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The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused the rise and

fall of several industries worldwide. E-commerce platforms have been growing for a

while, but once quarantine rules were established, the process moved quickly.

Customers have flocked to e-commerce platforms in the absence of traditional retail

channels to complete purchases and transactions. A lot of shops and eateries have

also moved online to reach their target audience. Increasing the self-efficacy of

internet business owners (Mallorca, 2020).

Moreover, Lorenciana (2021) elaborated that, due to the covid 19 pandemic,

many businesses are shifting to online sales. Additionally, the pandemic restrictions

such as travel bans have made it easier for consumers to use online shopping

platforms leading to a rapid surge in demand for online selling (Ledesma, 2020).

Online Sellers have been known to have a wide variety of tasks. They document

the objects with pictures and descriptions as they publish the data online to sell them.

In addition to processing payments and sending orders, they also compute total

purchase amounts, taxes, and shipping charges. Additionally, they engage in

conversation with clients to address issues or provide answers. Self-efficacy seems to

be an important construct in entrepreneurship research. However, the lack of

agreement over what self-efficacy encompasses and how to conceptualize and

measure it poses challenges (Torpey, 2017).

According to DTI Philippines (2021), Filipinos are among the heaviest users of

the internet and social media, and greater adoption of e-Commerce has been seen

during the pandemic. The current situation has altered many of our daily activities as

consumers and restricted how organizations do business. For individuals, the stay-at-

home order requires all but those in essential services to work from home. Social

distancing and limited trips outside the house only for essential groceries or health

appointments have altered our consumption behaviors.

Efficacy beliefs influence goal setting and goal commitment, as well as the

amount of effort spent in goal pursuit, goal perseverance in the face of obstacles,

resilience to adversity, emotional quality of life, degree of stress and depression

experienced in dealing with taxing environmental demands and accomplishments in

people’s lives (Bandura, 2016). This would persuade online sellers to continue

pursuing their careers, as most likely that online selling has been proven to be more

efficient. Hence, this study will be focusing on the entrepreneurial self-efficacy of online

sellers in Santo Tomas (Chen et al., 2016).

According to Chen et al. (2016) and Jung et al. (2017), studies investigating

entrepreneur characteristics have not produced concrete results. Thus, factors such

as intentional decision-making, work activity, and rational evaluation of the situation

need to be investigated further as individual factors. One of the important constructs

regarding intentional decision-making is entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE). This

study makes a critical contribution by identifying neglected research fields and

inconsistencies in the literature and highlighting opportunities for empirical and

theoretical advancement of the research domain.

This study evaluated the online sellers' level of self-efficacy in the emergence

of the new normal. Additionally, this study aims to assist online sellers by making it

simpler for them to recognize the areas that work best for their online sales and to

employ a variety of strategies to help them develop a strong sense of self-efficacy that

will enable them to adapt to changing market conditions and engage them in running

their business successfully.

Statement of the Problem

This study was designed to assess online sellers' entrepreneurial self-efficacy

within Sto. Tomas, Davao Del Norte under the pandemic's effects. This research

discovers the difficulties faced by online sellers and their perspectives on certain

challenges regarding the efficiency of handling their online businesses.

Specifically, this research answers the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents?

1.1 age

1.2 number of years in online selling

2. What is the level of Entrepreneurial self-efficacy of online sellers in Sto. Tomas,

Davao del Norte in terms of:

2.1 dealing with uncertainty

2.2 financial control

2.3 developing new product and market opportunities

Theoretical Framework

This study was anchored on the development of a scale of entrepreneurial self-

efficacy. According to Chen et al. (2016); DeNoble et al. (2017); Zhao et al. (2017);

