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The purpose of this paper is to construct a SWOT analysis to Mang Inasal’s operation

to meet its objectives. The analysis will determine if the business has well-defined strength,

weaknesses, opportunities and threats so we can develop responses to the said variables.

Strengths are internal resources and qualities that distinguish a company from its

competitors. On the other hand, weaknesses are factors that a company lacks where

competitors have a competitive advantage against them.

Table No 1. The Internal Factors Evaluation Matrix for Mang Inasal

Strengths Weight Rating Weighted


1. Highly recognized company brand 0.06 3 .18

2. Availability of in-house and third-party 0.06 4 .24

online delivery service

3. Reasonable prices and affordable deals 0.06 3 .18

4. High employee satisfaction 0.05 3 .15

5. Located in a commercial area with heavy 0.05 4 .2

concentration of people

6. 24 hours of service 0.05 3 .15

7. Great customer service 0.05 3 .15

8. Efficient management for inventory 0.05 3 .15

9. Restaurant sanitation and crew hygiene 0.04 4 .16

10. Healthy and nutritional menu items 0.03 4 .12

Table No 2. The Internal Factors Evaluation Matrix for Mang Inasal

Weaknesses Weight Rating Weighted


1. Absence of marketing strategies 0.07 3 .21

2. Limited floor space 0.07 3 .21

3. Absence of drive thru and al fresco dining 0.06 3 .18

4. Slow development from the management 0.05 2 .1

5. Weak online presence 0.05 4 .2

6. Unstylish interior design 0.05 2 .1

7. Lack of personnel manual 0.04 1 .04

8. Problems with employee shift scheduling 0.04 2 .08

9. Few seasonal menu items 0.04 1 .04

10. Lack of automation used in kitchen 0.03 4 .12


TOTAL 1.00 2.96

Accordingly, the weight assigned to a given factor in Strengths indicates the relative

importance of the factor. In this case, all strengths are given 4-6% weight multiplied to the

ranking of three (3) to four (4) based on the level of importance by Mang Inasal, summing up

with a total weighted score of 1.68. With the equally highest ranking of four (4) as strengths are

success factors for Mang Inasal’s business growth.

With these strengths identified, there are still weakening factors to its business ventures.

From its IFE Matrix, the most weakening factors of the company include the absence of

marketing strategies and its limited floor space with both 7% weight. Secondarily, with a weight

of 6% is the absence of drive thru and al fresco dining. These became in demand for restaurants

to have because of the indoor dine-in restrictions brought by the pandemic. With a 1.28 total

weighted score for its weaknesses, it is evident that Mang Inasal should come up with solutions

to minimize its impact to the business’ success. Overall, the total weighted score when the

Strengths and Weaknesses are added together in the IFE Matrix is 2.96.

External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix is an analytical technique related to SWOT

analysis. It evaluates the external position of the organization or its strategic intents through its

opportunities and threats.

Table No 3. The External Factors Evaluation Matrix for Mang Inasal


(1-4) SCORE

1. Loyal returning customers 0.07 4 0.28

2. Boost social media engagement 0.07 2 0.14

3. Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) 0.06 4 0.24

and Hazard Analysis Critical Control

Point (HACCP) certifications

4. Introduction of new menu items and 0.06 3 0.18


5. Improvement of restaurant ambience 0.05 2 0.1

6. Increase positive reviews from 0.04 4 0.16


7. Application of environmentally friendly 0.04 3 0.12


8. Employment of senior citizens and 0.04 2 0.08

persons with disabilities (PWDs)

9. Presence of reliable suppliers 0.04 4 0.16

10. Set up a play corner for children 0.03 1 0.03

Table No 4. The External Factors Evaluation Matrix for Mang Inasal


(1-4) SCORE

1. Slow recovering economy 0.08 3 0.24

2. Changes in consumer behavior and 0.06 3 0.18


3. Uncontrollable competition in the 0.06 4 0.24

restaurant industry

4. Inconsistent COVID-19 restrictions due 0.06 3 0.18

to new variants

5. Rising operational costs such as rent, 0.05 3 0.15

supplies, and wages

6. Issues about new regulations from the 0.04 3 0.12


7. Labor shortage 0.04 3 0.12

8. Loss of potential customers due to 0.04 2 0.08

limited parking space

9. Fortuitous event such as typhoons or 0.04 3 0.12

fire that could disrupt operations

10. Unautomated tracking systems 0.03 2 0.06

TOTAL 1.00 2.98

Accordingly, the weight assigned to a given factor indicates the response of Mang Inasal

to that corresponding opportunity or threat. In this case, all opportunities vary but each plays a

crucial factor for business expansion, continuity, and profitability. Hence, weighted score is the

result of weight multiplied by rating. The total weighted score is the sum of all individual

weighted scores in the matrices. The rating ranges from 1-4. Four (4) being the superior

response to one (1) having the poor response of Mang Inasal. 2.5 is the total average score or

the means from the matrix ratings 1-4.

