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Science and Technology in the World  The transitional period between late Paleolithic

to early Neolithic was termed as Mesolithic by

Key Concepts John Allen Brown in 1892.
 Three-age system - A system of classifying
 Stone period are based mainly on technological
ancient ages into groups based on tools
advancement and not on actual date.
developmental stages.
 Scientific Revolution - Period of great scientific
intellectual achievements that contributed to
essential changes in scientific investigations. PALAEOLITHIC (Old Stone)
 Industrial Revolution - Period of complex
technological investigations that eventually
- Longest phase of human history.
replaced human and animal forces. - Humans evolve from ape-like creature to a
 Information Age - or digital age; the period true Homo sapiens.
characterized by the change from traditional - Hunters and gatherers.
industry to an economy that is founded on - Live in small bands and were
computerization of information. either nomadic or semi-nomadic
consistently or migrating between
Three-age system
temporary settlements, respectively,
depending on food availability.
Christian Jurgensen Thomsen


 A system of classifying ancient ages into
groups based on tools developmental
 An archeologist and a curator of the
National Museum of Denmark,
Copenhagen who introduced the Three-Age
System in early 19th century, through his book
entitled “Guide to Scandinavian Antiquity”.

ANCIENT AGE: Three – Age System  simple tools such as stone choppers
believed to be made more than a million
year ago by one of our earliest ancestors,
ANCIENT AGE  Neanderthals were cavemen known to use
fire, stone tools of flake types for hunting,
Stone Age and bone implements such as needles for
 Weapons made of stone, wood, sewing body coverings made of animal furs
bone or some other materials aside from and skins.
 Subdivided by John Lubbock into
“Palaeolithic” and “Neolithic” periods.
Homo sapiens groups like
3700 BC The Bronze Age (3700 BC-500 BC) The bronze
Cro-Magnon man dominated
age started at different areas of the world at
the Upper Palaeolithic different times. The knowledge of how to mix
period. This period was the copper and tin moved slowly from place
known for communal to place, plus many areas had no tin and/or
hunting, extensive fishing, copper to make the new metal.
supernatural beliefs, cloth
sewing, sculpture, painting, 3769 BC Near and Middle East (3769 BC) Bronze was

and making personal already in use at this time. No one knows

exactly where or how bronze was first
ornaments out of bone,
discovered. By around 3500 BC, farm tools
horns and ivory. and weapons were being made of this new
metal in these areas.
MESOLITHIC (Middle Stone)
3500 BC Bronze Age began in Bohemia (3500 BC-
3001 BC) Bronze was used in the
 Mediterranean and Eastern European areas.
This new metal was expensive to make, plus
 P
a craftsman was needed to make this new
e op alloy.
l e
2500 BC Indus Valley (about 2500 BC) The Indus
began to learn fishing Valley civilization in India was a large early
along rivers and lake shores, make pottery trading center. Bronze tools, weapons,
and use bow. statuary, jewelry, and even toys were
 They made use of stone tools known as discovered from this time period.
microliths which were comparatively 2400 BC China (2400 BC) The Longshan people of
smaller and more delicate than those of China lived from around 3000 BC to 2400 BC.
Palaeoliths. Toward the end of this period, they used
 Cultural and technological development bronze to make tools and weapons.
was based primarily on agriculture.
 Characterized by domestication of plants 2300 BC Europe (2300 BC) The Bronze Age started
and animals. about 2300 BC in Europe. Few tools were
made in the beginning but by 1200 BC,
bronze replaced all stone tools.
1700 BC Yellow River Valley (1700 BC or so) The
 Tools and weapons were already widely
made with copper and bronze. Shang Dynasty of China used bronze
regularly. They even set up bronze-working
 Smelting is a process of extracting metal
communities. Around 1200 BC, Lady Hao,
from or involving heating and melting.
the wife of King Wuding, died and was buried
 Sumerians of Mesopotamia discovered that with many items for the afterlife including
a harder and stronger metal could be made bronze vessels, armor, bells, tools, knives,
by blending copper and tin.
and tigers.

1650 BC Mycenaean Civilization (1650 BC) The MIDDLE AGE

Mycenaean civilization, located in present-
 Began in 450 A.D. – 1450 A.D
day Greece, used bronze until about 1100 BC.
The southern coastal community of Phylos  Subdivided into two smaller ages:
had 400 laborers in their bronze-working i) Dark (450-1000 A.D.)
industry. ii) High Middle (1000-450 A.D.)

