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‘How to stay calm when you know you’ll be stressed’ by Daniel Levitin


A- Before you watch the video, try to answer the following questions.

 Think about difficult and risky situations in life. Can you name
a moment when you felt stressed in your life?
 What are the symptoms or signs of stress?

 What things could possibly go wrong in these situations, and how could you prepare
for the problems?
A job interview Travelling by An important A first date
plane exam
A wedding The first day at a A surprise party Climbing a
new job mountain

 What are the ways to overcome stress?

B. Vocabulary
a. Read the following sentences and guess the meaning of the words written in bold.
1. I had just driven home; it was around midnight in the dead of Montreal winter.
2. As I stood on the front porch fumbling in my pockets, I found I didn't have my keys.
3. Stress releases cortisol that raises your heart rate, modulates adrenaline levels and clouds
your thinking.
4. Now you might be thinking I've pulled this number out of the air for shock value.
5. So the idea of the pre-mortem is to think ahead of time to the questions that you might be
able to ask that will push the conversation forward. You don't want to manufacture all of this on
the spot.
6. You might change your mind in the heat of the moment, but at least you're practiced with
this kind of thinking.
7. So I'm not completely organized, but I see organization as a gradual process, and I 'm
getting there.

b. Match the phrases written in bold in the exercise above with the definitions below.
(Match two definitions for sentence 4.)
______ a. to feel/do something clumsily/inefficiently
______ b. do something while stressed/angry/excited
______ c. in the middle of
______ d. I’m making progress
______ e. İn order to cause shock
______ f. confuses/affects your thinking in a bad way
______ g. invent a number in the moment of speaking
______ h. in the moment of speaking

C. Vocabulary study
Discuss the meaning of the words below and check them on your dictionary with your
partner. Then complete the sentences using these words.

front porch locksmith crawl catastrophe designate

adverse effect think ahead

1. You should ___________ for possible consequences before selling your house in this
economic crisis.
2. In the new education system, all schools should ___________ some memory-based activities
for children.
3. The injured soldiers __________ silently under the bridge not to be noticed by the others.
4. We sat on the ____________ to feel the breeze and get some fresh air.
5. Destruction of the green areas and natural life is a __________ for the country.
6. All patients have to be warned against the ___________ of the drugs by their doctors.
7. When I realized that I took the wrong keys, I had to call the __________ to have the door


Now watch the video and answer the following questions.

1. What happens in the anecdote Daniel tells at the start of the talk?

2. What 3 things does the speaker say about how the brain performs under stress?

3. How does the speaker explain the difference between pre-mortem and post-mortem?

4. What are the two pieces of advice given to do in the form of a pre-mortem?

5. What is the function of the hippocampus in the brain? Does it always work perfectly in all


6. What is the relationship between the cortisol and thinking?

7. According to Dr. Kahneman and his colleagues what happens when the brain is under stress?

8. What are the ways the speakers suggest to solve these kind of serious situations?


Discuss the following questions.
1. What did you think of the talk?
2. Have you ever been in a similar situation to the one Daniel describes in his anecdote?
What did you do?
3. Have you ever forgotten a passport or boarding card when flying somewhere? What did
you do?
4. Are you an absent-minded person? What things do you lose/misplace? Where do you
keep your keys/mobile/wallet at home?
5. In what situations it is good idea to predict the possible problems that could occur?
6. Are you good at making decisions under pressure?
7. What method do you suggest to use for a stress-free life?
8. Can stress be motivating?
9. Does stress effect the quality of life?
10. How do you cope with stress?

Contemporary Topics Unit 1: Slang and Language Change
Outline: Listen to the lecture and complete the outline below.

Main topic of the lecture: Slang

Language change:

Definition of slang:

Who uses today:

Seen mostly in: ___________________________________________ groups

Main Functions /reasons for using slang: 


Slang shows:

For Dr. Tony Thorne, the function of slang:

Attitude of Prof. Myers on slang:

Speaking Material: Paraphrasing

Ah, so saying the

Paraphrasing is the skill of same thing in a
expressing the meaning of different way!
something (written or
spoken) using different


By paraphrasing, you can determine the meaning of complex words more clearly. You can also
utilize paraphrasing techniques when speaking or presenting to clarify technical language and
details for your listeners.
 You may sometimes need to paraphrase what you mean by using certain phrases.
Study the following phrases and their examples so that you can use in your speech.

Language for Examples

paraphrasing your own
By that I mean … Jill was dedicated to completing the project without any
weaknesses. By that I mean, she was willing to do it perfectly.

In other words, … She said the movie was a bit predictable and spiritless. In other
words, she didn’t like it at all.

In a word, … I would be really enthusiastic about following the project you are
conducting. In a word, I will definitely go for it.

That is to say, … Class conflicts, that is to say, the differences between social
classes, are also one of the concerns of my project.
 You may sometimes paraphrase someone else’s sentences to clarify what they
mean. Study the phrases and examples below.

Language for Examples

paraphrasing someone
else’s sentences

So, it sounds like … So, it sounds like you are supporting the view that it is
impossible to change the character of a person after childhood.

You’re wondering if … You’re wondering if this method could really work well with the
theory you are thinking on.

So it’s important to you that So it’s important to you that all candidates write a description
… of their basic skills and experience.

What Bob meant was he had been really dissatisfied with the
What Bob meant was … results of the experiment.

I believe Sandra’s point was that the method used in the

(I believe) Sandra’s point project was unsatisfactory and useless.
was …
I think Bill said that he was disappointed with the number of
I think Bill said … students taking part in the questionnaire.

You said / mentioned that the benefits of lifelong learning on

You said / mentioned … societies around the world are countless.

There are a few ways of paraphrasing:

1. First way is changing the vocabulary being used in the actual sentence. This is the easiest and
involves the use of synonyms.

NOTE: Remember that synonyms need to carry the same meaning in the situation, not any
other meaning/s in the dictionary.

2. Second way is to change the sentence structures (grammatical structures such as active or
passive voice). We could change a more complex sentence into a simpler and clearer one.

