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Standard solutions LB20 for ACX32.


Ventilation V3.xx

Basic Documentation
Siemens Building Technologies AB © 2001 Siemens Building Technologies AG
HVAC Products, OEM Med förbehåll för ändringar
Eletronvägen 4
141 87 Huddinge
Tel. +46 8 578 410 00
Fax +46 8 578 419 92


Siemens Building Technologies IVP LB20 V3.xx SE1P3689sv/IVP V3_xx

HVAC Products 2006-04-20
1 Overview........................................................................................................ 11

1.1 Features ........................................................................................................ 11

1.2 Product range overview................................................................................. 13
1.3 Notes on safety.............................................................................................. 14
1.3.1 Requirements on commissioning engineers and users................................. 14
1.3.2 Active and passive safety .............................................................................. 14
1.3.3 General notes on safety ................................................................................ 15
1.4 Packing, storage and transport...................................................................... 16
1.5 Maintenance and service............................................................................... 16
1.6 Environmental protection and disposal.......................................................... 17
1.7 Abbreviations used in this document............................................................. 17

2 Handling ........................................................................................................ 18

Installation ..................................................................................................................... 18
2.1 Installation procedure .................................................................................... 18
2.1.1 Controller ACX32.000/ALG ........................................................................... 18
2.1.2 Fault handling ................................................................................................ 18
2.1.3 HMI (Operator unit)........................................................................................ 19
2.2 Connection guide........................................................................................... 20
2.2.1 Connection terminals.................................................................................... 20
2.2.2 Connection instruction ................................................................................... 21
Operation 23
2.3 Operating elements ACX8…/SWE ................................................................ 23
2.3.1 Restoration of character set .......................................................................... 24
2.3.2 Configuration of the HMI................................................................................ 24
2.4 Navigation...................................................................................................... 24
2.4.1 Levels ............................................................................................................ 24
2.4.2 Menus............................................................................................................ 26
2.4.3 Passwords ..................................................................................................... 27
2.4.4 Overview of menu structure........................................................................... 28
2.4.5 Navigation for basic settings.......................................................................... 29
2.4.6 Overview of the basic settings....................................................................... 30
2.4.7 Navigation parameters for end-user and HVAC engineer ............................. 32
2.4.8 Start / stop button (Service switch)................................................................ 35
2.4.9 Alarms list ...................................................................................................... 36
2.4.10 Overview of end-user parameters ................................................................. 38
2.4.11 Overview of HVAC engineer parameters ...................................................... 64

3 Commissioning .............................................................................................. 75

3.1 Selection of language .................................................................................... 75


Siemens Building Technologies IVP LB20 V3.xx SE1P3689sv/IVP V3_xx

HVAC Products Contents 2006-04-20
3.2 Activation of smoke damper...........................................................................75
3.3 Function of AUX input ....................................................................................75
3.4 Function of MultiFuncInput 1..........................................................................76
3.5 Function for MultiFuncInput 2 ........................................................................76
3.6 Selection of external control...........................................................................77
3.7 Activation of room / exhaust air sensor..........................................................78
3.8 Activation of outdoor sensor ..........................................................................78
3.9 Configuration of control function ....................................................................78
3.9.1 Control principle 1 ..........................................................................................78
3.9.2 Control principle 2 (differential temperature control)......................................79
3.9.3 Control principle 3 (pure supply air temperature control)...............................79
3.9.4 Control principle 4 (cascade and supply air control) ......................................79
3.10 Selection of fan control ..................................................................................79
3.11 Selection of fan compensation.......................................................................80
3.12 Fan function at fire .........................................................................................80
3.13 Working range for pressure sensor................................................................81
3.14 Selection of cooling........................................................................................81
3.15 Selection of type of heat recovery..................................................................81
3.16 Selection of extra heating sequence..............................................................82
3.17 Selection of heating source............................................................................82
3.18 Commissioning done .....................................................................................82

4 Description of basic settings ..........................................................................84

4.1 Language selection........................................................................................84

4.2 Summer/Wintertime .......................................................................................84
4.3 RCC configuration..........................................................................................85
4.4 Modem information ........................................................................................85
4.5 LON configuration ..........................................................................................86
4.6 Modbus Configuration....................................................................................86
4.7 Diagnostics ....................................................................................................87
4.8 HMI parameters .............................................................................................88
4.9 Password .......................................................................................................89

5 Description of end-user parameters...............................................................90

5.1 Function of service switch..............................................................................90

5.2 Date/time........................................................................................................90
5.3 Scheduler.......................................................................................................90
5.3.1 Day time scheduler (Unit) ..............................................................................91
5.3.2 Week time scheduler (Unit)............................................................................91
5.3.3 Year time scheduler (Unit) .............................................................................92
5.3.4 Day time scheduler (External unit).................................................................93
5.3.5 Weektimescheduler (External unit) ................................................................93
Operation status – Inputs Digital....................................................................................94


Siemens Building Technologies IVP LB20 V3.xx SE1P3689sv/IVP V3_xx

HVAC Products Contents 2006-04-20
5.4 Timer input..................................................................................................... 94
5.5 Service switch on HMI ................................................................................... 94
5.6 Emergency stop............................................................................................. 94
5.7 DI4 Fire/Smoke.............................................................................................. 95
5.8 UI13 HCR ...................................................................................................... 95
5.9 UI11 Pump/Heater......................................................................................... 95
5.10 UI12 Chiller.................................................................................................... 95
5.11 UI14 AUX....................................................................................................... 95
5.12 UI10 Filter ...................................................................................................... 96
5.13 UI6 HRC Pressure guard............................................................................... 96
5.14 DI3 Smoke damper........................................................................................ 96
Operation status – Inputs Analogue .............................................................................. 97
5.15 UI1 Room/exhaust air temperature ............................................................... 97
5.16 UI3 Outside temperature ............................................................................... 97
5.17 UI2 Supply air temperature............................................................................ 97
5.18 UI4 Frost alarm temperature ......................................................................... 97
5.19 UI6 MultiFuncInput 1 ..................................................................................... 97
5.20 UI7 MultiFuncInput 2 ..................................................................................... 98
5.21 UI5 Airquality ................................................................................................. 98
5.22 UI5 External setpoint ..................................................................................... 98
5.23 UI8 Pressure/Flow for the supply air ............................................................. 98
5.24 UI9 Pressure/Flow for the exhaust air ........................................................... 99
5.25 UI5 Pressure supply air ................................................................................. 99
Operation status - Outputs Digital ............................................................................... 100
5.26 DO1 Pump in heating circuit........................................................................ 100
5.27 DO2 Cooling; pump or DX compressor ....................................................... 100
5.28 AO2 DX compressor step2.......................................................................... 100
5.29 D03 Supply air fan ....................................................................................... 100
5.30 D04 Exhaust air fan ..................................................................................... 101
5.31 DO6 Outside air damper.............................................................................. 101
5.32 DO5 Smoke damper.................................................................................... 101
5.33 DO7 Alarm priority A.................................................................................... 101
5.34 DO8 Alarm priority B.................................................................................... 101
Operation status - Outputs ContrlSign......................................................................... 104
5.35 AO2 Cooling ................................................................................................ 104
5.36 AO3 Heat exchanger ................................................................................... 104
5.37 AO4 Extra heat sequence ........................................................................... 104
5.38 AO1 Heater battery...................................................................................... 104
5.39 AO8 Posttreatment ...................................................................................... 105
5.40 AO5 Frequency converter supply air ........................................................... 105
5.41 AO6 Frequency converter exhaust air......................................................... 105
Operation status - SmokeDamper ............................................................................... 106


Siemens Building Technologies IVP LB20 V3.xx SE1P3689sv/IVP V3_xx

HVAC Products Contents 2006-04-20
5.42 Test of smoke damper .................................................................................106
5.43 Interval for anti-seize operation....................................................................106
5.44 Hours-run counter ........................................................................................106
Operation status – Operationcounter...........................................................................107
5.45 Hours-run counter ........................................................................................107
5.46 Reset of hours-run counter ..........................................................................107
Operation status - HRC Efficiency ...............................................................................108
5.47 Efficiency......................................................................................................108
Setpoints - CascadeController .....................................................................................109
5.48 Control type..................................................................................................109
5.49 Current setpoint ...........................................................................................109
5.50 Current actual value.....................................................................................109
5.51 Basic setpoint Economy...............................................................................109
5.52 Basic setpoint Comfort.................................................................................109
5.53 Deadzone Comfort.......................................................................................110
5.54 Deadzone Economy.....................................................................................110
5.55 External setpoint ..........................................................................................110
Setpoints - Min/Max Supplytemp .................................................................................111
5.56 Type of min./max.limitation ..........................................................................111
5.57 Current heating setpoint...............................................................................111
5.58 Current cooling setpoint ...............................................................................111
5.59 Supply air temperature.................................................................................112
5.60 Minimum supply air setpoint ........................................................................112
5.61 Maximum supply air setpoint .......................................................................112
5.62 Delta heating................................................................................................112
5.63 Delta cooling ................................................................................................112
Setpoints - Supplycontroller .........................................................................................113
5.64 Current setpoint ...........................................................................................113
5.65 Supply air temperature.................................................................................113
5.66 Basic setpoint Economy...............................................................................113
5.67 Basic setpoint Comfort.................................................................................113
5.68 Deadzone Comfort.......................................................................................113
5.69 Deadzone Economy.....................................................................................114
5.70 External setpoint ..........................................................................................114
Setpoints - Fan Controller ............................................................................................115
5.71 Current setpoint for the supply air................................................................115
5.72 Current pressure in the supply air................................................................115
5.73 Current flow/pressure in the supply air ........................................................115
5.74 Current setpoint for the exhaust air..............................................................115
5.75 Current flow/pressure in the exhaust air ......................................................115
5.76 Setpoint for low-speed supply air.................................................................116
5.77 Setpoint for high-speed supply air ...............................................................116


Siemens Building Technologies IVP LB20 V3.xx SE1P3689sv/IVP V3_xx

HVAC Products Contents 2006-04-20
5.78 Setpoint for low-speed exhaust air .............................................................. 116
5.79 Setpoint for high-speed exhaust air............................................................. 116
5.80 Max. setpoint for supply air fan.................................................................... 116
5.81 Max. setpoint for exhaust air fan ................................................................. 117
5.82 Deadzone heating with fan compensation................................................... 117
5.83 Deadzone cooling with fan compensation ................................................... 117
5.84 Compensating for exhaust set point ............................................................ 117
Setpoints - Fanspeed .................................................................................................. 118
5.85 Low-speed supply air fan............................................................................. 118
5.86 High-speed supply air fan............................................................................ 118
5.87 Low-speed extract air fan ............................................................................ 118
5.88 High-speed extract air fan ........................................................................... 118
Setpoints PostCondController ..................................................................................... 119
5.89 Type of posttreatment.................................................................................. 119
5.90 Current value posttreatment ........................................................................ 119
5.91 Setpoint for posttreatment ........................................................................... 119
Alarmshistory ............................................................................................................... 120
5.92 Alarms history.............................................................................................. 120
5.92.1 Reset of alarms history................................................................................ 120
Password function ....................................................................................................... 121
5.93 Log-in........................................................................................................... 121
5.94 Log-out ........................................................................................................ 121
5.95 Change Password ....................................................................................... 121
Application info ............................................................................................................ 122
5.96 Application info ............................................................................................ 122

6 Description of HVAC engineer parameters ................................................. 123

Configuration - Sensors............................................................................................... 123

6.1 Calibration of measured values ................................................................... 123
Configuration - Alarms ................................................................................................. 124
6.2 Configuration of alarms ............................................................................... 124
Configuration - Control functions ................................................................................. 126
6.3 Activation of smoke damper ........................................................................ 126
6.4 Function for AUX input ................................................................................ 126
6.5 Function for MultiFuncInput 1 ...................................................................... 126
6.6 Function for MultiFuncInput 2 ...................................................................... 126
6.7 Selection of external control ........................................................................ 127
6.8 Activation of room or exhaust air sensor ..................................................... 127
6.9 Activation of outside sensor......................................................................... 127
6.10 Configuration of control function.................................................................. 127
6.11 Selection of fan control ................................................................................ 128
6.12 Selection of fan compensation .................................................................... 128
6.13 Fire function................................................................................................. 128


Siemens Building Technologies IVP LB20 V3.xx SE1P3689sv/IVP V3_xx

HVAC Products Contents 2006-04-20
6.14 Working range for pressure sensor..............................................................128
6.15 Selection of cooling......................................................................................128
6.16 Selection of type of heat recovery................................................................129
6.17 Selection of extra heating sequence............................................................129
6.18 Selection of heating source..........................................................................129
6.19 Conclude commissioning .............................................................................129
Configuration - Controllers ...........................................................................................130
Configuration - Controllers ...........................................................................................130
6.20 Control parameter settings...........................................................................130
Configuration - Fans ....................................................................................................131
6.21 Fan start delay .............................................................................................131
6.22 Start delay supply air fan .............................................................................131
6.23 CO2 control..................................................................................................131
6.23.1 CO2 Start compensation..............................................................................131
6.23.2 CO2 Stop compensation..............................................................................132
6.24 Summer/winter compensation for fans ........................................................132
6.24.1 Start temperature summer compensation fans............................................132
6.24.2 Stop temperature summer compensation fans ............................................132
6.24.3 Delta summer compensation supply air fan.................................................133
6.24.4 Delta summer compensation exhaust air fan...............................................133
6.24.5 Start temperature winter compensation fans ...............................................133
6.24.6 Stop temperature winter compensation fans ...............................................133
6.24.7 Delta winter compensation supply air fan ....................................................133
6.24.8 Delta winter compensation exhaust air fan ..................................................134
6.25 Blocking of high-speed.................................................................................134
6.26 Fan speed at fire ..........................................................................................134
6.27 Afterblowing .................................................................................................134
6.28 Powerup start delay after mains failure........................................................135
6.29 Setting of K factors.......................................................................................135
Configuration TempControl ..........................................................................................136
6.30 Summer/winter compensation temperature .................................................136
6.30.1 Start temperature for summer compensation temperature ..........................136
6.30.2 Stop temperature for summer compensation temperature ..........................136
6.30.3 Delta summer compensation .......................................................................136
6.30.4 Start temperature for winter compensation temperature .............................137
6.30.5 Stop temperature for winter compensation Temperature ............................137
6.30.6 Delta winter compensation...........................................................................137
6.31 Change between cascade/supply air control ...............................................137
6.31.1 Change-over at set outside temperature .....................................................138
6.31.2 Change-over time delay...............................................................................138
6.31.3 Setpoint value compensation.......................................................................138
Configuration - Cooling ................................................................................................139


Siemens Building Technologies IVP LB20 V3.xx SE1P3689sv/IVP V3_xx

HVAC Products Contents 2006-04-20
6.32 Activate cooling sequence........................................................................... 139
6.33 Pump function for cooling ............................................................................ 139
6.34 Max.limit cooling at low speed..................................................................... 139
6.35 Start DX cooling step 1................................................................................ 139
6.36 Stop DX cooling step 1 ................................................................................ 140
6.37 Start DX cooling step 2................................................................................ 140
6.38 Stop DX cooling step 2 ................................................................................ 140
6.39 Min. time for restart of DX cooling ............................................................... 140
Configuration - Heating................................................................................................ 141
6.40 Pre-heating time .......................................................................................... 141
6.41 Pump function for heating............................................................................ 141
6.42 Setting of minimum run time for the pumps................................................. 141
6.43 Min.flow for activation of el.battery .............................................................. 142
6.44 Min.temperature air heater (water) in operation .......................................... 142
6.45 Hotkeeping of stopped air heater (water) .................................................... 142
Configuration HRC....................................................................................................... 143
6.46 Activation of cooling recovery...................................................................... 143
6.47 Start-up time for heat exchanger ................................................................. 143
6.48 Setpoint for freeze protection ...................................................................... 143
6.49 Min. outside air amount for return air damper ............................................. 144
6.50 Max. output signal plate HRC at defrosting ................................................. 144
6.51 Time duration for defrosting......................................................................... 144
6.52 Setpoint for defrosting plate heat exchangers ............................................. 144
Configuration - RemoteSetp ........................................................................................ 146
6.53 Minimum temperature via external setpoint................................................. 146
6.54 Maximum temperature via external setpoint................................................ 146
Configuration TimerInput ............................................................................................. 147
6.55 Timer inputs D1 and D2............................................................................... 147
6.55.1 Switching via external switch....................................................................... 147
6.55.2 Switching via external button....................................................................... 147
6.56 Extended operating time via button / timer .................................................. 147
6.57 Both timers on ............................................................................................. 147
6.58 Selection of setpoint for "timer operation" ................................................... 148
Configuration - Nightmode........................................................................................... 149
6.59 Fan speed in night mode ............................................................................. 149
6.60 Night purge .................................................................................................. 149
6.60.1 Activation ..................................................................................................... 149
6.60.2 Room setpoint ............................................................................................. 150
6.60.3 Minimum outside temperature ..................................................................... 150
6.60.4 Hysteresis.................................................................................................... 150
6.60.5 Delta ............................................................................................................ 150
6.60.6 Minimum running time ................................................................................. 150


Siemens Building Technologies IVP LB20 V3.xx SE1P3689sv/IVP V3_xx

HVAC Products Contents 2006-04-20
6.61 Unoccupied mode ........................................................................................151
6.61.1 Unoccupied heating mode ...........................................................................151
6.61.2 Unoccupied cooling mode............................................................................151
6.61.3 Activation of unoccupied heating mode .......................................................152
6.61.4 Activation of unoccupied cooling mode........................................................152
6.61.5 Open outside air damper .............................................................................152
6.61.6 Limit value for unoccupied heating ..............................................................152
6.61.7 Limit value for unoccupied cooling...............................................................152
6.61.8 Minimum restart time for operation of unoccupied mode.............................153
6.62 Delay before test of night mode ...................................................................153
Configuration - SmokeDamper ....................................................................................154
6.63 Smoke damper anti-seize interval................................................................154
6.64 Smoke damper opening and closing times ..................................................154
Configuration Serviceswitch.........................................................................................155
6.65 Function Serviceswitch ................................................................................155

7 Communications ..........................................................................................156

7.1 Communications options..............................................................................156

7.1.1 ACX52.22.....................................................................................................156
7.1.2 ACX51.20.....................................................................................................156
7.1.3 ACX50.25.....................................................................................................156

8 Applications..................................................................................................157

8.1.1 Loading the application ................................................................................157

8.1.2 After the application has loaded...................................................................157


Siemens Building Technologies IVP LB20 V3.xx SE1P3689sv/IVP V3_xx

HVAC Products Contents 2006-04-20
1 Overview
1.1 Features

Control functions  Four types of control

– Cascade control of room/supply air or exhaust/supply air with fixed limitation of the
supply air temperature.
– Cascade control of room/supply air or exhaust/supply air with sliding limitation of
the supply air temperature (differential temperature control).
– Constant supply air control.
– Cascade control in summer and constant supply air control in winter.
 Min. and max. limitation of the supply air temperature.
 Outside temperature compensation of the basic temperature setpoint.
 Double basic setpoints with dead zones for Comfort and Economy, respectively.
Change-over is via the time scheduler.
 Unoccupied mode (night mode) for heating and/or cooling.
 Summer nightpurge.
 Setpoint shift via external signal (0-10 V or Ni1000).
 Frost protection controller for heat recovery equipment (HRC).
 Demand-controlled ventilation.
 Frost protection function for the water battery.
 Selectable P, PI, PD or PID control functions.
 Electric or hot-water heater.
 Cooling, modulating, one-/two-stage or three-stage (binary) switching (DX cooling).
 Heat recovery with rotary heat exchanger, flat plate heat exchanger, glycol circuit
or return air damper.
 Extra heating sequence between heat recovery and heater.
 Posttreatment cooling or heating.
 Pressure control or flow control with high- and low-speed setting point,
respectively. Change-over is via the time scheduler or timer inputs.
 Pressure control of supply air and flow control of extract air, set point for extract
airflow are a function of supply airflow.
 Outside temperature compensation of pressure/flow control.
 Speed reduction of fans when plant needs heat.
 Speed increase of fans when plant needs cooling.
 CO2 control for the fans.
 Time scheduler comprising day program with 4 switching times, week program with
Control functions
six exception times and year program with five exception times.
 Start/stop of the pump for the according to load and outside temperature.
 Fan overrun with electric heater.
 Single- or 2-speed via frequency converter with fixed setting of speeds.
 Fire function for the fans. Operation both fans. Stop of both fans. Stop of either the
extract or supply air fan, with the other fan going to max.speed. The max speed can
be set.
 Anti-seizing of smoke and fire damper.
 Maximum Economy Changeover (MECH) of air dampers or heat recovery.
 Switching the controller via external switch (Auto, I, II) or pushbutton.
 Emergency stop by external equipment.
 Common alarm with one contact output (priority A and B).
 Minimum air damper position for return air damper.
 Preheating function of hot-water air heater battery.
 Outside temperature-dependent locking of fan speed II.
 Outside temperature-dependent locking of the cooling signal.
 Max. limit of cooling output signal at low speed.
 Timescheduler for control of an external unit (ex. external exhaustfan).


Siemens Building Technologies IVP LB20 V3.xx SE1P3689sv/IVP V3_xx

HVAC Products Contents 2006-04-20
Monitoring functions  Operator unit (HMI) with 4- or 8-line display, each line with 20 characters.
 Fire and smoke alarm input.
 Air flow or pressure.
 2 AUX temperatures (only measuring).
 Frost protection unit in the air heater battery’s water circuit.
 Electric air heater battery, overload.
 Circulation pump, overload.
 Fans, overload.
 Fans, pressure/flow deviation.
 Temperature deviation for the supply air temperature.
 Chiller, overload.
 Free alarm input (AUX alarm).
 Pressure switch for HRC.
 Efficiency measuring for HRC.
 Filter monitor.


Siemens Building Technologies IVP LB20 V3.xx SE1P3689sv/IVP V3_xx

HVAC Products Contents 2006-04-20
1.2 Product range overview

The list below contains examples of equipment, suitable for use with Saphir.

Temperature sensors Type ref. Designation Data sheet Terminals

Passiv: NI 1000
QAA24 Room temperature sensor CM1N1721 UI1
QAA64 CM1N1722

QAM2120... Duct temperature sensor CM1N1761 UI2...UI7

QAE21.9... Immersion temperature CE1N1792 UI...UI5
QAE26.93.. sensor CE1N1790
QAE22... CE1N1791
QAD22 Clamp-on temp. sensor CE1N1801 UI1...UI5
QAD26 Clam-on temp. sensor CE1N1802 UI1...UI5
QAC22 Outside temp. sensor CE1N1811 UI3

Pressure sensors QBM65... Differential pressure CM1N1916 UI9…UI10

Active: DC 0…10 V QBM66... sensor CM1N1910

External setpoint BSG61 Signal converter CA1N1922

adjuster QAA26 Setpoint adjuster / Room CM1N1721 UI8
Active: DC 0...10 V sensor (passive)
Passive: NI1000 BSG21 Setpoint adjuster CM1N1991 UI8

Valve actuators SSC61 Valve actuator CA1N4895 AO1…AO3

Active: DC 0…10 V SQS65 CM1N4573 AO1…AO3
SQX62 CM1N4554 AO1…AO3
SSB61 CA1N4891 AO1…AO3

Transformers ENL21393 Transformer with two X1 1,2

secondary windings
ENL21394 Transformer with two X1 1,2
secondary windings


Siemens Building Technologies IVP LB20 V3.xx SE1P3689sv/IVP V3_xx

HVAC Products Contents 2006-04-20
1.3 Notes on safety

ACX32.000/ALG is designed exclusively for the control and supervision of ventilation

Use with other products Only third-party products supplied with the ACX32.000/ALG by Siemens or
recommended by Siemens may be integrated in the system without restrictions. Within
the scope of the overall configuration, the user must observe all safety instructions
released by the supplier of such products.
The connection or integration of third-party products not recommended by Siemens is
possible, but such products must satisfy the safety requirements and other technical
requirements as specified in the relevant product descriptions.

