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What is a Restaurant
Listing? Adding Categories Option Groups The Library
Overview of the MB Tool
and Menu Items
What is a Restaurant Listing?
To provide the process and procedure for Account Creation for
the Menulog Delivery platform.

Shell Build, Restaurant and Partner

Management Full guide on KB Article 1660

This process is where CRM ID,

venue name, bank details and Shell Creation - Menulog Delivery
other personal information of (Delco)
Restaurant Partner is located
Overview - MB Tool
● Menu builder tool was launched last May 2021
● This tool gives both customers and Restaurant Partners a
friendly and accessible experience wherein menus can be
copied in seconds, loads time faster and there is no limit of
accessories that can be added.

These features gave a great impact on both Restaurant Partners

and Customers wherein bonus access are allowed such as updating
their own menu through Partner Centre and adding dish images were
made possible.

This is where items After adding the category

are found. name, this feature has the option to
add a description and edit a
category name.
To create a category,
Click on the ‘add Don’t forget to hit Create Category
to Save your changes.
category’ button.
Important Notes in Adding Menu
Item Names
Should be in Title Case except preposition, conjunctions and linking
Some menus may have translations too. In that case, the English
terms will always come first, followed by the translation.

Item Prices
Must be typed as a whole number not including the
decimal and in an ascending order.
Vegetable Roll under Appetizer category

In adding menu item, just click

on ‘Add Item’ button

This gives you the option to place

information and edit the menu item.

Don’t forget: Click on ‘Save Item’ to save your changes.

Menu Items
Tab where you can Add and edit price
and description.
Size Tab
This is where you can place specific size on an item.

Note: When an item has a specific size

added, any price or size option and
description information can only be
edited in the Sizes tab.
Menu Items with Multiple Sizes
This tab is used to add items with multiple sizes and their respective prices.

Once items were added

with multiple sizes, there
will automatically be a
dropdown menu in order
for the appropriate size
and option group linking to

These sizes can be applied

and be used on different
items across the menu.
Menu Items - Recipient Number
Both Information Tab and Sizes Tab has the option to add a Recipient Number.
It is allowed to add a Number followed by a Letter on the next field/box.
Examples are:
1a Szechuan Chilli Squid
1b Szechuan Chilli Prawns
1c Szechuan Chilli Oysters
Menu Items - Menu Card

This allows you to choose which menu

you want the item to appear online.

An example is a timed menu.

Selected categories appear online on
both Lunch and Dinner menu cards.
Option Groups
Some items such as Pizza toppings require additional options for customizations.

To create click the ‘Add Option’ button.

These options allows you to Add and Edit an existing Option Group. The Copy button allows you to Copy the
set of Option Group.

When using a copied Option Group, all updates made will affect all items that are linked of the said Options.
The Library
This is where all information throughout the menu is
Deleted items under a specific category can still be
found in the library.

On the other hand, deleting items under the library will

permanently remove the specific item on the menu.

Editing information in the Library also affects the entire

menu once the item is being used.

Checking items or Option Groups under the Library is a

lot easier. You can search using Sizes, Item Name and
Option Group Name.

You can also search specific items in the Search Bar and
Filter items to check if they are Used or Not Used.


Accidentally deleted items under the Builder can still be The Moon is our satellite
found in the Library.
Restaurant Management - Menu Sync Enabled

Always ensure that menu sync

is enabled or is toggled
switched to ‘on’ on RM -
Capabilities. If not, the menu
won’t be published.
Click the Publish Menu button. A prompt will pop up to confirm.

Publishing Menu cannot be undone. DO NOT Publish the menu unless you are certain and if the restaurant has
given time restrictions for publishing.
Option Group -

Category - area on the

menu where
items are found Library - All
informations of the
items are here

Items - Single dish on

the menu
Publish Menu - uploads
menu and will make
Restaurant Listing - listing visible on the Just
where RP’s personal Eat website
information and CRM ID is

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