McGee et al. (2019); Barbosa et al. (2017); Barakat et al. (2018) entrepreneurial self-

efficacy is a scale with multiple dimensions and measures general management task

related to marketing, innovation, human resources, planning, leadership, and

decision-making. Hence, the researchers adopted Chen et al., (2016) and DeNoble et

at., (2017) multi-dimensional scales; financial control, developing new product and

market opportunities, and coping with unexpected challenges. These multi-

dimensional scales helped this study because it determined how an entrepreneur’s

behavior can influence their trade and how it can lead to success. These multi-

dimensions measured how an entrepreneur handles challenges that can meddle with

the business, how an entrepreneur takes control of its costs, how they come up with

strategies in progressing their items, and how they promote their items to capture the

customer’s interest. The measures have been used with a variety of different samples,

including college students, small business owners, franchisees, and entrepreneurs

(Newman & Nielsen, 2019).

Review of Related Literature

This section explains various literature reviews concerning Entrepreneurial

Self-Efficacy and Entrepreneurship Performance, Factors of Entrepreneurial Self-

Efficacy, Online Sellers, Dealing with Uncertainty, Financial Control, and Developing

New Products and Market Opportunities.

Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy and Entrepreneurship Performance

When deciding whether or not to take on new challenges, which may entail

dealing with obstacles and requiring perseverance and determination in the face of

hindrances, the personal view that an individual holds of his or her capabilities in

completing an undertaking plays an important role (Maurer et al., 2017).

The practical knowledge of how to start a new business has a strong direct

effect on entrepreneurial self-efficacy and a strong indirect effect on venture success

(Boss, 2016). According to Cetinkaya and Karayel (2021), a person will have greater

entrepreneurial success if they have a high sense of self-efficacy. Entrepreneurial

self-efficacy is a person’s confidence in their ability to run a successful business on


their own. People’s self-efficacy rises and their desire to achieve goals rises when they

are directed, encourage, supported, and motivated to start their businesses and

become entrepreneurs. As a result, individuals should be supported, trained, and

motivated to become entrepreneurs.

Factors of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy

The construct of self–efficacy is thought to be one of the factors that motivate

people to start a new business (Gielnik et al., 2020). According to Kazeem and

Asimiran (2016), the family factor plays a crucial role in the entrepreneurial self-

efficacy of engineering students, having relatives that are self-employed and perceived

support from members of their family enhance their entrepreneurial self-efficacy. In

addition, their personality traits also determine whether these students believe in their

ability to succeed as an entrepreneur, for those of them that are innovative, creative,

and not afraid of taking calculated risks are born to succeed as entrepreneurs. Finally,

the competencies gained through entrepreneurship education experience have a

great impact on their entrepreneurial self-efficacy.

Online Sellers

As two-sided markets that connect individual sellers and buyers, online

marketplaces need to cater to both sides to grow. While buyer behaviors have drawn

a lot of attention in the current e-commerce research, few studies offer insight from a

seller’s perspective (Chen et al., 2020; Chu & Manchanda, 2016).

Specifically, although having proficient sellers is considered crucial for online

marketplaces to attract consumers and increase sales volume, how to better support

sellers and help them become proficient at online selling has received little research

attention. Without a better understanding of sellers, knowledge of online marketplaces


would remain one-sided and incomplete. To help sellers improve their online business,

marketplaces commonly provide various supports and actively encourage sellers to

share their knowledge and experiences.

An entrepreneur forms and organizes a business to generate a return and make

progress (Carland, 2015). An entrepreneur is a founder, owner, and manager of small

businesses (Stam et al., 2018; Zhao et al., 2017). The presence of the Internet has

led entrepreneurs to do their businesses online. This study used the term ‘online

entrepreneur’ to explain the founder and owner of a business and who conducts

commercial activities using the Internet platform to gain profits. Entrepreneurs are the

backbone of almost all nations across the globe (Abdul Jamak et al., 2018). Many

researchers agreed that entrepreneurs seem to have dominated small-scale

businesses in most developing nations (Abdullah et al., 2019; Adam & Mahadi, 2016;

