Saboteur; (d) n-bit Bi-directional Serial Saboteur [21] code of the model. To simplify, only the insertion of one
saboteur is shown, but the operation is exactly the same for
This new set of models has important differences respect all of them. In the figure, the original VHDL code is shown at
to prior ones: the left side, and the perturbed code at the right side. Here, the
text in bold types represents the new code.
Insertion of additional signals (control + connection)

n of sa
ti ons

it ion
o f sa
bot e
ur s

Figure 7. Example of perturbation of a model. Modification of the VHDL code [21]

It is possible to distinguish in the figure the three actions The first approach to implement mutant-based fault
mentioned. Remark that in the signal declaration, not only the injection consisted on generating multiple replicas of the
control and selection signals are included, but also those architectures of all the components in the model, where every
required to connect the saboteurs. replica includes one modification (or mutation) in the VHDL
With the new set of models proposed, automating the code [15]. By means of the VHDL configuration mechanism
insertion of saboteurs in a model (in previously selected (that is, the configuration statement), multiple versions
locations) will be relatively easy. (mutations) of the model can be generated. Also, there exists
another configuration that includes all the original versions of
Injecting faults using mutants is quite more difficult than The injection consists on selecting and simulating one of
with the other two techniques described in Section II. The the multiple mutated configurations of the model. Due to the
main problem lies on the spatial overhead introduced due to static nature of the configurations, only permanent faults can
the generation of the mutations of the model. Nevertheless, in be injected using this approach, and moreover, from the very
modern computers the storage is not actually a problem, so beginning of the simulation.
implementing this technique is nowadays more feasible. To fix this problem, a dynamic approach was developed.
In this Section, after discussing the drawbacks of two It was based on the use of guarded signals together with
approaches of implementation of mutants, a new method is the configuration mechanism [15]. In this way, at simulation
presented. Also, an example of automatic generation is time it is possible to stop the simulation of the original
shown. version of the model, and restart it simulating a faulty
A. Previous Approaches configuration. By using a number of simulator commands, it
is possible to save on a file the status of the simulation (that
VFIT can inject faults using mutants inserted manually in
includes the simulation time and the value of all the signals
the design (see Section III). In this subsection, the methods
and variables of the model) of the original version of the
followed to implement this technique are described.
model, and restore the same status in the simulation of the
faulty configuration. With the dynamic approach it is possible As mentioned earlier, Fig. 8 represents the mutation of a
to inject (at any injection time) permanent, transient and component inserted in a given model. At the left side we can
intermittent faults. see the original VHDL code of the component, and at the
However, this implementation has a serious drawback: the right side, the mutated code. Here, the text in bold types
synchronisation (that is, saving and restoring the simulation represents the modifications introduced. The arrows labelled
status) between two simulations involves an enormous with (1) correspond to modifications in the interface, and
temporal cost. In [15], a comparison of the temporal cost of those labelled with (2) to the mutation of statements. In the
the three fault injection techniques implemented in VFIT was example, a signal assignment and an if statement have been
presented. The results showed that the average simulation mutated. The signal assignment has been replaced with a
time (that is, the duration of simulation phase) was more than conditional signal assignment, and to mutate the if, a case
100 times longer when using mutants than when using statement has been inserted. Both operations will be easy to
simulator commands, evidently due to the synchronisation perform automatically.
between the simulations. The modifications in the top level of the design are not
B. A New Proposal to Implement Mutants shown, as they have been already explained before.
To avoid synchronising simulations, we suggest a brute
force implementation. What we propose is simple: to generate
a unique mutated version of every architecture used in the
model, that includes all the possibilities of mutation To compare the performance of the new methods proposed
considered previously in the configuration phase [21]. to implement saboteurs and mutants, we have repeated some
Obviously, if no statement is selected to be mutated in a of the experiments described in [15]. The most relevant
particular architecture, no mutation is required. injection parameters are the following:
In most cases, the modifications in the code are included 1. System model: An academic fault-tolerant micro-
by using if and case statements, although there are other computer system, duplex with cold stand-by sparing,
possibilities, as shown in the example in Fig. 8. The aim of parity detection and watchdog timer based on MARK2
this type of modifications is to allow choosing among the microprocessor [22].
correct statement and multiple wrong versions. For this 2. Injection technique: Simulator commands, saboteurs
purpose, a new input port (called Selection) must be and mutants.
inserted in the interface of the entity. The mission of Selection 3. Number of faults: 3000 single faults per experiment.
4. Fault types and duration: Transient, with a duration
port is to specify the particular mutation to be activated, by
