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Principles of Lighting System

Lighting basics and Photometry
Light (Q) – Radiant energy from a hot body which produces the visual sensation upon
the human eye is called light. It is represented in lumen – hours.

Solid angle – Ratio of area of the surface to the square of the distance between the area
and the point.
i.e. w = , measured in steradians (for sphere, solid angle = = 4𝜋)

Luminous flux (F) – Total quantity of light energy emitted per second from a luminous
body. It is measured in lumens.

Luminous intensity (I) – Luminous flux emitted by the source per unit solid angle. It is
measured in candela (cd) (candela power) or lumens/steradian. i.e. 𝐼 = , w=Solid angle

Lumen – Measure of luminous flux given in a space represented by one unit solid angle
having an intensity of 1 candle power in all directions.
i.e. Lumen(Luminous flux, F) = candela power (C.P.) (Luminous intensity, I)* solid angle
F= I*w
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Principles of Lighting System

Candle power – no. of lumens emitted by a source in a unit solid angle in a given direction. It is
( )
represented by C.P. i.e. C.P.(Luminous intensity) =
( )
Illumination or Illuminance (E) - luminous flux received by a surface per unit area
i.e. E = ,
(𝐴 = 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒), Unit of illumination is lux. One lux (Latin for “light”) is the amount of
illumination provided when one lumen is evenly distributed over an area of one square metre.

Luminance or Brightness (L) – luminous intensity per unit projected area of the surface in the
given direction

L= candela/sq.m.
Consider a uniform diffuse spherical source with radius r metres and luminous
Intensity I candela.
E = = ; w= 4𝜋
For spherical source, E = ∗ 4𝜋 = = 𝜋𝐿

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Principles of Lighting System

Mean Horizontal Candle Power (M.H.C.P) – mean of candle power in all directions in the
horizontal plane containing the source of light

Mean Spherical Candle Power (M.S.C.P) – mean of candle powers in all directions and in all
planes from the source of light

Mean Hemi - spherical Candle Power – mean of all candle powers in all directions above and
below the horizontal plane passing through the source of light

Reduction factor – ratio of its mean spherical candle power to its mean horizontal candle power.
. . . .
Reduction factor =
. . . .

Lamp efficacy – ratio of luminous flux to the power input. It is measured in lumens per watt.

Space – height ratio – ratio of horizontal distance between adjacent lamps and height of their

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Utilisation factor - ratio of total lumens reaching the working plane to total lumens given out by the
Maintenance factor – ratio of illumination under normal working conditions to the illumination when
the things are perfectly clean.

Depreciation factor – reverse of maintenance factor  ratio of initial metre-candles to the ultimate
maintained metre-candles on the working plane. Its value is more than unity.

Waste light factor – waste of certain amount of light when surface is illuminated by a number of
sources of light, due to overlap and fall of light outside at the edges of the surface.
This effect is accounted by multiplying the theoretical value of lumens by 1.2 for rectangular areas and
1.5 for irregular objects.

Absorption factor – ratio of total lumens available after absorption to the total lumens emitted by the
source of light

Luminous Efficacy: Efficacy is the ratio of light output (lumens) to energy input (watts). So when one
mentions lumens per watt, they are talking about a lamp’s or a fixture’s efficacy.

Luminous Efficiency: Efficiency of a fixture is the ratio of the light output from the fixture over the light input
of the source (lamps or chips). Since both are measured in lumens, efficiency is calculated as a percentage.
The most efficient fixture is a socket with a bare bulb since 100% of the source lumens are emitted.

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Principles of Lighting System

Illumination levels – most vital factor as a sufficient illumination helps us to see our
surroundings. The recommended levels for various occupancies are:
S.No. Occupancy Illumination level 5 Hospitals
1 Factories and Workshops (i) Waiting rooms, wards, casualty 150
(i) Rough work, e.g., frame assembly of heavy (ii) Dispensaries, laboratories, operation theatres 300
150 (general)
(iii) Operation table Special Lighting
(ii) Medium work, e.g., machined parts, engine 300
assembly, vehicle body assembly 6 Hotels and Restaurant
(iii) Fine work, e.g., radio and telephone (i) Reception, dining rooms, bedrooms, lounges, 150
equipment, type-writer and office machinery 700 stairs
assembly (ii) Accounts, writing desk, dressing table 300
(iv) Very fine work, e.g., assembly of very small
1500 7 Shops
precision mechanisms, instruments
(i) General areas 300
(ii) Stock areas 150
2 Power Houses (iii) Shop window Special Lighting

(i) Boiler house, turbine house, conveyor house, 100 8 Houses

switchgear and transformer chambers (i) Living room-general 150
(ii) Control rooms Offices 300 300
(ii) Living room-home work or sustained reading
(iii) Kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms etc. 150
3 Offices
(i) Reception 150 9 Storage places
(i) Loading and unloading 40
(ii) Conference room, general offices, typing rooms (ii) General stores 100
(iii) Drawing offices 400 (iii) Stores of very small items 300