Hashim et al., 2011; Lee & Tsang, 2016; Rahayu & Day, 2017). In an online setting,

entrepreneurs are also found as dominating the other e-commerce types (Zalatar,

2016), where they use social media platforms, particularly social networking sites

(SNSs), such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as a business platform (Roteh,


Dealing with Uncertainty

Business uncertainty is any event that a business is unable to predict or directly

influence which may lead to negative outcomes and it may be hard for businesses to

predict their performance due to unprecedented or constantly changing events

(Mohaddes, 2021). Uncertainty is the problem that our brains evolved to solve

(Weidenfeld & Nicolson, n.d.), it is a fundamental fact of economic life (Altig, 2020).

According to Sharma (2020), globalization has changed the world of business in the

last few decades and despite so many natural and human disasters during this time,

we have managed to bounce back every time after a period of setback. In this context,

Covid-19 is a unique case due to the speed with which it has spread all over the world

and created havoc in the global economy. We are desperate to know about the future,

but the problem is that it is unknowable. This is the foremost burden on entrepreneurs

since they are in the business of creating their version of the future and hoping for the

best (Bylund, 2019). Increasing business success needs to be supported by adequate

entrepreneurial competence, including when faced with the Covid-19 pandemic

(Yustian, 2021). Instead of trying to avoid uncertainty, we should seek to confront it

(Bridge, n.d.).

Financial Control

Financial controls are the procedures, policies, and means by which an

organization monitors and controls the direction, allocation, and usage of its financial

resources (Kenton, 2021). According to Corporate Finance Institute (2022), financial

controls are at the very core of resource management and operational efficiency in

any organization. It is important to ensure the cash flow maintenance, resource

management, operational efficiency, and profitability of any organization.

In line with the results of Farrell's (2015) research, it shows that financial self-efficacy

has a positive influence on personal financial management behavior and is

independently identified from factors of financial literacy. Higher financial self-efficacy

is associated with investment and savings products, while lower financial self-efficacy

is associated with debt-related products.


Developing New Product and Market Opportunities

Product development also called new product management is a series of

steps that includes the conceptualization, design, development, and marketing of

newly created or newly rebranded goods or services (Gills, 2022). It is the lifeblood

of companies and societies (Mellor, 2019). Organizations often depend on new

product development to stay competitive within an industry. While the process can

be challenging, and oftentimes lengthy, new products and services allow

organizations to grow and further expand their market reach (Coville, 2022).

According to Queensland Government (2016), innovative businesses

succeed by gaining an understanding of the needs of their target audience,

developing innovative new products that meet or exceed customer expectations,

and making smart product enhancements.

Significance of the Study

The study was conducted to find the entrepreneurial self-efficacy of online

sellers in Santo Tomas, Davao del Norte. The result of the study is beneficial to

Students, Teachers, Online Sellers, Consumers, and Future researchers because this

gives empirical data as bases for suggestions and other knowledge about the

entrepreneurial self-efficacy of online sellers.

Students.The study benefits the students as it enables them to start earning

money. Students will also gain knowledge about self-management toward small

businesses from this study.

Teachers. The study benefits the teachers because it helps them to

understand the impact of self-efficacy on online sellers in their decision-making and

business in general.

Online Sellers. The study benefits online sellers. Since this research can

assist online sellers in determining their capacity to execute behaviors necessary to

produce specific performance attainments because online selling is in high demand.

Consumers. The study benefits the consumers because they are aware of how

online sellers interact with their customers, and they will be able to further assess the

quality of the product and services.

Future Researchers. The study benefits the future researcher, as it helps

them assess the online seller’s self-efficacy or their ability to succeed in a particular

situation, such as determining how online sellers think, behave, and feel. Lastly, it will

help them determine the benefits of entrepreneurial self-efficacy in general.

Scope and Delimitation

The main purpose of this study was to find the level of entrepreneurial self-

efficacy of online sellers, the level of dealing with uncertainties, controlling finances,

and the level of developing new products and market opportunities. The study

considered the online seller’s demographic information such as age and number of

years in online sellers.

