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LECTURE 1: DEVELOPMENT o Recognition, acceptance, and
appreciation of diverse lifestyles and value
Development differences.
 a process that creates, growth, progress, positive o This includes; understanding the impact of
change or the additions of physical, economic, one’s personal attitude and behavior.
environmental, social and demographic o Human awareness is not fulfilling unless
components. one seeks opportunities to understand and
 It is the product of man’s cooperation and his appreciate the differences and stimulates
desire to make things better and easier. The among people.
concrete manifestation of development is  Intellectual Development
progress and the acknowledgement if man’s o Characterized by involvement in creative
importance and the key factor to consider in its and stimulating mental activities.
achievement. o One must seek and use available resources
to expand knowledge, improve skills and
What are the Aspects of Development? share with others.
 Physical Development o Provides clarification of values through self-
o Characterized of healthy nutritional choices. realization resulting to understanding of
o Physical wellness is an awareness of the personal self-worth.
interdependence of humankind and our  Financial Development
environment. Physical wellness provides o Recognition of the interdependence of
fulfillment and health through interaction personal/financial planning and external
with others and the environment. economic resources.
 Emotional Development o Given the interdependence, a concern for
o Awareness and acceptance of one’s realistic establishment of goals within
feelings. individual financial restrictions is vital.
o Awareness and acceptance of one’s feeling o Financial wellness provides for the
includes an enthusiasm for life, an ability development of skills through education
to control and manage feeling and and career to achieve financial stability and
resulting behavior, and ability to express security.
emotions appropriate, and ability to cope  Life Planning
with stress. o Characterized by an attitude of satisfaction
 Human Awareness with one’s life plan.
o Choice of occupation or employment collective i.e, what is acceptable and not
preparation, and occupational health. acceptable, what ought or not to be, what is
o It involves the development and maturation desirable, or not desirable.
of satisfying life-long relationships and  Qualities, attitudes, and standards that individual
family structure. and groups use to guide their actions.
o It provides satisfaction through  Has implicit and explicit conceptions about the
relationships, family, and career. desire and actions of a subject within the social
 Social Development fabric of society.
o Recognition of interdependence of
individuals with others, society, and nature. Values
o Provides self-confidence through  A value, on a personal level, can be understood as
relationships and interaction with the a set of beliefs and attitudes that you express,
environment. based on certain principles considered positive
 Spiritual Development and important, which give meaning and direction
o Continuous search for meaning and to your life. In a fact, a value is something that
purpose of life. gives real significance to your life.
o A meaningful and purposeful life includes a
Types of Social Values
realization of self as one interacts with and
relates to a higher power, the forces of
natures, and/or the expanse of the  Respect – It allows a person to recognize, accept,
universe. appreciate, and values the qualities of other’s and
o It provides for development and their rights.
internalization of a personal belief system  Honesty - Telling the truth, being decent, modest,
based upon a set of values and ethical respectfully, and fair.
standards.  Justice – Being equitable and giving each
individual what’s awe to them.
LECTURE 2: SOCIAL VALUES  Tolerance – Accepting and respecting the ideas,
opinions, and attitudes of others, even if I don’t
Social Values agree.
 Behavior a person sees from you.  Goodness – The tendency to do good.
 Standards which individuals and social groups  Freedom – Power to act according to one’s own
employ to define personal goals and essentially criteria, within the limits established within society.
shape the nature and form of social order in a
 Love – Value that motivate a person to care,
respect, and commit to the well-being of others
without expecting a benefit in return. It means
steeping outside of ourselves to meet the other
and love them as they are
 Education – One of the most important values,
because other values can be taught. Education
involves the correct formation of people both
intellectually, emotionally, and morally.

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