3. Of course, you need to have good summarizing skills to paraphrase the words / sentences of a
person you are listening to OR your own words.

EXERCISE-1:  Now, watch the following video and write down the benefits of
1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________

EXERCISE-2: Paraphrase the sentences below orally using the strategies presented above
Example: I've never been to America.
In other words, I haven’t had the chance to go to the USA before.
1. The tickets were more expensive than I had expected.

2. Getting a visa isn't very difficult.

3. Robert: The hotel has given us a room with a beautiful view.


4. Ted: Many people have become more concerned with economy all over the world nowadays.

5. The council cut funding so we could not provide free parking.

6. His proposal was a failure as it was too theoretical.

7. Sally: Will the online education end soon?


8. Teacher: All students must attend classes regularly if they want to succeed.

Speaking Practice: Expressing Opinion
Choose one of the topics below and decide if you agree or disagree with the topic. Then express
and defend your ideas by giving details and examples. 
1. In which sector do people earn tons of money? Do celebrities earn more money than the
people in the business world?

TOPIC: Celebrities deserve to earn too much money.

S1: have special abilities/others don’t

S2: intense work pressure/stress
S3: have to work hard/effort

2. Are you generally punctual or late for meetings? Do you have a friend who is always late for
meetings? Do you think being late or being punctual is a personal characteristic? 

TOPIC: Arriving late to meet friends is rude.

3. What do you think about the distribution of wealth among people? Why is it so unequal?

TOPIC: Rich countries should help poor countries.

4. Do you think it’s important to speak native-like English? Is grammar or fluency more important
while speaking? 

TOPIC: Making mistakes in English is OK as long as people understand you.

5. Do you prefer study/ work individually or in a group? How responsible are you in group works?

TOPIC: It is better to be the leader of a group than just being a member.

6. Are you more comfortable to be part of a group or do you prefer doing activities alone? Is it
difficult to make plans with a group when you travel?  

TOPIC: It's much better to travel independently than in a tour group.

7. Do you like the hustle and bustle of the big city or are you searching for peace in the

TOPIC: Living in a big city is more advantageous than living in the countryside.

8. Do you separate paper, bottles etc. from other garbage? 

TOPIC: Recycling should be compulsory for everybody.

Contemporary Topics Unit 2: The Genius Within
Outline: Listen to the lecture and complete the outline below.

The main topic of the lecture: ___________________________________________________

The three aspects of the topic the prof. talks about:


a. _______________________________________________________________

For example: ________________________________________________

b. _______________________________________________________________
For example:
c. ________________________________________________________________
For some psychologists: ______________________________________
2. -

a. _______________________________________________________________

b. _______________________________________________________________

c. _______________________________________________________________

3. -

a. _______________________________________________________________

Knowledge: ____________________________________________________

b. _______________________________________________________________

c. _______________________________________________________________

Speaking Material: Offering a Fact or an Example

Discussion Strategy: To support

Signp Examples your idea or position on an issue, you
ost can offer a fact or an example as
Langu support. Facts and examples- such as
age for statistics, dates, and historic events-
giving not only add richness to the
examp discussion but also increase your
les credibility as a speaker.
For A few
exampl simple
e/ For precautions
instanc can be
e…….. taken; for
that desks
are the
right height
can be the
measure to
start with.
A good Dogs are a
exampl good
e of example
this of pets.

To give To give
you an you an
exampl example,
e,…… face to face
is more
To To
illustrat illustrate
e this this point,
point, let’s have
let’s a look at
have a the
look painting;
at…… the artist,
depicts the
beauty of the nature.
Such as /Like I like movies such as /like romantic, thriller and

Speaking Material: Asking For Clarification

To clarify means to make something easier, or more clear, to understand. Both speakers and
listeners use clarifying language to check in with the person they’re communicating with. Study
following statements or questions for clarification.

Speakers Listeners
May ask listeners during a lecture, Can ask for clarification by saying:
discussion, or speech if they I’m not sure I understand…..
understood the content: I’m sorry, but I didn’t catch what you said.
Do you see what I mean? Could you say it again?
Does that make sense? I didn’t follow what you said about……..
Is that clear? Do you mean …?
Does everyone understand? What do you mean?
Are there any questions? Could you clarify …?
Can you explain …?
May signal that they are clarifying by Can ask for confirmation:
confirming the content: Correct me if I’m wrong, but are you
Let me put it another way. saying……
What I’m trying to say is…….. When you say….. do you mean…….
What I mean is……….. Did you say…..
To be more precise…. Let me see if I understood. You said……..
A third person may confirm the speaker’s message to help the listener
Mia said………
I think Tom said….. Is that right, Tom?
EXERCISE 1: A Watch the video (Contemporary Topics 3- Unit 2 Student Discussion Video) and
answer the following questions.
1. What is 10.000 hour, 10-year rule?

2. Why is Qiang surprised?

3. What examples does May give for the innate talents? Which signpost language does
she use for this?

4. What idea does Qiang want to support by providing examples of Mozart and Emily

B. Study the highlighted statements [1-9] from the discussion and match them with the
correct function (A-B-C).
Functions: A. offering an example or fact
B. Clarification or confirmation
C.asking for opinions/ideas
Michael: You know, the lecture actually reminded me of this idea called the “10,000-hour, 10-year
rule.” Has anyone else heard of it?
May: Uh-uh.
Qiang: No.
Yhinny: Oh yeah, I have, I have. It says something like: You have to study something or practice
something really hard for either 10,000 hours or 10 years to become really great at something.
May: Whoa, well, that’s encouraging. That means that I just have to study English for another five
years to be really good at it.
Qiang: Well, I have to say, I found it a little surprising that the instructor really didn’t talk about—1.
[____]or she didn’t really emphasize—that the importance of innate talents more.
May: 2.[____]Like, talents that we're born with? 3.[____]I don’t know for like music and literature,
art, science.
Qiang: Yeah.
Yhinny: I think she actually did cover that, in a way. 4.[____]I think she just wanted to stress the
parts of genius that we can control. 5.[____]Kind of like being motivated, being curious or
creative when you approach something.
Qiang: OK. But you have to acknowledge the innate part is a huge factor. 6.[____]I mean, look at
Mozart and his innate talent for music. Or Emily Dickinson and her innate talent for literature. 7.
[____]You think anyone can do what they did just by being curious or practicing a lot?
May: No, you’re right they had talents, but they built on them. 8.[____]I mean, Mozart, he
practiced for hours! His father forced him.
Qiang: 9.[____]So, he was born with talent, but he had to work really hard to develop it.
May: Yeah. Michael: Well, speaking of working hard, maybe we should get back into our notes?
All right. So how do I identify a gifted child?

