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One of the most important aspects of starting a business is management.

It is the performance of conceiving and achieving desired results through group effort

consisting of utilizing human talents and resources. As a result, management is

regarded as the driving force that manages a business and is accountable for its

success or failure.

In the organization and management study, the overall implementation plan is

discussed. This includes a study of the officers and key personnel, as well as basic

considerations in formation. The organization, form of ownership, organizational

chart and project schedule.

The management aspect of a feasibility study seeks to ascertain the option

effectiveness of the organizational setup as well as the qualifications of the

individuals who will comprise the organization. This factor will determine whether or

not the project study is completed successfully.


The study will cover a variety of issues, actions, and ideas for how the researchers

will proceed. They must manage their business. The following objectives will make it

clear what this is all about.

 To determine the proposed business's structure,

 To examine the business's organization and management,

 To introduce or present the business's exact capitalization,

 Determining requirements and qualifications, duties and responsibilities, and

salaries and benefits advantages of business manpower,

 To demonstrate and clearly discuss the flow of authority and the policies that

will serve as the overall business's guide.

A. Form of Ownership

The proponents of the business established a general partnership. This type

of business organization is composed of two or more persons engaged in a business

for profit. The partners have equal shares to assets and liability of the current


Dreamland Amusement Park will be registered with the Securities and

Exchange Commission (SEC) for the articles of co-partnership. As a partnership, it

will be registered with other different government agencies such as the Department

of Trade and Industry (DTI), Business Permit and Licensing Section - Santo Tomas

LGU, Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and Social Security System (SSS). The

project will be unable to take off in full force unless it complies with all the legal

paperwork and technical requirements needed to function and engage in this

particular type of business.

B. Vision, Mission, Core Values

B.1. Vision
“One of the well-known attraction destinations in the Philippines. To

passionately promote customer satisfaction, love and oneness through thrilling rides

and entertaining views.”

B.2. Mission

“To create and provide enjoyable experiences as we serve the highest quality

standards of services and memories that last a lifetime.”

B.3. Core Values

R – espect – Treat the customer equally.

I - nspire – Be a role model to everyone.

D – iscipline – Follow the policies and be emotionally and socially

mature for all

E – njoyment – Bring excitement and happiness

S -atisfaction – Meet the customer’s expectation or fulfilling their desire

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