defined according to a Uniform distribution function in
asking its value in every “branch” of the mutated code. We
the range [0.1Tcycle, 10.0Tcycle], where Tcycle is the CPU
call “branch” to every statement inserted to select between the
clock cycle.
correct operation and the wrong ones. The condition to
5. Fault models: See Table I.
activate one of the options is that the value of Selection
6. Workload: Arithmetic series of 5 integer numbers.
coincides with the value specified in the selection statement.
Respect to original experiments, we have changed only the
Another modification required is to declare a
computer where the simulations have been run. In the original
Fault_Selection signal in the upper level of the model, which
will be associated (mapped) to every local Selection port of experiments, the computer had a Pentium II microprocessor
at 350 MHz and 192 Mbytes of RAM. In the experiments
the mutated components inserted, replacing the original ones.
With this approach, also injecting faults becomes very easy. described here, the computer used has a Pentium 4
By using simulator commands, the value of Fault_Selection microprocessor at 2.80 GHz and 1 Gbyte of RAM.
signal can be modified at simulation time. In this way, it is We have inserted the equivalent new models of saboteurs
possible to inject faults of the same time characteristics than in the same places as in the original experiments. Also, we
with simulator-commands technique: transient, permanent have introduced in the model all the same mutations as in the
and intermittent. original experiments. Finally, we have performed an
Remark that, respect to prior approaches, the new method experiment using simulator commands technique to be used
reduces not only the temporal overhead, but also the spatial, as reference in the comparisons.
as multiple entire replicas of each architecture are replaced by In order to make a complete comparison of the injection
only one that includes all the modifications. However, some techniques (and of the different versions), we have measured
temporal overhead could be expected in the simulation time the following parameters in all cases:
due to the higher complexity of the mutated model. • The average simulation time (of one experiment).
• The average analysis time (of one experiment). It is the
C. Automatic Generation of Mutants
duration of the analysis phase.
This new proposal to implement mutants is so simple that • The average size of the simulation traces. We have
automating the generation of mutants of a given model is not included it to see if the new methods provoke a
complicated at all. Assuming that an injection tool has a significant growth in the number of simulation events.
parser, locating in the code the target statements to be Table II shows the comparison of the values obtained for
mutated and replacing them with new ones is very easy. Next all the injection techniques and versions. From the table we
we show a practical example.
can observe significant differences between the new and the number of mutations introduced in the model is not very high
old implementations. (about 60). The average analysis time is also of the same
A. Comparison of Saboteur Approaches order as with simulator commands. Considering the results of
both groups of fault injection experiments, the outcomes
In the case of saboteurs, we can observe on the one hand,
obtained are statistically comparable. This means that these
that the average simulation time is similar to the one with
preliminary data confirm our forecasts.
simulator commands in both cases, although the new models
are slightly slower. The reason can be their higher functional C. Comparison of the Injection Techniques
complexity. However, the average analysis time is a bit lower Comparing only the injection techniques, and considering
in the new models. It may be due to a reduction in the number exclusively the new methods proposed, one could assert that
of simulation events in the traces, respect to the old approach. fault injection with mutants has now the same complexity as
On the other hand, the results obtained in both groups of with simulator commands. However, this affirmation is true
experiments are statistically equivalent. under the conditions of these test experiments. Perhaps when
With respect to the trace size, it is slightly bigger than for applied to more complex models (or simply inserting more
simulator commands because of the increment of simulation mutations) it could be expected a higher temporal cost in both
events. If we consider that the new set enlarges the fault the simulation and analysis times.
model set injected, as pointed in Section IV, we can conclude The advantages of new saboteurs are not so noticeable,
that the new set of saboteurs has enhanced the performance of because their improvements are not numeric, but related to
the technique respect to former models. the easiness of their automatic insertion, as well as to the
B. Comparison of Mutant Approaches number of fault models. This technique introduces a strong
overhead in the model, due to the insertion of new
In the new mutant implementation, the average simulation
components (the saboteurs) and signals required to connect
time has reduced dramatically down to the same order as
them. In any case, the temporal cost is completely affordable
when using simulator commands technique. In these
with modern computers, so the technique still remains
experiments, the temporal overhead is negligible. The reasons
are two: (i) the model is quite simple, and (ii) the total







Figure 8. Example of mutation of a model. Modification of the VHDL code of a component [21]

Injection technique (version)

Parameter Simulator commands Saboteurs (old) Saboteurs (new) Mutants (dynamic) Mutants (new)
Simulation Time (min.) 25 25 28 5970 25
(4 days, 3 hrs., 30 min.)
Analysis Time (min.) 6 10 8 7 7
Trace Size (Kbytes) 327 337 337 327 327

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