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wrapping — pret Before the party, I wrap a present for my friend... «wand sign a card for him. Here you go, Leo. march Happy birthday. candles ‘ = ty At the party, I give him the Someone lights the candles on We all sing “Happy Birthday,”... present and the card. the birthday cake. 4 ..and Leo blows out the He opens his birthday «and then everyone eats cake candles. resents... and ice cream. OmreLey For Special Attention VERBS NOUNS ADJECTIVE : * A pecteakn ol ft for a special occasion (a birthday, blowout bietidaycpaty = happy + You wrap a present in wrapping paper. oe arte + You open a present by taking off the wrapping goto card paper ee Pa + You light a candle by making the wick burn. wick open ice cream f J candle sign match + When you blow out a candle, the fire stops burning. sing present wrap wrapping paper orericiaceus Fi, Tom, Jenn lid pou ould ‘Thanks, Jenny, but you didn't have to bring anything ©) } Dan (the host) greets Tom and Jenny They give him a bottle of wine they brought. (the guests) at the door. eee | (Seas) John. Gee) res Inside, they say hello to some Dan introduces them to some They shake hands... people they know. people. jure was a hot ‘Thanks, Dan.) { Glad you could Ge Base, “= ¥ and make some small talk. ‘They have their dinner. Acthe end of the evening, the guests say goodnight and thank Dan. Rs rence ACOREIG | VERBS say goodnight end Ie polite in America for a guest atan adult | 4 being say hello evening. party to bring a bottle of wine. It’s also polite } f bring shake hands guest for a host to say that the gift is unnecessary. } thank host + Small talk is talk about some unimportant } Breet people topic like the weather or sports. You “make RRS NOUNS small talk small talk” and “make conversation.” ; saieeoelhces bottle snack + The evening is the time from about sundown. 4 know dinner party wine } until about midnight. | make door 4 Brien: Two please, for Skul Nigl We found out where and when the movie We bought tickets at the box office... was showing, A and some popcorn at the The ticket-taker tore our tickets We went to our seats. snack counter. and gave us back the stubs. We watched previews of ‘Then, we saw the main feature. At the end, we watched the coming attractions. credits. cnn + Coming attractions are movies that will soon be shown. + The movie is showing means “the movie is being played.” + The box office isthe place where tickets to movies are sold. It can also be called a “ticket window.” +A stub is a small piece. A ticket stub is a piece torn off a ticket. +f you see a preview, you will see a small part of something you can see completely later. + The main feature is the movie you have come to see. + Credits tell who worked on the movie. Coane VERBS NOUNS =a buy [bought] _box office ae counter find [found] out coming attractions fickor give [gave] back credits Se akon go went] to end see [saw feature ioe l movie ADJECTIVE tear [tore] popcorn main watch preview Berta Jenny stood in line... Td like one Big Burger small order of fries, find a medium cola, please ‘Ac the counter, she ordered her food and a drink. She ate her lunch at her table. straw The clerk put the food on Jenny took some paper napkins Jenny’s tray, and Jenny paid her. and a straw from the dispensers. Other people got their food to. When she finished eating, she go. threw the empty wrappers in the trash. Coa meieos VERBS: NOUNS eat [ate] clerk finish counter get [got] dispenser order drink pay [paid] fast food put [put] on food read [read] lunch stand [stood] in line menu take [took] napkin throw [threw] paper Soon restaurant + Ina fast-food restaurant, the menu is straw usually on a large board on the wall. table + Jenny orders her food “for here.” That trash means she will eat it in the restaurant. tray + People who get their food to go will eat it wrapper outside the restaurant. You can also say “to | take away” or “to take out.” + Wrappers are paper or boxes that go ADJECTIVES areata the fond te keep it fresh unt it’s empty eaten. rica: ] » | Z\4 X | << Pam and Jenny went to the They ordered coffee at the ..and Pam ordered a muffin coffee shop. counter... too. They told the clerk they wanted Other customers gor their Jenny paid for both of them. to drink their coffee in the shop. drinks to go. be ‘Two large lat The clerk punched Jenny's frequent-customer__A clerk called out when Jenny’s coffee was card. done. OMe e Rosanne VERBS NOUNS dish OTHERS +A coffee mug is made of porcelain (a . espresso ‘material like thick glass that you cannot callout café aulait fpandle both (pronoun) see through). It has a handle. os cappuccino Internet brewed (ad.) + If you get food for here, you will eat it in leevellef] = card laptop tty (adi) the shop/restaurant. If you get food to ‘onder hat latte for here (adverbial) : go, you will eat it somewhere else. pay [paid] clerk muifin ee (adj) «+ Wii is a system that gives you a plug ‘alles mug frequent (adj.) ‘wireless Internet connection. pump coffee shop outlet online (adv.) ‘If Jenny gets all the spaces punched on Punch container refill toigo ladverblal) her frequent-customer card, she gers a show conversation [Sho free cut of coffee sit [sat] down counter on tell [told] cup Wee customer ; 78 Jenny and Pam sat down at a table... _--so she plugged her laptop into an outlet. Pam pumped some coffee out of the container. Ae and had a conversation, —_— = The coffee shop had free Wi-Fi, so she went online. {i Youhaveto )“g see this video! Jenny wanted to show Pam something on the Internet,... Pam finished her cup of coffee and got a refill. I 4 és a Z 8 When they left the shop, they put their cups ona tray for dirty dishes. Kinds of Coffee Shop Drinks brewed espresso cappuccino (ordinary __(strong)___(espresso and coffee) hot milk) latte café au lait chai [pronounced [pronounced (tea) LAH tay] caFAY oh LAY] (espresso and steamed milk) (coffee mixed with hot milk) Oe Owe 79

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