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Mrs. Jenica Y. Manuel


1. Screening Applications and Resumes
2. Employment Testing
SELECTION 3. Employment Interview
• The process of making “hire” or “No hire” 4. Checking Reference
decision regarding each applicant for a 5. Medical Examination
job. 6. Making a Selection
• Selection is the process of choosing SCREENING APPLICATION AND RESUME
qualified individual who are available to
fill the positions in the organization. Application Forms/Resume
• Generally, ask for information such as
IMPORTANCE OF SELECTION address and phone number, education,
• Performance always depends in part on work experience and special training.
employees. Those who do not have the • At the professional-level similar
right skills will not perform effectively and information is generally presented in
the overall performance in turn will suffer. resumes.
The time to screen out undesirable
performers is before they become part of Employment applications include areas for
the organization, not after. applications to provide several types of
• It is costly to recruit and hire employees. information
• Company objectives are better achieved
by workers who have been properly 1. Contact Information
selected based on their qualifications. • The applicant’s name, address, phone
• An incompetent worker is a liability to the number and e-mail address.
company causing direct losses in terms of 2. Work Experience
substandard performance and low • Companies that applicant worked for, job
productivity, and sometimes a potential titles and dates of employment.
source of problems to management, 3. Educational background
his/her coworkers and customers. • High School, college and universities
• Applicants have varying degree of attended and degree.
intelligence, aptitudes and abilities. 4. Applicant’s Signature
• Labor laws protect employees making it • Signature following a statement that the
difficult to terminate or dismiss an applicant has provided true and complete
incompetent employee. information.
5. Contact Information Benefits:
• The applicant’s name, address, phone
1. Preferred format of recruiters and hiring
number and e-mail address.
6. Work Experience
2. Provide concise snapshot of your work
• Companies that applicant worked for, job
titles and dates of employment.
3. It’s easy to see career progression.
7. Educational background
• High School, college and universities Best for:
attended and degree.
1. Job seekers with a solid work history.
8. Applicant’s Signature
• Signature following a statement that the 2. Applicant with a good story to tell.
applicant has provided true and complete 3. Applicant tracking systems scans.

2. Functional Resume Format
• The usual way that applicants introduce • Unlike the chronological resume,
themselves to a potential employer is to places skills and related
submit resume. achievements center stage. Work
• Organizations typically use resume as a history is deemphasized – in fact,
basis for deciding which candidates to this section is typically listing of
investigate further. previous employers and dates.
• Resumes may enable applicants to • It typically includes a summary,
highlight accomplishments that might not skills or qualifications section,
show up in the format of an employment work history and the education
application. section in that order.
• Reviewing a resume starts with a job
description or role profile so you know Benefits:
broadly what the job entails. It should 1. Skills are highlighted
show details about the qualifications and
experience of the candidate you seek to 2. Less emphasis is placed on work history.
fill the job. 3. Can focus on your most important
Best for:
1. Job seekers with limited work experience.
1. Chronological Resume Format
• is the standard resume format. It 2. Individuals with gaps in their work history.
clearly shows off the companies 3. Those who are changing careers.
you’ve worked for, and length of
employment. To build it, list jobs in
reverse-chronological order, 3. Hybrid Resume Format
starting with your current job, and
then moving backward. • Features both chronological and
• It typically includes a summary, functional styles. This format combines
work history, skills and education the skills focus of the functional resume
section in that order. with the chronological resume approach
capturing your work history.
• It is a best-of-both-worlds approach to
resume writing – a format that works
nicely for recent college graduates and
career changers, as well as seasoned
professionals who have worked many
similar positions.
1. Skills and work experience share the
spotlight in this format
2. Less emphasis is placed on work history.
3. Provide recruiters and hiring managers
with chronology.
1. Those with a diverse employment history. - It is a one-page document that you submit
as part of your job application.
2. Students and recent college graduates
- Its purpose is to introduce you and briefly
3. Those making career changes
summarize your professional background.
On average, your cover letter should be
from 250 to 400 words long.
- A good cover letter can spark the HR
• Pick the right resume format and layout. manager’s interest and get them to read
• Mention your personal details and contact your resume.
information. - A bad cover letter, on the other hand
• Use a resume summary or objective. might mean that your application is going
directly to the paper shredder.
• List your work experience and

• Mention your soft and hard skills

• (optional) include additional resume
sections (Hobbies, language etc.,)
• Tailor your information for the job ad
• Craft a Convincing cover letter
• Proof read your resume and cover letter
4. Integrity Testing- It is designed to assess
the likelihood that applicants will be
dishonest or engage in illegal activity.

1. Cognitive Ability Test - It measures the
learning, understanding to solve problems
e.g., Intelligence Test
Sample questions:
5. Drug Testing - Normally requires
applicants to provide required sample
that is tested for illegal substance.