This investigation only contains information on the entrepreneurial self-efficacy

of online sellers. The researchers limited the study to 100 online sellers in total located

in Santo Tomas, Davao del Norte, who must be 18 and above and have been selling

for at least 1-5 years. This study employs a quantitative research design since from

sample selection through final data analysis, quantitative approaches can be used

throughout the entire scientific investigation process. In the academic year of 2022,

the study was conducted immediately once the paper has been approved. The

important method of gathering information for this study is the survey questionnaires

that the researchers will be providing. As for the analysis of data, the researchers will

utilize descriptive statistics to summarize a given data set.

Definition of Terms

The researchers choose to define some of the following terms to clarify

them during the study.

Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy.The use of self-efficacy in research on

entrepreneurship, which refers to how confident entrepreneurs are in their

entrepreneurial abilities to complete various projects and tasks (Boyd & Vozikis, 2016;

Scherer et al., 2017). In this study it refers to dealing with uncertainty, financial control,

and developing new products and market opportunities of online sellers

Online Sellers. Anybody who uses digital means to sell goods, services, or products

to buyers locally or internationally (Mitchell, 2022). In this study, online sellers refer to

the respondents of the study.




This chapter explains various methodologies that was utilized in gathering data

and analysis which are relevant to the study. The methodologies include areas such

as Research Design, Locale of the Study, Unit of Analysis, Sampling Procedure,

Variables and Measures, Research Instrument, Data Collection Procedure, Data

Analysis, and Ethical Considerations.

Research Design

A descriptive research approach along with a quantitative research design was

selected to assess the level of entrepreneurial self-efficiency of online sellers within

Santo Tomas Davao del Norte.

Descriptive research is most useful for describing phenomena or events about

which little is known or for identifying new or emerging phenomena. According to

Dulock (2016), the results of descriptive studies are usually used as the basis for

further research. This research approach collects information from a portion of a target

population to describe preferences, practices, characteristics, commonalities, or

differences which are necessary to attain the objective of the study.

Quantitative research maintains the assumption of an empiricist paradigm

(Creswell, 2017). The research itself is independent of the researcher. As a result,

data is used to objectively measure reality. Quantitative methods can be employed in

all stages of a scientific inquiry ranging from sample selection to final data analysis

(Guo, 2018).

The non-probability sampling design was applied in this study. According to

Baker et al. (2017), since non-probability sampling doesn't need a full survey frame

and is a quick, simple, and affordable method of gathering data, demographic

estimates are most frequently made using this method. Studies have demonstrated

that when the proper approaches are used to overcome its limitations, non-probability

samples can produce results that are just as good as or even better than samples that

are based on probability (Abate, 2018; Twyman, 2017; Vavreck & Rivers, 2015).

Research Locale

The research took place in Santo Tomas, Davao del Norte, where online sellers

are chosen as the respondents. This locale contains a variety of online sellers that can

participate in the conduct. Therefore, the researchers selected this place to be the

locale of the study.

Research Respondents

The respondents of this study were the online sellers of Santo Tomas, Davao

del Norte because of their population in this locale. Due to the pandemic, numerous

businesses have been forced to close. Thus, resulting for business owners to resort

online selling as their new source of income.

As most of the people in Santo Tomas, Davao del Norte depend on online

selling because not only do they have the availability of a wide range of different

products, but they also offer a lower price as well. They also find it easy to make a

profit by doing online selling and also it is pretty convenient nowadays because of the

covid-19 pandemic and health protocols. Hence, the researchers chose them as their

respondents in this study.

Sampling Procedures

This study considered one hundred respondents of online sellers in Sto. Tomas,

Davao del Norte. The respondents must be selling for at least 1-5 years in online

businesses and their data should include their age. World Food Programme (2019)

states that between 50 and 150 respondents per reporting domain can be included in

a purposive sample. The researchers used a purposive sampling technique in

selecting the participants in this study.