10 Sport grounds
4 Schools and Colleges
(i) Stadium 300
(i) Classrooms, lecture halls, workshops, library 200
300 (ii) Football field
reading tables, laboratories (iii) Tennis court 400
(ii) Sewing rooms, drawing halls, art rooms 500
(iii) Common room, stairs 150 11 Canteens 200

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Principles of Lighting System

Laws of Illumination
The illumination (E) of a surface is dependent on different factors. The laws of illumination are listed below:
1. E is directly proportional to the luminous intensity (I) of the source. E∝I
2. Inverse Square Law
The illumination of a surface is inversely proportional to the square of the distance of the surface from the
i.e. E∝ .
Let, surface areas A1 and A2 are at distances r1 and r2 respectively
from the point S of luminous intensity I and normal to the ray.
Total luminous flux radiated = I*w lumens

Illumination of the surface of area A1, E1 = 𝐼 ∗ = = 𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 (Note: E=F/A, Iw/A)
Illumination of the surface of area A2, E2 = 𝐼 ∗ = = 𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎
Hence, illumination of a surface is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the surface
and the light source provided that the distance between the surface and the light source is sufficiently large
so that source can be regarded as a point source.

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Principles of Lighting System

Laws of Illumination
3. Lambert’s Cosine Law
The illumination is directly proportional to the cosine of the angle made by the normal to the illuminated
surface with the direction of the incident flux.
Let, F be the flux incident on the surface of area A when in position 1. When this surface turns back through
angle ϴ, then the flux incident on it is Fcosϴ.

So, illumination of the surface when in position 1 is E1 = .

Illumination of the surface when in position 2 is E2 =
∴ E2 = E1𝑐𝑜𝑠ϴ
Where, E1 = = 𝐼 ∗ = =

Combining all these factors;

E= . Unit = lumens per unit area

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Principles of Lighting System

Polar Curves and their uses
The luminous intensity in most lamps or sources of light is not same in all directions, due to their
unsymmetrical shape. Hence, the luminous intensity in all the directions can be represented by polar curves.
Polar curves are used to determine the mean horizontal candle power (M.H.C.P.) and mean spherical candle
power (M.S.C.P.) and also determine the actual illumination in that particular direction.

M.H.C.P. of a lamp can be determined from the horizontal polar curve by taking mean value of candle power
in a horizontal direction.

M.S.C.P. can be determined from the vertical polar curve by Roussean’s construction.

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Principles of Lighting System

Requirements of good lighting

• For visual comfortness, good lighting is essential so that the efficiency of workers is enhanced. Good
lighting doesn’t mean high illumination level, while it means the lighting that allows minimum glare and
• Light sources should be properly shielded by luminaries and mounted above the normal line of sight.
• Reflected glare is to be avoided by mounting luminaries with respect to equipment, so that reflected glare
is directed away from the observer.
• Use of diffusing absorbing fixers reduce glare.
• It should provide adequate illumination.
• It should provide light of suitable colour.
• It should avoid glare and hard shadows as far as possible.
• It should provide light distribution all over the working plane as
uniform as possible.

Factors to be considered for designing the lighting scheme

• Intensity of Illumination
• Selection of luminaries
• Size of the room
• Mounting height and spacing of fittings
• Conditions of use

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Principles of Lighting System

Factors to be considered for designing the lighting scheme (BUILDING LIGHTING)
1. Intensity of Illumination
The intensity of illumination required for different types of works differ. The recommended levels
of illumination for various occupancies is shown in table (SEE SLIDE No. 45)

2. Selection of luminaries
The types of luminaries should be wisely selected depending on the area of usage. Suitable
types of reflectors may be employed depending on the type of illumination.

3. Size of the room

The lumen output of the sources is not fully utilized at the work place. Part of it is lost in
the fittings. Some part is directed to the walls and ceiling where part will be absorbed and part
reflected. This is taken into account by a factor known as "utilisation factor" or
"coefficient of utilisation". Coefficient of utilization depends on the following factors:
(i) Lumen output of the fitting,
(ii) Size and shape of the room,
(iii) Reflection factors of walls and ceiling,
(iv) Height of the ceiling,
(v) Arrangement of the fitting etc.

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Principles of Lighting System

4. Mounting height and spacing of fittings
The fitting for general lighting should be so placed that the illumination received from each fitting
overlaps and builds up the neighbours. The distance between light fittings should not exceed 1.5
times the mounting height.

5. Conditions of use
With the passage of time, dust and dirt of the surroundings may get deposited on the light fittings
and hence deteriorate the lamp efficiency. Maintenance factor may be taken as 0.8 if regular cleaning
is adopted, with assumption of good atmosphere. For dusty environment, its value may be as less as 0.4.
Another factor – depreciation factor is the reciprocal of maintenance factor. (D.F. = 1/M.F.)

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