1640 BC Egypt (1640 BC) The Egyptians did not have CHINA
bronze until they were invaded by the Hyksos
around 1640 BC. Farming largely began in Huang Ho and
Yangtze Rivers.
1500 BC Start of the Middle Bronze Age (1500 BC) Agriculture
Large-scale silk production started.
Bronze started to be found in Western
Europe. The undeveloped areas of Northern Bronze production became more
Europe did not use bronze until about 1000 sophisticated.
BC. Physics
1250 BC Alps and Central and Eastern Europe (1250
● Weight is force.
● Motion is caused by force and
BC) Around this time, bronze swords and
stops by obstruction.
helmets were made in these areas.
● Convex and concave mirrors give
3700 BC Yellow River Area, China (1122 BC-221 BC) virtual and an inverted image,
After the defeat of the Shang Dynasty, the respectively.
Chou Dynasty continued to use bronze- ● Studies on magnetism arose.
working techniques until iron was introduced Astronomy
after 770 BC. ● Calendars with 365 and ¼ days in
a year were developed.
3769 BC Korea (100 BC) The Chinese were the ones ● Circle was divided into 365 and ¼
who eventually introduced bronze-working degrees.
to the Koreans around 1000 BC. ● Stars, planets, comets, meteors
and eclipses were catalogued and
3500 BC Japan (300 BC) The Japanese used bronze
and iron tools at this that might have been Science ● Various models of the universe
brought over from South Korea. The Bronze 2500 BC presented.
age, though it developed slowly, was a
tremendous time of technological Mathematics
advancement that helped early civilizations ● Numbers were expressed in
flourish and expand. decimals.
● Knowledge on determining square
roots was introduced.
● Sliding calipers were widely used
in artisan works.
● Solutions on cubic, quadratic and
AGE intermediate equations were
 1500 BC – 450 BC presented.
 Began when smelting pits made sufficient
advancement to produce higher
Medical Biology
temperatures that could smelt iron ore.
● Diseases were believed to
be caused by excess of: Feudal system fully developed in Europe
Science heat, cold, light, darkness, and had defined its economic history. It
2500 BC wind and rain. depended on local agriculture and
handicraft production and was
● Exercise, water therapy and
characterized by having the following
wine anesthesia were
Economy hierarchical ranks in the society:
usually prescribed by Peasant->Lord->Lay or Clerical->Overlords-
physicians to patients. >Kings and
● Diagnoses involved Pope or Emperors<-Bishops
observations, auscultation, The Church provided the intellectual and
questioning and pulse administrative
counting. expression of the feudal system.
● Acupuncture began to Cathedral schools, which then became
effectively cure the most universities, were established to address the
known body illness. societal need for intellectual advancement.
The following were some of the Some of these universities arose in the
major Chinese following European areas:
● Paris (1160)
technological advancements during
Education ● Oxford (1167)
the Middle Ages.
● Cambridge (1209)
1. Paper – for writing and ● Padua (1221)
even clothing, wall décor, ● St. Andrew (1410)
art. ● Napples (1224)
2. Seismograph – a vibration- ● Salamanca (1227)
Technology sensitive device for ● Prague (1347)
earthquake detection. ● Vienna (1367)
3. Animal harness.
4. Water-power – for grinding
and metallurgical bellow
5. Mechanical clock. EUROPE Technology
6. Hydraulic engineering Listed below are the major discoveries and inventions in
works – include waterway Europe during the Middle Ages:
controls, irrigation and tax
grain transport. 1. Horse-collar – pulls on the horse’s
7. Wheel barrow. shoulders which enabled them to be used
8. Gun powder, guns and for ploughing and for wagon; a Chinese
cannon – as part of innovation which came to Europe.
explosive weapon 2. Clock/watch – a European development
from a Chinese clock form which introduced
9. Printing press – led to mass
the to-and-fro motion, thus giving birth to
production of paper money
and Confucian works.
mechanical clock.
10. Magnetic compass and 3. Magnetic compass – a piece of magnetic
stern-post rudder – made device originating from China that showed
of loadstones, a naturally direction and helped European mariners.
occurring magnetic iron.

4. Water-mill and windmill – a Stone Age-
invention which was used widely in Europe
during the Middle Ages; used a rotary
motion converted to reciprocal motion to
Pre- Columbian America
generate power.
5. Lenses with spectacles – helped in optical  Thrived in by three groups of people:
studies by aiding in focusing light rays and MAYAN, AZTEC and INCAS.
in magnification.
6. Gunpowder and cannon – originally from
China; aided in various military activities.
7. Paper and printing – originated from China
and reached Europe; widely used as writing
material and for book production.

Superstition and dogmatism


Diagnosis was generally limited for

urine inspection.

Medical therapy involved magic,

Medicine prayer, charms, faith

healing and the use of different


There was poor hygiene and

sanitation in general.

Information on diseases and drugs, and Mayan Civilization
astronomical bodies (Ancient natives of Central America)

Pyramids made of limestone were

Diagnosis was generally limited for built by the Mayans.
urine inspection.
Mayan houses were made of poles
Medical therapy involved magic, prayer, Infrastructure and leaves of palms.
charms, faith healing and the use of
different herbs. Large sculptures served for recording
There was poor hygiene and sanitation in of significant Mayan events.

Economy Cocoa beans were used as monetary

Mayans used decimal notations with Astronomy A calendar of 365 days was
zero represented by an oval shape, developed.
while other numbers with dots and

Astronomy Mayan solar calendar was developed

consisting of 365 days in a year,
comprising 18 months of 20 days.

Positions of different heavenly bodies

were observed and recorded.

Aztec Civilization
(pre-Columbian Indians of Mexico)

Infrastructure High temples were built for their


Decimal notations were used, in which

zero was similarly represented by an
oval shaped and other numbers by dots
Astronomy and dashes.

A social calendar was developed with

365 days for a total of 18 months.

Inca Civilization
(pre-Columbian of Peru)

Farming was practiced in terraced

field with canals for irrigation.

Agriculture Chili and avocado were widely


Clothes from llama and alpaca

wools were made.

Decimal system of counting was


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