1.3.1 Requirements on commissioning engineers and users

Preparatory work on and commissioning of the ACX32.000/ALG must be performed by

qualified staff trained by Siemens or their representatives.
Operation of the ACX32.000/ALG must be performed by persons who have been
appropriately instructed by Siemens or Siemens representatives and whose attention
has been drawn to potential risks.

1.3.2 Active and passive safety

Active and passive safety are product related statuses: the safe status is ensured
actively by the product itself (system safety, e.g. intrinsic safety designed into the
system), or the product has passive safety characteristics and has to rely on the safety
that is to be constantly exercised when the product is used.

Active safety
Active safety of the ACX32.000/ALG is achieved through the following measures:
 Use of safe software (self-diagnosis, plausibility tests, warning of potential risks,
shutdown in the case of serious system faults, data backup in the event of power
failure, etc.)
 Safe construction

Passive safety The passive safety of ACX32.000/ALG is enhanced through the following measures:
 Training of commissioning staff by Siemens to make certain that the system will be
correctly used and safety regulations complied with.
 Instructing the operator, including detailed information about safety measures.


Siemens Building Technologies IVP LB20 V3.xx SE1P3689sv/IVP V3_xx

HVAC Products Contents 2006-04-20
1.3.3 General notes on safety

The ACX32.000/ALG is a state-of-the-art product with the level of safety that can be
expected in all relevant circumstances.
Correct use Prerequisites for the flawless and safe operation of the ACX32.000/ALG are: correct
and adequate transport and storage, mounting, installation and commissioning,
followed by accurate and careful operation.
Note The following notes on safety refer not only to the ACX32.000/ALG but also to the
controller’s environment (e.g. the control panel) and the related building services plant.
Observe all notes on safety and comply with the relevant general safety regulations to
ensure that no damage to people and / or property can occur.
 It is forbidden to remove, circumnavigate or disable any safety devices, safety
functions or monitoring equipment

 Devices and system components may only be used when in a flawless condition
from a technical point of view. Faults that can affect the safety must immediately be

 Observe the protective measures aimed at preventing electric shock and do not
take any actions that might adversely affect the existing protective measures

 Never remove covers, housings or other protective equipment. Do not operate the
plant or any plant sections or components when standard protective equipment is
not operative or when its operation is impeded

 Do not take any action that could affect the prescribed segregation of protective
low voltage (AC 24 V)

 Before opening the control panel, turn the power supply off. Never perform any
work when equipment is under voltage

 Turn the power supply off when changing fuses. Use the correct replacement fuses

 Avoid electromagnetic and other disturbances on signal lines and connecting wires
that could trigger functions and actions detrimental to safety

 Always mount and install the system and other plant components in compliance
with the relevant mounting and installation instructions

 Provide protection against static charges: electronic components, open printed

circuit boards, accessible connectors and other components connected to the
internal circuitry must be protected

In this connection, observe the protective measures, such as earthing, potential

equalization, conductive materials (avoiding highly-insulating materials), etc., required
for the safe operation of the system.


Siemens Building Technologies IVP LB20 V3.xx SE1P3689sv/IVP V3_xx

HVAC Products Contents 2006-04-20
1.4 Packing, storage and transport

Required packing for storage and transport depends on the mechanical and climatic

Use original packing Use Siemens’ original packing or that of the supplier if, during transport, the usual
mechanical and climatic conditions can be expected.
Mechanical protection Avoid excessive mechanical strain on the packing from outside (caused by, for
example, pointed or blunt objects). Pile packed products only when the packing will
keep the load safely away from the product.
Transport under severe For transport under more severe conditions (e.g. on open trucks, in case of extreme
conditions vibrations, seafreight or shipment to subtropical countries), additional or special packing
is required.
Storage Store the product such that harmful environmental effects cannot cause any damage.
Avoid frequent and especially abrupt temperature changes during storage. They are
particularly harmful in the case of condensation.

 For storage and transport, the limits specified in Data Sheet CE1N3222 must be
observed. If in doubt, please contact your supplier or Siemens
 Damage resulting from improper packing, storage or transport will not be the
responsibility of Siemens

1.5 Maintenance and service

Cleaning All that is required in terms of maintenance is cleaning at regular intervals. System
components fitted inside the control panel should be cleaned from dust and dirt at the
normal service intervals.

Never use scrubbing or plastic-dissolving cleansing agents!

Avoid sour or alkaline solutions, splash water and mechanical shock!

Faults Should system faults occur and you are not authorized to make a diagnosis or rectify
the fault, call in your Siemens service engineer.
Diagnostics, rectification of faults and fresh startup of plant may only be carried out by
authorized staff. This also applies to work to be performed inside the control panel
(inspections, changing fuses, etc.).

In the case of unauthorized interventions, Siemens will not assume any responsibility.
Any damage to the system or consequential damage will be the responsibility of the
party that caused it.


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1.6 Environmental protection and disposal

Environmental Controller ACX32.000/ALG has no negative effect on the environment.


Disposal The controller contains electrical and electronic components and must not be disposed
of together with household garbage. Local and currently valid legislation must
always be observed!

1.7 Abbreviations used in this document

B Password for operating level

DIL-switch Set of DIL switches grouped together as one component
ES End point of summer compensation
EW End point of winter compensation
FS Start point of summer compensation
FU Frequency converter
FW Start point of winter compensation
HMI Human Machine Interface (operator unit)
I Password for information level
KP Gain factor (P mode)
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
MEU Maximum Economy Changeover
NC Normally Closed
NO Normally Open
P Password for parameter setting level
SA Switching interval
SD Switching differential
Ss Extent of summer compensation at end point Es
Sw Extent of winter compensation at end point Ew
TA Outside temperature
TD Derivative action time (D-mode)
TN Integral action time (I-mode)
TR Room or extract air temperature
t Time
tPmin Minimum runtime circulating pump
wc Setpoint cooling
wR Setpoint room of extract air temperature
ww Setpoint frost protection (frost alarm value)
wz Setpoint supply air temperature
Y Modulating control signal
p Pressure differential
w Setpoint shift


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2 Handling

2.1 Installation procedure

2.1.1 Controller ACX32.000/ALG

The ACX32.000/ALG is designed for installation in control panels and is mounted on

DIN rail.


If voltages exceeding AC 29 V (e.g. AC 240 V) are accidentally applied to the low-

voltage terminals, the controller will be damaged beyond repair!

A specific transformer for the power supply is required. It must not be connected
to the sensors or to other equipment, since this will ruin the entire unit!

STOP Make the electrical connections in the following order:

First the peripheral devices, then the supply voltage.

2.1.2 Fault handling

In the event of fault, check the following:

 Power supply 24 V
 Correct connections of the terminals
 Correct connections of the peripheral devices
 Fault diagnosis with the help of the LEDs on the unit front
If the fault cannot be remedied with these actions, the controller must be replaced and
returned (via the supplier) to the factory.

Note For detailed information about, for example, the installation and mechanical design of
ACX32.000/ALG, refer to Basic Documentation SICLIMAT® SAPHIR (CE2P3690en).


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2.1.3 HMI (Operator unit)

For flush panel mounting of the HMI, proceed as follows:

1. The panel cutout required is 135.5
x 87.5 mm.
The front dimensions of the unit

are 153.5 x 99.3 mm.

87,5 0

2. Connect the cable and pull it to the

rear of the cutout.
Screw the unit together.

When fitting the unit, make certain
that the seal is on the front of the

Note For technical data of the HMI, refer to Data Sheet N3223en.


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2.2 Connection guide
2.2.1 Connection terminals

X11 UI4



























12V DC
12V DC














Saphir IO Function IO type Connection Saphir

Relay outputs
DO1 Pump or electric air heater Digital X3 (Pin 1,2,3)
DO2 Cooling pump or DX Step1 Digital X3 (Pin 4,5,6)
DO3 Supply fan Switching (FVO) / Low-speed Digital X4 (Pin 1,2,3)
DO4 Exhaust fan Switching (FVO) / Low-speed Digital X4 (Pin 4,5,6)
DO5 Smoke damper Digital X5 (Pin 1,2,3)
DO6 Outside air damper Digital X5 (Pin 4,5,6)
DO7 Alarm output priority A Digital X6 (Pin 1,2,3)
DO8 Alarm output priority B Digital X6 (Pin 4,5,6)
Analog outputs
AO1 Heating Analog (0 - 10 V) X9 (Pin 1,3)
AO2 Cooling / DX Step2* Analog (0 - 10 V) X9 (Pin 2,3)
AO3 Heat exchanger Analog (0 - 10 V) X9 (Pin 4,6)
AO4 Posttreatment / Extra heating Analog (0 - 10 V) X9 (Pin 5,6)
AO5 Frequency converter Supply Analog (0 - 10 V) X10 (Pin 1,3)
AO6 Frequency converter Exhaust Analog (0 - 10 V) X10 (Pin 2,3)
AO7 Indication full speed* Analog (0 – 10 V) X10 (Pin 4,6)
AO8 External unit (via time channel)* Analog (0 – 10 V) X10 (Pin 5,6)
Binary inputs
DI1 Timer low speed Digital X7 (Pin 1,2)
DI2 Timer high speed Digital X7 (Pin 3,4)
DI3 Alarm smoke damper Digital X8 (Pin1,2)
DI4 Smoke/fire alarm Digital X8 (Pin 3,4)
Universal inputs
UI1 Room / Exhaust air temperature Passive (Ni 1000) X11 (Pin 1,2)
UI2 Supply air temperature Passive (Ni 1000) X11 (Pin 3,4)
UI3 Outside temperature Passive (Ni 1000) X11 (Pin 5,6)
UI4 Frost temperature Passive (Ni 1000) X11 (Pin 7,8)
UI5 Setpoint / CO2 sensor / Supply pressure Passive (Ni 1000) / X11 (Pin 9,10)
Active (0-10 V)
UI6 Multifunc. input 1 Passive (Ni 1000) / X11 (Pin 11,12)
UI7 Multifunc. input 2 Passive (Ni 1000) X11 (Pin 13,14)
UI8 Alarm Supply fan / Supply pressure Digital/Active (0–10 X12 (Pin 1,2)
UI9 Alarm Extract fan / Extract pressure Digital/Active (0–10V) X12 (Pin 3,4)
UI10 Alarm Filter Digital/Active (0–10V) X12 (Pin 5,6)
UI11 Alarm circ.pump heating/overheating Digital X12 (Pin 7,8)
UI12 Alarm cooling Digital X12 (Pin 9,10)
UI13 Alarm HRC Digital X12 (Pin 11,12)
UI14 Free alarm input (AUX) Digital X12 (Pin 13,14)
DIL switches
DIL 1 Set values after loading of new program Digital (switch)
DIL 2 For configuration of HMI Digital (switch)
* Via voltage relay, e.g. Styrelec RB111V-12VDC


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2.2.2 Connection instruction

Connection of external components to the controller must be made as follows:

24VAC power supply

Power supply Saphir

1 2

50/60 Hz 24VAC
20VA 50/60Hz G0
+/- 15%


The controller must have a separate power supply to prevent damage due to
voltage transients.

Digital outputs

X3 X4 X5 X6

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

24…250VAC 2A relay outputs

Digital inputs
X7 X8
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Fast inputs max. 50Hz


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Analog outputs for 0-10V actuators
X9 X10
+ + - + + - + + - + + -

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6


G G0 Y

Universal inputs

UI for NI1000 sensors

+- +- +- +- +- +- +-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


UI for 0-10V signal

+ - + - + - + - + - + - + -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14



Aktiv Givare med

Active sensor with
0-10 VDC - Signal
0-10 V DC signal

UI for digital signals

+ - + - + - + - + - + - + -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Digitla Ingång
Digital input


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2.3 Operating elements ACX8…/SWE

Operating element Function

LCD with 4/8 line, each one Display of actual values and settings
with 20 characters
Start menu button (F1) Jumps back to the start page
Return button (F2) Jumps one menu back

Start / Stop button (F3) Toggles between automatic / off mode

Alarm button with integrated Display and acknowledgement of alarms
LED (F4)
Line selection buttons Selection of menu/parameter/line
Setting buttons Setting a value (+ / -) and
horizontal cursor movement
ENTER button Selects the value to be changed and confirms
the change of value (setting)


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2.3.1 Restoration of character set

When using operator unit ACX80.910/SWE, the character set may sometimes get lost
when the HMI cable is connected/disconnected during operation. To restore the
character set, proceed as follows:

 Disconnect the HMI and then connect it again with the ”Return key” =F2
pressed down.
 This opens a window with a large number of characters. Press the ”Start menu
key”= F1 and the ”Alarm key”= F4 at the same time. All characters will now
appear in the window.
 Disconnect and then reconnect the HMI without pressing any keys. All
characters are now restored in the menu. If not, please repeat the procedure

2.3.2 Configuration of the HMI

After system configuration (applies to changes in the Commissioning menu and control
functions), DIL-switch 2 on the Saphir must be switched from OFF-ON. After this, the
Saphir will restart automatically in order to update the menu structure in the operator
unit according to the selected configuration.

2.4 Navigation
2.4.1 Levels

Data access is hierarchically divided into 3 levels:

 Information level
 Operating level
 Parameter setting level

Information level All users have access to the information level:

At the information level, all users may read certain values without input of password.
Basically, these values are current plant values and states.

Operating level The end-user has access to the operating level:

At the operating level, the end-user can read and change certain values by entering the
corresponding password. Basically, this applies to current plant values and states and
the possibility to change setpoints etc., i.e. end-user parameters.

Parameter setting level The HVAC engineer has access to the parameter setting level:
The end-user has no access to the parameter setting level. It is for exclusive use by the
HVAC engineer and can only be accessed by entering the appropriate password. Input
of the correct password gives access to the highest entry level, which makes it possible
to read and change all values available at the operating level.

In this documentation, the terms ”End-user parameters” and ”HVAC engineer

parameters” refer to the settings made via the so-called parameter names (with the
exception of the time scheduler), whereas the basic settings (and the time scheduler)
do not have these names.


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The parameter names are designations that describe the respective parameter and that
often consists of composite abbreviations.
Example. MaxExtSetp Max.limitation of external setpoint

The parameter names are accessed via the main menus and the submenus. After the
parameter names, values are given that can be read and changed.
The basic settings (and the time scheduler) do not have parameter names, but go via
menus directly to the setting lines, i.e. to values that can be read and changed.

Note In this documentation, the parameter names are given in Courier font type, in order to
facilitate their distinction from the menus.


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2.4.2 Menus

The parameter names or the setting lines are accessed via main menus (start page)
and submenus. The structure is shown in section 2.4.6.
The order in which the menus associated with the individual parameter names or
setting lines are selected, is also described in the overview and description section of
this documentation. In the parameter overviews (section 2.4.10 for end-user
parameters, and section 2.4.11 for HVAC engineer parameters) and in the description
part (chapter 3-6), a line highlighted in gray provides information about the selected
menus that lead from the start page to the parameter names or setting lines.

In the parameter overview, this looks as follows:

Default value



Menu  Configuration  Timer inputs  Parameter name
TimerOnTime Time for timer input 0...12 h 0 P P 5.18
TimerSetp Selection of Econ/Comf Comf P P 5.18
setpoint for timer

In the description part, this looks as follows:

Setting Menu  Configuration  Timer inputs  TimerOnTime

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

TimerOnTime 0…12 H 0

Note Depending on the application, some of the parameters are not used and do not appear
on the HMI. The parameters listed and described in this documentation always appear
in the same order however. The menus are always displayed.


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2.4.3 Passwords

The password function ensures data protection.

Each password comprises 4 digits assigned to 3 levels:

Password levels Info password (I) for the operating level (no password required!)
Operator password (B) not used
Parameter setting password (P) for the parameter setting level
Numeric code The operator password and the parameter setting password use a factory-set numeric
code:  Password level 2 and 4.
In addition, user-defined passwords can be entered: Password level 1 and 3.

The following numeric codes are used:

Password Info Operator password (B) Parameter setting password
password (P)
Level 0 1 2 3 4
Numeric code 0000 User- **** User- ****
defined * defined**
* Factory-setting 1000
** Factory-setting 2000

Note The password levels are hierarchically structured: for example, if password 3 is
entered, everything can be read or written at password level 1 or 2.

User-defined password The user-defined password is different from the default password and is intended for
individual use. After entering the user or parameter setting level, the user can change
the relevant password. For that purpose, the line “Change Password” under menu
“Password“ is to be used. The password level below the level used for entering the
system can be changed. This means that if a user gained access with password 2, he
can change the user-defined password to level 1, but not to level 3.

The default password can be changed if the user selected level 2 or 4 by mistake, in
place of 1 or 3 (user-defined passwords).


What level? Info level Operating level Parameter setting level

For whom? For all users For end-user For HVAC engineer

Password input? No Yes Yes

What can be done? Read values Read and change values Read and change values

What can be read Parameters for all users: End-user parameters: Basic settings:
and changed at the Actual values, Setpoints, Alarms Actual values, Setpoints, Alarms Language selection, Daylight-
different levels?  Chapter 4  Chapter 4 saving time, HMI parameters
And where is what  Chapter 3
described? HVAC
engineer parameters:
 Chapter 5


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2.4.4 Overview of menu structure

Commissioning will only be shown when the controller is unconfigured.

A: Basic settings B: End-user parameters C: HVAC engineer parameters

Operating level: Reading and changing Operating level: Reading and changing Parameter setting level: Reading and changing
Description: Chapter 4 (incl. password function) Description: Chapter 5 Description: Chapter 6


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2.4.5 Navigation for basic settings

The basic settings can be read on the information level and changed on the operating
level. The basic settings include settings that apply to the plant. Navigation through the
basic settings is explained here using the example ”Language Selection”:

Operation Status 1. Enter the required password:

Press the line selection buttons until you reach ”Password function” and
Alarm history
confirm with ENTER .
Password function

Log In 2. Select the line “Log In“ and confirm with ENTER
Log Out
Password function

Log In 3. Press ENTER

again: the first digit appears (0).

Press buttons until you reach the first digit of the numeric code and

confirm with ENTER .

Enter the remaining three digits in the same way.

When the last digit is confirmed with ENTER, the cursor returns to the first line
of the start page; the same thing happens if you enter the wrong password.

Timerinput 4. Press the line selection buttons until you reach ”System parameters” and
Nightmode confirm with ENTER

”System parameters” contains all the setting lines for the basic settings.
System parameters

Language Selection 5. Select the required line with the buttons and confirm with ENTER


**Language Selection** 6. A value highlighted in black flashes (cursor position)

Current Language If you want to change this value:
English Confirm with ENTER
, select new value with buttons and confirm with ENTER

If several values appear side by side: The cursor can be moved horizontally by
pressing buttons .1

Pressing the return button takes you back to the next higher menu.
Pressing the Start Page button takes you back to the start page.

- A flashing value with a black dashed cursor:

Shows cursor position. After confirming with , the value can be changed.
- A flashing value with no cursor:
The value can be changed with the buttons
- Moving the cursor horizontally:
Use setting buttons
+ = to the right / - = to the left


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2.4.6 Overview of the basic settings

The listing of menu levels below (Time / Date, Language Selection, etc.) is the same as
on the HMI.
„“ symbol for ENTER
with subsequent selection of the line with the line selection keys .

Time / Date Scheduler 15.09.2001 15:09:21

Operation Status Unit

Setpoints External unit
Alarms History

Password: B
Setting: Day, month, year (
Hours, minutes, seconds (
Description: Section 5.2

Language selection Timerinput Language Selection **Language Selection**

Nightmode Communication Current language
 
SmokeDamper Summer/Wintertime English
System parameters Diagnose

Password: P
Setting: Language
Description: Section 4.1

Communication Timerinput Language selection **Communication**

Nightmode Communication RCC configuration
 
SmokeDamper Summer/Wintertime Modem information
System parameters Diagnose LON Konfiguration

Password: P
Setting: Communication
Description: Section 4.3, 4.4, 4.5

Summer/Wintertime Timerinput Language selection Enabled ON

Nightmode Communication Activated ON
 
SmokeDamper Summer/Wintertimer B-TimeActive OFF
System parameters Diagnosis Switch-over time

Password: Service
Setting: Start, end daylight saving time
Start, end non-daylight saving time
Switch-over time
Description: Section 4.2


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Diagnose Timerinput Communication Overview
Nightmode Summer/Wintertime Cycletime
 
SmokeDamper Diagnose Application info
System parameters HMI parameters

Password: P
Setting: Process unit status, and store / load factory settings
Description: Section 4.6

HMI parameters Timerinput Summer/Wintertime HMI brightness

Nightmode Diagnose HMI contrast
 
SmokeDamper HMI-parameters Nb. of columns
System parameters Vertical scroll

Password: Service
Setting: All display-relevant settings
Description: Section 4.7

Password function
Operation status Log In Log In
Setpoints Log Out
 
Alarms history Change Password ****
Password function

Setting: Input of password

Change of password
Description: Section 4.8


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HVAC Products 2 Handling 2006-04-20
2.4.7 Navigation parameters for end-user and HVAC engineer
”End-user parameters” can be read on the information level and changed via the
operating level. ”HVAC engineer parameters” can be read and changed via the
parameter setting level.

Operation status 1. Enter the required password:

Setpoints Press the line selection buttons until you reach ”Password” and confirm
Alarms history with ENTER .
Password function

Log In 2. Select the line “Log-in“ and confirm with ENTER

Log Out
Change Password

Log-in 3. Press ENTER

again: The first digit appears (0).

Press the setting buttons

to enter the first digit of the numeric code and
confirm with ENTER .

Enter the remaining three digits in the same way.

When the last digit is confirmed with ENTER, the cursor returns to the first line
of the start page; the same thing happens if you enter the wrong password.

D rift Inf or ma tion

M e ny T idK ana l Tid sI n stä llnin g

D a gs P ro g ram
4. Based on the overview, the menu tree and by use of the setting instructions
V eck oP r og ra m B
D r iftS ta tus S ty r In gån g

M ätV ärd en

U tg ån g ar D ig itala

U tgå ng arS ty r sig n

B ra n dS p jäll
given in the description part, you reach the parameter names for the different
D r iftT id s M ä ta re

menu levels.
V V X V erk nG rad

B ö rv ärd en H u vu d R egu lato r

M i n/M a xT F tem p

F lö de sR eg u lato r

Tr yc kR eg u lato r
P a r a m e te r n a m n

Lar mH is to rik

L ös e nO r d Lo g ga In

Lo gg a U t

Ä n dr a Lö s eno rd

K on fig u ratio n G iv are

K o nta ktf un k ti on

R eg lerP rin cip

R eg ler P ara me tr ar

P ar am etra r F läk t

F löd e

Try ck

D X -K y la 1S teg

K y la

P um p

F ry sv ak t


Ex tern tB ö rv ärd e

S ty r In gån g ar

T em pe ratu rL arm

Lar m

L arm K las s

N attD r ift

N attK y la

D ep lace rad V en t

S m r/V n trK om p

B ran d Sp jäll

C U pp s tart

S ys tem P ar am etrar S p råk V al

32 21T0 1sv

K o m mu nik atio n

S om m ar/V in ter

B S - V er sio n

D iag n os

A H M I -P ar ame trar

5. Press the line selection buttons till you reach the respective menu(s) and
confirm each one with ENTER until you reach the parameter names.

The last selected menu is displayed within parentheses with asterisks (*xyz*)
on the top line.


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HVAC Products 2 Handling 2006-04-20
6. Change the value with the setting buttons
and confirm with

If the value consists of several parts, press the buttons – after confirming the
entry of the first part – to get to the next part of the value. Change the value
and confirm it.
Pressing the return button takes you back to the next higher menu.
Pressing the Start Page button takes you back to the start page.