According to Nikolopoulou (2022), purposive sampling refers to a group of non-

probability sampling techniques in which units are chosen based on their ability to

provide the necessary characteristics for your sample. In other words, units in

purposive sampling are chosen "on purpose."

When trying to make population estimates, the population of interest must be

clearly defined demographically before data collection and the identification of

respondents. This sampling technique, which is also known as judgmental sampling,


relies on the researcher's judgment when selecting individuals, cases, or events that

can provide the most useful data for the study's goals (Dulock, 2016).

Hence, the researchers utilized the non-probability sampling technique known

as "purposeful sampling" to select online sellers who can offer in-depth and

comprehensive information about the phenomenon.

Table 1. Variables and Measures

Variables Measures

Demographic Profile

 Age 18-23



36 and above

 Number of years in online selling 1


Research Instrument

The researchers formulated a structured survey questionnaire that consists of

fifteen questions to attain the respondent's level of entrepreneurial self-efficacy. This

method allowed the researchers to collect close-ended data and acquire the

respondent's scale about the given measures. The questions were asked using the

English Language to provide accurate data from the respondents. Revision and

clarification of the survey guide were verified before surveying the one hundred

respondents of this study.


The researchers first separated data into only 2 (two) figures and three (3)

consecutive tables based on certain problems listed in the questionnaire. Figure 1 is

for the demographic profile of the respondents concerning age and number of years

in online selling. The data were analyzed by dividing the frequency by the total number

of results and multiplying by 100 to get a percentage of each data.

As for the next problem in the questionnaire concerning the level of

entrepreneurial self-efficacy of online sellers in Sto. Tomas DDN, the data were spread

out in tables 1-3 in terms of the respondents dealing with Uncertainty, Financial

Control, Developing a new product, and market opportunities. It was then analyzed

through computing for the weighted mean by multiplying the numbers in the data set

by the weights then adding the results up which would be based on the number of

scores the researchers received for every indicator and using the given scale to

determine each verbal interpretation of the data.


To arrive at the definite interpretation of findings, the researchers score and

mean ranges for the scale:

Table 2. Mean ranges and Interpretation

Scale Qualitative Descriptive Interpretation

Ranges Description

3.26 – 4.00 Very High means that the online sellers conform to the

given statement all the time

2.51 – 3.25 High means that the online sellers conform to the

given statement as many times on different


1.76 – 2.50 Low means that the online sellers conform to the

given statement on some occasions but not


1.00 – 1.75 Very Low means that the online sellers do not conform

to the given statement

Data Gathering Procedure

A questionnaire developed by Allan Dennis Boss, Ph.D., which was titled:

"Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and the Success of Subsequent Venture Startup After

Failure" (2019) about measuring ESE was utilized to collect data. Authorization from

the research adviser was sought. Then, the researchers created a consent form for

the research instructor and the respondents and sent a letter to the school

administrator asking for permission to conduct the study with the intended participants.

The survey questionnaires were distributed face-to-face to the participants by the


researchers. Lastly, the demographic profile and responses of the participants were

tallied and analyzed by the researchers using specific statistical treatment.

Data Analysis

The researchers analyzed the data through the use of descriptive statistics. According

to Hayes (2022), descriptive statistics are brief informational coefficients that

summarize a given data set, which can be either a representation of the entire

population or a sample of a population. Descriptive statistics are broken down into

measures of central tendency and measures of variability (spread).

Frequency and percentage. defines and evaluates the demographic profile of

the respondents (online sellers)

Mean. interprets the survey participants' responses.

Ethical Consideration

Ethical Considerations are a set of guiding principles for research designs and

procedures (Bhandari, 2022).

