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 In what perspectives of culture, society, Politics you wish to study and why?
For me I pick culture, Because we should have to get along with people around us, Maybe there
is a limitations but we should try to understand each other. If we want to be friends with them,
We should recognize them. What they want, what they like, and lastly their beliefs. Beliefs is
essentials, I say it what makes people keep striving in life. There is some people that their beliefs
is being passed down by generation by generation. One of the best example of that is the
Festival in the Philippines, It is one of the prominent tradition here in the Philippines. When the
important day has come they celebrate, You can see a people with a mask or some people that
their body is covered with charcoal. It is super fun and enjoyable as well. You can see the smile
on the faces of the entertainers, You can tell that they really enjoying expressing their traditional
way of dance. That being passed down by their ancestors. We should respect each other beliefs
because anyone of us have different opinions and unique beliefs.

 As a student what will be the factors that hinders your study of the 3
perspectives such a culture, society, and politics?
Some students have their own dreams, Other students wants to be a pilot, doctor, seaman, Etc.
They been set their self to a dream future that they want to accomplished someday. They focus
themselves into studying their courses that can be useful to them someday. So it is impossible
to other student to study those 3 perspective. Also some parents want their child to study a
courses that has degree. A courses that all parents dream of, A degree that can be all the
parents be proud of. Some students see those 3 perspective uninteresting but for me it is super
fascinating, It is all about culture, tradition, bonds, unity, rules and Etc. So one of the factor that
hinders us is we used to think that studying these three is a waste of time but its not. We should
learn about studying these 3 to passed down on the next generation.

 How will you reflect/analyze on the following ideas of culture, society and
politics as a whole?
For me those three have a connection between them for example, The culture is a tradition or
beliefs that being past down by their ancestors. It is past down generation by generation like
what I mentioned earlier that the best example of culture is the festival. The day will come that
we need to passed down to the next generations what our ancestors or our parents teach us.
The society is the group of people that unite together as one because they have same beliefs
and goals. The politics is like a rules that needed to be followed by the members inside the
society. Rules is what make us bonds together for example here in our country, We have some
rules to be followed and we are the society that bonds together to make a wonderful country.
And the culture is the one thing we need to cherish about.

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