- A flashing value with a black dashed cursor:

Shows cursor position. After confirming with , the value can be changed.
- A flashing value with no cursor:
The value can be changed with the buttons
- Moving the cursor horizontally:
Use setting buttons
+ = to the right / - = to the

2.4.8 Start / stop button (Service switch)

When button (3) is pressed, the unit stops. This is indicated on the top line of Operation

Overview * Op mode: Off

Menu  * Fanmode: Off
* Control type: Room

At repeated pressing of the button, Service switch (3) goes to auto, i.e. the unit starts if
the time scheduler or control input so admits. The function of the service switch can be
changed, see section 5.1.

A green LED indicates that the unit is in operation (only applicable to HMI ACX84.910)


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2.4.9 Alarms list

Description The alarms list provides an overview of active alarms (alarms still due). A maximum of
15 alarms can be displayed.
To access the alarms list, you must press the alarms button (5) one time. By another
pressing the red LED assumes a fixed light (incoming alarms will then generate a
flashing red light). When an alarm has been attended to, press the button once more
and the alarm disappears from the list.

Alarms history, see

section 5.92

Alarm point Input Alarm class Description

SupTemp Alarm A/B/C The temperature has exceeded or fallen below the selectable
deviation against the setpoint of the supply air temperature

Fire/Smoke Alarm DI4 A Central fire alarm triggered

HRC Alarm UI13 A/B/C Alarm from control unit for rotating heat exchanger

Pump/Heater Alarm UI11 A/B/C Overload heat pump, alternatively overheating electric heater

Chiller Alarm UI12 B Overload cooling pump, alternatively alarm from chiller

AUX Alarm UI14 A/B/C Free alarm input triggered

SupFanAlarm UI8/- A/B/C Overload supply air fan speed 1 or 2, Deviation alarm
(high/low pressure/flow) at pressure/flow control

ExhFanAlarm UI9/- A/B Overload exhaust air fan speed 1 or 2, Deviation alarm
(high/low pressure/flow) at pressure/flow control

WaterfrostAlarm - A Low return temperature in heater battery

HRC FrostAlarm - A Low temperature in exhaust air battery at closed circuit


Low Efficiency - B Calculated temperature efficiency below alarm limit

Unit override - B Some component is manually operated from the hand terminal

FilterAlarm UI10 A/B/C Filter monitor triggered for supply or extract air filter

Rm/ExhSensorAlarm - A Room/exhaust air sensor is defect or has a cable breakdown


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OutDoorSensorAlarm - A Outside sensor is defect or has a cable breakdown

SupplySensor Alarm - A Supply air sensor is defect or has a cable breakdown

FrostSensorAlarm - A Frost protection sensor is defect or has a cable breakdown

Multi1Sensor Alarm - A Multi-function sensor 1 is defect or has a cable breakdown

Multi2sensor Alarm - A Multi-function sensor 2 is defect or has a cable breakdown

AlarmRunCounter - B The operating time of the unit has exceeded the set value

SmokedamperAlarm DI3 A Fire damper in wrong position


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2.4.10 Overview of end-user parameters


Read 2



Current Selection of Swedish / – Swed I I 3.1
language language English ish

Date Setting of year, – – 2003 I I 5.2
month, day -06-

Time Setting of hour, – – 13:00 I I 5.2


SmokeDamper Activation of Disable / – Disa I I 3.2

smoke damper Enable ble

AuxFunct Function for AUX Disable / – Disa I I 3.3

input Alarm / ble
stop NO /
stop NC


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MultiFuncInpu Function of Multi- Disable / – Disa I I 3.4
t 1 function input 1 HRC ble
Frosttemp /
PlateHRC /
/ AUX Temp

MultiFuncInpu Function of Multi- Disable / – Disa I I 3.5

t 2 function input 2 PostTreatm ble
TempClg /
TempHtg /
p / AUX
Temp 2 /
ctrl /


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ExternalContr Selection of Disable / – Disa I I 3.6
l external control ExtSetp 0- ble
000 /
Airquality /

Room- Activation of room Disable / – Disa I I 3.7

/ExhSensor or exhaust air Roomtemp / ble
sensor Exhausttem

OutdoorSens Activation of Disable / – Disa I I 3.8

outdoor sensor Enable ble

Contrltype Selection of Cascade / – Supp I I 3.9

control type for Supply / ly
temperature Casc+Sup

Fancontrol Selection of Flow / – Flow I I 3.10

control type for the Pressure /
fans 1-2 Speed

Fancomp Selection of fan Disable / – Disa I I 3.11

compensation for Cooling / ble
the fans Heating /


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FanfunctionFi Fan function at fire Stop EX / Stop I I 3.12
re Stop SU / EX/S
Stop EX/SU U
/ Run EX/SU

PressureSenso Working range for 0-100 / 0- Pa 0- I I 3.13

r pressure sensor 300 / 0-500 / 500
0-1000 / 0-
1500 / 0-
2500 / 0-

Cooling Selection of Disable / – Disa I I 3.14

cooling Water / DX- ble
1Step / DX-
2Step / DX-

HRC Funct Selection of Rot-HRC / – Rot- I I 3.15

function for RecircAir / HRC
recovery Plate-HRC /

Extra heating Selection of an Disable / – Disa I I 3.16

sequence extra heting Enable ble

Heating Selection of Disable / – Disa I I 3.17

heating Water / ble


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Commissioning Removes blocking No / Yes – No I I 3.18
Done of unit

Serviceswitch Service switch Auto/Stop/L – – I – 5.5
: ow/High

Timer: Digital inputs DI1, Off/Stop/Lo – – I – 5.4

DI2 w/High

Op mode: Current DmprKick / – – I – –

operational mode Testtemp /
Off /
Economy /
Comfort /
Startup /
Nightprg /
Unoccupd /

Fanmode: Fanmode Off/LowSpd/ – – I – –


Act Setpoint Actual -50...150.0 °C – I – 5.49


Outtemp Outside -50...150.0 °C – I – 5.16


Supplytemp Supply air -50...150.0 °C – I – 5.17



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Room/Exhaustt Disable / -50...150.0 °C – I – 5.15
emp Roomtemp /
(Dynamic) Exhausttemp

MultiFuncInpu Disable / HRC -50...150.0 °C – I – 5.19

t 1 FrostTemp /
(Dynamic) DefrostTmpHRC /
Disable /
SupplyTempHRC /
UsedairTemp /
AUX Temp 1

MultiFuncInpu Disable / -50...150.0 °C – I – 5.20

t 2 PostTreaTemp /
(Dynamic) PostTreaTemp /
SupplyTempHRC /
UsedairTemp /
AUX Temp 2 /
Roomtemp ctrl /
Roomtemp meas

Frosttemp Frost alarm -50...150.0 °C – I – 5.18


Cooling Output signal 0...100 % – I – 5.35

cooling battery

HRC Output signal HX 0...100 % – I – 5.36

Extra heating Output signal 0...100 % – I – 5.37

sequence extra heating


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Heating Output signal 0...100 % – I – 5.38
heating battery

Airquality: Air quality 0…2000 ppm I – 5.21

ActStp SU Current setpoint Flow => l/s l/s / I – 5.70

supply air Pressure => Pa

ActStp EX Current setpoint Flow => l/s l/s / I – 5.73

exhaust air Pressure => Pa

Pressure Pressure supply Pressure => Pa I – 5.71

SU(Dynamic) air Pa

Flow/Pressure Pressure/Flow Flow => l/s l/s / I – 5.72

SU supply air Pressure => Pa
(Dynamic) Pa

Flow/Pressure Pressure/Flow Flow => l/s l/s / I – 5.74

EX exhaust air Pressure => Pa
(Dynamic) Pa

Supplyfan Output signal 0...100 % I – 5.40

supply air fan

Extractfan Output signal 0...100 % I – 5.41

exhaust air fan

*Posttreat: Posttreatment Disable / I – 5.87

Heating /

Setpoint - Current setpoint -50...150.0 °C I – 5.89

Actual value Posttreatment -50...150.0 °C I – 5.88


Valve Cooling or heating 0...100 % I – 5.39



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Menu  Scheduler  Parameter name

01.06.2003 Setting the current Day.Month. – – I B 5.2

13:00:00 time Year

Menu  Scheduler  Unit  Daytimescheduler  Parameter

T1 Switching point 1 00:00...24:0 – 07:00 I B 5.3.1
Start: 0 Co2
Of/Ec1/Ec2/ Actv
Mode: Co1/Co2
---- / Actv

T2 Switching point 2 00:00...24:0 – 18:00 I B 5.3.1

Start: 0 Off
Of/Ec1/Ec2/ Actv
Mode: Co1/Co2
---- / Actv

T3 Switching point 3 00:00...24:0 – 12:00 I B 5.3.1

Start: 0 Off
Of/Ec1/Ec2/ ----
Mode: Co1/Co2
---- / Actv


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T4 Switching point 4 00:00...24:0 – 12:00 I B 5.3.1
Start: 0 Off
Of/Ec1/Ec2/ ----
Mode: Co1/Co2
---- / Actv

Menu  Scheduler  Unit  Weektimescheduler  Parameter

T1 Switching point 1 dd.00:00...2 – Fr I B 5.3.2
Start: 4:00 23:00
dd.00:00...2 Su
Stop: 4:00 23:00
Of/Ec1/Ec2/ Off
Mode: Co1/Co2 Actv
---- / Actv

T2 Switching point 2 dd.00:00...2 – Mo I B 5.3.2

Start: 4:00 12:00
dd.00:00...2 Mo
Stop: 4:00 12:01
Of/Ec1/Ec2/ Off
Mode: Co1/Co2 ----
---- / Actv


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T3 Switching point 3 dd.00:00...2 – Mo II B 5.3.2
Start: 4:00 12:00 I
dd.00:00...2 Mo
Stop: 4:00 12:01
Of/Ec1/Ec2/ Off
Mode: Co1/Co2 ----
---- / Actv

T4 Switching point 4 dd.00:00...2 – Mo II B 5.3.2

Start: 4:00 12:00 I B
dd.00:00...2 Mo
Stop: 4:00 12:01
Of/Ec1/Ec2/ Off
Mode: Co1/Co2 ----
---- / Actv

T5 Switching point 5 dd.00:00...2 – Mo II B 5.3.2

Start: 4:00 12:00 I B
dd.00:00...2 Mo
Stop: 4:00 12:01
Of/Ec1/Ec2/ Off
Mode: Co1/Co2 ----
---- / Actv


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T6 Switching point 6 dd.00:00...2 – Mo II B 5.3.2
Start: 4:00 12:00 I B
dd.00:00...2 Mo
Stop: 4:00 12:01
Of/Ec1/Ec2/ Off
Mode: Co1/Co2 ----
---- / Actv

Menu  Scheduler  Unit  Yeartimescheduler  Parameter

T1 Switching point 1 – I B 5.3.3
Start: 00:00...24:0
Mode: Of/Ec1/Ec2/
Enabling: 0
----/ Actv


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T2 Switching point 2 – I B 5.3.3
Start: 00:00...24:0
Mode: Of/Ec1/Ec2/
Enabling: 0
----/ Actv

T3 Switching point 3 – I B 5.3.3

Start: 00:00...24:0
Mode: Of/Ec1/Ec2/
Enabling: 0
----/ Actv

T4 Switching point 4 – I B 5.3.3

Start: 00:00...24:0
Mode: Of/Ec1/Ec2/
Enabling: 0
----/ Actv


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T5 Switching point 5 – I B 5.3.3
Start: 00:00...24:0
Mode: Of/Ec1/Ec2/
Enabling: 0
----/ Actv

Menu  Scheduler  Unit  Override  Parameter name

OP switch Override Auto / Of / – Auto I B 5.1
scheduler Ec1 / Ec2 /
Co1 / Co2
BMS override Override Auto / Of / – Auto I B 5.1
scheduler form Ec1 / Ec2 /
external system Co1 / Co2
Curr. Current status for Of / Ec1 / – – I B 5.1
Scheduler the scheduler Ec2 / Co1 /
Menu  Scheduler  External Unit  Daytimescheduler 
Parameter name
T1 Switching point 1 00:00...24:0 – 12:00 I B 5.3.5
Start: 0 Off
Off/On ----
Mode: ---- / Actv


T2 Switching point 2 00:00...24:0 – 12:00 I B 5.3.5

Start: 0 Off
Off/On ----
Mode: ---- / Actv

T3 Switching point 3 00:00...24:0 – 12:00 I B 5.3.5
Start: 0 Off
Off/On ----
Mode: ---- / Actv



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T4 Switching point 4 00:00...24:0 – 12:00 I B 5.3.5
Start: 0 Off
Off/On ----
Mode: ---- / Actv


Menu  Scheduler  External Unit  Weektimescheduler 

Parameter name
T1 Switching point 1 dd.00:00...2 – Mo I B 5.3.6
Start: 4:00 12:00
dd.00:00...2 Mo
Stop: 4:00 12:01
Off/On Off
Mode: ---- / Actv ----


T2 Switching point 2 dd.00:00...2 – Mo I B 5.3.6

Start: 4:00 12:00
dd.00:00...2 Mo
Stop: 4:00 12:01
Off/On Off
Mode: ---- / Actv ----

T3 Switching point 3 dd.00:00...2 – Mo I B 5.3.6
Start: 4:00 12:00 I
dd.00:00...2 Mo
Stop: 4:00 12:01
Off/On Off
Mode: ---- / Actv ----



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T4 Switching point 4 dd.00:00...2 – Mo I B 5.3.6
Start: 4:00 12:00 I B
dd.00:00...2 Mo
Stop: 4:00 12:01
Off/On Off
Mode: ---- / Actv ----


Menu  Operation status  Inputs Digital  Parameter name

Timerinputs Timer inputs DI1, Off / Stop / – – I – 5.4

DI2 Low / High

ServiceSw HMI Service switch on Auto/Stop/L – – I – 5.5

HMI ow/High
Emergency Status DI Off / On – – I – 5.6
stop Emergency.stop
Fire/Smoke Status DI Off / On – – I – 5.7
HRC Status DI HRC Off / On – – I – 5.8

Pump/Heater Status DI Off / On – – I – 5.9


Chiller Status DI Cooling Off / On – – I – 5.10

AUX Status DI AUX Off / On – – I – 5.11

Filter Status DI Filter Off / On – – I – 5.12

HRC Status DI HRC Off / On – – I – 5.13

PressGuard Pressureguard


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SmokeDamper Status DI Smoke Off / On – – I – 5.14

Supplyfan Status DI Off / On – – I – –

Exhaustfan Status DI Off / On – – I – –
Menu  Operation status  Inputs Analogue  Parameter
Room/Exhaustt Room or exhaust -50...150.0 °C – I – 5.15
emp air temperature

Outtemp Outside -50...150.0 °C – I – 5.16


Supplytemp Supply air -50...150.0 °C – I – 5.17


Frosttemp Frost alarm -50...150.0 °C – I – 5.18


MultiFuncInpu Disable / HRC -50...150.0 °C – I – 5.19

t 1 FrostTemp /
(Dynamic) DefrostTmpHRC /
Disable /
SupplyTempHRC /
UsedairTemp /
AUX Temp 1
MultiFuncInpu Disable / -50...150.0 °C – I – 5.20
t 2 PostTreaTemp /
(Dynamic) PostTreaTemp /
SupplyTempHRC /
UsedairTemp /
AUX Temp 2 /
Roomtemp ctrl /
Roomtemp meas

ExternalSetp( External setpoint 5.0...30.0 °C – I – 5.22


Airquality CO2 sensor 0…3000 ppm – I – 5.21


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Pressure/Flow Supply air 0.0 ...1000 Pa – I – 5.23
SU (Dynamic) pressure or 0.0… l/s
Supply air flow

Pressure/Flow Exhaust air 0.0 ...1000 Pa – I – 5.24

EX pressure or 0.0… l/s
(Dynamic) Exhaust air flow

Pressure SU Supply air 0.0 ...1000 Pa – I – 5.25

Dynamic) pressure

Menu  Operation status  Outputs Digital  Parameter name

Pump/Heat C-pump heating or Off / On – – I B 5.26


Cooling/DX Cooling or DX Off / On – – I B 5.27

Step1 step 1

DX Step2 DX cooling step 1 Off / On – – I B 5.28

Supplyfan Supply air fan Off/Low- – – I B 5.29


Exhaustfan Exhaust air fan Off/Low- – – I B 5.30


Outdamper Outside air Off / On – – I B 5.31


Smokedamper Smoke damper Off / On – – I B 5.32

A-Alarm Alarm priority A OK / alarm – – I B 5.33


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B-Alarm Alarm priority B OK / alarm – – I B 5.34

Menu  Operation status  Outputs Contrlsign  Parameter

Cooling Output signal 0...100 % – I B 5.35
HRC Output signal heat 0...100 % – I B 5.36

Extra heating Output signal 0...100 % – I B 5.37

sequence extra heating

Heating Output signal 0...100 % – I B 5.38

Posttreatment Output signal 0...100 % – I B 5.39

Supplyfan Frequency 0...100 % – I B 5.40

converter supply

Exhaustfan Frequency 0...100 % – I B 5.41

converter exhaust

Menu  Operation status  SmokeDamper  Parameter name

TestSmokeDamp Test of fire Off / On I B 5.42

er damper

Interval Interval for anti- 0...48 h 48,0 I – 5.43


Menu  Operation status  Operationcounter  Parameter


Fanruncounter Hours-run counter 0.0... xxxx h – I – 5.45

Reset Counter Reset of counter No / Yes – No I B 5.46


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Menu  Operation status  HRC Efficiency  Parameter

HRC HRC efficiency 0...100 % I – 5.47

Efficiency degree

Menu  Setpoints  Parameter name

ControlType: Shows selected Cascade / – Supp I – 5.48
control type Supply / ly

Menu  Setpoints  Cascadecontroller  Parameter name

Act Setpoint Current setpoint – °C – I – 5.49

Actual value Current measured – °C – I – 5.50

BasicStp Econ Basic setpoint 10.0...40.0 °C 19.0 I B 5.51

BasicStp Comf Basic setpoint 10.0...40.0 °C 21.0 I B 5.52

DeadzoneComf Dead zone 0.0…10.0 °C 2.0 I B 5.53
Comfort setpoint

DeadzoneEcon Dead zone 0.0…10.0 °C 6.0 I B 5.54

Economy setpoint

ExtSetp External setpoint 0.0…50.0 °C 0.0 I B 5.55

Menu  Setpoints  Min/Max Supplytemp  Parameter name


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Min/Maxlim: Type of Fixed / – – I B 5.56
min.limitation Sliding
Heating setpoint

ActHtgSetp Current heating – °C – I B 5.57


ActClgSetp Current cooling – °C – I B 5.58


Supplytemp Supply air -50...150.0 °C – I – 5.59

MinTemp SU Min. supply air – °C 16.0 I B 5.60

MaxTemp SU Max. supply air – °C 30.0 I B 5.61


DeltaHeating Delta heating, – K 4.0 I B 5.62

shifting limitation

DeltaCooling Delta cooling, – K 3.0 I B 5.63

shifting limitation

Menu  Setpoints  Supplycontroller  Parameter name

Act Setpoint Current heating – °C – I B 5.64


Supplytemp Supply air -50...150.0 °C – I – 5.65


BasicStp Econ Basic setpoint 10.0...40.0 °C 19.0 I B 5.66


BasicStp Comf Basic setpoint 10.0...40.0 °C 21.0 I B 5.67



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DeadzoneComf Dead zone 0.0…10.0 °C 2.0 I B 5.68
Comfort setpoint

DeadzoneEcon Dead zone 0.0…10.0 °C 6.0 I B 5.69

Economy setpoint

ExtSetp External setpoint 0.0…50.0 °C 0.0 I B 5.70

Temp.comp Set point value for - K -2.0 I B 6.31.

SA control 10.00…10.0 3
Menu  Setpoints  Fan Controller  Parameter name

ActStp SU Flow/pressure – l/s / – I – 5.71

setpoint for supply Pa

Pressure SU Current pressure – Pa – I – 5.72

of supply air

Flow Current – l/s / – I – 5.73

SU/Pressure flow/pressure of Pa
SU supply air

ActStp EX Flow/pressure – l/s / – I – 5.74

setpoint for Pa
exhaust air

Flow EX / Current – l/s / – I – 5.75

Pressure EX flow/pressure of Pa
exhaust air
SetpLow SU Setpoint, low- l/s / 500 / I B 5.76
speed supply air Pa 150

SetpHigh SU Setpoint, high- l/s / 1000 I B 5.77

speed supply air Pa / 250


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SetpLow EX Setpoint, low- l/s / 500 / I B 5.78
speed exhaust air Pa 150

SetpHigh EX Setpoint, high- l/s / 1000 I B 5.79

speed exhaust air Pa / 250

MaxSetp SU Max. setpoint for l/s / 1500 I B 5.80

supply air fan at Pa / 300

MaxSetp EX Max. setpoint for l/s / 1500 I B 5.81

exhaust air fan at Pa / 300

DeadzoneCompH Dead zone at 0.0…5.0 °C 1.0 I B 5.82

tg heating
compensation of

DeadzoneCompC Dead zone at 0.0…5.0 °C 1.0 I B 5.83

lg cooling
compensation of

Comp. EX Setp Compensation of -50…50 % 0 I B 5.84

EX, at
Menu  Setpoints  Fanspeed  Parameter name

Lowspeed Sup Low-speed, supply 0...100 % 40 I B 5.83


Highspeed Sup High-speed, 0...100 % 80 I B 5.84

supply air

Lowspeed Exh Low-speed, 0...100 % 40 I B 5.85

exhaust air


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Highspeed Exh High-speed, 0...100 % 80 I B 5.86
exhaust air

Menu  Setpoints  PosttreatmentContr  Parameter name

Posttreat: Posttreatment Off /Heating – Off I – 5.87

Actual value Current -50.0...150.0 °C – I – 5.88

Setpoint Setpoint 10.0...40.0 °C 20.0 I B 5.89

Menu  Alarmshistory  Parameter name

Reset Reset of alarm No/Yes No I B 5.90.

history 1

Menu  Password function  Parameter name

Log In Log-in 5.91

Log Out Log-out 5.92

Change Change of 5.93

Password password

Current Current log-in

level: level
Menu  Unit info  Parameter name

Unit Name of unit A-Z, 0-9 - - I B 5.96

Str. Street name A-Z, 0-9 - - I B 5.96
Town Name of town A-Z, 0-9 - - I B 5.96
Password that gives authorization to read the value and/or change it
Range dependent on selected control


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2.4.11 Overview of HVAC engineer parameters

