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Real and Functional Analysis

Master Degree Program in Mathematical Engineering, a.y. 2022/23, group M-Z

Prof. Fabio Punzo

Theory Questions
Sheet n.2

Answers can be given in English or in Italian.

1) Write the definition of complete measure space. State the theorem concerning the existence of
the completion of a measure space. Give just an idea of the proof.

2) Write the definition of outer measure. State and prove the theorem concerning generation of
outer measure on a general set X, starting from a set K ∈ P(X), containing ∅, and a function
ν : K → R+ , ν(∅) = 0. Intuitively, which is the meaning of (K, ν)?

3) What is the Caratheodory condition? How can it be stated in an equivalent way? Prove it.

4) Can it exist a set of zero outer measure, which does not fulfill the Caratheodory condition? Prove

5) State the theorem concerning generation of a measure as a restriction of an outer measure.

6) Show that the measure induced by an outer measure on the σ−algebra of all sets fulfilling the
Carathéodory condition is complete.

7) Describe the construction of the Lebesgue measure in R and in Rn .

8) Prove that any countable subset E ⊂ R is Lebesgue measurable and λ(E) = 0.

9) Show that B(R) ⊆ L(R) . Is the inclusion strict? Which is the relation between (R, L(R), λ) and
(R, B(R), λ)?

10) Is the translate of a measurable set measurable?

11) Write the excision property and prove it. Write and prove (partially) the theorem concerning
the regularity of the Lebesgue measure on R.

12) Is it true that any subset E ⊆ R is L−measurable? Is it possibile to find two disjoint sets
A, B ⊂ R for which λ∗ (A ∪ B) < λ∗ (A) + λ∗ (B)? Why?

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