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Edcel C.

Fernandez BSBA 501

What I Do When I Feel Like Giving Up

written by  JAM E S CL E AR

1. What question or questions are the author asking?

These are the author asking in this article

what do I do when I feel like giving up?

Do I show up at my best?

2. What is the hypothesis that the authors propose?

The author proposes what people actually doing when they feel giving up, do they actually giving up or
do their best?

These are some hypothesis that author propose in this article

3. What answers do the authors proposes?

The author says that when he feels like he is giving up, he shows up and also ask again that do he show
up at his best the author said that “I doubt it. But my job isn’t to judge how good or how bad I am. My
job is to do the work and let the world decide.”

4.What limitations do the authors identify in their study?

This limitation that author identify in this article is the feeling of giving up, because many people today is
overthinking a lot they see other growing up and compare their self into others and making them
thinking on what his or her status now they thinking that they cannot do that so they must give up.

5. What suggestions do the authors have for follow-up research that should be done?

The author aims to boost up every people struggling in depression and anxiety he says on this article
that “Life is a constant balance between giving into the ease of distraction or overcoming the pain of
discipline. It is not an exaggeration to say that our lives and our identities are defined in this delicate
balance. What is life, if not the sum of a hundred thousand daily battles and tiny decisions to either gut
it out or give it up?” and also he advice that when you don’t feel like doing the work? This is not a
moment to be thrown away. This is not a dress rehearsal. This moment is your life as much as any other
moment. Spend it in a way that will make you proud.

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