Explain The Inherent Powers of The State.

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The Three Inherent Powers of the State The three inherent

powers of the State are police power, power of eminent domain, and
power of taxation.

-First is Police Power.This is the power of the state to restrain and

regulate the individual use of liberty and property to promote public
welfare ,i.e. , the health, moral, peace, education, good order or safety
and general welfare of the people. It enables to prohibit all things
hurtful to the comfort, safety and welfare of society.
-Second, Power of Eminent Domain the power of local, state or
federal government agencies to take private property for “public use”
so long as the government pays “just compensation.” The government
can exercise its power of eminent domain even if the owner does not
wish to sell his or her property.

-Third , Power of Taxation of the sovereign to impose burdens or

charges upon persons, property or property rights for the use and
support of the government to be able to discharge its functions. It is
one of the inherent powers of the state. “ power of the sovereign”

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