Default value




Menu  Configuration  Sensor  Parameter name

Room/Exhausttemp Calibration of room or exhaust -5.0...5.0 K 0.0 P P 6.1

(Dynamic) temperature

Outtemp Calibration of outside temperature -5.0...5.0 K 0.0 P P 6.1

Supplytemp Calibration, supply air temperature -5.0...5.0 K 0.0 P P 6.1

Frosttemp Calibration, frost alarm temperature -5.0...5.0 K 0.0 P P 6.1

MultiFuncInput 1 Calibration, MultifuncInput 1 -5.0...5.0 K 0.0 P P 6.1

(Dynamic) temperature

MultiFuncInput 2 Calibration, MultifuncInput 2 -5.0...5.0 K 0.0 P P 6.1

(Dynamic) temperature

Menu  Configuration  Alarms  Parameter name

FIRE/SMOKE Alarm smoke or fire / Contact NO / NC – NC P P 6.2


HRC Alarm heat exchanger / Contact NO / NC – NO P P 6.2


Alarmclass Alarm Class A/B/C – B P P 6.2

PUMP/HEAT Alarm c pump or elec.heater / NO / NC – NO P P 6.2

Contact function

Alarmclass Alarm class A/B/C – B P P 6.2

CHILLER Alarm chiller / Contact function NO / NC – NO P P 6.2

AUX Alarm AUX / Contact function NO / NC – NO P P 6.2

Alarmclass Alarm class A/B/C – B P P 6.2

Delay Alarm delay 0...300 Sec 2 P P 6.2

FILTER Alarm Filter / Contact function NO / NC – NO P P 6.2


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Default value




Alarmclass Alarm class A/B/C – B P P 6.2

Delay Alarm delay 0...300 Min 15 P P 6.2

SUPPLYFAN Alarm supply air fan / Contact NO / NC – NO P P 6.2


Alarmclass Alarm class A/B/C – B P P 6.2

Delay Alarm delay 0...600 Sec 60 P P 6.2

EXHAUSTFAN Alarm exhaust air fan / Contact NO / NC – NO P P 6.2


Alarmclass Alarm class A/B/C – B P P 6.2

Delay Alarm delay 0...600 Sec 60 P P 6.2

DerivatSU/EX Deviation Pressure 0...200 Pa 100 P P 6.2

DerivatSU/EX Deviation Flow 0...1000 l/s 500 P P 6.2

SUPPLYTEMP Alarm Supply air temperature – – – P – 6.2

Alarmclass Alarm class A/B/C – B P P 6.2

Delay Alarm delay 0...180 Min 60 P P 6.2

Derivation Deviation temperature alarm 0...20 °C 10 P P 6.2

Smrdisablealarm Blocking of temp. alarm summer Off/On On P P 6.2

UNIT OVERRIDE Alarm manual operation – – – P – 6.2

Enable Activation, manual operation alarm Off/On Off P P 6.2

Delay Alarm delay 0...180 Min 30 P P 6.2

FROST Alarm Frost protection – – – P – 6.2

Alarmlimit Triggered frost protection 2.0...30.0 °C 5.0 P P 6.2

LOW EFFICIENCY Alarm low efficiency degree – – – P – 6.2

Delay Alarm delay 0...180 Min 30 P P 6.2

Alarmlimit Low efficiency degree 0...100 % 50 P P 6.2


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Default value




HRC FROSTPROT Alarm HRC freezing – – – P – 6.2

Alarmlimit Triggered freeze alarm -10.0…10.0 °C -2.0 P P 6.2

UNIT RUNTIME Alarm operating hours – – – P – 6.2

Enable Activation of hours-run alarm Off/On Off P P 6.2

Alarmlimit Limit for hours-run alarm 0...20000 h 9000 P P 6.2

Menu  Configuration  Control functions  Parameter name

SmokeDamper Activation of fire damper Disable / Enable – Not P P 6.3


AuxFunct Funktion for AUX input Disable/Alarm/Emer – Not P P 6.4

gency stop NO / active
Emergency stop NC

MultiFuncInput 1 Function for Multifunction input 1 Disable / HRC – Not P P 6.5

Frosttemp / active
C / PressGuard HRC
/ Supplytemp HRC /
Usedairtemp / AUX
Temp 1

MultiFuncInput 2 Function for Multifunction input Disable / – Not P P 6.6

PostTreatmTempClg active
g / SupplyTempHRC
/ UsedairTemp /
AUX Temp 2 /
Roomtemp ctrl /
Roomtemp meas


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Default value




ExternalContrl Selection of external control Disable/ExtSetp 0- – Not P P 6.7
10V/ExtSetpNi1000 / active
Airquality / Press SU

Room-/ExhSensor Activation of room or exhaust air Disable / Roomtemp – Not P P 6.8

sensor / Exhausttemp active

OutdoorSens Activation of outside sensor Disable / Enable – Not P P 6.9


Contrltype Selection of control type for Cascade / Supply / Supply P P 6.10

temperature Casc+Sup air

Fancontrol Selection of control type for the Flow / Pressure / 1- – Flow P P 6.11
fans 2 Speed /

Fancomp Selection of fan compensation for Disable / Cooling / – None P P 6.12

the fans Heating / Clg+Htg

FanfunctionFire Fan function at fire Stop EX / Stop SU / Stop P P 6.13

Stop EX/SU / Run EA/SA

PressureSensor Working range for pressure sensor 0-100 / 0-300 / 0- Pa 0-500 P P 6.14
500 / 0-1000 / 0-
1500 / 0-2500 / 0-

Cooling Selection of cooling Disable / Water / – Not P P 6.15

DX-1Step / DX- active
2Step / DX-Binary

HRC Funct Selection of function for recovery Rot-HRC / RecircAir – Rot-HX P P 6.16
/ Plate-HRC / Water


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Default value




Extra heating Selection of extra heating Disable / Enable – Not P P 6.17
sequence active

Heating Selection of heating Disable / Water / – Not P P 6.18

Electric active

CommissioningDone Removes blocking of unit No / Yes – No I I 6.19

Menu  Configuration  Controllers  Parameter name

CascadeController For cascade controller KP 4 P P 6.20

TN s 500.0

CoolingController For cooling controller KP -5.0 P P 6.20

TN s 300.0
TD 0.0

HRC Controller For HRC controller (HX) KP 10.0 P P 6.20

(Damper) KP -10.0
TN s 120.0
TD 0.0

ExtraHeatingContro For extra heating controller KP 10.0 P P 6.20

ller TN s 120.0
TD 0.0

HeatingController For heating controller KP 5.0 P P 6.20

TN s 120.0
TD 0.0

FrostController For frost protection controller KP 20.0 P P 6.20

TN s 0.0
TD 0.0

HRCFrostController For HRC freeze controller KP 20.0 P P 6.20

TN s 0.0
TD 0.0


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Default value




PosttreatmentContr For posttreatment controller (Heating) KP 10.0 P P 6.20
(Cooling) KP -10.0
TN s 120.0
TD 0.0

FanContrSupply For fan controller supply air KP 0.03 P P 6.20

TN s 30.0
TD 0.0

FanContrExhaust For fan controller exhaust air KP 0.03 P P 6.20

TN s 30.0
TD 0.0

FanClgController For fan controller in cool sequence KP -10.0 P P 6.20

TN s 120.0
TD 0.0

FanHtgController For fan controller in heat sequence KP 10.0 P P 6.20

TN s 120.0
TD 0.0

Co2DampController For Co2 controller in return air KP -3.0 P P 6.20

damper TN s 0.0
TD 0.0
Menu  Configuration  Fans  Parameter name

Startdelay Delay of fan start and stop delay 0.0...180 Sec 30 P P 6.21
for damper
Delay SU Start Delay of Supply air fan start 0...120 s 45 P P 6.22

Co2 Start CO2 for start of compensation 0...2000 ppm 800 P P 6.23.1

Co2 Stop CO2 for stop of compensation 0...2000 ppm 1200 P P 6.23.2


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Default value




SmrStart Temp. setpoint for start summer -35.0...35.0 °C 25.0 P P 6.24.1

SmrStop Temp. setpoint for stop summer -35.0...35.0 °C 30.0 P P 6.24.2

SmrDelta SU Switching difference SU summer 0.0...500.0 l/s / Pa 0.0 P P 6.24.3

SmrDelta EX Switching difference EX summer 0.0...500.0 l/s / Pa 0.0 P P 6.24.4

WntrStart Temp. setpoint for start winter -35.0...35.0 °C 5.0 P P 6.24.5

WntrStop Temp. setpoint for stop winter -35.0...35.0 °C -20.0 P P 6.24.6

WntrDelta SU Switching difference SU winter 0.0...500.0 l/s / Pa 0.0 P P 6.24.7

WntrDelta EX Switching difference EX winter 0.0...500.0 l/s / Pa 0.0 P P 6.24.8

BlockHighSpd Blocking of high-speed at low -50...50 °C -25.0 P P 6.25

outside temp

FanSpeedFire Fan speed at triggered fire alarm 0…100 % 100 P P 6.26

Fanoverrun Fan overrun time 0...30 min 2 P P 6.27

Powerup Start delay after power failure 0 – 900 Sec 0 P P 6.28

K-factor SU K factor for supply air fan 0.00...50.00 20.00 P P 6.29

K-factor EX K factor for exhaust air fan 0.00...50.00 20.00 P P 6.29

Menu  Configuration  TempControl  Parameter name

SummerStart Start point summer compensation 10.0 – 50.0 °C 25.0 P P 6.30.1

SummerStop Stop point summer compensation 10.0 – 50.0 °C 30.0 P P 6.30.2

SummerDelta Deviation summer compensation -10.0...10.0 °C 0.0 P P 6.30.3


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Default value




WinterStart Start point winter compensation -30.0...20.0 °C 5.0 P P 6.30.4

WinterStop Stop point winter compensation -30.0...20.0 °C -20.0 P P 6.30.5

WinterDelta Deviation winter compensation -10.0...10.0 °C 0.0 P P 6.30.6

Change Casc Change between Cascade control – – – – – 6.31

/Supply and Supply air control

Outtemp Change at outside temperature 0.0...20.0 °C 17.0 P P 6.31.1

Delay Delay before change 0...24 h 6 P P 6.31.2

Temp.comp Set point value compensation at -10.0…10.0 K -2.0 P P 6.31.3

supply air control
Menu  Configuration  Cooling  Parameter name

Enbl Cooling Activation of cooling sequence at -50...150 °C 12.0 P P 6.32

outside temp higher than set value

PumpFunct Selection of cooling pump Off / Auto / Cont Auto P P 6.33

MaxCoolingLow Max. limit cooling signal at low 1…100 % 100 P P 6.34

Start Step1 Start of DX step 1 1...100 % 20 P P 6.35

Stop Step1 Stop of DX step 1 1...100 % 5 P P 6.36

Start Step2 Start of DX step 2 1...100 % 70 P P 6.37

Stop Step2 Stop of DX step 2 1...100 % 50 P P 6.38

MinTimeRestart Delay before restart of DX cooling 0...10 Min 1 P P 6.39


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Default value




Menu  Configuration  Heating  Parameter name

Preheating Pre-heating time 0 – 50 Sec 0 P P 6.40

PumpFunct Selection of heating pump Off / Auto / Cont Auto P P 6.41

MinRunTime Min. run-time pump 0...30 Min 5 P P 6.42

BlockElectr Min. flow for activation of el. battery 0...1000 l/s / Pa 200/50 P P 6.43

Setpoint Setpoint for min. operation 10...40 °C 12.0 P P 6.44

StandbyStp Setpoint for hotkeeping 10...50 °C 20.0 P P 6.45

Menu  Configuration  HRC  Parameter name

ClgRecovery Activation of cooling recovery Off / On Off P P 6.46

StartupTime Setting of time when HRC is 100% 0…150 Sec 10 P P 6.47

HRC FrostSetp Setpoint for freezing of liquid-borne -10.0 - 30.0 °C 1.0 P P 6.48

MinPosDamper Min. outside-air amount, return air 0 – 100 % 20 P P 6.49


MaxSpdDefrost Max. speed at defrosting 0 – 100 % 20 P P 6.50

DefrostTime Defrosting time 5 – 30 Min 15 P P 6.51

DefrostSetp Defrosting setpoint flat plate heat -10.0 – 30.0 °C -3.0 P P 6.52

Setp Co2 Set point value at Co2 control for 0…2000 ppm 800 P P 6.49
return air damper


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Default value




Menu  Configuration  RemoteSetp  Parameter name

MinExtSetp Min. limitation of external setpoint -15.0...30.0 °C 16 P P 6.53

MaxExtSetp Max. limitation of external setpoint 0.0...30.0 °C 25 P P 6.54

Menu  Configuration  Timerinput  Parameter name

TimerOnTime Time for timer control input 0...12 h 0 P P 6.56

BothTimersOn Both timers on Off / Low / High Off P P 6.57

TimerSetp Selection of setpoint for timer Economy/Comfort Comfort P P 6.58

Menu  Configuration  Nightmode  Parameter name

Fanspeed Fan speed at Night mode Lowspd / HighSpd HighSpd P P 6.59

Nightpurge Activation of Night cooling Off / On Off P P 6.60.1

Roomsetpoint Room setpoint for Night cooling 0.0...30.0 °C 22.0 P P 6.60.2

Min Outtemp Min. outside temperature for Night 5.0...30.0 °C 12.0 P P 6.60.3
Hysteresis Hysteresis for Night cooling 1.0...10.0 K 3.0 P P 6.60.4

Ondelta Min difference rum outside temp. 1.0...20.0 K 5.0 P P 6.60.5

for Night cooling

MinRunTime Min. runtime for Night cooling 0...720 Min 30 P P 6.60.6

HeatingUnocpd Activation unoccupied mode Off / On Off P P 6.61.1

CoolingUnocpd Activation unoccupied mode Off / On Off P P 6.61.2


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Default value




Open OutDamper Open outside air damper No / Yes No P P 6.61.3

LimitHeating Limit value for unoccupied mode 0.0...30.0 °C 15.0 P P 6.61.4

LimitCooling Limit value for unoccupied mode 20.0...50.0 °C 30.0 P P 6.61.5
MinRestarttime Min. runtime for unoccupied mode 0...720 Min 30 P P 6.61.6

DlyBeforeTest Delay before test of Night mode 0…600 Min 420 P P 6.62

Menu  Configuration  SmokeDamper  Parameter name

Interval Time interval for anti-seizing 0...48 h 48 P P 6.63

CloseTime Time for closing of fire damper 0 – 150 Sec 60 P P 6.64

Menu  Configuration  Function ServiceSw  Parameter name

Function Set function for service switch at Stop-Auto/Stop- - Stop- P P 6.65

handheld terminal Low/Stop-High Auto
Menu  Configuration  System Parameters  Parameter name

See section 2.4.6

Password that gives authorization to read the value and/or change it


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3 Commissioning
At first start-up of SAPHIR, this menu must be configured to give the unit the right
conditions before commissioning.
At the end of the menu, there is a parameter called CommissioningDone. Only when
this parameter has been set to ”Yes”, it will be possible to start the unit. This is done to
make sure that the unit does not start with the wrong configuration, e.g. with the wrong
type of air heater selected.

3.1 Selection of language

Description Languages included in the basic version are Swedish and English with Swedish as
default. The language selection can be extended, provided a translation is made to the
required language.

Setting Current language

Parameter name Setting range Default

Language selection Swedish / English Swedish

3.2 Activation of smoke damper

Description At activation of smoke damper, the dampers are run for anti-seizing after a selectable
time (see section 6.63). If signals from the limit positions are not received in the correct
order during the anti-seize run, an A alarm is issued and the unit stops. At anti-seize
operation, the plant is stopped to avoid running the unit run against closed dampers.

Setting Commissioning  SmokeDamper

Parameter name Setting range Default

SmokeDamper Disable / Enable Disable

3.3 Function of AUX input

Description This selects the function of AUX input.

Disable = No function.
Alarm = Activates alarm function. Alarm class and time delay to be set under alarm
(section XX.X).
Emergency stop NO = Activates emergency stop by an opened input. When the AUX
input are opened the unit stops and dampers are closing without delay. Electrical
heater won’t achieve any fan over run.
Emergency stop NC = Activates emergency stop by a closing input. When the AUX
input are closed the unit stops and dampers are closing without delay. Electrical heater
won’t achieve any fan over run.

Setting Commissioning  AuxFunct

Parameter name Setting range Default

AuxFunct Disable / Alarm / Disable

Emergency stop NO /
Emergency stop NC


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3.4 Function of MultiFuncInput 1

Description This selects the function of MultiFuncInput 1.

Disable = No function and the measured value is set to 0°C
HRC Frosttemp = Activates the freeze function for water-borne recovery. At falling
temperature in relation to the set value (section 6.48), the output signal to HRC is
reduced. If the temperature falls further (below the set alarm limit, section 6.2), an
alarm is issued and the unit is stopped.
DefrostTmpPlate-HRC = Activates the defrosting function for flat plate heat exchanger.
At temperature below the set value (section 6.52), the output signal is set to 10% for
defrosting of the heat exchanger. After a set time (section 6.51), the output signal
returns to normal. During the defrosting, the air heater takes over temperature control
but if the setpoint is not reached, the heat exchanger is permitted to open according to
the set value (section 6.50). If the temperature still is not reached, the supply air fan is
controlled down the low-speed setpoint (see function Fan compensation heating,
section 3.11).
PressGuard HRC = Activates the defrosting function for rotary and flat plate heat
exchanger. When the pressure switch is triggered, the output signal is set to 0% for
defrosting of the heat exchanger. After a set time (section 6.51), the output signal
returns to normal. During the defrosting, the air heater takes over temperature control
but if the setpoint is not reached, the heat exchanger is permitted to open according to
the set value (section 6.50). If the temperature still is not reached, the supply air fan is
controlled down the low-speed setpoint (see function Fan compensation heating,
section 3.11).
Supplytemp HRC = Activates efficiency measuring via sensors located after the HRC
and before the heating battery (if any). (Function, see section 5.47).
Usedairtemp = Activates efficiency measuring via sensors located in the usedair duct.
(Function, see section 5.47).
AUX Temp 1 = Measuring function only.

Setting Commissioning  MultiFuncInput 1

Parameter name Setting range Default

MultiFuncInput 1 Disable / Disable

HRC Frosttemp /
DefrostTmpPlate HRC /
PressGuard HRC /
Supplytemp HRC /
Usedairtemp /
AUX Temp 1

3.5 Function for MultiFuncInput 2

Description This selects the function of MultiFuncInput 2.

Disable = No function and the measured value is set to 0°C
PostTreatmTempClg = Activates the post-conditioning function for cooling. At start of
unit, the posttreatment controller controls according to the set temperature. (See
section 5.91)
PostTreatmTempHtg = Activates the post-conditioning function for heating at start of
unit, the posttreatment controller controls according to the set temperature. (See
section 5.91)
Supplytemp HRC = Activates efficiency measuring via sensor located after HX and
before heater battery (if any). (Function, see section 5.47).

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NB! If this function has been selected on MultifuncInput 1, it will have no function on
this parameter.
Usedairtemp = Activates efficiency measuring via sensor located in the used air duct.
(Function, see section 5.47).
If this function was selected for MultiFuncInput 1, it will have no function on this
AUX Temp 2 = Measuring function only.
Roomtemp ctrl = Room temperature sensor activated for temperature measuring and
as main sensor in cascade control. In night mode this sensor will control the function.
Roomtemp meas = Room temperature sensor activated for temperature measuring. In
night mode this sensor will control the function. This sensor will not have any function in
cascade control.

Setting Commissioning  MultiFuncInput 2

Parameter name Setting range Default

MultiFuncInput 2 Disable / Disable

/ Supplytemp HRC /
Usedairtemp / AUX
Temp 2 / Roomtemp
ctrl / Roomtemp

3.6 Selection of external control

Description This selects type of external control for the unit.

NB! External set point value overrides only when the unit operates in energy saving
Disable = No function and the measured value is set to 0°C for ExtSetp and to 0 ppm
for Co2Control.
ExtSetp 0-10V = Activates external setpoint. The set default setpoint is overridden via
a 0-10V signal. Setting of operating range for external setpoint, see section 6.53
ExtSetp NI1000 = Activates external setpoint. The set default setpoint is overridden via
an NI1000 element.
ExtSetp +-3K = Activates external setpoint compensation. The set default setpoint is
compensated via an NI1000 element.
Airquality Fans= Activates CO2 compensation (0-2000ppm) for the fans. The fans
control according to low-speed setpoint and compensated according to high-speed
setpoint at increase of carbon dioxide in the air. The fans may, however, still be
controlled according to high-speed via time channel or timer. (Setting of limit values,
see section 6.23)
Airquality Damper= Activates CO2 compensation (0-2000ppm) for the damper. The
damper control according to temperature setpoint but open at increase of carbon
dioxide in the air. (Setting of limit values, see section 6.49)
Supply pressure = Activates supply pressure sensor (0-1000Pa) connected to UI7 too
control supply air pressure at the solution pressure+flow as fan control. Flow sensors
for supply/exhaust are wired to UI8/UI9.


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Setting Commissioning  ExternalContrl

Parameter name Setting range Default

ExternalContrl Disable / ExtSetp 0-10V / ExtSetp Disable

NI1000 / ExtSetp +-3K / Airquality
Fan/Airquality Damper/Supply pressure

3.7 Activation of room / exhaust air sensor

Description This selects installation of room sensor or exhaust air sensor. For exhaust air sensor
and required unoccupied mode, se DelayBeforeTest (section 6.62).

Setting Commissioning  Room-/ExhSensor

Parameter name Setting range Default

Room-/ExhSensor Disable / Roomtemp / Disable


3.8 Activation of outdoor sensor

Description This selects whether or not the outside sensor is installed.

Setting Commissioning  OutsideSensor

Parameter name Setting range Default

OutdoorSens Disable / Enable Disable

3.9 Configuration of control function

Description This adjusts the controller for different types of control, more specifically selection of
main sensor, which may be room sensor, exhaust air sensor or supply air sensor.
With room sensor or exhaust air sensor selected, it is possible to use cascade control,
otherwise constant supply airflow must be used. It is also possible to choose between
two types of cascade control; this is done in the Menu- Setpoints-
Min/MaxSupplyAirTemp-Min/MaxLim: (section: 5.56).
In other words: four different control principles may be selected
1. Cascade control with fixed limitation or the supply air. For room or exhaust air
2. Differential control with shifting supply air limitation. For room or exhaust air sensor
and activation of shifting min. limitation type. Function Min/MaxSuppltAirTemp, section
3. Constant supply air control.
4. Cascade control in summer and constant supply air control in winter.

3.9.1 Control principle 1

Description Control principle 1 maintains the room temperature at a constant level. The control loop
for the room generates the setpoint to the control loop for the supply air. The limitation
of the supply air (MinTemp SA and MaxTemp SA) guarantees that the supply air
temperature is maintained within the set range.

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3.9.2 Control principle 2 (differential temperature control)

Description For cascade control with shifting limitation of the supply air temperature, the limitation is
calculated as a function of the room temperature.

Functional diagram T [°C]

Max.limit of supply air temperature
(MaxTemp SU)
Sliding limit

Delta Heating

Delta Cooling

Min.limit of supply air temperature
(MinTemp SU)

3.9.3 Control principle 3 (pure supply air temperature control)

Description For pure supply air temperature control, the supply air temperature is maintained at a
constant level.

3.9.4 Control principle 4 (cascade and supply air control)

Description For the selection ”Cascade+Supply”, the temperature is controlled by a cascade

controller in the winter and a supply air controller in the summer. The switch-over
conditions are set in section 6.31.

Setting Commissioning  ContrlType

Parameter name Setting range Default

ContrlType Cascade / Supply / Supply


3.10 Selection of fan control

Description This selects the type of fan control to be used.

Pressure = Pressure control
Flow = Flow control
1-2 Speed = Fans are controlled by a fixed output signal for the frequency converter.
Pre+Flo = Supply air is pressure controlled as its sensor generates set point value for
the exhaust air fan. The set point value could be displaced, see section 5.83
Important! SU Pressure needs to be selected at External Control, section 3.6.

Setting Commissioning  Fancontrol


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Parameter name Setting range Default

Fancontrol Flow / Pressure /1-2 Flow


3.11 Selection of fan compensation

Description The fans can be compensated in different ways to make sure that the required
temperature is maintained.
Disable = no function, fan control according to the setpoint values.
Cooling = principally used when there is no cooling battery. When cooling is needed,
the fans increase their speed toward to the maximum set value.(See sections 5.80 &
5.81). If there is a cooling battery, the cooling valve opens only after the fans have
reached the maximum setpoint value. This function may have the opposite effect in
supply air control, when the temperature will increase at the supply air sensor. The
well-being for the people in the room will, however, be greater, since the air turnover
will be greater.
Heating = When the heating valve is fully open and there still is a need for heating, the
fans reduce their speed by reducing the current setpoint value toward the low-speed
setpoint value. (See sections 5.76, 5.78).
Clg+Htg = Both the heating and the cooling function are activated, see above.