Contemporary Topics Unit 3: Online Communities
Outline: Listen to the lecture and complete the outline below.

The main topic of the lecture: ______________________________________________

The importance of being a member of communities: __________________________

People in our social network affect: ________________________________________
The reason for dramatic increase of online communities: ______________________
Benefits of online communities

1. __________________________________________________
 _______________________________________________
 strengthens relations with old friends and family members
 _______________________________________________
Examples: ______________________________________

Research shows: __________________________________________________


2. ___________________________: ________________________________________

Benefits & reasons why people access these networks

 ____________________________________________
 ____________________________________________
 ____________________________________________

3. __________________________: __________________________________________


Shared content: ______________________________________________________

4. __________________________: __________________________________________

Purpose: _____________________________________________________________

It refers to: ___________________________________________________________

Examples: ___________________________________________________________

How do they do this: __________________________________________________

It is: ________________________________________________________________

Examples: ______________________________________________________

Who uses these online communities: ____________________________________

5. _________________: __________________________________________________

A recent poll indicates: ________________________________________________

Examples: ___________________________________________________________


Benefits: ____________________________________________________________

The opinion /attitude of Professor Lee on Internet and online communities:


Speaking Material: Revision & Practice of Academic Discussion Strategies

A. Study the cartoon below and tell what is wrong concerning discussion in this cartoon?
Share your opinion with your friend about how a discussion should be.

B. Study the part of a sample discussion below and match the identified parts or
statements (A-G) with the correct function in this discussion.
Instructor: Okay, let’s get started everybody. [A] Today we are going to discuss dilemma of
quitting a job due to a rude and aggressive boss, which is a sort of mobbing or tolerating
it just because you need to earn your living. [B] So what I mean is that our main focus is
where it says a poor person who needs to work should obey the wishes of support, even
though they experience mobbing and perhaps violence, or prioritize sensitivity and self-
esteem and give up. Okay, so who wants to begin?
Sam: [C] Well, I think we should be able to put ourselves in different situations, it depends
which situation we were in. Like, right now, in our situation, we're just, we get whatever we
want from our parents and stuff, and we don't have that need to work. We don't need it, but if, for
example, their parents, they can't just quit their job for any little reason, because if they quit their
job, it's also going to conflict in our lives because we depend on them. I think conflict in the family
is the major cause of most divorces. Statistic show divorce rate has increased considerably in
recent years and children are the ones who suffer ….
Instructor: [D] Hold on a second, Sam. I’m sorry to interrupt but I think we are getting a bit
off the topic of the discussion. Let’s get back to employee and employer relations in a
workplace and preserving self-esteem. Go ahead, please.
Sam: Oh, I see. I’m sorry sir. Okay, So I was talking about the negative consequences of being
unemployed. And not only them, but also their children will inevitably have financial problems
since a poor person really needs the job; and that's the only way they'll be able to live, and s/he
doesn't have possibility to get another job. So, they can't just quit the job because they just have
to go along with what they say, even if they strongly believe that that's wrong and unacceptable.
It doesn't mean that they're going to do what they say, but unfortunately, just they cannot
contradict their boss.

Tina: [E] Yeah, what you said has a lot of validity, Sam but at the same time there have
been people in history who have actually gone against this. Like, Cesar Chavez was one of
those people. He actually went on strike, and he just showed so much passion, so much. Just a
will power to overcome what his, what people thought was impossible and it takes a special
person not to give in to their boss no matter what happens. [F] Yes, the odds are against them;
however, pride and self-esteem always come first in our lives, so, I can't agree with that
because through history there are people who have overcome insurmountable odds and
you can't deny that. You can't pretend that hasn't happened. But also these people see their
childhood. They had people that were backing them up. They've had people that would contribute
to his cause. But what about if it's something that not many people can relate to? You're not
going to have anybody stand behind you. Nobody's going to be, have your back. You're just
going to be facing that by your own.
Instructor: [G] Thank you, Tina. John, what do you think? Share your ideas with us please.

John: Well, I have the idea that…..

(Adapted from:

Statements Functions

A Asking for opinions

B Supporting an idea

C Paraphrasing/Clarifying

Bringing a discussion back to a topic


Introducing the discussion topic

Expressing opinion

C. Bringing a discussion back to the main topic

Study the phrases below to identify how we can bring a discussion back to the main topic.

It’s common for discussions to go off topic; however, you can bring the discussion back to the
main point by using one of these phrases:

 I’m afraid that’s outside the scope of today’s discussion topic.

 I think we’re getting a bit off topic/track.
 That’s interesting, but let’s focus on…
 I’d like to get back to
 We’d better save that for another day.
 Let’s get back on track, OK?
 Let’s go/get back to our main topic
 Getting back to… [topic]
 Anyway (informal)

D. Speaking Practice: Discuss the following topics.

 Online communities can be beneficial in many ways.

 Online communities have no real benefit.

Contemporary Topics Unit 4: Core Business Skills
Outline: Listen to the lecture and complete the outline below.

