ADA Assignment

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School of Computing and information Systems


BI206 - Advanced Data Analytics Year 2 Semester2


Hand out Date: March 2023 Hand in Date: May 2023

Total Marks: 100

Instructions to candidates

1. Candidates must attempt ALL questions.

2. You are to make your submission on turn-it-in. You may consult with your tutor/lecturer on how this will be done.
3. Your Assignment submission must have a cover page with full student details. The cover page will be provided to
students when the Assignment is issued out. On the cover page, you will find an acknowledgement statement which
must be signed by the student as proof or admission or affirmation of one own’s work being submitted.
4. Ensure that you have an account on turn-it-in by going to Use the credentials provided for your
account, for accessing this system. If you do not have your turn-it-in account credentials get hold of the module
tutor/lecturer as soon as possible.
5. If there is program code to be submitted, ensure that your folder has been created by your lecturer on the submission
Server i.e., Sechaba, and you are able to submit inside the folder.
6. Any work with a plagiarism level above 30 % will not be marked. It is your responsibility to make sure that the
plagiarism level detected in your work is within this level. Monitor the plagiarism rating of your work on regular bases.
If you share your solution with others, chances of the plagiarism rising above this level are high.

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7. It is your responsibility to ensure that the Distributed Systems module is in turn-it-in and that you
able to see it before the submission date, so you can submit your report on the module link/bin.
Consult with your tutor/lecturer if this is not the case.
8. Save the file name using the following convention or format surname_firstname_cohort_assignment
code.docx or .pdf e.g., smith_david_april2019_A03.docx
9. Note that this assignment may be subject to change or amendment and that care shall be taken
to ensure that any such amendment or change shall not prejudice or disadvantage you/the
candidate/the student.

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You are a data analyst working for a retail company that sells electronic devices such
as smartphones, laptops, and tablets. The company has recently launched a new
marketing campaign to increase its sales, and the marketing team wants to analyze
the effectiveness of the campaign. They have provided you with a dataset that
contains information about customer demographics, product purchases, and
campaign responses. Use the following dataset from Kaggle:

Title: Electronics Retail Customer Dataset


This dataset contains anonymized customer data from a multi-category online retail
store. It includes information such as customer demographics, product purchases, and
campaign responses. The dataset contains over 12 million records and covers a period
of over two years, providing ample opportunity for exploration and analysis.

To use this dataset for your assignment, you can filter the data to focus on the
electronics category and extract the relevant variables for your analysis. You may also
need to pre-process the data to address any missing values or inconsistencies and
perform additional feature engineering to extract insights from the data.

The dataset must consist of the following variables:

Customer ID: Unique identifier for each customer

Age: Age of the customer

Gender: Gender of the customer

Income: Annual income of the customer

Education: Education level of the customer

Marital Status: Marital status of the customer

Product Category: Type of product purchased (Smartphone, Laptop, or Tablet)

Purchase Amount: Amount spent on the product

Campaign Response: Whether the customer responded to the marketing campaign

(Yes or No)

Assignment Deliverables:

Your task is to analyze the effectiveness of the marketing campaign and provide
insights to the marketing team. Your analysis should include the following:

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a. Exploratory Data Analysis: Conduct an exploratory data analysis of the dataset
to identify any patterns, trends, or outliers. [15 marks]

b. Data Mining: Use data mining techniques such as decision trees, association
rules, or clustering to identify any relationships or associations between customer
demographics, product purchases, and campaign responses.
[15 marks]

c. Hypothesis Testing: Use hypothesis testing to determine whether the marketing

campaign was effective in increasing sales. [10 marks]

d. Predictive Modeling: Build a predictive model to forecast the sales for the next
quarter based on customer demographics, product purchases, and campaign
responses. [15 marks]

e. Visualization: Create visualizations such as charts and graphs to present your

findings to the marketing team. [10 marks]


Your deliverables should include a report detailing your analysis and findings, along with
visualizations to support your conclusions. You should also provide the code and scripts
used in your analysis, along with a brief explanation of how each technique was used.

NB: The quality of your report will be assessed, and 20 marks will be awarded for the
quality of the report. Additionally, you will be expected to defend your work, failure to
do so may result in this assignment’s marks being nullified despite meeting the
requirements. This is to ensure the authenticity of your work. The quality of your
presentation will be graded and a maximum of 15 marks will be awarded.

Note: Use python programming for this assignment.

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Student Id:

Student names:

Student email:


Assignment title:

Date of submission:

Programme of Study:

Year of Study:

Intellectual property statement

By checking the box below, I certify that this assignment is my own work and is free from
plagiarism. I understand that the assignment may be checked for plagiarism by
electronic or other means and may be transferred and stored in a database for the
purposes of data-matching to help detect plagiarism. The assignment has not
previously been submitted for assessment in any other unit or to any other institution. I

have read and understood the Botswana Accountancy College plagiarism guidelines

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☐ Agree Signature…………………………………….


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