The following conditions must apply for fan compensation to take place:
- Fan compensation must be active
- The fans must run at high-speed
- CO2 control must not be active

Setting Commissioning  Fancomp

Parameter name Setting range Default

Fancomp Disable / Cooling / Disable

Heating / Clg+Htg

3.12 Fan function at fire

Description At a triggered fire alarm, the fans control to the selected operational state.
Stop EX = The exhaust air fan is stopped and the supply air fan increased to the set
value (section 6.26).
Stop SU = The supply air fan is stopped and the exhaust air fan increases to the set
value (section 6.26).
Stop EX/SU = Both fans are stopped.
Run EX/SU = Both fans increase to the set value (section 6.26).

Setting Commissioning  FanfunctionFire

Parameter name Setting range Default

FanfunctionFire Stop EX / Stop SU / Stop Stop EX/SU



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3.13 Working range for pressure sensor

Description This sets the working range for the pressure sensors.

Setting Commissioning  PressureSensor

Parameter name Setting range Default

PressureSensor 0-100 / 0-300 / 0-500 / 0-1000 0-500

/ 0-1500 / 0-2500 / 0-3000

3.14 Selection of cooling

Description This selects the type of cooling to be used.

Disable = No cooling function
Water = Digital output gets pump function which starts when valve opens or at anti-
seize operation. The pump may also run continuously. (See section 6.32)
DX-1Step = Digital output gets On/Off function and anti-seizing is blocked. Analog
output works between 0-10V
DX-2Step = Digital output and analog output get On/Off function NB! Voltage relay
required for analog output.
DX-Binary = Digital output and analog output get On/Off function. The function is
binary in order to supply a third step. NB! Voltage relay required for analog output.

At DX cooling, the steps start when the cooling signal exceed the set values. (See
sections 6.35 – 6.38). This does not apply to DX-binary since those steps are set with a
fixed switching differential.

Setting Commissioning  Cooling

Parameter name Setting range Default

Cooling Disable / Water / DX-1Step / DX- Disable

2Step / DX-Binary

3.15 Selection of type of heat recovery

Description This selects the type of heat recovery to be used.

Rot-HRC (Rotary heat exchanger) = Activates the output for the heat recovery so that
AO3 works as heating sequence (with effect \).
RecircAir = Activates the output for return air damper so that AO3 works as cooling
sequence (with effect / ).
Plate-HRC (Plate heat exchanger) = Activates the output for the heat recovery so that
AO3 works as heating sequence (with effect \). With the unit stopped, the output signal
will be controlled to 100% in order to avoid cold shock in the water battery when
DefrostTmpPlateHRC or PressGuard HRC should also be selected under MultiFunc1 to
have satisfactory performance.
Water (Liquid-borne recovery) = Activates the output for the heat recovery so that AO3
works as heating sequence (with effect \).

HRC Frosttemp should also be selected under MultiFunc1 to have satisfactory



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Setting of cooling recovery, min.signal at return air, etc. – see sections 6.46, 6.49

Setting Commissioning  HRC Funct

Parameter name Setting range Default

HRC Funct Rot-HRC / RecircAir / Rot-HRC

Plate-HRC / Water

3.16 Selection of extra heating sequence

Desciption An extra heating sequence placed between heat recovery and heater can be activated.
It could by an 0…10 V DC signal control for example the heating sequence of an
compressor (Do NOT confuse with Extra Control that is not included in this sequence).
This sequence is also possible to be set to circulation damper control with setting of
min outdoor air and CO2 control. However, the sequence is still considered a heating
sequence which implies that a signal of 0% corresponds to full outdoor air supply and
vice versa.

Setting Commissioning  Extra heating sequence

Parameter name Setting range Default

ExtraHeating Disable / Enable/Damper Disable

3.17 Selection of heating source

Description This selects the type of air heater to be used. The alternatives are water-borne or
electric air heater.
Disable = No heating function
Water = Frost protection function activated (see section 6.44) and digital output gets
pump function. The pump starts on one of the following conditions: valve opens,
outside temperature falls below 12°C, anti-seizing operation or pump set for continuous
Electric = Digital output activated at output signal to electrical battery. Anti-seizing and
frost protection function blocked.

Setting Commissioning  Heating

Parameter name Setting range Default

Heating Disable / Water / Disable


3.18 Commissioning done

Description After the configuration, this parameter must be changed to ”Yes”. For the hand terminal
to be updated according to the new configuration, DIL switch 2 must be switched off/on
(the DIL switch is located above the HMI connector) and the SAPHIR must then be
When the SAPHIR starts, the Commissioning menu disappears and the unit is no
longer blocked. If something is wrong in the configuration, this may be changed in

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Menu-Configuration-Control Functions. NB! A password is required for access to this

Setting Commissioning  CommissioningDone

Parameter name Setting range Default

CommissioningDone No / Yes No


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4 Description of basic settings

4.1 Language selection

Description Available standard languages for selection are Swedish and English, with Swedish as
the default setting. The language selection can be extended to meet individual
customer needs, provided that a translation to the required language has been made.

Setting Menu  Configuration  System Parameter  Language selection  Setting line

4.2 Summer/Wintertime

Description ”Summer/Wintertime” defines the two points in time when changeover takes place from
winter time to summer time, and vice versa. The standard setting is for Central
European time.

Setting Menu  Configuration  System Parameter  Summer/wintertime  Setting line

The following lines define the switch-over between ”Summer/wintertime” (in the order
listed below):
Saving Time»:

Line Enabled shows whether the function changeover time is enabled.

Line Activated shows whether summertime is active.

Line B-TimeActive shows that the B-time is active when changing to normal time.

Saving Hours
For changeover to summertime, the changeover time is added. For changeover to
wintertime, it is subtracted.

Month (Mth)
The month that defines start (S) and end (E) of the summertime must be entered.

Weekday (Wday)
The weekday on which changeover takes place must be entered.

Offset (Ofs)
Set the offset for weekday above, according to the table below:
3 – Second to last weekday of the month
4 – Last weekday of the month
6 – First weekday of the month
7 – Second weekday of the month
8 – Third weekday of the month

Changeover time (Std)

Input of the time of day at which changeover takes place.


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Display on HMI According to the following settings list:

Display Description Setting range Default value1

Start of summetime (S) Mon Month for changeover to summer 01...12 03
Wday Weekday on which changeover Mo...Su Su
takes place
Ofs Weekday in month acc. to table 0…10 4
Std Time of day for changeover 0.0…23.59 02
End of summetime (E) Mon Month for changeover to winter 01...12 10
Wday Weekday on which changeover Mo...So So
takes place
Ofs Weekday in month acc. to table 0…10 4
Std Time of day for changeover 0.0…23.59 03
The standard setting if the Central European Time

4.3 RCC configuration

Description For the RCC board to be able to communicate via TCP/IP, an IP address must be set.
This can be made via a DHCP server or manually in the hand terminal.

Settings Menu  Configuration  System parameter  Communication  RCC

configuration  Setting line

Current IP address
Current network mask
Current gateway address
Change IP address
The configuration of own IP address can be made here. Not necessary if DHCP server
has been selected. When the IP address has been changed manually, the parameter
”Apply” must be changed from ”No” to ”Yes”.

4.4 Modem information

Description Under ”Modem information” it is possible to read modem status and make settings for
SMS function.

Settings Menu  Configuration  System parameter  Communication  Modem

information  Setting lines
Connected modem type.
Reading modem status.
Signal strength for the modem.
Restart of modem.


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Modem string.
Modem string
Tel 1-4
Telephone numbers to which SMS can be sent.
NB! The telephone number must end with a !
Plant name included in the SMS alarm
NB! The text must end with a !
Street address included in the SMS alarm.
NB! The text must end with a !
Town/Location included in the SMS alarm.
NB! The text must end with a !
Day/Week/Year program
Time channel where times for dispatch of SMS can be selected for the respective
telephone number. Time-channel function, see section 5.3 for ordinary time channel.

4.5 LON configuration

Description Configuration of LON.

Settings Menu  Configuration  System parameter  Communication  LON

configuration  Setting lines
Outdoor temperature via LON
Select if outdoor temperature should be via LON from some other control unit.
Tid for forcing heartbeat
Time factor
Time factor for ”Pulstime” (sek, min, h)
Puls on/off
Activates forced heartbeat
Time to send normal heartbeat
Time to recieve normal heartbeat

4.6 Modbus Configuration

Description Configuration of Modbus communication. Restart is required for changes to take effect.

Settings Menu  Configuration  Systemparameters  Communication  Modbus

configuration  Settings
Configuring the communication port for the Modbus (Internal, 4COM)
Slave adress
Setting the Modbus adress
Setting the Baudrate (300-19200)
Setting the parity (none, even, odd)


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Setting number of stop bits(1 or 2)


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4.7 Diagnostics

Description In this menu, you can read information for internal diagnostics, etc.

Settings Menu  Configuration  System Parameter  Diagnose  Overview

 CycleTime
 Application Info

OS-Vers: Shows operating system version
Ser.-Nr: Shows serial number
Targettype: Type of controller, e.g. ACX32
Comslot 1: Type of communication board mounted in place 1
Comslot 2: Type of communication board mounted in place 1
MSR fail: Number of errors in program loop
MSR fail type Type of error in program loop
MSR su finish 1=Yes 0=No
Factoryrestore Reset to factory settings
NB! Restart required for the new values to become active.
Factoryset Saves all current settings as factory settings.
NB! The process unite will restart after this function

ActCycletime Current loop time
AvrCycletime Average loop time
MinCycletime Minimum loop time
MaxCycletime Maximum loop time
ResetCycletime Resets all loop-time values

Application Info
Shows information about manufacturer, unit type and application version.


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4.8 HMI parameters

Description The operator unit can be controlled via "HMI Parameter". Under ”HMI Parameter”, the
following parameters are available in the order listed.
Settings Menu  Configuration  System Parameter  HMI Parameter 
 HMI brightness  Setting lines
 HMI contrast  Setting lines
 etc.

HMI brightness (30)

The background lighting changes depending on the value entered:
0 = dark / 31 = bright (Recommendation: 30)

HMI contrast (10)

More or less contrast between text and background:
0 = weak / 31 = strong (Recommendation: 10)

New Page (1)

The value indicates whether, on completion of the HMI reset time, the start page is
0 = no switching back; current page and password are maintained
1 = switching back to the start page; password is reset and must be reentered

Message Duration (5)

Indicates in seconds how long a fault message is displayed (in the case of erroneous

HMI Reset (10)

Indicates in minutes how long, after the last input, authority of operation is valid.
0 = no switching back; current page and password are maintained
1...60 = time in minutes to the reset

HMI Auto Delay (10)

Value changes are adopted by pressing the setting buttons «+/-» in entry mode. If one
of the buttons is kept depressed, the Auto Repeat mode will be activated on completion
of the delay time entered.
0 = no delay time
1...3 = delay time in seconds

HMI Auto Repeat (10)

If the Auto Repeat mode is active, the rate of resolution will change after the value
entered has elapsed.
0 = system controls the rate; the rate is reduced when the button is kept depressed
1...3 = rate in seconds for value change

MSR Type
Displays current configuration to show/hide values in the HMI.

HMI Type
Choice of HMI to recieve correct LED function. (ACX82 or ACX84)


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4.9 Password

Description The menu ”Password functions” contains the following lines:

Entry of the 4-digit password. Access to the individual menus is dependent on the
selected password level.

The password will be reset and the backlighting switched off.

Change Password
A user-defined password can be entered. It is possible to change the password level
that is lower than the password level at which the system was entered. This means that
if the entry was made with password 2, the user-defined password on level 1 can be
changed, but not password 3.

Current level
Displays the current level that the user is logged in at.

The factory default password can be changed if the user by mistake has selected level
2 or 4 instead of 1 or 3 (user-defined passwords). To reactivate the default password,
the controller must be switched off and on again!


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5 Description of end-user parameters

5.1 Function of service switch

Description In order to control the unit from an external system the scheduler con be overridden
instead of performing changes to the pre-programmed schedule. The override remains
until the setting is changed back to “Auto”, when the scheduler assumes control again.

Operation mode switch This overrides the scheduler in order to start or stop the unit at chosen position. At
auto-position the unit is controlled by the scheduler, and at all unscheduled points the
override controls the unit to a designated position. However, the service switch and
timer input takes precedence over the operation mode switch.

BMS override The scheduler can be overridden through a communication bus from an external
system (BMS). This parameter indicates current position should the scheduler be
overridden in such a way.
When the unit is set to auto position it operates according to the scheduler, otherwise
according to preferred setting. Operation mode switch, night mode, control input and
service switch on the HMI takes precedence over the BMS override.

Current scheduler The parameter Curr. scheduler: displays current operation mode in regard to
daytime scheduler, weektime scheduler, yeartime scheduler, BMS override and
Operation mode switch in priority order where the daytime scheduler has the lowest
priority and the operation mode switch has the highest.

Settings Menu  Scheduler  Override  Function

Parameter name Setting range Default value

OPmodeswi./BMS override Auto/Off/St1/St2/Ko1/Ko2 Auto

5.2 Date/time
Description When accessing the menu level «Time channel», the cursor flashes by the date field.
On this setting line, you may enter the date ( and the time of day
( according to predefined criteria.

Settings Menu  Scheduler  Function

5.3 Scheduler

The ACX32.000/ALG features a time scheduler for the unit with four independent
switching times per day (day program), six possible exceptions per week (week
program) and five possible exceptions per year (year program). In addition, the
ACX32.000/ALG has another timeswitch program for control of external equipment.
This program comprises four switching times per day (day program) and four possible
exceptions per week (week program).


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HVAC Products 5 Description of end-user parameters 2006-04-20
5.3.1 Day time scheduler (Unit)

Description On the line «Daytimescheduler», 4 independent switching times can be entered. The
settings include time of day, fan speed and the double setpoints (Economy/Comfort).
The table below gives the operating mode to be entered with a 2-speed fan, single-
speed fan, or a fan using a frequency converter.

Code input 2-speed fan

Room setpoint Fan speed Operating mode
Off Off Off
Economy 1 Ec1
Economy 2 Ec2
Comfort 1 Co1
Comfort 2 Co2

Example Example of a daytime schedule with a 2-speed fan:

Switching action Switching time Code Enable

T1 07:00 Co2 Actv
T2 18:00 Off Actv
T3 12:00 Off ----
T4 12:00 Off ----

Note The day program applies to all weekdays. Using operating line «Weektimescheduler»,
it is possible to enter 6 exceptions from the daytime schedule.

Settings Menu  Scheduler  Unit  Daytimescheduler  Setting lines

When making the setting, it must be observed that enabling of a switching time
(..../Actv) must take place only after the values are set.

5.3.2 Week time scheduler (Unit)

Description The week program is used for a maximum of 6 exceptions from the day program.

Example Selection of a week program with a 2-speed fan:

switching off
switching on

Time of day

Time of day

Day of

Day of


T1 Fr 23:00 Su 23:00 Ec1 Actv

T2 Mo 12:00 Mo 12:01 Off ----
T3 Mo 12:00 Mo 12:01 Off ----
T4 Mo 12:00 Mo 12:01 Off ----
T5 Mo 12:00 Mo 12:01 Off ----
T6 Mo 12:00 Mo 12:01 Off ----

Graphic presentation of the timeswitch program using the 2 examples day program and
week program:


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Settings Menu  Scheduler  Unit Weektimescheduler  Setting lines

When making the setting, it must be observed that enabling (..../Actv ) of a switching
action takes place only after selecting the weekday (Mo...Su), the time of day (hours /
minutes), the setpoint (Economy / Comfort), and the fan speed (Off, 1, 2).

A switching action is defined by the day and time of day switching on/off take place.
When the switching action is completed, the day program goes active again.

5.3.3 Year time scheduler (Unit)

Description The year program is used to create exceptions from the day and week program.

Settings Menu  Scheduler  Unit  Yeartimescheduler  Setting lines

switching off

switching off
switching on

switching on

Time of day
Time of day

Month of

Month of

Day of

Day of



T1 12 11 12:00 Off 12 11 12:01 ----

T2 12 11 12:00 Off 12 11 12:01 ----
T3 12 11 12.00 Off 12 11 12:01 ----
T4 12 11 12:00 Off 12 11 12:01 ----
T5 12 11 12:00 Off 12 11 12:01 ----

When making the setting, it must be observed that enabling of a switching time
(..../Actv ) must take place only after all the parameters have been set in the respective
switching alternative

NB! Dates must be set in a chronological order.


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HVAC Products 5 Description of end-user parameters 2006-04-20
5.3.4 Day time scheduler (External unit)

Description On the line «Daytimescheduler», 4 independent switching times can be entered plus
operational mode “Off” or “On”.
Example of possible setting of a day program:

Switching action Switching time Code Enable

T1 12:00 Off ----
T2 12:00 Off ----
T3 12:00 Off ----
T4 12:00 Off ----
T5 12:00 Off ----

Note The day program applies to all weekdays. It is, however, possible – on the line “Week
program” - to enter two exceptions from the day program.

Settings Menu  Scheduler  External Unit  Daytimescheduler  Setting lines

When making the setting, it must be observed that enabling of a switching time
(..../Actv ) must take place only after all the values have been set.

5.3.5 Weektimescheduler (External unit)

Description The week program is used for a maximum of 4 exceptions from the day program.

switching off
switching on

Time of day
Time of day

Day of

Day of


T1 Mo 12:00 Mo 12:01 Off ----

T2 Mo 12:00 Mo 12:01 Off ----
T3 Mo 12.00 Mo 12:01 Off ----
T4 Mo 12:00 Mo 12:01 Off ----

Inställningar Meny  Tidkanaler  Extern utrustning Veckoprogram  Inställningsrader

Vid inställning skall beaktas att omkopplingen (..../Aktiv) inte får frisläppas förrän efter
inställningen av veckodagen (må…sö), tiden (timmar/minuter) och det inställda
driftstättet (Till, Från) Ett omkopplingsalternativ definieras för en inkopplingsdag och -tid
samt för en urkopplingsdag och -tid. När den inprogrammerade omkopplingsalternativet
har löpt ut aktiveras åter programmet för dagprogram.


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Operation status – Inputs Digital

5.4 Timer input

Description A timer or a switch can be connected to the digital inputs DI1 and DI2. These external
components can be used to manually preselect the fan speeds. Manual selection
always has higher priority (with the exception of an alarm) and therefore overrides the
other control sources (timeswitch programs, unoccupied mode, etc.). When the digital
inputs DI1 and DI2 are not used, the parameter Timer inputs shows “Automatic”.

DI1 controls the half-speed and DI2 controls the full-speed. If both inputs are activated
simultaneously, the set alternative rules (see 6.57).
Parameter TimerInputs indicates the fan speed with which the plant is operating:

Fan speed Display

Automatic Off
Off Stop
Low-speed Low
High-speed High

Setting Menu  Operation status  Inputs Digital  Timerinputs

Parameter name Setting range

Timerinputs Off / Stop / Low / High

5.5 Service switch on HMI

Description It is possible, via a service button on the operator unit (HMI), to stop or force the unit to
the set operation mode (see section 6.65). The manual setting always has higher
priority (with the exception of an alarm) and therefore overrides the other control
sources (timeswitch programs, unoccupied mode, etc.).
When the button is pressed again, the unit reverts to automatic.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Inputs Digital  ServiceSw HMI

Parameter name Setting range

ServiceSw HMI Auto / Stop / Low / High

5.6 Emergency stop

Description An external emergency stop switch will shut down the unit. At an emergency stop fans
stops and dampers closes without delay. There will not be any fan over run for
electrical heater. To activate, see section 3.3

Setting Menu  Operation Status  Inputs Digital  Emergency stop

Parameter name Setting range

Emergency stop Off / Stop


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5.7 DI4 Fire/Smoke

Description Indicates the current value for digital input Fire/Smoke.

Setting Menu  Operation Status  Inputs Digital  Fire/Smoke

Parameter name Setting range

Fire/Smoke Off / On

5.8 UI13 HCR

Description Indicates the current value for digital input HRC.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Inputs Digital  HRC

Parameter name Setting range

HRC Off / On

5.9 UI11 Pump/Heater

Description Indicates the current value for digital input Pump/Electric heater.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Inputs Digital  Pump/Heater

Parameter name Setting range

Pump/Heater Off / On

5.10 UI12 Chiller

Description Indicates the current value for digital input Chiller.

Setting Menu  Operation Status  Inputs Digital  Chiller

Parameter name Setting range

Chiller Off / On

5.11 UI14 AUX

Description Indicates the current value for digital input AUX.

Setting Menu  Operation Status  Inputs Digital  AUX

Parameter name Setting range

AUX Off / On


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5.12 UI10 Filter

Description Indicates the current value for digital input Filter.

Setting Menu  Operation Status  Inputs Digital  Filter

Parameter name Setting range

Filter Off / On

5.13 UI6 HRC Pressure guard

Description Indicates the current value for digital input HRC Pressure guard.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Inputs Digital  HRC PressGuard

Parameter name Setting range

HRCPressGuard Off / On

5.14 DI3 Smoke damper

Description Indicates the current value for digital input Smoke damper.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Inputs Digital  SmokeDamper

Parameter name Setting range

SmokeDamper Off / On


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Operation status – Inputs Analogue

5.15 UI1 Room/exhaust air temperature

Description Indicates the current value of the room temperature or exhaust air temperature. The
menu shows Disable for not activated sensor function.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Inputs Analogue  Room/Exhausttemp

Parameter name Display range Unit

Room/Exhausttemp -50.0...150.0 °C

5.16 UI3 Outside temperature

Description Indicates the current value of the outside temperature.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Inputs Analogue  Outtemp

Parameter name Display range Unit

Outtemp -50.0...150.0 °C

5.17 UI2 Supply air temperature

Description Indicates the current value of the supply air temperature.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Inputs Analogue  Supplytemp

Parameter name Display range Unit

Supplytemp -50.0...150.0 °C

5.18 UI4 Frost alarm temperature

Frost temperature The frost protection function is only used in the case of ventilation and air conditioning
plants equipped with hot water air heater batteries. The frost detector is connected to
input UI4. Parameter Frosttemp then displays the current temperature acquired by
the frost detector.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Inputs Analogue  Frosttemp

Parameter name Display range Unit

Frosttemp -50.0...150.0 °C

5.19 UI6 MultiFuncInput 1


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Description Universal temperature input where the function is selected in section 3.3 or 6.4.
Depending on the selected function, the text display on the HMI is one of: Disable /
HRC Frosttemp / DefrostTmpHRC / SupplyTempHRC / UsedairTemp / AUX Temp 1.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Inputs Analogue  MultiFuncInput 1

Parameter name Display range Unit

MultiFuncInput 1 -50.0...150.0 °C

5.20 UI7 MultiFuncInput 2

Description Universal temperature input where the function is selected in section 3.4 or 6.5.
Depending on the selected function, the text display on the HMI is one of: Disable /
PostTreaTemp / SupplyTemp HRC / UsedairTemp / AUX Temp 2 / Roomtemp ctrl /
Roomtemp meas.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Inputs Analogue  MultiFuncInput 2

Parameter name Display range Unit

MultiFuncInput 2 -50.0...150.0 °C

5.21 UI5 Airquality

Description Following selection of CO2 control (section 3.5), this indicates the current airquality.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Inputs Analogue  Airquality

Parameter name Display range Unit

Airquality 0...2000 ppm

5.22 UI5 External setpoint

Description Having selected ExtSetp 0-10V, ExtSetp NI1000 or ExtSetp +-3K(section 3.5), this
indicates the current external setpoint .