The main topic of today’s lecture: ____________________________________________

4 Skill Sets:
1. ___________________________
People who are good at these skills can:

It concerns: _______________________________, not _________________________

Examples for these skills:

2. Intuition: ____________________________________________________

The term first appeared in: _______________________________________________

It refers to: a. __________________________________________________________


c. ______________________________________________________________________

This skill is related to knowing different people with different:


3. Machine interfacing: _________________________________________


Who needs these skills today: _____________________________________________
4. Sense Making: _________________________________________

The reason why it is impossible to learn all:________________________________

It involves:

Opinion of the professor about these skills: ______________________________________

Steps to acquire these skills:

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

Most important strategy: _____________________________________________________

Positive learning cycle: _____________________________________________________

Speaking Material: Bringing a Discussion to a Closure

A. Look at the following cartoons and share which stage of a discussion /

conversation / lecture the cartoon refers to and what you understand from it.
Discuss with your teacher and friends.

a) The reasons why it is necessary to make an effective closure for a discussion /

conversation / lecture:
b) Ways / tips to bring a discussion to a closure


When you have a discussion, at some point you should find a way to bring the discussion to a
conclusion. Here are some phrases to help you end a discussion successfully. Study them

To wrap up / Wrapping up, … I'm sorry I can't stay longer, but I'll be
happy to continue our discussion via e-
To sum up, …
To recap, …
Let me close by saying, …
I see our time's up, so let’s close with
Looks like our time's up, …
this final comment….
In conclusion, …
Which brings us to the end of…
So, we have talked a lot / enough about

C. Exercise 2: Study the following conversation from Contemporary Topics Unit 4

Bringing a discussion to a close. Analyze the phrases in bold and italics. Then, match
them with a suitable discussion skill and write them under the correct heading in the
chart below.
Hugh: 1. OK, so we need to discuss social intelligence, right? I really like this idea about
intelligence. It really is a different kind of intelligence.
Ben: 2. Sure. If someone is sensitive to other people’s emotional states, then, yeah, 3. I think
that’s a kind of intelligence.
Kenzie: 4. Yeah, I agree. It seems to me that social intelligence it, it involves the ability to
manage, to manage social relationships. Some people are naturally better at that than others.
Ben: Yeah, Hugh, you’ve got like a thousand Facebook friends and LinkedIn contacts! You must
really know how to manage relationships.
Hugh: I guess. 5. I mean, I just like people. I have a question though. 6. Do you think this
sort of skill, this sort of social intelligence, can be learned? Or do people have it naturally?
Shelley: You can learn social intelligence. 7. For example, there are social intelligence
training courses online.
Ben: 8. I think those courses basically teach people to be, you know, more aware of
themselves and others. To notice how they’re communicating.
Shelley: 9. Yeah. That’s true. But social intelligence probably requires more than just
awareness. 10. Don’t you think? It also involves overcoming bias.
Kenzie: Overcoming what?
Shelley: Vias. Bias. 11. Am I saying that right?

Kenzie: Oh, bias, yes, you’re saying it right. I think, another thing is having an open mind—and
being willing to communicate. 12. I mean, look at us, for instance. We talk with people from five
or ten different countries every day at school, right?
Hugh: Easily. Maybe that makes us “socially intelligent.”
Kenzie: 13. I think empathy is also a big part of it. You have to be willing to communicate, to
listen, to really be supportive.
Shelley: I wonder how well we can empathize with someone from another culture?
Ben: 14. Yeah, you’re right. I still don’t think I understand most of what Hugh is thinking most of
the time. So … .
Agreeing Paraphrasing Expressing Asking Asking for Offering Getting a Bringing a
an opinion for clarification a fact or discussion discussion
opinions and example started to a close
or ideas confirmation

Hugh: Funny. OK, guys. 15. So, we’ve talked a lot about interesting things that we can
develop further. Why don’t we sign off for now? See you in class.

D. Speaking Practice: Discuss the following topics.

 The business skills required today are quite different from the ones 20 years ago.
 Intelligence is completely innate and cannot be improved.
 Social skills are more important than core business skills to achieve success.
 Only experience can improve a person’s business skills.

Contemporary Topics Unit 5: Cognitive Psychology -Memory
Outline: Listen to the lecture and complete the outline below.

The main topic of the lecture: ___________________________________________________

Definition: ___________________________________________________________________

3 Types:

1. __________________________: _________________________________________

How long it last: _____________________________________________

It is related to: _______________________________________________________

We get info using: ____________________________________________________

2. __________________________: __________________________________________

Example: _____________________________________________________________

Important for brain functions such as: _____________________________________

3. ___________________________________________

How long it lasts: _______________________________________________________

How information stored: _________________________________________________

Two subcategories are:

1. __________________________: ___________________________________________

In this type, memory:


2. __________________________: ___________________________________________

For example: __________________________________________________________

Most memories in this type: _______________________________________________

Two strategies to improve

1. __________________________: _________________________________________

Verbal elaboration: ___________________________________________________

2. _________________________: __________________________________________

Role of emotions: _____________________________________________________

How well you remember depends on: ______________________________________________

Practical Strategies:

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

Benefits of this strategy: 1. _______________________ & 2. ______________________

Speaking Material: Getting a discussion started
A. Practice: Read the following suggestions or tips on
how to start a discussion and match them with the
correct sub-heading
___ Communicate confidently 

___ Relevant content 

___ Make use of relevant statistics

___ Introduce yourself

___ Questions and quotes

___ Begin with an anecdote 

___ Time-efficient 

___ Define Key Terms


1. Present the topic in a unique manner to spark the interest of everyone. Start a discussion with
a shocking statement, question, or quotation. However, refrain from quoting just for the sake of it.
2. Keep in mind your introduction is only the beginning of the discussion. Don’t over-elaborate or
exaggerate the topic but instead be coherent and clear in presenting your views in the most
precise way possible for time management concerns.
3. Present your views fluently. Try not to hesitate or stutter as being confident about your point-
of-view is of utmost importance.
4. It should not seem that you are starting a discussion just for the sake of beginning first. Your
points should be relevant to the topic and must grab the attention of the participants.
5. Start a discussion with the definition of the keyword in the topic to create an impression that
you have a basic knowledge about the subject matter.  
6. As the initiator, it is pivotal that you introduce yourself before telling everyone about the topic.
Use a simple beginning line such as “Hi everyone, my name is ____” and then introduce the
topic and pass the baton.
7. Mention a short story related to the topic, if you can, to start a group discussion which will
engage each and every one to listen to your story and get ready to a discussion.  
8. Laying down the correct and latest statistics is a powerful way to start off a group discussion. It
gives the impression that you are well aware of the topic and have kept yourself up-to-date.

