Mood and Tone

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/Reading Literature Practice & As Lesson 22: Tone and Mood Read each of the short passages below and demonstrated. | The wedding was a wonderful event: People laughed and hugged one another A group at one table started'singng, and everyone else in the oom joned in, raising their hands in celebration What's the mood of this passage? a. Joyous b. Depres: € Thankful 2. Awarm Fire bumed in the Fireplace ‘Around it, someone had placed a semi-crcle of large, comfortable chairs. On the table behind ‘the chairs were cups of warm cider and cookies. Sondra looked around the room and sighed, “T'm home” What is the mood of ths passage? a. Dreamy b. Welcoming . Surprised —— 3. The men behind the counter wore matching dark suits. Each of them spoke in low voices, quietly showing customers dferent Items From the dimly lif cases. The thick corpeting muffled therr Footsteps as they ‘approached one of the salesmen, What is the mood of this passage? a Hyper b. Nervous c. Serious _- 4 Frost Formed on the inside of the windows and everyone in the room huddled together: Some shivered, ther teeth chattering noisly. What is the mood of this passage? a. Cranky b. Bored! c. Cold ___5 Brightly colored Flowers decorated the walls of the preschool Mutti-colored plastic bins held suppies ike crayons and markers, and bright pink ond blue carpet squares were scattered around the room. Sunlight streamed in through the windows, glancing off Faces oF tthe happy children. What is the mood of this age? ‘a. Cheerful b. Confident ©. Sorrowful Accescment level A SESS Name _ determine the tone or mood that is _— 6. The teacher droned on about a topic that ‘No one was interested in The slides he showed were black and white and Filed with text: It was ‘obvious no one was interested in tectontc plates, but he tolked and taked ond talked anyway. What is the tone of the passage? @. Optimste ’. Enraged ¢. Bored -—- 7 There's no other way to put tf; the room was ugly. Ualy Floors, ugly walls, and ugly curtains con the windows. The people sitting in the room were not particularly interesting and there wos no reason For Bob to think he would enjoy beng in this class. What is the mood of this passage? a. Proud b. Outraged c. Pessimistic — 8 Three tall men in dark suits studed the maps covering the walls. The only lights in the room were pointed to the maps. "Are the plans, ready?" asked one man "They are,” replied ‘another: “And when we succeed there wil be no ‘one who can prevent us from taking over the world” What is the mood of this passage? a Evi b. Tender ©. Scholarly .A small stream bubbled next to the cabin, small birds tweeted musically from the trees When if began to ran, it was a gentle ran that patterned soFtly on the roof of the cabin, luling tthe people inside into a mid-day nap, What Is the mood of this passage? @. Serious b. Depressed ©. Calm 26 emmiteeinentin eiowinttrnen Reading Literature Practice & As Lesson 22: Tone and Mood —0.All cround were signs of poverty. Cars cbandoned on the side of the road had been stripped for tres, mirrors, and anytfing that might be of value. A grey Figure shuffled along the road, her shoes worn so that her Feet extended From the top, puling behind her a wagon filed with trash and bits of Food. What is the mood of this passage? a. Friendly b. Scholarly ©. Depressed —L What Trina did next just didn't make sense, and if I hadn't seen it myself, T probably would dare write about tt: In the middle of Class, she stood up, turned to the person next to hen, and yelled, “Tam the baffing bunny oF Brookhaven!" What is this tone of this passage? a. Shocked b. Humble c. Apologetic _-- 2 Michelle had what it took to wn the tennis match, she just needed more confidence. She had to understand that all oF her practice had ald oF F She had the skils, and she had the stamina. All she needed was confidence. What is the tone of this passage? a. Optimistic b, Pessimistic c. Encouraging 3. It was already 300 and no one had called the classroom asking For Alison. By now the winner of the student council election probably had already been contacted and presented with the certificate. No, it was almost a certanty that Alison had not won. What is the tone of this passage? a. Optimistic b. Pessimistic c. Encouraging Accecement level A SESS ___H. The room was fithy. Old food containers were piled in every corner: The surfaces oF the ‘tables ond chairs were etther dusty or sticky with who knows what. A thick green liquid dripped slowly from the ceiing, creating a Foul- smeling puddle on the carpet. What is the tone OF this passage? a. Critical b. Disgusted & Cunous 5. Tt was a ridiculous bung, constructed with no regard for the people who would live, work, and attend school within it: The walls were what was probably the brightest shade oF neon green sold as point. The arfwork the designers chose was likely intended to be Inspirational, but If Featured images of people strugging against Tidculous conditions to cimb mountans, swim i shark-infested waters, and ride bioycles in ¢riving rainstorms. What is the tone of this passage? a. Complmentary b. Scomful © Sad — 6. "The twitter tweet is fun to vist,” said Toby Tolkerman Hs teacher replied, "Oh JT agree, and what a logical thing to say!" Meanwhie, in the same classroom, students drew pictures of their Favorite popsicle Flavors and sang songs about snack Foods. What Is the mood of this passage? a. Somber 5. Aggravated ©. Sily _—I7 Behind the house there was a Field just a basic Fleld with some trees, some grass, maybe a Flower here ond there. The house was ike just about any other house: wals, Floors, celings, rooms. And this is where the story beghs, or at least, where the first thing happens. What is the tone of this passage? a. Threatening b. Appreciative ©. Uninterested 87 ‘en erin rath Ininarttecnm Reading Literature Practice & Assess Sson 22: Tone and Mood —|8. The smell of salt water and cotton candy waFted over the beach In the dstance, the peak of a rollercoaster popped up behind some sand dunes, Every Few minutes, the delghted screams of riders descending the first crop could be heard, floatng over the sand. Gigging ‘toddlers and young children dotted the boundary between earth and sea, and doting parents held tiny hands as they ran from the tide. What is the mood of this passage? a. Cheery b Sympathetic c. Sertous —A.Tal shelves of books ined the dark-wood paneled walls. At the long tables, young men and Women sat with their heads peerng into thick, Old books, while thelr hands busily scratched on ads of paper nearby. An older man with gray har, thick glasses, and a worn tweed sult patrolled the aisles between the desks, stopping to ask students if they needed more books or F they were ready fo return the books they hhad Except For the scratch of pens and the steady Footsteps of the elderly librarian, the oom was completely sient: What is the mood OF this passage? a. Anxious b. Irnttated ©. Scholarly 20 The room was Filed with people who Considered themselves part of the “upper Class” of the city’s society. Walking through the room, Brenda overheard conversations about yachts, summer homes, ski vocations, and most oF ten, cbout keeping events "ike this” For “people like them” It was obvious that these Folks thought of themselves as not Just wealthier but also better than others. What is the tone of this story? a. Passive b. Snobby c. Energetic Ascecement |euel A, aa ‘einesinenhh lenewinitearn

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