In this case, opportunities and threats incorporate the EFE Matrix of Mang Inasal. It has a

2.98 total weighted score which means the external evaluation indicates that the company’s

strategies are above average in being well-designed to respond to the threats with its

opportunities, considering its various segments. Still, the strategic implementation of Mang

Inasal has threats that come with trends related to the quick-service restaurant industry such as

against its competitors.

The SWOT Analysis Application

SWOT analysis stands for Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats for a particular

organization. In this case, SWOT analysis can help in formulating a strategy for Mang Inasal and

can also help in analyzing its internal environment namely: Strengths and Weakness (SW) and its

external environment: Opportunities and Threats (OT).

Strength and Opportunity (SO) Strategies

1. SO1 With Mang Inasal’s mass appeal, it should invest more in

expanding its market by strategizing an advertising plan that can re-

introduce the brand to all audiences (S1, S2, S5, S8, O1, O2, O5, O6).

2. SO2 Pursue the image of being inclusive with its customers and

employees, while being sustainable with its operational procedures (S4,

S7, S9, S10, O3, O7, O8, O10).

3. SO3 Aside from the healthy items, diversify the menu more by offering

value meals and limited-edition deals that are relevant to social media

trends to target specific customers regularly (S3, S6, S10, O1, O2, O4,

O6, O9, O10).

Weakness and Opportunity (WO) Strategies

1. WO1 Renovate the establishment to improve its façade and maximize

all spaces through a strategic interior design (W2, W3, W6, W10, O5,


2. WO2 Start funding social media promotions to retain loyal customers

and boost sales (W1, W4, W5, W9, O1, O2, O4, O6, O9).

3. WO3 Improve working and employment conditions to increase

efficiency with regards to service (W4, W7, W8, W10, O3, O6, O7,

Strengths and Threats (ST) Strategies

1. ST1 Decrease prices by offering discount vouchers and promo

packages to connect with audiences by their demographics, interests,

and behaviors (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S10, T1, T2, T3, T5, T8, T9).

2. ST2 Automate inventory tracking by employing a software system to

reduce disorganization (S7, S8, T4, T6, T7, T10).

3. ST3 Offer free skill training programs to people entering the labor force

with a term of employment in return (S1, S2, S4, S7, S9, T7, T10).

Weaknesses and Threats (WT) Strategies

1. WT1 Manage unprofitable food items by discontinuing their production

(W1, W4, W9, T1, T2, T3, T10).

2. WT2 Operate at peak hours only instead of being open for 24 hours

everyday (W1, W7, W8, W10, T1, T5, T6, T7).

3. WT3 Consider getting a loan to finance the business through debt or

equity (W2, W3, W5, W6, T4, T8, T9 T10).


Mang Inasal, a quick service restaurant type of entity, was used in this analysis as the

subject for evaluation regarding their process of formulating and implementing its projects to

meet the entity’s overall objectives. Throughout the process of making this paper, Mang Inasal’s

quality- control policies, strength and weakness as an entity, and sustainability of the entity’s

competitive advantage were highlighted for analysis as these were few of the factors being

impacted with the massive change that the entity has experienced recently.

We able to utilize SWOT analysis to further come up with the results that were gathered

during the data collection. SWOT Strategy that was made based on the results of both the IFE

and EFE Matrices.

With these said, the study concluded that the Mang Inasal was able to keep up with the

massive changes without compromising their quality and customer service as presented in the

SWOT analysis. It was also seen through the results shown on the analysis that although Mang

Inasal is considered above average in having well-design strategies that would respond to threats

through their opportunities, it appeared that the entity is yet to come up with solutions that would

reduce the risks that would exhibit Mang Inasal’s weaknesses. If solutions will not further arise,

this may have an impact with Mang Inasal’s strength as a quick-service restaurant.

As for the quality control procedures, it can be concluded that Mang Inasal has been

consistent with implementing policies to ensure the delicious taste of their meals, great service to
their customers, and guaranteed safety in their restaurant. This consistency is considered as one

of the biggest strengths of Mang Inasal because this is also the reason why their customers

patronized them again. However, it is important for them to note that innovation is still vital to

minimize their weaknesses.

Mang Inasal has salvaged its business through the strong social media presence brought to them

by the online users. This has given them free marketing. Hence, the entity must be able to sustain

the said presence for them to be able to continuously gain from it. The most recommended

strategies that Mang Insal may apply to sustain their competitive advantage is SWOT analysis.

As they have expanded to another target market, with the quality that their entity has been known

for, it should not be hard for them to be able to reach further growth in their industry.

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