Resnik (2020) states that it is important to adhere to ethical norms in research

because it promotes the aims of the research such as knowledge, truth, and avoidance

of error. Ethical standards promote the values that are essential to collaborative work,

such as trust, accountability, mutual respect, and fairness. Ethical norms help to

ensure that researchers can be held accountable to the public and also help to build

public support for research. Lastly, norms of research promote a variety of other

important moral and social values, such as social responsibility, human rights, animal

welfare, compliance with the law, and public health and safety.

Ethical considerations of this study include anonymity and confidentiality, the

principle of non-maleficence, the moral principle of beneficence, intellectual property,

voluntary participation, and informed consent.

Ethical Consideration 1. Anonymity and confidentiality. When taking part in a study,

the participants' identities should not be made public. The researchers will not collect

any personal identifying information such as names, phone numbers, e-mail

addresses, IP addresses, physical characteristics, photos, and videos. This is not only

to respect their response but also to secure their personal information.

Ethical Consideration 2. Principle of non-maleficence. The duty of the researchers

should be to benefit a participant, as well as to take positive steps to prevent and

remove harm. Non-maleficence serves as a gentle reminder that the primary concern

when carrying out a task is to not harm. All participants will not be forced to do anything

they do not want to. Discrimination will not be allowed for the rest of the duration of

the study.

Ethical Consideration 3. The moral principle of beneficence. An obligation to act for

the benefit of others. Participants are treated ethically, and efforts are made to ensure

their well-being in addition to respecting their choices and keeping them safe.

Ethical Consideration 4. Intellectual property. The knowledge and output that results

from intellectual activity. The researchers will ensure the research respondents are

acknowledged as the author of their responses to the surveys.

Ethical Consideration 5. Voluntary participation. All research participants are free to

decide whether or not to participate without any pressure. Every participant is free to

stop participating in the study at any time without feeling obligated to do so.



The results from the study on entrepreneurial self-efficacy of online sellers in

Santo Tomas, Davao del Norte, are presented in this chapter along with their

interpretation. It is divided into four sections; demographic profile, dealing with

uncertainty, financial control, and developing new product and market opportunities.

Figures 1 & 2. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Age Number of years in

Online Selling
17% 33%



18-24 25-29 30-35 36 and above 1 2 3 4 5

A total of 100 respondents were surveyed as shown in both pie graphs. Most

of the respondents were aged 18 to 24 years old with a percentage of 60%. The

youngest was 18 and the oldest respondent was 40. In the highest number of years,

34% of online sellers have a 2-year background in online selling.


Table 3. Dealing with Uncertainty

Dealing with Mean Descriptive Descriptive

Uncertainty Equivalent Interpretation

1 I can take 3.02 High This means that

calculated risks. the online sellers

conform to the

given statement

many times on



2 I can make 3.12 High This means that

decisions under the online sellers

uncertainty and conform to the

risk. given statement

many times on



3 I can work 2.9 Low This means that

productively under the online sellers

continuous stress, conform to the

pressure, and given statement on

conflict. some occasions

but not always


4 I can tolerate 2.89 High This means that

unexpected the online sellers

changes in conform to the

business given statement

conditions. many times on



5 I can persist in 2.95 High This means that

the face of the online sellers

adversity. conform to the

given statement

many times on



Overall 2.98 High This means that

the online sellers

conform to the

given statement

many times on



Table 3 displays the degree to which online sellers are entrepreneurially self-

sufficient in handling uncertainty. The ability to persevere in the face of difficulty

received the highest weighted mean of 3.12, which is evaluated orally as high, for

dealing with uncertainty among the five (5) particular indicators.


On the other hand, their capacity in adjusting to sudden changes in business

conditions got a weighted mean of 2.9, which is evaluated as high. Enhancing their

self-efficacy in handling various uncertainty, suggests that online sellers can effectively

continue their selling despite the challenges they encounter.