B. Starting Lines for Introduction in a Group Discussion (GD)

Study the following starting lines for introduction to a group discussion

 Hi everyone, I am _____ (name) and I would like to introduce the topic of this group
 Hello everyone, my name is ____ and I will be initiating the group discussion. I would like
to ask a question from all of you. [Add a question here relevant to the topic]
 You can start with a quote: “As X once had said…”. / Mahatma Gandhi said, ________ [or
any other relevant quote] and this corresponds to the topic of our group discussion today
which is _____. I am _____ (name), and I would like all of you to present your opinions on
this topic.
 If you are giving a definition related to the topic: “______is defined as…..”
 Good morning everyone, I am ______ and for today’s group discussion, we will be
discoursing on the topic of _______. “I would like to start by stating my view of the
 Hi everyone, I am _____ and this group discussion will be focused on _____. First, let me
give you a brief overview of the topic.

C.Tips for starting a Group Discussion (GD)

In summary, to start to a discussion in an effective way, always keep the following tips in mind:

D. Speaking Practice: Discuss the following topics.

1. How can we develop or have a better memory? What are the ways of having a strong
2. How would our lives be different if we didn’t have memories?
3. How do these smart machines affect people’s memory?

Contemporary Topics Unit 6: The Science of Love
Outline: Listen to the lecture and complete the outline below.
The main topic of the lecture: ___________________________________________________

A recent study shows: ______________________________________________________

Characteristics of a ritual:
1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________
Some symbols in romantic love: ________________________________________________

Three Biochemical Phases of Love

1. First phase: the hormones testosterone and oestrogen: _______________________

2. Second phase: __________________________________________________________

Amphetamines in brain: ______________________________________________

a. dopamine: ______________________________________________________

b. PEA: phenyl ethylamine: __________________________________________

3.Third Phase: ______________________________________________________________

Endorphins: _______________________________________________________________

Speaking Material: Disagreeing
A. How do you express your disagreement with
someone or an idea? Which expressions and
phrases do you use?

B. Watch the video and answer the following

1. Why is it important to disagree politely for the speaker?

2. The three strategies to disagree with someone and express your opinions politely

a. _____________________________________________________
Phrases to say this:
b. _____________________________________________________
Phrases to say this:

c. _______________________________________________________
Phrases to say this:

C. Speaking Practice: Discuss the following topics.

1. What types of love do you know? Which one is the strongest? Why?
2. Do you believe in eternal love? Why? Why not?
3. Is it possible to make somebody love you? If so, how?

Contemporary Topics Unit 7: Artificial Intelligence: The Turning Point
Outline: Listen to the lecture and complete the outline below.

The main topic of the lecture: ______________________________________________________

Who feels strongly about it: ________________________________________________________

In 1970s, workers fought against robots in car manufacturing plants because


The factory managers support Robots because

Difference between weak and strong form of AI

Weak AI____________________________________________________________________

Strong AI __________________________________________________________________

People’s feelings about strong & weak AI & their future:_______________________________


1. _________________________________________________________________________

For example: bomb disposal or ______________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________

For example: ____________________________________________________________


1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________

Opinion of the Professor Helena Sonin regarding AI: ____________________________________

Contemporary Topics Unit 7: Artificial Intelligence: The Turning Point
After you listen to the lecture and complete the outline, answer the following questions choosing
the best alternative.

1. According to the lecturer, which of the following is true about people’s interest in artificial
a. Predominantly scientific community is interested in AI.
b. Unlike scientists, economists and philosophers don’t feel strongly about AI.
c. Economists and scientific community are into AI but not sociologists and philosophers.
d. Not only scientists and economists, but also sociologists and philosophers are
interested in AI.

2. Employees in the car factories were against having robots in the car factories in 1970s
because of ________________________.
a. the risk of serious accidents
b. the high cost of manufacturing
c. the possibility of losing their jobs
d. the lack of skills to operate those robots

3. Which of the following was NOT mentioned in the lecture as a benefits of robots for
employers in 1970s?
a. They contributed to the innovation process with their creativity.
b. They cost less than human workers for the company.
c. They didn’t miss workdays due to health problems.
d. They didn’t demand higher pay from the company.

4. According to the professor, which one is one quality of weak AI?

a. Being good at a single task
b. Having consciousness
c. Ability to think
d. Knowing and wanting to evolve

5. People worry about strong AI because robots _______________.

a. might take too much time to develop
b. may have high manufacturing and maintenance costs
c. might become more intelligent than humans to control the world
d. are likely to result in huge amount technological waste in the future

6. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of AI?
a. It has the ability to perform complex tasks easily compared to humans.
b. It can accomplish risky operations which might be dangerous for humans.
c. It can contribute to the solution of global problems such as climate change.
d. It can function more rationally than human as it doesn’t have emotions.

7. Which of the following idea would Professor Helena Sonin agree with?
a. We should give up giving so much value to AI.
b. We had better try to control and benefit from AI.
c. We need to focus on the moral arguments about AI.
d. We need to stop the process of manufacturing products of AI.

8. What is the topic of the next lesson?

a. New business areas of AI in the world
b. Future of AI in the next century
c. Taking the responsibility on how to use AI
d. Chronological development of AI and future perspectives

Speaking Material: Asking for opinions

A. Watch the video and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the
false ones.
1. ____ The topic of the discussion program is pros=advantages of tablets for students.
2. ____ The presenter doesn’t state his opinion when he initiates the discussion.
3. ____ The moderator asks the question “Where do you stand on that, Mrs
Fagan?” to ask her preference to stand in the studio.
4. ____ The two participants have opposing views regarding the topic of the discussion.

