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Lars: Harnessing one’s skill and talent means opening oneself to

countless opportunities and showcasing one’s ability is a step closer

to excellence.
Jem: Dance as the narration of a magical story; that recites on lips,
illuminates imaginations and embraces the most sacred depth of
Both: WHAT A GREAT DAY EVERYONE! Welcome to the Grade 9
and 10 Festival Dance Competition!!!!
Lars: To start with, may we invoke the presence of our Almighty
Father through a prayer to be led by Althea Mae Rabusa.
Jem: Now, this wouldn’t be a competition if there were no one to
judge, right? So let me introduce y’all first our loving and
confidently beautiful Math and MAPEH teachers, Mrs. Julie Mitz
Dagoco, Mrs. Meljie Boglosa, Mrs. Leziel Dela Cruz, and lastly we
have Ms. Glyza Lagdamen. Please give them a round of applause.
Lars: Alright, since we’ve presented our panel of judges. Listen
carefully as I am going to announce the Criteria for Judging.
Jem: So, are you all guys ready to perform your electrifying
performances? Grade 9 and 10? Let us not keep our audience
waiting. First, to give us the spanking and vivacious performance, 10-
FAITH with their theme Kasag Festival
Lars: Second, we will all witness the blazing and outstanding courage of
9- Sparrow as they perform their Ibon- ebon Festival
Jem: Third in the row is 10- Hope with their majestic, magnific and
splendid Dinagyang Festival.
Lars: Fourth to show us their active and astonishing Masskara Festival
is 9- eagle. And Last but not the least the 10- love to perform their
fabulous and stunning Panagbenga Festival.

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