Overall, dealing with uncertainty got a mean of 2.980 which interprets as high

Table 4. Financial Control

Financial Control Mean Descriptive Descriptive

Equivalent Interpretation

1. I can prepare 3.14 High This means that

and analyze the online sellers

reports on the conform to the

result of given statement

operations. many times on



2 I can develop a 3.12 High This means that

financial system the online sellers

and internal conform to the

controls. given statement

many times on



3 I can control 3.28 Very High This means that

costs. the online sellers


conform to the

given statement all

the time

Overall 3.18 High This means that

the online sellers

conform to the

given statement

many times on



Table 4 displays how effective online sellers are at managing their finances on

a personal basis. The ability of the online seller in controlling costs had the highest

mean score of 3.28 translating to a Very High interpretation. They can create a

financial system and internal controls, but achieved the lowest mean score of 3.12.

As a result, many online sellers show that they can efficiently control costs.

Online sellers can still learn how to create a strong financial system and internal

controls to support the expansion of their firm, even though the lowest mean received

was 3.12, which is interpreted as high.

Table 5. Developing new products and Market Opportunities

Developing New Mean Descriptive Descriptive

Products and Market Equivalent Interpretation


1. I can see new 3.19 High This means that

market the online sellers

opportunities for conform to the

new products and given statement

services. many times on



2. I discover new 3.26 Very High This means that

ways to improve the online sellers

existing conform to the

products/services. given statement

all the time

3. I can identify new 3.29 Very High This means that

areas for potential the online sellers

growth. conform to the

given statement

all the time

4. I can design 3.10 High This means that

products/services the online sellers

that solve current conform to the

problems. given statement

many times on



5. I can create 3.08 High This means that

products/services the online sellers

that fulfill conform to the

customers’ unmet given statement

goods. many times on



6. I can make 3.13 High This means that

product concepts the online sellers

promptly. conform to the

given statement

many times on



7. I can determine 3.18 High This means that

what the business the online sellers

will look like. conform to the

given statement

many times on



OVERALL 3.175714 High This means that

the online sellers

conform to the

given statement

many times on



Table 5 shows the level of entrepreneurial self-efficacy of online sellers in

developing new products and market opportunities. Identifying new areas for potential

growth obtained the highest weighted mean of 3.29 which is interpreted as very high.

Meanwhile, the ability to design products/services that solve current problems has the

lowest weighted mean of 3.10 which is interpreted as high. This shows that online

sellers can easily achieve success as they focus to look for potential growth.

Table 6. Overall

Indicators Mean Descriptive Descriptive

Equivalent Interpretation

Dealing with Uncertainties 2.980 High This means that

online sellers

conform to the

given statement

many times on



Financial Control 3.180 High This means that

online sellers

conform to the

given statement

many times on



Developing New Products 3.175 High This means that

and Market Opportunities online sellers

conform to the

given statement

many times on



OVERALL 3.112 High This means that

online sellers

conform to the

given statement

many times on



Table 6 shows the overall level of entrepreneurial self-efficacy of online sellers

from the three given indicators. Financial control obtained the highest weighted mean

of 3.180 meanwhile Dealing with Uncertainties has the lowest weighted mean of 2.980.

Both means were interpreted as high, also including financial control. Overall shows

that online sellers have high levels of entrepreneurial self-efficacy.




This chapter contains discussions on the demographic profiles, dealing with

uncertainty, financial control, developing new product and market opportunities, the

conclusion, and recommendations based on the researcher's findings.

Demographic Profile of the Respondents

The researchers survey result revealed that most of the online sellers were

aged 18-24, this shows that youth has always been associated with vitality. A

contemporary of this way of thinking is the demographic dividend shown in the results

of the study (Shekhar, 2022).

According to Zialcita (2019), the e-commerce sector is expanding as digital

marketplaces close out 2018 with all-time highs, reflecting the rising number of

Filipinos who shop and sell online. As mentioned in the results, this would conclude

on the number of years in online selling with the majority of respondents in Santo

Tomas, Davao del Norte had a two-year experience.