B. Asking for Opinions

1. Here is a list of useful expressions for the language function of asking for opinions.

1. Do you think/believe that … ?

2. How do you feel about … ?

3. What do you think about … ?

4. What’s your opinion /views on … ?

5. Do you agree with the opinion that … ?

6. Do you share the/my view that … ?

7. What’s your position on … ?

8. Would you support the view that ...?

9. Would it be right/logical to say … ?

C. Practice: Work in pairs and take turns asking each other’s opinions on the following topics
using different phrases from the lists above.
e.g: Topic: Digital books
Do you share the view that digital books are better than printed books?
1. Eco-tourism
2. Hybrid cars
3. Agriculture vs. industry
4. Space exploration

D. Speaking Practice: Discuss the following topics with a partner.

‘AI is likely the best or the worst thing to happen to humanity’ - Stephen Hawking”
1. It would be beneficial if AI can predict what we're going to do or what we think?
2. There is a danger AI is going to take over the World.
3. AI is and can be useful in many ways.

Contemporary Topics Unit 8: Big Brother and the Surveillance Society
Outline: Listen to the lecture and complete the outline below.
A. The main topic of the lecture: ________________________________________________

Definition: ___________________________________________________________________

Surveillance culture means: ___________________________________________________

People’s reaction and reason: _________________________________________________

B. Surveillance Mechanisms & Uses

1. ___________________________ : ____________________________________________

Some statistics
a) In the USA: ______________________________________________________
b) In Britain: _______________________________________________________
Purpose of traffic-based cams: ________________________________________________
2) _________________________________________________________________________
This can give info on: _________________________________________________________
Useful for: __________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________:_______________________________________

Where they are used: _________________________________________________________

C. Recent & Sophisticated Surveillance Techniques

1) __________________________________ : _____________________________________

Benefits: ___________________________________________________________________
Risks: _____________________________________________________________________

2) _____________________________ : ___________________________________________

Negative sides: ______________________________________________________________

D. The views of
1. The lecturer: _________________________________________________________

2. Marc Rotenberg: ______________________________________________________

Speaking Material: Trying to reach a consensus

A. Watch the student discussion video (Contemporary Topics 3- Unit 8) and answer
the questions.

1. What is the topic of the discussion?

2. What is the main reason for opposing it in the discussion?

3. What is the main reason for supporting it in the discussion?

4. What does Ben say with the purpose of reaching a consensus at the end?

5. Do you think they all have to agree on the idea?

B. Practice: Discuss with your partner on the following topics and try to reach a consensus using
some of the statements or phrases below.
 Is there a middle ground we can all agree on?
 Do you mean ….? So, what you say is ….
 At the end, we all agree that …..
 We feel a bit differently about it but we agree that …
 Okay, we have opposing views but I believe we can agree on some basics.
1. It is certainly a must for governments to control / track people’s social media and internet use.
2. There should not be surveillance cameras in public places.
3. Security is more important than privacy.

Contemporary Topics Unit 9: Linguistics: Animal Communication

The main topic of the lecture: __________________________________________________

For communication, animals use: ______________________________
Compared to animals, the language systems human beings use: ____________________
4 Main Characteristics of Animal Communication
1. ________________________: ________________________________________________

2. ________________________: ________________________________________________

3. _______________________: _________________________________________________

4. _______________________: _________________________________________________

The advantage of human language: ________________________________________

Outline: Listen to the lecture and complete the outline below.

Speaking Material: Expressing Opinions & Using Visuals and Statistics
PART A: Expressing Opinions

Exercise 1: Watch the video and list the phrases or the

statements that the speakers use for expressing their
Conversation 1




Conversation 2


Conversation 3


B. Expressions to state opinions

Expressing a Personal Opinion; ▪ Speaking personally…

▪ In my opinion,… ▪ As I see it…
▪ I feel that… ▪ Well, if you ask me…
▪ I would say that… ▪ In my view…
▪ It seems to me that… ▪ I think that…
▪ I am of the opinion that …
Expressing Disagreement  ▪ I don’t agree with you about …
▪ I’m sorry but I’m of a different opinion. ▪ Sorry, I can’t accept your opinion that …
Expressing Support
▪ You took the words right out of my
▪ That’s a very important point.
▪ You are right.
▪ I strongly agree with you.
▪ You’re quite right.

PART B: Using Visuals / Infographics
Watch the video about the use of visuals or infographics in discussions or presentations and
then match the type of infographics given in the list on the left column (1-10) with the correct
reason or time to use it given on the right column (a-j).

Type of Infographic (Visuals) Reason/ Time to Use

1. A timeline a. to cut down a text and make it more interesting
2. An Animated Infographic b. to support an argument or claim
3. A process infographic c. compare places or cultures based on location or
4. A comparison Infographic d. to provide alternative solutions
5. A Flow-chart e. to highlight similarities and differences between two
things and superiority of one option to another
6. A data Visualization f. to help job candidates to outstand to find a job.
7. A visual article g. to present a long story or how something has
changed in time
8. A visual Resume h. make data, facts and statistic more enjoyable and
easy to understand
9. A map infographic i. to simplify a series of steps or actions to perform a
complex task
10. A list based infographic j. to get viewers’ attention or direct attention

PART C. Speaking Practice: Discuss the following topics with a partner.

1. Animals are better friends than humans.
2. It is a great idea to have a pet.
3. There is no need for zoos today and they should be closed.
4. It is /isn’t necessary to research animal communication.

Contemporary Topics Unit 10: The Evolution of Money
Listen to the lecture and complete the outline below.