6. Work Sample Testing - Measures

performance on some elements of the

1. Interview
- It is the most frequently used selection
- Interviewing occurs when applicants
respond to questions posed by manager
or some other organization
representatives (interviewer).
2. Physical Ability Test - It assesses muscular
- Typical areas in which questions are posed
strength, cardiovascular endurance and
include education, experience,
knowledge of job procedures, mental
ability, personality, communication ability
3. Personality Test - It measures the pattern
and social skills.
of thought, emotions and behavior



1. Behavioral Asks the applicant to

Questions describe actions in a
particular past


• Craft the job description.
• List requirements by category or hard/soft
2. Situational Puts the applicant in a
Questions particular situation and
• Create Role-Specific questions
then asks for a
• Add general interview questions
description f behavior.
• Choose a rating scale
• Train hiring managers
• Conduct the interview
• Evaluate the candidates.
Example Possible Response PREPARING THE CANDIDATE
Question To help the candidate to be fully prepared for
the interview you should:
It is often Poor Response:
necessary to Lost of conflict. 1. Ensure that adequate notice is given of the
work The other date and time for the interview
together in a members were 2. Ensure that the candidate is aware how to get
group to ineffective. to your premises.
accomplish a
Average Response: 3. Ensure that they are clear where to go and who
task, please
I did all the work to contact upon arrival.
tell me about
the most 4. Ensure that they are aware of any information,
recent Superior Response: document etc., you would like them to bring with
experience We worked them to the interview.
you had together, I helped
working as involve everyone.
part of a
1. Review all the relevant information beforehand
A customer Poor Response:
2. Prepare a plan of how you intend to conduct
comes into a Tell him he should
each interview – consistency is important.
store where check back later.
you work to 3. Prepare suitable venue for the interviews. The
Average Response:
pick up a choice of location and the layout of the room will
Apologize and tell
watch he left have an impact on the outcome.
him I will call him
for repair.
later. 4. Prepare suitable venue for the interviews. The
The repair
choice of location and the layout of the room will
was Superior Response:
have an impact on the outcome.
supposed to Listen, put him at
have been ease, call the 5. Allow adequate intervals between each
completed a repair shop while interview, giving yourself sometime after each
week ago, he waits. one to finalize your notes.
but the
6. Provide a list of candidates and their interview
watch is not
times to your receptionist. This will help to
yet back
present a professional image to candidates’ rival.
from the
repair shop.
customer is
very angry. 1. Welcome
How would 2. Acquire Information
you handle 3. Supply Information
the 4. Plan and Part
POTENTIAL PROBLEMS TO INTERVIEW 4. Confirm the candidate’s reason for
PROCESS leaving
• What was the reason for this person to
1. General Consistency leave the company?
2. Interviewer Bias • Would you hire this person again and
3. Interview Fatigue why?
4. Lack of Preparation
5. Snap Judgements 5. Seek additional information and confirm
6. Bad Interview Questions the referee’s response
• Is there any other comment that you
would like to add?
SELECTION PROCESS • Do you remember a way on how this
candidate handled a situation like…?
Reference Checking
• Involves contacting an applicant’s
previous employer, teachers or friends to Medical Examination
learn more about the applicant issues
Candidates/applicants who have crossed the
with reference checking.
above stages are sent for a physical examination
• A reference check acts as the source of
or medical examination.
truth, allowing you to verify what you’ve
been told and help you explore any
potential strength and weaknesses.
There are three aims of medical
1. Physical fitness for the job concerned.
1. Understand the candidate/referee 2. To protect the business organization from
relationship infectious diseases.
• What is the period of time your 3. To check excessive expenditure on the
working relationship covered? treatment of employee.
• What was the nature of the working
relationship and the reporting line?
Job Offer
2. 2. Verify the role and employment details
• What was the candidate’s title? Is an invitation for a potential employee to
• What was the focus of the role as well work in a specific position for an employer. It
as main duties and responsibilities? typically contains the details of the
employment offer, including salary, benefits,
job responsibilities and the reporting
3. Assess the candidate’s previous manager’s name and title.
• Can you please talk about the strength
of the candidate?
• What are the areas of opportunity for
this candidate?
HOW TO NEGOTIATE A NEW JOB 3. Be prepared to walk-away. If the offer doesn’t
OFFER? meet your expectations in areas important to
you, you may be better off declining the offer.

What is negotiable?

Salary Membership, 4. Keep quiet and always wait for an answer.

association dues When you propose your salary number or your
item to negotiate and your desired terms, do not
Job title Signing bonus talk. Wait for the response.

Start date Laptop, mobile 5. Focus on what’s in it for them. Never make
phones, home office this solely about your needs and wants. Explain
technology how they will benefit from hiring you.

Vacation Auto 6. Leave your emotions outside. This is business

transaction. Do not let your pride, fear
Reporting Flex-time uncertainty or any other emotion impact what
you say or do.

Decision Training
7. Be confident in your value. Remember, the
making/level of
company is lucky to get you and your skills.
They’ve invested a lot in this process and they do
Relocation Remote or virtual
not want to start over unless they have to.
expenses work Remind them of the problems you will solve.

8. Use your research information, if you know

the company has made exceptions in vacation
NEGOTIATING TIPS TO KEEP IN MIND policy, use it to your advantage (without naming
1. don’t make demands, but ask questions
instead. To make the exchange feel win- 9. smile. You have to be positive and likeable. It
win solution and to honor your potential also reflects how you handle stress on the job.
new manager’s authority, form your
request as a question. For example, if 10. Get it in writing. When all is said and done,
asking for a higher salary, form your be sure you get agreed terms in writing before
question like: “Based on my specific skills in you start.
(state technical skills), I was expecting a
higher starting salary. What can we do to
increase this number?”

2. Negotiate with the right parties. Know who

has the ultimate authority to make

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