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Real and Functional Analysis

Master Degree Program in Mathematical Engineering, a.y. 2022/23, group M-Z

Prof. Fabio Punzo

Theory Questions
Sheet n.5

Answers can be given in English or in Italian.

1) State the theorem concerning integration of series with general term fn ∈ M+ (X, A) .
2) Let f ∈ M+ (X, A). Show that ν(E) := E f dµ is a measure. State and prove its properties.
3) Let f, g ∈ M+ (X, A). Show that if f = g a.e. in X, then X f dµ = X gdµ .

4) Write the definition of: integrable functions, Lebesgue integral, L1 (X, A, µ) .

5) Let f : X → R. How the integrability of R to that of f± and of |f |? Justify the

R f is related
answer. Show that if f ∈ L1 (X, A, µ), then X f dµ ≤ X |f |dµ . Give an alternative definition of
L1 (X, A, µ).

6) Prove that L1 (X, A, µ) is a vector space.

7) State and prove the vanishing lemma for L1 functions.

8) Let f ∈ L1 , g ∈ M be such that f = g a.e. in X. Show that g ∈ L1 and

X f dµ = X gdµ .

9) State and prove the Lebesgue theorem. In which case it is simple to find a dominating function?

10) Describe the relations between Peano-Jordan and Lebesgue measures, and between the Riemann
(also in the generalized sense) and the Lebesgue integral.

11) State the theorem for integration of series (without sign restriction on the general term fn ).

12) Write the definitions of L1 and L∞ . Show that they are metric spaces. Are L1 and L∞ metric

13) For a sequence of functions {fn } ∈ M , write the definitions of: pointwise convergence; uniform
convergence; almost everywhere convergence; convergence in L1 ; convergence in L∞ ; convergence in

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