The topic of the lecture: __________________________________________________________

Definition of barter: _____________________________________________________________

The focus of today’s lecture: _____________________________________________________

In early societies, land and agriculture: ____________________________________________

4 Advantages of money over barter:

1) ________________________________________________________________________
For example: ___________________________________________________________

2) _________________________________________________________________________
Long distance, easy & fast transfer of money is possible using: __________________

3) _________________________________________________________________________

4) _________________________________________________________________________

The evolution of money

First: __________________________________________________________________
For example: _______________________________________________________
Then: _________________________________________________________________

It’s a great change because:

The idea succeeded because: _____________________________________

Benefits of money
1) ___________________________________________________________________

a) Many people left farm work to go cities because:


b) These people started earning their lives by:



E.g: _____________________________________________________________

Contemporary Topics Unit 10: The Evolution of Money
After you listen to the lecture and complete the outline, answer the following questions choosing
the best alternative.
1. What is the lecture mainly about?
a. Evolution of money forms throughout history
b. Origin of money and its use in different civilizations
c. Benefits and transformation of money in time
d. International battle over money to obtain power

1. Which of the following would Professor Alexandra Show agree with?

a. She finds barter superior to money.
b. She thinks money is better than barter.
c. She sees both of them equal as financial tools.
d. She is neutral about both barter and money.

2. According to the lecture, which is true about early societies?

a. Having wealth and power was mainly related to owning land and farming.
b. People in agriculture were growing only cattle and sheep in large number.
c. Exchange of animals and vegetables as a system was quite effective in business.
d. Due to geographical limitations, there wasn’t a strong need for money at that time.

3. Which of the following is NOT one of the advantages of money?

a. Unlimited amount of transaction
b. High speed of transferring
c. Time efficiency for doing business
d. Changing value of money

4. According to the Professor, which has been a really major change in the form of money
throughout the history?
a. money as physical objects b. a manufactured object for money
c. valuable things such as gold and silver d. paper money and stock

1. Which is NOT one of the consequences of using money?

a. Human initiative became more important.
b. Wealth was tied to heredity and families.
c. People gained freedom to decide on their own.
d. More people had the chance to get education.

2. The professor relates money to all of the following EXCEPT _____________________.

a. Middle and upper class b. Humans & Social development
c. Creativity d. Achieving dreams

Speaking Material: Agreeing
A. Watch the video and answer the questions.
1. What is the topic of the conversation in the video?

2. What is the idea being discussed?

3. Who agrees with the idea? What phrases do they use to

express their agreement?

4. Who disagrees with the idea? Why? What phrases does he use to express

5. What other phrases do you use to express agreement in a conversation or discussion?

B. Expressions for Agreement & Disagreement

Expressing agreement  Exactly.

 I agree with you 100 percent.  I'm afraid I agree with James.
 I couldn't agree with you more.  I have to side with Dad on this one.
 That's so true.  No doubt about it.
 That's for sure.  (agree with negative statement) Me
 (slang) Tell me about it!  (weak) I suppose so. /I guess so.
 You're absolutely right.  You have a point there.
 Absolutely.  I was just going to say that.
 That's exactly how I feel.

Expressing disagreement
 I don't think so.  That's not always the case.
 (strong) No way.  No, I'm not so sure about that.
 I'm afraid I disagree.
 (strong) I totally disagree.
 I beg to differ.
 (strong) I'd say the exact opposite.
 Not necessarily.
 That's not always true.

Discuss the following topics and express your agreement or disagreement using the
phrases from the lists above. (Breakout rooms or whole-class discussion)

1. Is technology making us less human?

2. Is commerce on mobile the future?
3. Do electric vehicles provide an alternative for the conventional ones?

PART D: Post Activity: Discuss, the following topics, based on the main topic of the unit
with a partner.
1. Money can open everyday door.
2. A lot of money brings a lot of problems.
3. There is no need for physical (paper money & coins) today.
4. Use of credit card has many benefits.
5. It is better to save money when you earn rather than to spend it.

Contemporary Topics Unit 11: The Fountain of Youth
Listen to the lecture and complete the outline below.

The topic of the lecture:

The two categories:
1. _____________________: ____________________________________________________

Hayflick theory: _____________________________________________________

How to live longer:___________________________________________________

Benefits of CR: a) __________________________________________________

b) ________________________

2. _____________________: ____________________________________________________
Early theories: ____________________________________________________

Free radicals: ______________________________________________

Causes for this: 1____________________________
Suggestion: ______________________________________________________

What to do about it – approaches to life extension:
1.__________________________ e.g. __________________________________________

2. Xeontransplantation :___________________________________________________

3. ______________________:

1. _____________________________________

2. ______________________________________

3. ______________________________________

Speaking Material: Practice
PART A: Speaking Practice: Discuss the
following topics with a partner expressing your
opinion with details and examples.
1. Modern lifestyle and technology have a
positive impact on our health and leading
a long life.

2. Good economic conditions can ensure a

longer and healthy life.

3. It is better to live a short and healthy life than lead a long life with several health

4. Health is the most valuable wealth.

5. It is better to use alternative medicine than modern medicine.

PART B: Speaking Practice-More Topics: Discuss the following topics with a partner
expressing your opinion with details and examples.
1. It is appropriate to allow students to create their own curricula at university.

2. Higher education is a necessary prerequisite for an individual’s financial success in

the future.

3. Public schools are better than private schools.

4. Parents should decide which career their children will pursue.

5. Educational technology does not enhance but hinders learning.

Contemporary Topics Unit 12: Marriage (Optional)
Listen to the lecture and complete the outline below.
*The topic of the lecture: ___________________________________________
Benefits of marriage to society



Child-legitimacy theory:

Factors affecting the selection of a marriage partner:

Homogamy is: ____________________________________________________
e.g. 1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
The reason why it is widespread
Future of Homogamy:

Reasons for the increase of interracial marriage:

1. __________________________________
2. _________________________________

Attitudes towards interracial marriage today:

Attitude of the professor on changing marriage trends in the USA: ______________

Contemporary Topics Unit 12: Marriage
After you listen to the lecture and complete the outline, answer the following questions
choosing the best alternative.

1. What is the lecture mainly about?

a. The need for marriage
b. Roles and responsibilities of couples
c. The ways to raise children for married couples
d. Benefits and types of marriage

2. Which of the following is true about marriage in different societies?

a. Only highly developed societies have official recognized marriages.
b. All societies have some sort of marriage in their lives.
c. Despite variations, marriage has a common definition in all societies.
d. There is one predominantly shared definition of marriage for all anthropologists.