Setting Menu Operation status  Inputs Analogue  ExternalSetp

Parameter name Display range Unit

ExternalSetp -3.0...50.0 °C

5.23 UI8 Pressure/Flow for the supply air

Description Indicates pressure or flow for the supply air, depending on the selected type of fan
control. The flow is calculated via the pressure and a selectable K factor.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Inputs Analogue  Pressure/Flow SU


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Parameter name Display range Unit

Pressure SU 0...3000 Pa
Flow SU 0... l/s

5.24 UI9 Pressure/Flow for the exhaust air

Description Indicates pressure or flow for the exhaust air, depending on the selected type of fan
control. The flow is calculated via the pressure and a selectable K factor.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Inputs Analogue  Pressure/Flow EX

Parameter name Display range Unit

Pressure EX 0...3000 Pa
Flow EX 0... l/s

5.25 UI5 Pressure supply air

Description Indicates pressure for the supply air if the solution is activated under section 3.6,
selection of external control. At not activated solution “Disable” is displayed.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Inputs Analogue  Pressure SU

Parameter name Display range Unit

Pressure SU 0...3000 Pa


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Operation status - Outputs Digital

5.26 DO1 Pump in heating circuit

Description Control of the circulation pump in the heating circuit or control of electric heater. For
water battery, the digital output is activated when the valve opens, at anti-seize
operation or when the outside temperature falls below 8oC. If there is no outside sensor
or if there is an sensor error, the pump runs continuously. The pump may also be set to
continuous operation (see section 6.41). For electric heater, the output is activated by
heating signal but is blocked at low flow/pressure over the supply fan.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Outputs Digital  Pump/Heat

Parameter name Display range

Pump/Heat Off / On

5.27 DO2 Cooling; pump or DX compressor

Description Control of the pump in the cooling circuit or control of DX cooling step 1. The pumps
starts when the cooling valve opens or at active anti-seize operation. The pump may
also run continuously (see section 6.33). For DX cooling, the steps start when the
cooling signal exceeds the set value (see sections 6.35 – 6.38).

Setting Menu  Operation status  Outputs Digital  Cooling/DX Step1

Parameter name Display range

Cooling/DX Step1 Off / On

5.28 AO2 DX compressor step2

Description Control of DX cooling step 2 by sending 10 V to analog output 02 .

NB! This function requires an external voltage relay.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Outputs Digital  DX Step2

Parameter name Display range

DX Step2 Off / On

5.29 D03 Supply air fan

Description Activation signal for the frequency converter of the supply air fan.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Outputs Digital  Supplyfan

Parameter name Display range

Supplyfan Off/Lowspeed/Highspeed

Note To make a functional check, the value can be readjusted directly on this level after
entering password 1, provided the plant is in operation and there is no alarm present.

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5.30 D04 Exhaust air fan

Description Activation signal for the frequency converter of the exhaust air fan.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Outputs Digital  Exhaustfan

Parameter name Display range

Exhaustfan Off/Lowspeed/Highspeed

Note To make a functional check, the value can be readjusted directly on this level after
entering password 1, provided the plant is in operation and there is no alarm.

5.31 DO6 Outside air damper

Description Controls the output for outside air damper. The damper opens at start of unit, except for
unoccupied mode heating or cooling (see section 6.61.3) when the outside damper
may be blocked (selectable), thus only circulating the air via an extract air damper.
When the unit is stopped, closing of the damper is delayed by the same time as the set
start delay (see section 6.21) – exception for A alarm, when the damper closes

Setting Menu  Operating Status  Outputs Digital  OutDamper

Parameter name Display range

OutDamper Off / On

5.32 DO5 Smoke damper

Description Controls the output for the smoke damper. The damper opens at start of unit, provided
that the function “SmokeDamper” has been selected (see section 3.2 or 6.3) and that
there is no alarm present and no anti-seizing operation active.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Outputs Digital  SmokeDamper

Parameter name Display range

SmokeDamper Off / On

5.33 DO7 Alarm priority A

Description Indicates the operating state of the output for common fault alarm A. The output is
activated when there is an outstanding unattended "A alarm".

Setting Menu  Operating Status  Outputs Digital  A-Alarm

Parameter name Display range

A-Alarm Off / On

5.34 DO8 Alarm priority B


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Description Indicates the operating state of the output for common fault alarm B. The output is
activated when there is an outstanding unattended "B alarm".

Setting Menu  Operating Status  Outputs Digital  B-Alarm

Parameter name Display range

B-Alarm Off / On

General description of The alarm outputs for the 2 parameters A-Alarm and B-Alarm serve the overall plant
the alarm function for supervisory operation. The individual plant faults are combined in the common fault
and displayed as an alarm with priority A or B. The common fault message indicates
that there is a fault in the plant, but does not say which one it is. In the event of an
alarm or if the HMI is incorrectly operated, the LED next to the alarm button on the HMI

Note An audible or optical alarm can be connected to the alarm outputs (DO7/DO8).

Assignment Alarm priority list:

Alarm point Input Alarm Description
SupTemp Alarm U12 A/B/C See section 2.4.9.
Fire/Smoke Alarm DI4 A See section 2.4.9.
HRC Alarm UI13 A/B/C See section 2.4.9.
Pump/Heater Alarm UI11 A/B/C See section 2.4.9.
Chiller Alarm UI12 B See section 2.4.9.
AUX Alarm UI14 A/B/C See section 2.4.9.
SupFanAlarm UI9/- A/B/C See section 2.4.9.
ExhFanAlarm UI10/- A/B/C See section 2.4.9.
WaterfrostAlarm U14 A See section 2.4.9.
HRC FrostAlarm U16 A See section 2.4.9.
Low Efficiency U17 B See section 2.4.9.
Unit override - B See section 2.4.9.
FilterAlarm UI8 A/B/C See section 2.4.9.
Rm/ExhSensorAlarm - A See section 2.4.9.
OutDoorSensorAlarm - A See section 2.4.9.
SupplySensor Alarm - A See section 2.4.9.
FrostSensorAlarm - A See section 2.4.9.
Multi1Sensor Alarm - A See section 2.4.9.
Multi2sensor Alarm - A See section 2.4.9.
AlarmRunCounter - B See section 2.4.9.
SmokedamperAlarm DI3 A See section 2.4.9.


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Difference The differences between the 2 types of alarm are as follows:

Priority A Priority B Priority C

 Plant shuts down.  UI12: chiller shuts  Only alarm

down. indication in HMI
Others: only alarm
 To be manually  To be manually  No contact output
acknowledged and plant acknowledged. closes and no SMS
then switched on again is sent (if this
function is
 Display under A-Alarm  Display under B-Alarm

An alarm is acknowledged by pressing the alarm button on the HMI. It may take a few
seconds until flashing stops.

When another alarm class is displayed within parentheses, it means that the alarm
class can be changed, see section 6.2


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Operation status - Outputs ContrlSign

5.35 AO2 Cooling

Description Indicates the output signal for cooling.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Outputs ContrlSign  Cooling

Parameter name Display range Unit

Cooling 0...100 %

Note To make a functional check, the value can be readjusted directly on this level after input
of password 1.

5.36 AO3 Heat exchanger

Description Indicates the output signal of the heat recovery equipment.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Outputs ContrlSign  HRC

Parameter name Display range Unit

HRC 0...100 %

Note To make a functional check, the value can be readjusted directly on this level after
entering password 1.

5.37 AO4 Extra heat sequence

Description Indicates the output signal of the extra heat sequence.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Outputs ContrlSign  Extra heating

Parameter name Display range Unit

Extra heating 0...100 %

Note To make a functional check, the value can be readjusted directly on this level after
entering password 1.

5.38 AO1 Heater battery

Description Indicates the output signal for heating.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Outputs ContrlSign  Heating

Parameter name Display range Unit

Heating 0...100 %


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Note To make a functional check, the value can be readjusted directly on this level after input
of password 1.

5.39 AO8 Posttreatment

Description Indicates the output signal of posttreatment.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Outputs ContrlSign  Posttreatment

Parameter name Display range Unit

Posttreatment 0...100 %

5.40 AO5 Frequency converter supply air

Description Indicates the current output frequency for the supply air fan.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Outputs ContrlSign  Supplyfan

Parameter name Display range Unit

Supplyfan 0...100 %

5.41 AO6 Frequency converter exhaust air

Description Indicates the current output frequency for the exhaust air fan.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Outputs ContrlSign  Exhasutfan

Parameter name Display range Unit

Exhaustfan 0...100 %


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Operation status - SmokeDamper

5.42 Test of smoke damper

Description For manual test of the smoke damper function.

Setting Menu  Operatong status  SmokeDamper  TestSmokeDamper

Parameter name Display range

TestSmokeDamper Off / On

5.43 Interval for anti-seize operation

Description Set interval for anti-seize operation of smoke dampers. Should a damper assume an
incorrect position (detected via limit positions contacts), an alarm will be issued. This
function requires connection according to the connection diagram below.
Setting of the interval, see section 6.63.

Setting Menu  Operation status  SmokeDamper  Interval

Parameter name Display range Unit

Interval 00:00...23:00 h

Inkopplingsanvisning för brandspjäll:

5.44 Hours-run counter

Description Shows the number of hours since last anti-seize operation. (NOT available in this

Setting Menu  Operation status  SmokeDamper  Hours-run

Parameter name Display range Unit

Hours-run 0…48 h


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Operation status – Operationcounter

5.45 Hours-run counter

Description The parameter Fanruncounter shows the total number of fan operating hours since
the controller was first commissioned or since the last meter reset.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Operationcounter Fanruncounter

Parameter name Display range Unit

Fanruncounter 0.0... entire upper display range h

5.46 Reset of hours-run counter

Description The parameter Reset Counter can be used to reset the fan operating hours counter.

Setting Menu  Operation status  Operationcounter  Reset Counter

Parameter name Display range

Reset Counter Yes / No

Note The hours-run counter can be reset directly on this level after input of password 1.


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Operation status - HRC Efficiency

5.47 Efficiency

Description Indicates the current efficiency value.

Formula for measuring with supply air sensor placed after HRC and before heater
Efficiency = 100 x ((Supply air temp – Outside temp) / Exhaust air temp – Outside
Formula for measuring with extract air sensor
Efficiency = 100 x ((Exhaust air temp – Used air temp) / Exhasut air temp – Outside
Prerequisites for the calculation of efficiency:
 ExhTemp – Outside > 5oC
 Output signal HX > 99%
 Fans in operation
 MultiFuncInput 1 or 2 sensor activated with “SupplyTemp HRC” or “UsedairTemp”
 Exhaust air sensor active
 Outside sensor active

Setting Menu  Operation status  HRC Efficiency  HRC Efficiency

Parameter name Display range Unit

HRC Efficiency 0...100 %


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Setpoints - CascadeController

5.48 Control type

Description Indicates selected control type. Function, see section 3.8.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  ControlType:

Parameter name Setting range

ControlType: Cascade / Supply / Casc+Sup

5.49 Current setpoint

Description Indicates the setpoint currently valid for the main sensor.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  CascadeController  ActSetpoint

Parameter name Display range Unit

Act Setpoint -50.0...150.0 °C

5.50 Current actual value

Description Indicates the current measured value for the main sensor.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  CascadeController  Actual value

Parameter name Display range Unit

Actual value -50.0...150.0 °C

5.51 Basic setpoint Economy

Description Temperature setpoint for heating where the cooling setpoint is calculated by means of
deadzone economy.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  CascadeController  BasicStp Econ

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

BasicStp Econ 10.0...40.0 °C 19.0

5.52 Basic setpoint Comfort

Description Temperature setpoint for heating where the cooling setpoint is calculated by means of
deadzone comfort.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  CascadeController  BasicStp Comf


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Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

BasicStp Comf 10.0...40.0 °C 21.0

5.53 Deadzone Comfort

Description Deadzone for the temperature setpoint used in comfort mode.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  CascadeController  DeadzoneComf

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

DeadzoneComf 0.0...10.0 °C 2.0

5.54 Deadzone Economy

Description Deadzone for the temperature setpoint used in economy mode.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  CascadeController  DeadzoneEcon

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

DeadzoneEcon 0.0...10.0 °C 6.0

5.55 External setpoint

Description With external control selected as “ExtSetp0-10” or “ExtSetpNI1000” (see section 3.6 or
6.7), “BasicSetp” is overridden and summer/winter compensation has no function any

Setting Menu  Setpoints  CascadeController  ExtSetp

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

ExtSetp 0.0...50.0 °C 0.0


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Setpoints - Min/Max Supplytemp

5.56 Type of min./max.limitation

Description Type of min./max-limitation for the supply air. In most control cases, fixed limitation is
used, but for deplaced ventilation with so-called low-impulse units, a shifting
min./max.limitation is required.
A cascade control with shifting supply air limitation is then used (differential
temperature control, as opposed to room temperature control).
Depending on the current room temperature, the shifting limits of the supply air are
calculated, and the supply air is then allowed to shift within the calculated values for
min. and max. limitation, respectively.
T [°C]
Max.limit of supply air temperature
(MaxTemp SU)
Sliding limit

Delta Heating

Delta Cooling

Min.limit of supply air temperature
(MinTemp SU)

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Min/Max Supplytemp  Min/Maxlim:

Parameter name Setting range Default

Min/Maxlim: Fixed / Sliding Fixed

5.57 Current heating setpoint

Description Indicates the current heating setpoint for the supply air temperature.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Min/Max Supplytemp  ActHtgSetp

Parameter name Display range Unit

ActHtgSetp -50.0...150.0 °C

5.58 Current cooling setpoint

Description Indicates the current cooling setpoint for the supply air temperature.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Min/Max Supplytemp  ActClgSetp

Parameter name Display range Unit


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ActClgSetp -50.0...150.0 °C

5.59 Supply air temperature

Description Indicates the supply air temperature.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Min/Max Supplytemp  Supplytemp

Parameter name Display range Unit

Supplytemp -50.0...150.0 °C

5.60 Minimum supply air setpoint

Description The minimum supply air temperature allowed during operation with fixed limitation.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Min/Max Supplytemp  MinTemp SU

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

MinTemp SU 10.0...40.0 °C 16.0

5.61 Maximum supply air setpoint

Description The maximum supply air temperature allowed during operation with fixed limitation.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Min/Max Supplytemp  MaxTemp SU

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

MaxTemp SU 10.0...40.0 °C 30.0

5.62 Delta heating

Description Input of the max. difference between supply air temperature and room temperature with
shifting min.limitation.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Min/Max Supplytemp  DeltaHeating

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

DeltaHeating 1.0...10.0 K 4.0

5.63 Delta cooling

Description Input of the max. difference between supply air temperature and room temperature with
shifting max.limitation.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Min/Max Supplytemp  DeltaCooling

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

DeltaCooling 1.0...10.0 K 3.0


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HVAC Products 5 Description of end-user parameters 2006-04-20
Setpoints - Supplycontroller

5.64 Current setpoint

Description Indicates the current setpoint for the supply air temperature.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Supplycontroller  Act Setpoint

Parameter name Setting range Unit

Act Setpoint -50.0...150.0 °C

5.65 Supply air temperature

Description Indicates the supply air temperature.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Supplycontroller  Supplytemp

Parameter name Setting range Unit

Supplytemp -50.0...150.0 °C

5.66 Basic setpoint Economy

Description Temperature setpoint for heating where the cooling setpoint is calculated by means of
deadzone economy.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Supplycontroller  BasicStp Econ

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

BasicStp Econ 10.0...40.0 °C 19.0

5.67 Basic setpoint Comfort

Description Temperature setpoint for heating where the cooling setpoint is calculated by means of
deadzone comfort.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Supplycontroller BasicStp Comf

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

BasicStp Comf 10.0...40.0 °C 21.0

5.68 Deadzone Comfort

Description Deadzone for the temperature setpoint used in comfort mode.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Supplycontroller  DeadzoneComf


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Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

DeadzoneComf 0.0...10.0 °C 2.0

5.69 Deadzone Economy

Description Deadzone for the temperature setpoint used in economy mode.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Supplycontroller  DeadzoneEcon

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

DeadzoneEcon 0.0...10.0 °C 4.0

5.70 External setpoint

Description With external control selected as “ExtSetp0-10” or “ExtSetpNI1000” (see section 3.6 or
6.7), “BasicSetp” is overridden and summer/winter compensation has no function any

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Supplycontroller  ExtSetp

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

ExtSetp 0.0...50.0 °C 0.0


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HVAC Products 5 Description of end-user parameters 2006-04-20
Setpoints - Fan Controller

5.71 Current setpoint for the supply air

Description Indicates the currently valid setpoint for the supply airflow or pressure, depending on
the selected control type.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Fan Controller  ActStp SU

Parameter name Unit

ActStp SU l/s / Pa

5.72 Current pressure in the supply air

Description Indicates the currently pressure in the supply airif this solution is selected under
external control, se section 3.6 or 6.7. If the solution is not selected “Disabled” are

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Fan Controller  Current pressure SU

Parameter name Unit

Pressure SU Pa

5.73 Current flow/pressure in the supply air

Description Indicates the currently flow or pressure in the supply air, depending on the selected
control type.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Fan Controller  Flow SU / Pressure SU

Parameter name Unit

Flow SU l/s
Pressure SU Pa

5.74 Current setpoint for the exhaust air

Description Indicates the currently valid setpoint for the exhaust airflow or pressure, depending on
the selected control type.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Fan Controller  ActStp EX

Parameter name Unit

ActStp EX l/s / Pa

5.75 Current flow/pressure in the exhaust air


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HVAC Products 5 Description of end-user parameters 2006-04-20
Description Indicates the currently flow or pressure in the exhaust air, depending on the selected
control type.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Fan Controller  Flow EX / Pressure EX

Parameter name Unit

Flow EX l/s
Pressure EX Pa

5.76 Setpoint for low-speed supply air

Description Flow/pressure setpoint for low-speed operation of supply air fan.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Fan Controller  SetpLow SU

Parameter name Unit Default value

SetpLow SU l/s / Pa 500 / 150

5.77 Setpoint for high-speed supply air

Description Flow/pressure setpoint for high-speed operation of supply air fan.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Fan Controller  SetpHigh SU

Parameter name Unit Default value

SetpHigh SU l/s / Pa 1000 / 250

5.78 Setpoint for low-speed exhaust air

Description Flow/pressure setpoint for low-speed operation of exhaust air fan.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Fan Controller  SetpLow EX

Parameter name Unit Default value

SetpLow EX l/s / Pa 500 / 150

5.79 Setpoint for high-speed exhaust air

Description Flow/pressure setpoint for high-speed operation of exhaust air fan.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Fan Controller  SetpHigh EX

Parameter name Unit Default value

SetpHigh EX l/s / Pa 1000 / 250

5.80 Max. setpoint for supply air fan

Description Max. setpoint for the supply air fan with fan compensation.


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HVAC Products 5 Description of end-user parameters 2006-04-20
Setting Menu  Setpoints  Fan Controller  MaxSetp SU

Parameter name Unit Default value

MaxSetp SU l/s / Pa 1500 / 300

5.81 Max. setpoint for exhaust air fan

Description Max. setpoint for the exhaust air fan with fan compensation.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Fan Controller  MaxSetp EX

Parameter name Unit Default value

MaxSetp EX l/s / Pa 1500 / 300

5.82 Deadzone heating with fan compensation

Description Selectable temperature deadzone before the fans start reducing their speed in
operation with fan compensation “heating”.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Fan Controller  DeadzoneCompHtg

Parameter name Unit Default value

DeadzoneCompHtg o
C 1.0

5.83 Deadzone cooling with fan compensation

Description Selectable temperature deadzone before the fans start increasing their speed in
operation with fan compensation “cooling”.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Fan Controller  DeadzoneCompClg

Parameter name Unit Default value

DeadzoneCompClg o
C 1.0

5.84 Compensating for exhaust set point

Description At Pressure+Flow control when the exhaust air fan is sttered by the supply air flow, the
setpoint value can be adjusted by a predefined percentage. This is used to reach the
desired regulation balance.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Fan Controller  Comp ES Setp

Parameter name Unit Default value

Comp ES Setp % 0


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Setpoints - Fanspeed
With 1-2 speed fans that are controlled via frequency converter, it is possible to set
fixed output signals for low- and high-speed control.

5.85 Low-speed supply air fan

Description Setting of fixed signal for the supply air fan in low-speed operation.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Fanspeed  Lowspeed Sup

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Lowspeed Sup 0...100 % 40

5.86 High-speed supply air fan

Description Setting of fixed signal for the supply air fan in high-speed operation.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Fanspeed  Highspeed Sup

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

HighSpeed SA 0...100 % 80

5.87 Low-speed extract air fan

Description Setting of fixed signal for the extract air fan in low-speed operation.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Fanspeed  Lowspeed Exh

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Lowspeed Exh 0...100 % 40

5.88 High-speed extract air fan

Description Setting of fixed signal for the extract air fan in high-speed operation.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  Fanspeed  Highspeed Exh

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Highspeed Exh 0...100 % 80


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Setpoints PostCondController

5.89 Type of posttreatment

Description Indicates currently selected type of posttreatment. For further information, see

Setting Menu  Setpoints  PosttreatmentContr  Posttreat:

Parameter name Setting range

Posttreat: Off / Heating / Cooling

5.90 Current value posttreatment

Description Indicates the current temperature for the posttreatment.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  PosttreatmentContr  Actual value

Parameter name Setting range Unit

Actual value -50.0...150.0 °C

5.91 Setpoint for posttreatment

Description Setpoint for the posttreatment.

Setting Menu  Setpoints  PosttreatmentContr  Setpoint

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Setpoint 10.0...40.0 °C 21.0


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5.92 Alarms history

Description Indicates the last 15 alarms, active alarms as well as alarms attended to. The time
when the alarm came in is displayed, too.

Setting Menu  Alarmshistory

5.92.1 Reset of alarms history

Changing the parameter “No” to “Yes” will delete all the information from the list.
NB! To be able to see the current information again, you must re-enter the menu.

Menu  Alarmshistory  Reset

Parameter name Setting range Default value

Reset No/Yes No


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Password function

5.93 Log-in

Description Log-in with password for access to installation parameters. See also sections 4.9 and
2.4.5 Navigation default values.

Setting Menu  Password function  Log In

Parameter name Setting range

Log In 1000

5.94 Log-out

Description Log-out to prevent unauthorized access to installation parameters. See also section

Setting Menu  Password function  Log Out

Parameter name

Log Out

5.95 Change Password

Description Change of the currently valid password. Only passwords with a lower level or the same
level as the one you are logged in to can be changed. See also section 4.9.

Setting Menu  Password function  Change Password

Parameter name

Change Password


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Application info

5.96 Application info

Description Information about the application, to be used for example by alarms that utilizes SMS
messaging. The information needs to end with an exclamation mark in order to be

Setting Menu  Application info

Parameter name Setting range



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6 Description of HVAC engineer
Configuration - Sensors

6.1 Calibration of measured values

Description A number of different factors may affect the measured values from a sensor, thus
making it incorrect. In such cases, the measured value can be corrected.
Effects  Parallel displacement of the sensor’s characteristics with the adjusted value
 After calibration, the respective measured value shows the adjusted temperature

Settings Menu  Configuration  Sensor  Room/Exhausttemp

   Outtemp
   Supplytemp
   Frosttemp
  MultiFuncInput 1
  MultiFuncInput 2

Parameter name Setting range Unit

Diasable / Roomtemp. / Room/Exhausttemp -5.0...5.0 K

Exhausttemp (Dynamic)

Outside temperature Outtemp -5.0...5.0 K

Supply air temperature Supplytemp -5.0...5.0 K

Frost alarm temperature Frosttemp -5.0...5.0 K

Disable / HRC FrostTemp MultiFuncInput 1 -5.0...5.0 K

/ DefrostTmpHRC / (Dynamic)
SupplyTemp HRC /
UsedairTemp / AUX Temp
Disable / PostTreaTemp MultiFuncInput 2 -5.0...5.0 K
/ SupplyTemp HRC / (Dynamic) -5.0...5.0 K
UsedairTemp / AUX
Temp 2


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HVAC Products 6 Description of HVAC engineer parameters 2006-04-20
Configuration - Alarms

6.2 Configuration of alarms

Description All alarms can be configured here – contact function, alarm delay, alarm class etc.

NO (Normally Open)
The contact is normally open and closes at an alarm.
NC (Normally Closed)
The contact is normally closed and opens at an alarm.

