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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Technology and Livelihood Education

Industrial Arts- Carpentry (Grade 9/10)

Prepared by: Rose Ann A. Madenancil

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson. The students should be able to:
a. identify the different kinds of joinery;
b. value the different types of joinery;
c. demonstrate how to make the different types of joinery.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Joinery- Wood Joints
Reference: The III Civil Technology pp. 45-6
Materials: printed pictures, pentel pen, manila paper
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities

Teachers Activity Students Activity

 Prayer

Everybody stand!
(The Students will stand.)
Harry please lead the prayer.
(calls student) Okay, ma’am!
Let us pray.



 Greetings
Good Morning ma’am
Good Morning Class!
Before you take your seats, pick up
pieces of trash under your chairs
and arrange your chairs according
to its rows and columns.

Are your done?

Yes ma’am
Okay, you may sit.

Thank you, ma’am

 Checking of attendance

Class Secretary, list down the

students who are absent for today.

Okay ma’am
Okay good.

 Classroom rules

Students, who can still remember

our classroom rules?

(Students raised their hands)

April, give at least three classroom
(Teacher calls a student)  Raise your right hand if
you want to answer.
 Treat everyone with

Very good  Excuse yourself if you

want to go out.
Class, as we proceed to our
discussion, I want everybody to
follow our classroom rules. Are we
Yes ma’am

 Review

Before we start our new lesson,

(Students raised their hands)
what was our last lesson all about?
(calls a student)

Types of Wood Defects

Very Good
Yes ma’am

 Motivation

Before we finally start to our

discussion. Let us have a simple
activity first. We called it Q & A.

Are you read? Yes ma’am

Okay here is the words.

My question is, Do you believe, you

can build a house without using a
No ma’am, since birth in this
nails? Defend your answer.
Okay class, based on the activity,
what do you thinks is our topic for Ma’am it’

Very good

B. Lesson Proper

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Everybody read our topic for

today. “Joinery- Wood Joints”

Everybody read our objectives At the end of the lesson. The students
for today. should be able to:

a. identify the different kinds of

b. value the different types of joinery;
c. demonstrate how to make the
different types of joinery.
Okay class, let us have another

I will group you into 3 groups.

Start counting.

Please be guide by the scoring

None ma’am
Any questions or clarifications
regarding to the activity?

This is the scoring rubrics.

Group 1 Activity Sheets
Criteria Points Directions: Identify the picture
Presentation 5 Answer the questions.
Collaboration 5
Content 5 Picture Name

Total 15 points

Okay, you may start.

Butt joint
Time is up, post your work.

Miter joint
Group present

Thank you group 1 Cross Halving


Let’s proceed to the second

1. What is butt joint?

Group 2 present  A butt joint is a technique in

which two pieces of woods are
joined by simply placing their
Very good!!! In addition to that ends together without any
a butt joint is the simplest joint special shaping.
to make since it merely 2. What is miter joint?
involves cutting the wood to the  Miter joint is a joint made by
appropriate length and butting bevelling each two parts to be
them together. It is also joined, usually at a 45v degree
weakest because unless some angle, to form a corner usually a
form of reinforcement is used. 90 degree.
It relies upon glue alone to hold 3. What is Cross halving joint?
it together.  Cross halving a joint used for
intermediate is removed from
both pieces of timber where they

Directions: Identify the picture

Picture Name

Rabbet joint
Mortise &
tenon joint

Dado joint

1. What is rabbet joint?

 A rabbit is L-shaped, cut along
the edge or end of a piece of
wood. It becomes a rabbet joint
when a piece of wood os butted
2. What is Mortise & Tenon joint
 Mortise and tenon is a type of
joint that connects two pieces of
wood or other material.
Everybody give yourself a
3. What is dado joint?
round of applause for a job well
 Dado housing or trench cut into
the surface of a piece of
machineable material, usually
Group 1 got 13, group 2 got 15 wood. It is also a groove cut
and group 3 got 14. across the grain of a piece of
wood. When another piece is
fitted into this recess, a dado
joint is made.

A. Application
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Okay class, for your last
activity, this time I will group
you into 5, by counting
1,2,3,4,5. Then each you are
going to demonstrate how to
make the different types of

I have here the procedures of

different types of joinery. All you
have to do you need to follow it
to demonstrate each type.

Do you understand? Yes, ma’am

Class, before we start with

activity, let me check first the
tools and materials that I told
you to bring?

For group 1 you are going to

demonstrate a butt joint and
miter joint.

For group 2 you are going to

demonstrate a dado joint.

Group 3 you are going to

demonstrate a cross halving

Group 4 you are going to

demonstrate dado joint

Group 5you are going to

demonstrate a Mortise joint
Okay ma’am
You may now start…..

Please be guided by the scoring


Representatives of each group,

(Group 1perform.)
get your scoring copy.
(Group 2 perform.)

(Group 3 perform.)

(Group 4 perform.)

(Group 5 perform.)

Present their outputs

Time is up everyone. Please
proceed for your presentation. Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Good job class. Do you want to Group 4

know your scores?
Group 5

Okay, all groups got the perfect

Yes ma’am
score of 30. Give yourself a
round of applause.
(Students clapped their hands.)
B. Generalization

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Let us sum up the lesson class.

I am going to throw random

questions and choose a student to
answer the said question. So

1. What is the importance of

joinery or wood joints

(Teacher calls a student)

Ma’am the importance of joinery is
Yes, Jake. to solve storage problems and
creates a smart clean look. It is also
important especially in doing
Next, furniture, cabinets, etc.

2. What can tell about our


(Teacher calls a student.

I can say that when we are looking

Ana…. the sample pictures you showed us,
I thought it was easy but we already
try it, we realized that it is not that
easy to make wood joints. But we
still enjoyed it.
Very good class.

Are there any questions or

clarifications about our topic?

None ma’am
Okay, get ½ sheet of paper

IV. Evaluation

Test 1. Multiple choice

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. ________is a technique in which two pieces of woods are joined

by simply placing their ends together without any special shaping.
a. Miter joint
b. Butt joint
c. Cross halaving joint

2. _________is a joint made by bevelling each two parts to be

joined, usually at a 45v degree angle, to form a corner usually a
90 degree.
a. Miter joint
b. Butt jiont
c. Cross halving joint
3. _________a joint used for intermediate is removed from both
pieces of timber where they across.
a. Miter joint
b. Butt jiont
c. Cross halaving joint
4. _________is L-shaped, cut along the edge or end of a piece of
wood. It becomes a rabbet joint when a piece of wood of butted
a. Rabbet joint
b. Mortise and tenon joint
c. Dado joint
5. It is a type of joint that connects two pieces of wood or other
a. Rabbet joint
b. Mortise and tenon joint
c. Dado joint
Test II. Enumeration

6-10 choose only 1 type of joinery, then write the procedure.

Test III. Essay

6-10. what is the importance of different types of joinery?

V. Assignment
Choose only 1 the types of joinery the write the procedure how to
make it.

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