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public accounting glossary

Pencil: Writing, drawing or painting utensil consisting of a long, thin rod, usually made of
wood, with a fine cylindrical lead of graphite or other mineral substance inside that
protrudes from one end of this rod when sharpened
2. Calculation: Action of doing the necessary mathematical operations to find out the result,
value or measure of something, in numerical expression.
3. cash receipt: They are the documents that support inflows of money to your company.
4. Excel: is a computer program for electronic spreadsheets created by the Microsoft
5. Word: is an-English term that can be translated as “word”. Its use in our language,
however, is linked to the name of a computer program developed by the American
company Microsoft.
6. Bill: Account detailing the goods purchased or services received, together with their
quantity and amount, and which is delivered to whoever must pay for it
7. Tax: Amount of money that must be paid to the Administration to contribute to public
8. Calculator: Electronic machine capable of performing arithmetic calculations
9. fiscal auditor: He is a Public Accounting professional capable of attesting to the
reasonableness of financial statements, validating reports, giving concepts and
observations to promote the proper functioning of a company.
10. Audit: Inspection or verification of the accounting of a company or an entity, carried out by
an auditor in order to verify whether its accounts reflect the assets, financial situation and
results obtained by said company or entity in a given financial year
11. Passive: That remains inactive letting things happen without your intervention.
12. Asset: That produces the effect that is its own
13. Heritage: Set of assets belonging to a person or an institution, susceptible to economic
14. Income: Amount of money earned or collected
15. Balance: Periodic examination of a Companys accounts, comparing its income and
expenses to establish the level of profits or losses.
16. Cash: What is true and valid, what actually counts
17. Bills: Amount of money or something else that is spent.
18. credit card: It is a means of payment that allows you to make purchases and cancel the
value later.
19. debit card: the payment is charged directly to the cardholder's curen account
20. financing: Financing action.
21. bank: Commercial company that carries out financial operations with money from
shareholders and customers.
22. transaction: Deal or agreement by which two parties reach a commercial agreement,
generally of sale
23. ledger account: chronologically ordered records of all financial or accounting movements
of a company or entity
24. conciliation: comparison that is made between the accounting notes that a company keeps
from its bank accounts and the adjustments that the bank itself makes on those accounts
25. own funds: In accounting, the part of the liability that is not due to external financing but
to the contributions of the partners and the profits generated by the company is called
own funds. It is the sum of capital stock, reserves and results for the year
26. vat: Acronym for value added tax or value added tax, a tax levied on the added or added
value of a product in the different phases of its production.
27. retefuente: begins when there is a transaction between a person, entity or company that
pays for a good or service
28. ica: is a Public entity of the National Order with legal status, administrative autónomo and
independent assets, belonging to the National System of Science and Technology, ataché
to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
29. hold back: withholding tax that must be applied to sales tax, by the person or company
that pays the VAT.
30. briefcase: Handbag to carry books, papers, etc.
31. fixed asset: when it is an item that your business will not consume, sell, or convert into
cash in the next fiscal year.
32. commodity: Well with what is traded.
33. revenue: Amount of money earned.
34. los: Action of losing or getting lost.
35. provision: Set of things, especially food or basic necessities, that are kept or reserved for a
specific purpose
36. Investment fund: patrimony that is formed with the contributions of a group of people
who invest their capital in search of profitability.
37. Diary book: Book or document in which the commercial operations carried out by a
company or business are recorded every day and in chronological order.
38. Cash register: Book or document in which the commercial operations carried out by a
company or business are recorded every day and in chronological order.
39. Bank statements: document that provides you with information about the operations and
movements of your accounts, whether they are a savings account or a salary account.
40. Schedule: Graphical representation of a set of events as a function of time.
41. Expenses: are the outputs or discharge items
42. Auditor: Person who is engaged in auditing.
43. Manage: Organize the economy of a person or an entity.
44. numerical value: When in an algebraic expression we substitute the letters for the values
that they give us and then we solve the operations, the result that is obtained is called the
numerical value of an algebraic expression.
45. document: Written on paper or another type of support with which something is proven or
accredited, such as a title, a profession, a contract, etc.


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