Settings Menu  Configuration  Alarms  See table below

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Contact function NO / NC - NC
HRC - - -
Contact function NO / NC - NO
Alarmclass A/B/C - B
Contact function NO / NC - NO
Alarmclass A/B/C - B
Contact function NO / NC - NO
AUX - - -
Contact function NO / NC - NO
Alarmclass A/B/C - B
Delay 0…300 s 2
FILTER - - -
Contact function NO / NC - NO
Alarmclass A/B/C - B
Delay 0…300 m 15
Contact function* NO / NC - NO
Alarmclass A/B/C - B
Delay 0…600 S 60
Contact function* NO / NC - NO
Alarmclass A/B/C - B
Delay 0…600 s 60
DerivatSU/EX 0…200 Pa 100
DerivatSU/EX 0…1000 l/s 500
Alarmclass A/B/C - B


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Delay 0…180 m 60
Derivation 0.0…20.0 °C 10
Smrdisablealarm Off/On - On
Enable Off / On - Off
Delay 0…180 m 30
FROST - - -
Alarmlimit 2.0…30.0 °C 5.0
Delay 0…180 m 30
Alarmlimit 0…100 % 50
Alarmlimit -10.0…10.0 °C -2.0
Enable Off/On - Off
Alarmlimit 0…20000 h 9000

* At 1 or 2 speed fan combined with electric heater these parameters needs to be set to NC in order to
deliver the correct function for releasing digital output to the heater.


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Configuration - Control functions

6.3 Activation of smoke damper

Description See section 3.2.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Control functions  SmokeDamper

Parameter name Setting range Default value

SmokeDamper Disable / Enable Disable

6.4 Function for AUX input

Description See section 3.3.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Control functions  AUX input

Parameter name Setting range Default value

AUX input Disable / Enable / Disable

Emergency stop NO /
Emergency stop NC

6.5 Function for MultiFuncInput 1

Description See section 3.4.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Control functions  MultiFuncInput 1

Parameter name Setting range Default value

MultiFuncInput 1 Disable / HRC Frosttemp Disable

/ DefrostTmpPlateHRC /
PressGuard HRC /
Supplytemp HRC /
Usedairtemp / AUX Temp

6.6 Function for MultiFuncInput 2

Description See section 3.5.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Control functions  MultiFuncInput 2

Parameter name Setting range Default value


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MultiFuncInput 2 Disable / Disable
PostTreatmTempClg /
PostTreatmTempHtg /
Supplytemp HRC /
UsedairTemp / AUX
Temp 2 /
RoomTempControl /

6.7 Selection of external control

Description See section 3.6.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Control functions  ExternalContrl

Parameter name Setting range Default value

ExternalContrl Disable / ExtSetp 0-10V / Disable

ExtSetp Ni1000 /

6.8 Activation of room or exhaust air sensor

Description See section 3.7.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Control functions  Room/ExhSensor

Parameter name Setting range Default value

Room/ExhSensor Disable / Roomtemp / Disable


6.9 Activation of outside sensor

Description See section 3.8.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Control functions  OutdoorSens

Parameter name Setting range Default value

OutdoorSens Disable / Enable Disable

6.10 Configuration of control function

Description See section 3.9.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Control functions  Contrltype

Parameter name Setting range Default value

Contrltype Cascade / Supply / Supply


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6.11 Selection of fan control

Description See section 3.10.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Control functions  Fancontrol

Parameter name Setting range Default value

Fancontrol Flow / Pressure / 1-2 Flow

Speed / Flo+Pre

6.12 Selection of fan compensation

Description See section 3.11.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Control functions  Fancomp

Parameter name Setting range Default value

Fancomp Disable / Cooling / Disable

Heating / Clg+Htg

6.13 Fire function

Description See section 3.12.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Control functions  FanfunctionFire

Parameter name Setting range Default

FanfunctionFire Stop EX / Stop SU / Stop EX/SU

Stop EX/SU / Run

6.14 Working range for pressure sensor

Description See section 3.13.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Control functions  PressureSensor

Parameter name Setting range Default

PressureSensor 0-100 / 0-300 / 0-500 0-500

/ 0-1000 / 0-1500 / 0-
2500 / 0-3000

6.15 Selection of cooling

Description See section 3.14.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Control functions  Cooling


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Parameter name Setting range Default

Cooling Disable / Water / DX- Disable

1Step / DX-2Step /

6.16 Selection of type of heat recovery

Description See section 3.15.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Control functions  HRC Funct

Parameter name Setting range Default

HRC Funct Rot-HRC / RecircAir / Rot-HX

Plate-HRC / Water

6.17 Selection of extra heating sequence

Description See section 3.16.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Control functions  Extra heating

Parameter name Setting range Default

Extra heating Disable / Enable / Damper Disable

6.18 Selection of heating source

Description See section 3.17.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Control functions  Heating

Parameter name Setting range Default

Heating Disable / Water / Disable


6.19 Conclude commissioning

Description See section 3.18.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Control functions  CommissioningDone

Parameter name Setting range Default

CommissioningDone No / Yes No


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Configuration - Controllers

6.20 Control parameter settings

Description The controller is adapted to the controlled system with the following parameters:
 Proportional factor KP
 Integral action time TN
 Derivative action time TD
The control mode is selectable: P, PI, PD or PID.
The relation between KP and P-band is the following: P-band = 100 / KP
For cooling sequences, a negative KP must be set.

Settings Menu  Configuration  Controllers  CascadeController

 etc.

Parameter name Variable Default value

Room / exhaust air CascadeController KP 4.0

controller TN 500
Cooling controller CoolingController KP -5.0
TN 300
TD 0
HRC Controller (HRC) / (RecircAir) KP 10.0 / -10.0
Heat recovery controller
TN 120
TD 0
HeatingController KP 10.0
Extra heating sequence
TN 120
TD 0
Heating controller HeatingController KP 5.0
TN 120
TD 0
FrostController KP 20.0
Frost controller
TN 0
TD 0
Heat recovery freeze HRCFrostController KP 20.0
controller TN 0
TD 0

Posttreatment controller PosttreatmentController (Htg) / (Clg) KP 10.0 / -10.0

TN 120
TD 0
Fan controller supply air FanContrSupply (Flow) / (Pressure) KP 0.03 / 0.30
TN 30
TD 0
Fan controller extract air FanContrExhaust (Flow) / (Pressure) KP 0.03 / 0.30
TN 30
TD 0
FanClgController KP -10.0
Fan controller in cooling
TN 120
TD 0
FanHtgController KP 10.0
Fan controller in heating TN 120
sequence TD 0
Display range: entire lower and upper range, except the supply and extract air pressure controller
Unit: TN, AP and TD in seconds; AP in Kelvin (units are not displayed on the HMI)


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Configuration - Fans

6.21 Fan start delay

Description Setting of the time between damper open and exhaust air fan start.
This time is also used as damper stop delay to make sure that the fans will have
slowed down before the damper closes. At a triggered A alarm, the damper will,
however, close immediately.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Fans  Startdelay

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Startdelay 0...180 Sec 30

6.22 Start delay supply air fan

Description Setting of the time between start of extract air fan and permitted start of supply air fan.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Fans  Delay SU Start

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Delay SU Start 0...120 Sec 45

6.23 CO2 control

Description The CO2 control is used for automatic compensation of flow/pressure in relation to the
current air quality. In this, the basic setpoint for flow/pressure is shifted.

Functional diagram
FW Start point for CO2 compensation
EW End point for CO2 compensation
Ew SW Low-speed setpoint
TA [ppm] TW High-speed setpoint
TA Air quality
w Setpoint change

6.23.1 CO2 Start compensation

Description Setting of start point (air quality) for compensation of flow/pressure. IF 1-2 speed fan
usage, the fans return to low speed if the air quality should fall below this setting.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Fans  Co2 Start

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Co2 Start 0....2000 ppm 800


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6.23.2 CO2 Stop compensation

Description Setting of end point (air quality) for compensation of flow/pressure. 1 or 2 speed fan will
increase to highspeed at air quality above this setting.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Fans  Co2 Stop

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Co2 Stop 0....2000 ppm 1200

6.24 Summer/winter compensation for fans

Description Summer/winter compensation is used for automatic switch-over of the plant between
summer and winter operation mode. In this, the basic setpoint is shifted as a function of
the outside temperature.
Functional diagram
w [K] Legend
Ss FS Start point for summer compensation

Sw ES End point for summer compensation
SS Delta (total shift) in K at end point ES

Fw Fs
FW Start point for winter compensation
Ew Es
EW End point for winter compensation
TA [°C] SW Delta (total shift) in K at end point EW
TA Outside temperature
w Setpoint change

General conditions  Delta above 0.0 is a condition for activation of the summer/winter compensation

6.24.1 Start temperature summer compensation fans

The start temperature at FS at which the basic setpoint starts shifting (proportionally to
the rising outside temperature).

Setting Menu  Configuration  Fans  SmrStart

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

SmrStart 10.0...50.0 °C 25.0

6.24.2 Stop temperature summer compensation fans

Description The end temperature at ES at which the basic setpoint has shifted 100% (in relation to
the total shift delta).

Setting Menu  Configuration  Fans  SmrStop

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

SmrStop 10.0...50.0 °C 30.0


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6.24.3 Delta summer compensation supply air fan
Max. shift of basic setpoint at summer compensation (total shift).

Setting Menu  Configuration  Fans  SmrDelta SU

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

SmrDelta SU -500.0...500.0 l/s / Pa 0.0

6.24.4 Delta summer compensation exhaust air fan

Description Max. shift of basic setpoint at summer compensation (total shift).

Setting Menu  Configuration  Fans  SmrDelta EX

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

SmrDelta EX -500.0...500.0 l/s / Pa 0.0

6.24.5 Start temperature winter compensation fans

The start temperature at Fw at which the basic setpoint starts shifting (proportionally to
the rising outside temperature).

Setting Menu  Configuration  Fans  WntrStart

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

WntrStart -30.0...20.0 °C 5.0

6.24.6 Stop temperature winter compensation fans

Description The end temperature at ES at which the basic setpoint has shifted 100% (in relation to
the total shift delta).

Setting Menu  Configuration  Fans  WntrStop

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

WntrStop -30.0...20.0 °C -20.0

6.24.7 Delta winter compensation supply air fan

Description Max. shift of basic setpoint at winter compensation (total shift)

Menu  Configuration  Fans  WntrDelta SU


Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

WntrDelta SU -500.0...500.0 l/s / Pa 0.0


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6.24.8 Delta winter compensation exhaust air fan

Max. shift of basic setpoint at winter compensation (total shift).

Setting Menu  Configuration  Fans  WntrDelta EX

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

WntrDelta EX -500.0...500.0 l/s / Pa 0.0

6.25 Blocking of high-speed

Description At an outside temperature below set value, the high-speed is blocked.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Fans  BlockHighSpd

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

BlockHighSpd -50.0...150.0 °C -35.0

6.26 Fan speed at fire

Description At a triggered fire alarm combined with the condition set that one fan or both fans
should be running, the speed is forced to the set value. This function is only available
with the LB20 application.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Fans  FanSpeedFire

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

FanSpeedFire 0...100 % 100

6.27 Afterblowing

Description In connection with electric air heater, the fans run for afterblow (selectable time) at
normal stop of unit. This applies only when output signal for heat has been active.
There is no afterblowing at a fire alarm.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Fans  Fanoverrun

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Fanoverrun 0 – 30 min 2

6.28 Powerup start delay after mains failure


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Description The powerup start delay realizes delayed switching-on of the air treatment unit after a
mains failure. The mains network would be overloaded if all the electric installations in
the building would start at the same time.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Fans  Powerup

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Powerup 0...900 s 0

6.29 Setting of K factors

Description An analog pressure sensor is used to control the respective fan. With flow control
selected, the (internal) measured pressure value is converted to a flow.
The conversion is made with a selectable K factor and the following formula:
(1 / K factor x square root of measured pressure (in Pascal)) x 1000 = current flow in l/s

Settings Menu  Configuration  Fans K-Factor SU

K-Factor EX

Parameter name Setting range Default value

K-Factor SU 0.0... 20.0

K-Factor EX 0.0... 20.0


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Configuration TempControl

6.30 Summer/winter compensation temperature

Description Summer/winter compensation is used for automatic switch-over of the plant between
summer and winter operation mode. In this, the basic setpoint is shifted as a function of
the outside temperature.

Functional diagram w [K] Legend

Ss FS Start point for summer compensation

Sw ES End point for summer compensation
SS Delta (total shift) in K at end point ES

Fw Fs
FW Start point for winter compensation
Ew Es
EW End point for winter compensation
TA [°C] SW Delta (total shift) in K at end point EW
TA Outside temperature
w Setpoint change

General conditions
Delta above 0.0 is a condition for activation of the summer/winter compensation

6.30.1 Start temperature for summer compensation temperature

The start temperature at FS at which the basic setpoint starts shifting (proportionally to
the rising outside temperature).

Setting Menu  Configuration  TempControl  SummerStart

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

SummerStart 10.0...50.0 °C 25.0

6.30.2 Stop temperature for summer compensation temperature

Description The end temperature at ES at which the basic setpoint has shifted 100% (in relation to
the total shift delta).

Setting Menu  Configuration  TempControl  SummerStop

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

SummerStop 10.0...50.0 °C 30.0

6.30.3 Delta summer compensation

Description Max. shift of basic setpoint (total shift).

Setting Menu  Configuration  TempControl  SummerDelta


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Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

SummerDelta -10.0...10.0 K 0.0

6.30.4 Start temperature for winter compensation temperature

Description The start temperature at Fw at which the basic setpoint starts shifting (proportionally to
the rising outside temperature).

Setting Menu  Configuration  TempControl  WinterStart

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

WinterStart -30.0...20.0 °C 5.0

6.30.5 Stop temperature for winter compensation Temperature

Description The end temperature at ES at which the basic setpoint has shifted 100% (in relation to
the total shift delta).

Setting Menu  Configuration  TempControl  WinterStop

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

WinterStop -30.0...20.0 °C -20.0

6.30.6 Delta winter compensation

Description Max. shift of basic setpoint (total shift)

Menu  Configuration  Fans  WinterDelta


Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

WinterDelta -10.0...10.0 K 1.0

6.31 Change between cascade/supply air control

Description With control type Casc/Supply (cascade control and supply air control) selected, the
control types will shift depending on the outside temperature. To avoid pendulating
between the control types, a selectable time must elapse before the change-over takes
place. In order to get the best result, the outside sensor should be placed on the façade
and not in the outside air duct, where the sensor may be warmed up when the unit is
switched off.

6.31.1 Change-over at set outside temperature


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Description When the outside temperature falls below a set value, the control type changes to
supply air control after a preset time.

Setting Menu  Configuration  TempControl  Outtemp

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Outtemp 0.0...20.0 °C 17.0

6.31.2 Change-over time delay

Description When the outside temperature falls below a set value, the control type changes to
supply air control after a preset time.

Setting Menu  Configuration  TempControl  Delay

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Delay 0...360 m 30

6.31.3 Setpoint value compensation

Description When the control type shifts from supply air control, the supply air set point value is
compensated with a set value from the default set point value.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Controlparameters  TempControl  Temp.Comp.

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Temp.Comp -10.0...10.0 K -2


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Configuration - Cooling

6.32 Activate cooling sequence

Description Activates the cooling sequence at higher outside temperature than the set value.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Cooling  Enbl Cooling

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Enbl Cooling -50.0...150.0 °C 12.0

6.33 Pump function for cooling

Description Setting of pump operation for the cooling.

Off = Pump output disabled
Auto = Pump output enabled when required (valve opens) and, to prevent the pump
from seizing, anti-seize operation is started every day at noon, except Saturday and
Sunday. With DX cooling selected, the anti-seize operation is blocked.
Cont = The pump is controlled to continuous operation.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Cooling  PumpFunct

Parameter name Setting range Default value

PumpFunct Off / Auto / Cont Auto

6.34 Max.limit cooling at low speed

Description A max limit for the output signal for cooling could be set. The function is activated if a
value <95% are set.
The sequence when the fans are changing from high too low speed and output signal
for cooling are above limit at activated solution, is that first reduces the cooling signal
too the limit and then after a 3 minutes delay fans changes too low speed.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Cooling  MaxClg ½-spd

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

MaxClg ½-spd 0...100 % 100

6.35 Start DX cooling step 1

Description Setting of the cooling signal at which DX cooling step 1 shall start. Not valid for DX-

Setting Menu  Configuration  Cooling  Start Step1

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Start Step1 0...100 % 20


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6.36 Stop DX cooling step 1

Description Setting of the cooling signal at which DX cooling step 1 shall stop. Not valid for DX-

Setting Menu  Configuration  Cooling  Stop Step1

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Stop Step1 0...100 % 10

6.37 Start DX cooling step 2

Description Setting of the cooling signal at which DX cooling step 2 shall start. Not valid for DX-

Setting Menu  Configuration  Cooling  Start Step2

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Start Step2 0...100 % 70

6.38 Stop DX cooling step 2

Description Setting of the cooling signal at which DX cooling step 2 shall stop. Not valid for DX-

Setting Menu  Configuration  Cooling  Stop Step2

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Stop Step2 0...100 % 60

6.39 Min. time for restart of DX cooling

Description Delay before restart of DX cooling may take place. This delay avoids unnecessary
switching of the DX steps off and on.
This parameter is valid for all DX steps.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Cooling  MinTimeRestart

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

MinTimeRestart 0...10 m 3


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Configuration - Heating

6.40 Pre-heating time

Description Hot-water air heaters are sensitive to frost. If the air treatment unit is switched off at
night and the outside temperature is low at start-up, the sudden intake of cold outside
air would make the water in the coils freeze. This problem is particularly obvious when
there are long pipes from the valve actuator to the air heater battery.
To get around this problem, the water circuit is pre-heated with hot water before the
outside damper and extract air damper are opened. At start-up and low outside
temperature, only the air heater heating circuit pump DO1 starts, and the heating valve
AO1 opens during a selectable time. The risk of freezing damage is eliminated, and the
unit then switches to normal control.
NB! When using a long pre-heating time, the result may be the opposite, i.e. the heater
battery may get too warm, which causes the heater battery and the heat exchanger to
close at start-up, since there is no longer any heat demand. This may cause great
variations in the start-up.

Effect  The pump in the heating circuit is activated

 The valve opens 100%.

General conditions  Outside temperature sensor connected

 Pre-heating time (Preheating) > 0.0 s
 Outside temperature < 5 °C

Setting Menu  Parameters  Heating  Preheating

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Preheating 0...50 s 0

6.41 Pump function for heating

Description Setting of pump operation for the heating.

Off = Pump output disabled
Auto = Pump output enabled when required (valve opens) or when the outside
temperature is lower than 8oC. To prevent the pump from seizing, anti-seize operation
is started every day at noon, except Saturday and Sunday. With El.battery selected, the
anti-seize operation is blocked and the output is only activated when required.
Cont = The pump is controlled to continuous operation.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Heating  PumpFunct

Parameter name Setting range Default value

PumpFunct Off / Auto / Cont Auto

6.42 Setting of minimum run time for the pumps

Description Parameter for setting of minimum run time for the cooling pump and the circulation

Setting Menu  Configuration  Heating  MinRunTime


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Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

MinRunTime 0...30 min 5

6.43 Min.flow for activation of el.battery

Description Parameter for setting min. flow/pressure to allow output signal to the electric heater.
At 1-2 speed control, the pressure guard needs to signal in order for the electric heater
to release the output signal.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Heating  BlockElectr

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

BlockElectr 0...500 l/s / Pa 100 / 50

6.44 Min.temperature air heater (water) in operation

Description Setting of setpoint to prevent frost protection device from triggering. At risk of frost in
the heater battery, sensors in the return water control the valve actuator to open. This
setpoint is activated when the unit is in operation.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Heating  Setpoint

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Setpoint 10.01...40.0 °C 12.0

Frost alarm value + 5 K

6.45 Hotkeeping of stopped air heater (water)

Description With the unit stopped, the temperature is controlled in the air heater to the hotkeeping
setpoint in order to prevent frost formation and facilitate start-up of the unit.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Heating  StandbyStp

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

StandbyStp 10.0...50.0 °C 20.0


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Configuration HRC

6.46 Activation of cooling recovery

Description This parameter activates the function for cooling recovery. Cooling recovery means that
if there is a cooling need and if the outside temperature is higher than the extract air
temperature, full recovery starts (Rot-HRC or Plate-HRC) in order to make use of the
cooling energy from the room.
The outside temperature is compared with the room-/extract air temperature.
When the outside air is warmer than the room temperature, the heat recovery system
will be controlled to 100%.
If the outside air is colder than the room temperature, the HRC system is controlled in
the usual manner.

General conditions  Rot-HRC or Plate-HRC

 Room or exhaust air sensor and outside sensor; when both the room and exhaust
air sensor are activated, the exhaust air sensor is used as condition
 Parameter ClgRecovery set to On

Setting Menu  Configuration  HRC  ClgRecovery

Parameter name Setting range Default value

ClgRecovery Off / On Off

6.47 Start-up time for heat exchanger

Description By controlling the exchanger to 100% at start-up, the exhaust air fan heats the heat
exchanger, thereby preventing a cold shock in the water battery. When the unit is
started at an outside temperature colder than 12oC, the output signal is set to 100%.
The heat exchanger starts at the same time as the exhaust air fan and then runs at
100%. The heat exchanger returns to automatic mode, when the supply air fan has
started and the and the selected start-up time has elapsed. The time is counted from
the time when the supply air fan has started. These function is only valid with Rot-HRC
or Plate-HRC selected. If the outside sensor is not connected, HRC will be controlled to
100% at each start-up occasion.

Setting Menu  Configuration  HRC  StartupTime

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

StartupTime 0...150 s 45

6.48 Setpoint for freeze protection

Description As an anti-freeze protection of the water-borne recovery circuit, there is an integrated

control function that secures - either via a temperature sensor in the return duct that
defrosting of the heat exchanger is carried out. At low temperatures, the output signal
to the heat recovery is reduced in order to defrost the heat exchanger. If the
temperature should fall even lower, an alarm is issued (see Freeze alarm).


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General conditions  Parameter MultiFuncInput 1 selected to HRC FrostTemp

Effect  When the setpoint is reached, the extract air will be transported away immediately
to allow the temperature in the exhaust air duct to rise, thereby preventing freezing.

Setting Menu  Configuration  HRC  HRC FrostSetp

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

HRC FrostSetp -10.0...30.0 °C 1.0

6.49 Min. outside air amount for return air damper

Description This parameter sets the minimum amount of outside air to be mixed with the return air
at heat recovery demand. If Co2 control has been selected, the damper will open to the
outside air at increased Co2 level.
When the unit is stopped, the dampers close completely to the outside air (Does NOT
apply to return air damper function in extra heating sequence where stopped unit opens
dampers completely to the outside air).

Setting Menu  Configuration  HRC  MinPosDamper

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

MinPosDamper 0...100 % 20
Setp Co2 0...2000 ppm 800

6.50 Max. output signal plate HRC at defrosting

Description When defrosting the heat exchanger, the output signal is reduced to 0%. If the air heat
does not manage to maintain the temperature, the output signal is increased for HRC to
the set value. Function description, see section 3.4.

Setting Menu  Configuration  HRC  MaxSpdDefrost

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

MaxSpdDefrost 0...100 % 50

6.51 Time duration for defrosting

Description At triggered pressure switch or temperature below defrosting setpoint, defrosting of the
heat exchanger begins. This parameter sets the time for the duration of the defrosting.

Setting Menu  Configuration  HRC  DefrostTime

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

DefrostTime 0...100 m 10

6.52 Setpoint for defrosting plate heat exchangers

Description When the defrosting temperature falls below the set value, defrosting of plate heat


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exchanger begins. Function description, see section 3.4.