3. Which of the following is NOT one of the benefits of marriage according to the
a. Creating allies and social corporations
b. Building human network
c. Ensuring care for children
d. Providing official recognition

4. What does the professor say about the pressure on couples to get married?
a. This pressure is increasing dramatically all over the world
b. There is a relatively slow or gradual increase in this pressure on couples.
c. This pressure has always been at a high level and will continue in this format.
d. It can be said that this pressure is decreasing in some western cultures.

5. According to the professor, all of the factors affect the selection of a marriage partner
EXCEPT __________________.
a. Similar job areas
b. Ethnic background
c. Level of education
d. Social class

6. Which is the best definition of homogamy according to the lecture?

a. Marrying someone at the same age or same generation
b. Getting married to somebody from upper class
c. Marrying a person with similar social and ethnic background
d. Getting married to somebody with the qualities of international citizenship

7. According to the professor, what is the main reason for homogamy’s being so
widespread in the USA?
a. Geographical boundaries
b. Occupational factors
c. Cultural norms and expectations
d. Governmental and official limitations

8. What do statistics indicate about the future trends of marriage in the USA?
a. Racial homogamy will probably increase.
b. Marrying somebody from other races will be more common.
c. The number of officially approved marriages will grow up.
d. There will be a decline in interracial marriages.

9. How does the professor feel about the changing trends in marriage in America?
a. positive
b. against
c. neutral
d. cautious

Speaking Material: Review and practice material for speaking and discussion

PRACTICE: Choose one of the topics below and

discuss it with a partner using the discussion
strategies (Asking for opinion, offering an opinion/
clarification/ confirmation, paraphrasing, keeping a
discussion on topic, starting and ending a discussion,
dis/agreeing, reaching a consensus, and using visuals
and statistics) you’ve studied throughout this

1. Is social distancing the new world order?

2. Should there be a limit to media freedom?

3. Are driverless cars safe?

4. Is it better to marry somebody from the same race and social class as yours?

5. Is over dependence on technology deteriorating the human relations?

6. Has football become too commercial?

7. Should the government spend money

on space research?

Vocabulary Revision
PART A: Complete the sentences by using the words in the box. There are 3 extra words.
undergone random life span initiative generations extensive

value relieve accent fluctuations rudimentary

nutrition accelerated

1. It’s been a decade since the bitcoin was introduced, and it has experienced huge ups and downs.
These _____________ in bitcoin’s value scare people, but many investors have earned big
money by investing in it.

2. It has been proved that monkeys can create their own sign language to communicate with
people. But these signs are not complex; they are only _____________ ones which convey only
basic messages.

3. Speaking with a/an _____________ is not a problem as long as it doesn’t cause communication
problems and affect others’ understanding. On the contrary, the way you pronounce the words
can provide a window into your identity and cultural background for people you communicate

4. Over the past few years, the company has _____________ radical changes for the better, and
has faced some ground changes to become one of the best companies in the country by
revolutionizing the entertainment industry. 

5. You may think that your cat’s crazy behaviors are totally _____________ with no reason behind;
however, there are actually some rational explanations for the crazy stuff it does on a day-to-day

6. This building has been a home to three _____________. My grandparents, my parents and I
have lived in this house for a long time.

7. The average _____________ of people is increasing day by day with the growing advancement
of medical sciences and technology and ultimately it contributes to the rising population of elders.

8. In Ethiopia, five in six children under two years old are not getting enough _____________ for
their growth and brain development due to lack of enough food and this causes irreversible
mental and physical damage on them.
9. Listening to soft music and doing regular exercise can _____________ anxiety and depression;
therefore, doctors frequently recommend music and sports to those patients.
10. So far, _____________ research has been done to identify the causes, symptoms and treatment
of Covid 19. There are many scientists all over the world working hard for this purpose.

PART B: Choose the best option to complete the sentences.
1. Animals express their emotions through their _____________. For example, when a cat
feels sad, happy, or angry, it will use its gaze to communicate its feelings or mood.
a) facilitators b) nonverbal behaviors c) civilizations d) lengths

2. The resources in the world are not _______________ and as a result there is a need for
rational and fair sharing of these limited sources which is the only way to reach peace in
the world.
a) loyal b) current c) impressive d) infinite

3. We watched a documentary named “The Story of Human __________”, which gives a

summary of the history of human beings, and from our earliest primate ancestors, to the
final migration of modern Homo sapiens out of Africa.
a) Evolution b) Supplement c) Accumulation d) Legitimacy

4. Today, most of the financial ___________ are made through digital means like debit
cards, mobile payments, internet banking or mobile wallets. Only a small number of them
are conducted through cash.
a) heredities b) accelerations c) qualities d) transactions

5. Since the ___________ of Turkey has lost so much of its value against the dollar
recently, Turkish people no longer can afford to buy products imported from foreign
a) object b) breakthrough c) currency d) interpretation

6. Children whose parents leave ___________ amount of money for them tend to become
individuals with lower motivation and avoid taking responsibility in difficult situations as
they don’t need to work hard to earn money.
a) enormous b) nutritious c) flexible d) abstract

7.  A recent study ____________ that high calorie intake in early life increases the risk of
cancer in adulthood.
a) accumulates b) abandons c) indicates d) undergoes

8. Everything you do has a/an ____________ on the planet. What I mean is that, every little
thing you do leaves its mark on the planet, whether it is eating meat, driving a car or
taking long hot baths.
a) impact b) accent c) potential d) facilitator
9. Although the diplomats of Russia and Ukraine have held several meetings to negotiate
for ceasefire and peace, they haven’t been able to reach a/n __________________ yet.
Still, reporters are hopeful about a possible consensus at the end.
a) heredity b) evolution c) compromise d) legitimacy
10. Ted is only 13 years old but his reactions, manner and behaviors are quite__________
considering his age. He acts as if he is a fully grown adult.
a) complex b) mature c) unwilling d) interracial

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