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pathcode is apointer to set of object and their exact location or we can sya that
pathcode which take us to the code/object of a particular enviroment called


enviroment is a collection of pointer that indicate the location of data and

object,it is a designated work are based upon user reqirment.enivroment consist
pathcode and ocm


when the user takes central object specification from deployment server to his dev
clint machine for modification is called checkout

i mean to say here when we doing checkout, we can get the latest object
specification from depoyment server to our dev client machine for a particullar


when object is modified on dev client machine ,those modification are currently on
dev client machine ,now these modification need to be reflected to the central
object on deployment server for this we need to do checkin.


when we do checkout system create flag (token hold) on that paricular object
indicating that those object has already been modified an user and no more
modification are allowed untill object has been checkin back to the system and
token release.

full package-

when we building a full package ,all the object specification and c componet of
that particullar pathcode will compile and build

update package-

whenever an object is modified in jd edwards,that modification are on central

object not on ent server,now these modificaction need to be reflected on ent sever
thats why we build and deploy update package so that modification are visible to
end user and ent server.

update package build process-

when we get request to build an update package for particular enviroment

first login to jde of a particullar enviroment through fat client

after that go to omw and find that project and veriy what object in this project

after that type gh9083 in the fast path open the package menu

here we will click on package assembly and click on add button

here we will enter the package name ,package discription and pathcode and click on
next button

after that we will enter parent package name ,uncheck bssv and select the object
object selection is success full we will activate them

now we will click on define build here we will select the server and activate them
our package assembly process is complete

after that we will go to submit build

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