Setting Menu  Configuration  HRC  DefrostSetp

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

-10.0...30.0 C 10


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Configuration - RemoteSetp

6.53 Minimum temperature via external setpoint

Description Setting of value for min. setpoint via external signal, i.e. effective setpoint at 0V in to

Setting Menu  Configuration  RemoteSetp  MinExtSetp

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

MinExtSetp -15.0...30.0 °C 15.0

6.54 Maximum temperature via external setpoint

Description Setting of value for max. setpoint via external signal, i.e. effective setpoint at 10V in to

Setting Menu  Configuration  RemoteSetp  MaxExtSetp

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

MaxExtSetp 0.0...50.0 °C 25.0


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HVAC Products 6 Description of HVAC engineer parameters 2006-04-20
Configuration TimerInput

6.55 Timer inputs D1 and D2

6.55.1 Switching via external switch

Description Switching on / off and preselection of the fan speed can take place via an external
switch. For that purpose, the following status table is used:

Status DI1 Status DI2 Fan speed

Off / 0 Off / 0 Automatic
On / 1 Off / 0 Low-speed
Off / 0 On / 1 High-speed
On / 1 On / 1 Function, refer to 5.54

If terminals DI1 and DI2 are not used, this function is in position Automatic, which
means that the plant is controlled by the internal timeswitch program.

General conditions  Parameter TimerInput TimerTime must be set to 0.0

6.55.2 Switching via external button

Description In contrast to the external switch, the external button becomes active when a time is
entered under parameter TimerTime. At a pulse to DI1 or DI2, the corresponding fan
speed will start and run during the set time.

Effect  Extended operation is active during the set time. When this time has elapsed, the
program returns to Automatic operation.
 Parameter TimerInput TimerTime must be set to a value higher than 0.0

6.56 Extended operating time via button / timer

Description When using a pushbutton for extended operation, this parameter is used to set the
required run time.
When using a timer, this parameter must be set to 0, since the time function is then in
the timer itself.

Setting Menu  Configuration  TimerInput TimerOnTime

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

TimerOnTime 0 – 12 h 0

6.57 Both timers on

Description This parameter sets the function to apply if both timer inputs are on.


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Setting Menu  Configuration  ´TimerInput  BothTimerOn

Parameter name Setting range Default value

BothTimerOn Off / Low / High Off

6.58 Selection of setpoint for "timer operation"

Description Used to select the setpoint to be active at extended operation via timer input DI1 and
DI2. The selection is between Comfort mode and Economy mode.

Setting Menu  Configuration  TimerInput  TimerSetp

Parameter name Setting range Default value

TimerSetp Economy/Comfort Comfort


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HVAC Products 6 Description of HVAC engineer parameters 2006-04-20
Configuration - Nightmode

6.59 Fan speed in night mode

Description This sets the fan speed that the fans shall assume in Night mode.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Nightmode  Fanspeed

Parameter name Setting range Default value

Fanspeed Lowspd/Highspd Highspd

6.60 Night purge

Description Night purging is used in the summer to save cooling energy by precooling the rooms
with cool outside air during the night. If only extract air sensors are used, a startup
takes place at night to determine if night cooling is required.

Note Night purging should be run several hours per night - minimum one hour. However, the
room temperature must not be allowed to fall below such a level that heating is required
in the morning.

Effects  Fan will be switched on

 AO1 Output signal, air heater battery will be blocked
 AO2 Output signal, air cooler battery) will be blocked
 AO3 (operating action \ , HR) will be blocked
 AO3 (operating action / , air damper) will be opened and return air damper closed

General conditions  Room temperature sensor or exhaust air sensor and outside sensor connected
 Parameter for activation of night cooling must be in position On
 Timeswitch program must be in position Off
 Outside temperature > min. outside temperature
 Outside temperature < room temperature + delta (SwitchingDifference)
 Outside temperature > room temperature setpoint + hysteresis (condition for switch-on,
but not for switch-off!)

Night purge will be activated if these conditions are fulfilled. If one of the general
conditions is no longer met (with the exception of the last, which is only a switch-on
requirement), night cooling will be deactivated on completion of the min. run-time.

6.60.1 Activation

Description Parameter for activation of night cooling.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Nightmode  NightCooling

Parameter name Setting range Default value

Nightpurge Off / On Off


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HVAC Products 6 Description of HVAC engineer parameters 2006-04-20
6.60.2 Room setpoint

Description Temperature to be attained via night cooling.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Nightmode  RoomSetpoint

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

RoomSetpoint 0.0...30.0 °C 22.0

6.60.3 Minimum outside temperature

Description The minimum outside temperature can disable the night cooling function, if the outside
temperature is lower than the set value.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Nightmode  MinOuttemp

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

MinOuttemp 5.0...30.0 °C 12.0

6.60.4 Hysteresis

Description A hysteresis is added to the room temperature setpoint as a switch-on but not switch-
off requirement. The total must be greater than the current room temperature.

Menu  Configuration  Nightmode  Hysteresis

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Hysteresis 1.0...10.0 K 3.0

6.60.5 Delta

Beskrivning If the outside temperature drops below the room temperature by the value of the
differential (delta) entered, night cooling will be activated, provided the limit values for
room and outside temperature have been reached.

Menu  Configuration  Nightmode  Ondelta

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Ondelta 1.0...20.0 K 5.0

6.60.6 Minimum running time

Beskrivning Setting of a minimum operating time for the night cooling ensures that the plant is not
switched on and off too often.

Menu  Configuration  Nightmode  MinRunTime



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Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

MinRunTime 0...720 min 30

6.61 Unoccupied mode

At the end of the occupancy time, the plant is switched off (via timeswitch program).
The room temperature will then fall or rise, depending on the prevailing weather
conditions and internal loads. The «Unoccupied heating mode» or «Unoccupied cooling
mode» function is activated to ensure that no excessively low or high room
temperatures will occur.

6.61.1 Unoccupied heating mode

Description If the room temperature drops below the set limit value (LimitHtg), «Unoccupied
heating mode» is started. In this case, heating is provided until the room temperature
lies 1 Kelvin above the limit value. If only extract air sensors are used, a startup takes
place at night to determine if unoccupied heating is required. Outside air dampers do
not open at start of “unoccupied heating mode” (selectable). A switch-on delay for
repeated switching on (MinTimeRestart) ensures that the plant does not switch on
too often.

Effects  Fan will be switched on

 AO1 (control air heater battery) will be activated
 AO2 (output signal for cooling) will be blocked
 AO3 (operating action \, HR) will be activated
 AO3 (operating action /, air damper) will be blocked, return air damper opens
 AO4 (control Post-conditioning) will be activated

General conditions  Room / Extract air temperature sensor connected

 Timeswitch program must be off
 Enable parameter (HtgUnoccupied) must be on
 Room temperature falls below the limit value (LimitHtg)
 Switch-on delay time (MinTimeRestart) has elapsed

6.61.2 Unoccupied cooling mode

Description If the room temperature rises above the set limit value (LimitClg), «Unoccupied
cooling mode» is started. In this case, cooling is provided until the room temperature
goes 1 K below the limit value. If only extract air sensors are used, a startup takes
place at night to determine if unoccupied cooling is required. Outside air dampers do
not open at start of “unoccupied cooling mode” (selectable).
A switch-on delay for repeated switching on (MinTimeRestart) ensures that the
plant is not switched on too often.

Effects  Fan will be switched on

 AO1 (control air heater battery) will be blocked
 AO2 (cooling control) is activated
 AO3 (operating action \, HR) will be blocked
 AO3 (operating action /, air damper) will be locked, return air damper opens
 AO4 Control Post-conditioning will be blocked

General conditions  Room temperature sensor connected

 Timeswitch program must be off

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 Parameter for enabling (ClgUnoccupied) must be set to On
 Room temperature exceeds the limit value (LimitClg)
 Switch-on delay time (MinTimeRestart) has elapsed.

6.61.3 Activation of unoccupied heating mode

Description This parameter is used to activate / deactivate the function unoccupied heating mode.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Nightmode  HeatingUnocpd

Parameter name Setting range Default value

HeatingUnocpd Off/On Off

6.61.4 Activation of unoccupied cooling mode

Description This parameter is used to activate / deactivate the function unoccupied cooling mode.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Nightmode  CoolingUnocpd

Parameter name Setting range Default value

CoolingUnocpd Off/On Off

6.61.5 Open outside air damper

Description In unoccupied heating mode, the outside air damper can be closed and the extract air
damper opened in order to circulate/cool only the extract air.
No: The unit starts without opening the damper. Exhaust air fan and HMI are blocked.
Yes: The unit starts in normal operation.
No+EF : The unit starts without opening the damper. The exhaust air fan is allowed to
start, but the HMI is blocked.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Nightmode  Open Outdamper

Parameter name Setting range Default value

Open Outdamper No/Yes/No+EF No

6.61.6 Limit value for unoccupied heating

Description This parameter is used to set the temperature limit values for start of the function
unoccupied heating.

Settings Menu  Configuration  Nightmode  LimitHeating

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

LimitHeating 0.0 – 30.0 °C 15.0

6.61.7 Limit value for unoccupied cooling


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Description This parameter is used to set the temperature limit values for start of the function
unoccupied cooling.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Nightmode  LimitCooling

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

LimitCooling 20.0 – 50.0 °C 30.0

6.61.8 Minimum restart time for operation of unoccupied mode

Description This parameter is used to set a minimum run time for the function Unoccupied mode. It
determines the minimum run time for each startup of unoccupied heating as well as
unoccupied cooling.

Setting Menu  Configuration  Nightmode  MinRestarttime

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

MinRestarttime 0 – 720 min 30

6.62 Delay before test of night mode

Description This parameter is used to set a delay before test of the function Night mode.
When no room sensor is being used, the temperature must be measured via the extract
air sensor. The unit therefore starts for 5 minutes during the night in order to determine
the extract air temperature. This is only done when unoccupied heating or cooling is
For unoccupied heating, the startup function is blocked during the month of July.
For unoccupied cooling or night cooling, the startup function is blocked October through

Setting Menu  Configuration  Nightmode  DlyBeforeTest

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

DlyBeforeTest 0 – 720 min 240


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HVAC Products 6 Description of HVAC engineer parameters 2006-04-20
Configuration - SmokeDamper

6.63 Smoke damper anti-seize interval

Description Anti-seize operation means that the smoke dampers are run automatically at a set time.
Should a damper assume an incorrect position (detected via limit positions contacts),
an alarm will be issued (see SmokeDamper). Test of smoke dampers (anti-seize) can
also be executed via hand terminal.

Setting Menu  Configuration  SmokeDamper  Interval

Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

Interval 00:00…23:00 h 23:00

6.64 Smoke damper opening and closing times

Description Using the parameters below, an alarm delay time can be set for damper closing and
opening, respectively. These times should be chosen with good margin compared to
the damper’s open and close times.

Connection instructions for correct functioning:

STxx STxx

S2 S1 S2 Closed S1
Open Open
S6 S4 S6 S4

Settings Menu  Configuration  SmokeDamper CloseTime


Parameter name Setting range Unit Default value

OpenTime 0… s 180


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Configuration Serviceswitch

6.65 Function Serviceswitch

Description Settings for the service switch on the handheld terminal.

Stop-Auto = The unit can be stopped by the scheduler or the timer inputs.
Stop-Low = The unit can be stopped or run at low speed. The scheduler has no
function. If timer input for high speed signal the function is overridden.
Stop-High = The unit can be stopped or run at high speed. Nor the scheduler or the
timer inputs has any function unless both timer inputs are affected, at which time the
unit can be stopped if the function is set, see section 6.56.

Setting Menu  Function Serviceswi  Function

Parameter name Setting range Default value

Function Stop-Auto / Stop-Low Stop-Auto

/ Stop-High


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HVAC Products 6 Description of HVAC engineer parameters 2006-04-20
7 Communications
7.1 Communications options

By connecting one or several communications boards to process unit ACX32.000, a

number of different communications alternatives can be realized. The communications
boards that are available today are described briefly below.

7.1.1 ACX52.22

The SCC board, which features a lot of different communications alternatives.

 An integrated web server for access via Netscape or Internet Explorer with the
possibility to produce own web pages with flow charts, documentation, etc.
 BACnet/IP for integration in Building Management System (BMS) according to
the new communications standard (TC247).
 OPC server for integration with most existing Building Management System
 TCP/IP communications.
 Modem connection via RAS to be able to receive SMS alarms and to call up
the unit and read unit status via the service tool Sacus or a palm computer
 Possibility to download own communications protocols.

7.1.2 ACX51.20

The Quadcom board handles up to four serial interfaces in parallel with communication
with, for example:
 Frequency converters with USS communications
 Analogue modems for remote operation via PC or palm computer (PDA).
 GSM modems for remote operation via PC or palm computer (PDA); sends, in
addition, alarms via SMS.
 Modbus RTU via RS485

7.1.3 ACX50.25

The LON board is used for integration in LON networks. The board has 64 standard
variables (SNVT) for important data.


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HVAC Products 7 Communications 2006-04-20
8 Applications
8.1.1 Loading the application

Use of the tool Rainbow Loader makes it easy to load the required application into
process unit ACX32.000. Proceed as described below to load an application.

Install Rainbow Loader on your computer by clicking on ”Setup”, and follow the
instructions that appear on the screen.

Before start of Rainbow loader, the communications cable between PC and SAPHIR
must be connected and the SAPHIR be voltage-supplied.

Start Rainbow Loader by clicking on Start-Program-SaphirSuite-RainbowLoader.

To load the application with Rainbow Loader, proceed as follows:

1. Select the com port in use.

2. Select the SAPHIR model in use, e.g. ACX32.000.
3. Stop the SAPHIR by ticking the circle in front of MSR-Stop.
4. Press ”Browse” or enter the search path to MBRTCode.BIN (application file).
5. Press ”Browse” or enter the search path to HMI.bin (hand terminal file).
6. Press ”Browse” or enter the search path to OBH.bin (language file).
7. Tick the box in front of the files to be downloaded.
8. Click on ”Start download”.
9. When all the files have been downloaded, tick the circle in front of MSR-Start.

8.1.2 After the application has loaded

When the Saphir has started DIL-switch 1 needs to be switched off/on. This will cause
the software to restart within a couple of seconds. At restart the Saphir will read default
values, passwords, schedules etc. and display the startup menu.

When all configurations has been made through the menu (control selection, choice of
HMI etc.), DIL-switch 2 needs to be switched off/on. As before, the Saphir will restart
and update the system according to the new configuration settings.


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HVAC Products 8 Applications 2006-04-20
A Cooling/DX Step1 ..................................................... 72
A-Alarm .....................................................................73 CoolingUnocpd ....................................................... 124
Abbreviations.............................................................17 Current actual value ................................................. 81
Act Setpoint ...............................................................85 Current language ...................................................... 47
ActClgSetp ................................................................83 Current pressure SU................................................. 87
ActHtgSetp ................................................................83 Current Setpoint ....................................................... 81
ActStp EX ..................................................................87 D
ActStp SU..................................................................87 Date .......................................................................... 62
Actual value...............................................................91 Daytimescheduler............................................... 63, 65
Air quality compensation .........................................103 DeadzoneComf................................................... 82, 85
Airquality..............................................................49, 70 DeadzoneCompClg .................................................. 89
Alarmhistory ..............................................................92 DeadzoneCompHtg .................................................. 89
Alarms .......................................................................96 DeadzoneEcon ................................................... 82, 86
Alarms list..................................................................34 DefrostSetp............................................................. 116
Application info ..........................................................94 DefrostTime ............................................................ 116
Applications .............................................................129 DefrostTmp HRC ...................................................... 69
AUX ...........................................................................67 Delay ...................................................................... 110
AUX input ..................................................................47 Delay SU Start ........................................................ 103
AUX Temp 1..............................................................69 DeltaCooling ............................................................. 84
AUX Temp 2..............................................................70 DeltaHeating............................................................. 84
B DlyBeforeTest......................................................... 125
B-Alarm .....................................................................74 DX Step2 .................................................................. 72
BasicStp Comf...........................................................85 E
BasicStp Econ .....................................................81, 85 Electric heater blocking .......................................... 114
BasicStpComf............................................................81 Electric heater min.flow .......................................... 114
BlockElectr ..............................................................114 Emergency smoke .................................................... 66
BlockHighSpd..........................................................106 Enbl Cooling ........................................................... 111
BothTimerOn ...........................................................119 Environmental protection.......................................... 17
C Exhaust air sensor.................................................... 50
Cascade control ........................................................50 Exhaust air temperature ........................................... 69
Cascade+Supply air temperature control ..................51 Exhaustfan.......................................................... 73, 77
Change Cascade / Supply.......................................109 Exhausttemp............................................................. 95
Change Password .....................................................93 External setpoint................................................. 49, 70
Chiller ........................................................................67 ExternalContrl........................................................... 99
ClgRecovery............................................................115 Extra heating .................................................... 76, 101
CloseTime ...............................................................126 Extra heating sequence............................................ 54
CO2 compensation..................................................103 ExtSetp ......................................................... 82, 83, 86
CO2 control ...............................................................49 F
Co2 Start .................................................................103 Fan compensation .................................................... 52
Co2 Stop .................................................................104 Fan control................................................................ 51
Commissioning done.................................................54 Fancomp................................................................. 100
CommissioningDone .......................................101, 107 Fancontrol............................................................... 100
Communications......................................................128 FanfunctionFire....................................................... 100
Comp ES Setp...........................................................89 Fanoverrun ............................................................. 106
Compensating for exhaust set point..........................89 Fanruncounter .......................................................... 79
Connection guide ......................................................20 Fanspeed................................................................ 121
Connection terminals.................................................20 FanSpeedFire ......................................................... 106
Contrltype ..................................................................99 Fault.......................................................................... 18
Control parameter settings ......................................102 Features ................................................................... 11
Control principle 2 .....................................................51 Filter.......................................................................... 68
Control Type..............................................................81 Fire function.............................................................. 52
Cooling ..............................................................76, 100 Fire/Smoke ............................................................... 67
Cooling function.........................................................53 Flow EX .............................................................. 71, 87


Siemens Building Technologies IVP LB20 V3.xx SE1P3689sv/IVP V3_xx

HVAC Products Index 2006-04-20
Flow SU .............................................................. 70, 87 MaxTemp SU ............................................................84
Frost alarm temperature ........................................... 69 Min Outtemp............................................................122
Frost protection setpoint hotkeeping....................... 114 MinExtSetp..............................................................118
Frost protection setpoint operation ......................... 114 MinPosDamper .......................................................116
Frosttemp ............................................................ 69, 95 MinRestarttime ........................................................125
Function for AUX input.............................................. 98 MinRunTime ....................................................113, 122
G MinTemp SU .............................................................84
General notes on safety............................................ 15 MinTimeRestart .......................................................112
H Modbus konfiguration................................................58
Heating.............................................................. 76, 101 Modem information ...................................................57
Heating source.......................................................... 54 Montering regulator ...................................................18
HeatingUnocpd ....................................................... 124 MultiFuncInput 1..................................................48, 98
Highspeed Exh.......................................................... 90 MultiFuncInput 2..................................................48, 98
Highspeed Sup ......................................................... 90 N
HMI Navigation for basic settings .....................................29
Configuration ....................................................... 24 Nightpurge...............................................................121
Handheld terminal ............................................... 23 Numeric code ............................................................27
Menus .................................................................. 26 O
Menyträd.............................................................. 28 Ondelta....................................................................122
Navigation levels ................................................. 24 Open Outdamper ....................................................124
Parameters .......................................................... 60 OpenTime ...............................................................126
Restoration of character set ................................ 24 Operating level ..........................................................24
Service switch...................................................... 33 OutDamper................................................................73
Serviceswitch..................................................... 127 Outdoor sensor .........................................................50
Start/Stop-button ................................................. 33 OutdoorSens .............................................................99
Type..................................................................... 60 Outside compensation fans.............................104, 108
HRC .................................................................... 67, 76 Outside temperature .................................................69
HRC Efficiency.......................................................... 80 Outtemp ......................................................69, 95, 109
HRC FrostSetp........................................................ 115 Overview
HRC Frosttemp ......................................................... 69 Basic settings.......................................................30
HRC Funct .............................................................. 101 End user parameters ...........................................35
HRC function............................................................. 53 Engineer parameters ...........................................42
HRC PressGuard ...................................................... 68 P
Hysteresis ............................................................... 122 Packaging .................................................................16
I Parameter setting level .............................................24
Info password............................................................ 27 Parameter setting password .....................................27
Information level........................................................ 24 Password levels ........................................................27
Installation procedure HMI ........................................ 19 Passwords.................................................................27
Interval .............................................................. 78, 126 Posttreat....................................................................91
L PostTreaTemp ..........................................................70
Language selection................................................... 56 Posttreatment ............................................................77
LimitCooling ............................................................ 124 Powerup ..................................................................106
LimitHeating ............................................................ 124 Preheating...............................................................113
Log In ........................................................................ 93 Pressure EX ........................................................71, 87
Log Out ..................................................................... 93 Pressure sensor ........................................................53
LON configuration ..................................................... 58 Pressure SU........................................................70, 87
Lowspeed Exh .......................................................... 90 Pressure Supply air...................................................71
Lowspeed Sup .......................................................... 90 PressureSensor ......................................................100
M Product range............................................................13
Maintenance ............................................................. 16 Pump/Heat ................................................................72
MaxExtSetp............................................................. 118 Pump/Heater .............................................................67
MaxLimitClg ............................................................ 111 PumpFunct ......................................................111, 113
MaxSetp EX .............................................................. 89 R
MaxSetp SU.............................................................. 88 RCC configuration.....................................................57
MaxSpdDefrost ....................................................... 116 Reset.........................................................................92


Siemens Building Technologies IVP LB20 V3.xx SE1P3689sv/IVP V3_xx

HVAC Products Index 2006-04-20
Reset Counter ...........................................................79 Summer/wintertime................................................... 56
Room sensor .............................................................50 SummerDelta.......................................................... 108
Room temperature ....................................................69 SummerStart .......................................................... 108
Room-/ExhSensor .....................................................99 SummerStop........................................................... 108
Roomsetpoint ..........................................................122 Supply air fan............................................................ 72
Roomtemp.................................................................95 Supply air temperature ............................................. 69
S Supply air temperature control ................................. 51
Safety ........................................................................14 Supplyfan.................................................................. 77
Scheduler ..................................................................62 Supplytemp............................................. 69, 84, 85, 95
Service ......................................................................16 SupplyTempHRC................................................ 69, 70
Service switch .....................................................62, 66 T
SetpHigh EX..............................................................88 TestSmokeDamper................................................... 78
SetpHigh SU..............................................................88 Time.......................................................................... 62
SetpLow EX...............................................................88 Timer input........................................................ 66, 119
SetpLow SU ..............................................................88 TimerOnTime.......................................................... 119
Setpoint .............................................................91, 114 TimerSetp ............................................................... 120
Smoke damper ..........................................................47 Transport .................................................................. 16
SmokeDamper ..............................................68, 73, 98 U
SmrDelta EX............................................................105 Unoccupied mode................................................... 123
SmrDelta SU ...........................................................105 Cooling .............................................................. 123
SmrStart ..................................................................104 Heating .............................................................. 123
SmrStop ..................................................................104 UsedairTemp ...................................................... 69, 70
Sommar-/vintertid ......................................................56 V,W
StanbyStp................................................................114 Weektimescheduler ............................................ 63, 65
Start Step1 ..............................................................111 WinterDelta............................................................. 109
Start Step2 ..............................................................112 WinterStart.............................................................. 109
Startdelay ................................................................103 WinterStop.............................................................. 109
StartupTime.............................................................115 WntrDelta EX.......................................................... 106
Stop Step1...............................................................112 WntrDelta SU.......................................................... 105
Stop Step2...............................................................112 WntrStart ................................................................ 105
Storage......................................................................16 WntrStop................................................................. 105
Summer/winter compensation fans .........................108 Y
Summer/winter compensations fans .......................104 Yeartimescheduler.................................................... 64


Siemens Building Technologies IVP LB20 V3.xx SE1P3689sv/IVP V3_xx

HVAC Products Index 2006-04-20
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