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Financial Standards & -Systems

EBS workbench template – SAP (set up) definition for U2

v1 Automotive
› Background
› Overview of the preparation file
› Structure of EBS wb template

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› The purpose of implementing this training is to teach the users on how to identify the root causes of issues
presented during the automatic processing of U2 (in the EBS workbench)
› Reasons could be the following…
› Text description (of a transaction) in the bank statement was changed
› New transactions (e.g., cash pooling with a new ICO partner) reported in bank statement but not
configured in the tool
› Change in SAP settings (e.g., text in assignment filter not maintained properly, etc.)
› Agents not defined with accuracy
› Others…
› Very often happens that a ticket in BMC is created (for a specific Company Code) because the automatic
processing in step 2 is not processed as expected, but the message (description / explanation) given on
it is not properly understood
› This training aims to facilitate the process of identification and description of issues detected in the process
area 2  This is based on the review of EBS wb settings and the analysis of the preparation file
› From there it will be easier to users to get familiar with the SAP structure of the EBS wb template and to
request the corresponding enhancements in the objects that are maintained by IT central team

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In U2, the receivable items are in
Reference many cases processed manually


Financial Standards & -Systems (FSS)

In U2,July
payable items are almost
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all processed automatically
› Background
› Overview of the preparation file
› Structure of EBS wb template

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Preparation file 1/3

› The preparation file is a master file which consolidates all banking transactions performed by a company (for
at least 2 specific periods)
› The reffered transactions are retrieved from SAP system and classified on line item by business type
› The generated data must be analyzed together with the key users
› The objective is to complete the creation of posting templates  Therefore analysis of this master file is
mainly for step 2 posting

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Preparation file 1/3

› Remark: in “classification’’ folder all banking transactions are grouped under responsibility areas and type
of transactions. Detailed info (e.g., text descriptions maintained in assignment filters) is included in SAP

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Preparation file 2/3

› Remark: in “Assignment’’ folder are defined the settings of the bank account master data as well as the
operation codes and the texts descriptions to be included in the assignment filters

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Preparation file 3/3

› in ’’Posting’’ folder the settings related to document type, company code, posting keys, cost center, profit
center etc. are defined as a basis for the creation of posting templates

Posting template has

corresponding G/L connection

› Remark: The G/L accounts set up in the posting templates are aligned to Continental Standard. Each
transaction type has already defined a G/L in central system
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Preparation file 3/3

› The access rights to the EBS workbench are granted (on Company Code level) for the following tasks in
› FI EBS Display
› FI EBS processing
› FI EBS filters
› FI Maintaining of template

› Remark: Configuration roles are not approved on Company Code level

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› Background
› Overview of the preparation file
› Structure of EBS wb template
› Objects to be maintained
› Assignment Filters
› Posting templates
› Agents
› Worklist variants

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Assignment filters
› Assignment filter contain all criteria which identify different business transactions
› An Assignment filter is assigned to just one Posting Template only
› Maintenance is done on central system (CSE) and then uploaded to the system(s) involved
› Maintenance can be done directly in “Settings/Filters” or via “Settings/Posting Templates”
› Example:

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› Background
› Overview of the preparation file
› Structure of EBS wb template
› Objects to be maintained
› Assignment Filters
› Posting templates
› Agents
› Worklist variants

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Posting templates 1/2

› A Posting Template contains all data which is needed to post a line item of the bank statement

› Within the posting template the Open item search contains the information (in agent description) to check in
texts of documents processed (e.g., via payment run) or for further processing (e.g., open item clearing)

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Posting templates  Validation filter 2/2

› The Validation Filter gets the result of a Text Agent and starts the search for open items, which fulfill the
criteria defined in this filter
› Maintenance is done on System CSE and then uploaded to the system(s) involved
› Easiest way to maintain is to just double click in column “Validation Filter” in the Posting Template
› Example:

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› Background
› Overview of the preparation file
› Structure of EBS wb template
› Objects to be maintained
› Assignment Filters
› Posting templates
› Agents
› Worklist variants

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› Agents are used to extract information from the bank statement item and use the results either for filling
individual fields in the posting template or to create a list of items for further processing (e.g., open item
› The main Agent type, which we use is the Text Agent. This agent analyzes data from the bank statement
item - such as note to payee or other item data based on a given search string

› Example Text Agent:

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› Background
› Overview of the preparation file
› Structure of EBS wb template
› Objects to be maintained
› Assignment Filters
› Posting templates
› Agents
› Worklist variants

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Worklist variant
› The Worklist Variants are created during implementation and usually they do not need to be maintained later
› They contain predefined selections of bank statement items to be processed by the users
› Maintenance is done on System CSE and then uploaded to the system(s) involved
› Easiest way to maintain is to open the list of Worklist Variants and to choose “Change Variant Header” or
“Change Variant Values”

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Thank you
for your attention!

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