Dealing with uncertainty

The first indicator is dealing with uncertainty by which adversity offers

entrepreneurs important insights, claims Deep Patel (2018). It serves as a fantastic

mentor by giving business people the chance to get practical information and

experience. This allows them to learn from their mistakes and increase their chances

of success when faced with new challenges.

Although the data revealed that most of the respondents scored high overall,

the study still acquired a low score on how online sellers can productively work under

stress, pressure and conflict.

When one's business is negatively harmed during challenging economic times,

goal engagement is made more difficult by economics. In their study, White and Gupta

(2020) made a passing reference to the neglected and urgent need for more research

in the literature relating entrepreneurial stress and wellness.

Financial Control

The second indicator is financial control which coincides with the study “The

Importance of Project Cost Control” written by Murphy (2022). To properly control

costs, it is essential that regular budget monitoring be a part of any project

management. Monitoring actual costs against your cost estimates helps to ensure that

corrective action can be taken before any shortfall occurs. This regular review, allows

online sellers to make adjustments to the costs of future project phases.

This research described venture intentions, considering motivations, contextual

factors, and personal traits in different clusters, based on the strong sense of

entrepreneurial self-efficacy by the levels of financial literacy and numeracy skills. The

result shows that financial control exerts a favourable impact on business owners’ self-

efficacy, as they believe in their abilities in having high financial and numeracy skills

(Dotras & Masllorens, 2022).

Developing new products and market opportunities

On the third indicator is developing new products and market opportunities

whereas stated by Steve Arizpe (2022), when companies look for ways to differentiate

themselves from the competition, a workforce comprised of all generations can be a


game changer that leads to new products/services, improved processes, and

intriguing strategies that result in business growth.

Clayton Christensen has popularized the notion that so-called “disruptive

innovations” represent good opportunities for start-up ventures. Along with that,

Geoffrey Moore has adapted ideas from the diffusion of technology literature to make

another important point in evaluating a market opportunity. Thus, it has been

confirmed that online sellers are believed to be efficient in developing new products

and market opportunities (Market Opportunity, 2016).


Given the study's findings, financial control had the highest weighted mean of

3.180. This suggests that online sellers will be effectively confident in managing their

business if they possess the following qualities: first and foremost, complete control

and knowledge over the financial aspects of their career, the capacity to recognize the

new product and market opportunities for business growth, and being able to calculate

risks, plan for the appropriate actions, and eventually resolve the difficulties.

Additionally, dealing with uncertainty displayed the lowest weighted mean of

2.980. This goes to show that the confidence a person has in his or her capacity to

carry out a task successfully influences whether or not they attempt certain

uncertainties, which may require overcoming those doubts. People with high levels of

self-efficacy are more likely to take initiative, put forth effort, and maintain unshakable


On the other hand, developing new products and market opportunities showed

only a small gap on weighted mean from the financial control, with an overall mean of

3.175, which shows that this is where online sellers are both highly efficient. This

means that online sellers have a mindset of believing in their selves on the choices

they make for the expansion and development of their businesses.

To summarize everything that has been stated, the Online Sellers in Santo Tomas,

Davao del Norte are still found to be highly efficient from the three indicators as it

received a final overall of 3.112.


The entrepreneurial self-efficacy of online sellers is the subject of this study,

which was limited to respondents from Sto. Tomas, Davao Norte. The researchers

advise the future researchers to further carry a comparable study outside Sto. Tomas,

Davao del Norte to produce a more comprehensive and diverse assessment.

Regarding the quantitative findings of this study. This will also be beneficial to the

students and teachers, as it will be advantageous to carry out other research on

entrepreneurial self-efficacy to delve deeper into other topics, such as the specific

indicator about dealing with uncertainties which revealed as the lowest, the online

sellers' failures that strengthened them, and additional factors that could enhance their

entrepreneurial self-efficacy that were not covered in the study. Hence, more in-depth

research tackling the other factors needs to be done, for this study will not only benefit

academics, but to shed light to our business owners, specifically our online sellers and

their consumers to provide more information on this area of study.



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