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LED 54

CANILLO, Desiree CAINTIC, Jhon Kyle
DANAO, Andrea DANGLAY, Ana-Rose
MANSEGUIAO, Tricia Ann MICULOB, Vinie Belle
1. This study probes the impact Participants 1. The results revealed that
1. Mona of input quality (natural and A female young children (3-4 both natural and instructional
Hassanzade instructional) on the second years old) in Iran, Kerman, input promoted the target
language grammar knowledge District grammar knowledge in both
2. Mehry Haddad of young children. Instruments grammaticality judgment
Narafshan Research Locale: Kerman tasks and elicited oral
2. The review on the impact of District in Iran imitation tasks effectively.
But it supports the superiority
the quality of input (natural and
structural) on young children’s Research Method: Qualitative
of instructional input over
natural input in promoting
A STUDY ON INPUT grammar. That input is an Reearch. The instruments second language grammar
QUALITY AND important factor in language applied in this study were two achievement.
SECOND LANGUAGE learning is apparent especially tests of grammar (Oxford
GRAMMAR when one looks at cases where placement Test & Oxford 2. The acquisition is a natural
ACHIEVEMENT IN the language learner has the Grammar Test). and unconscious process.
YOUNG CHILDREN opportunity of natural
To check the validity, the This natural process of
immersion through living in the acquisition is in contrast to
oxford grammar test, as a valid
language community. the conscious process of
test was used in a way to test
the topics being covered at language learning, which
class to follow the content occurs when instructional
relevance and content coverage input is provided regularly.
validity (simple present ,
present continuous & to be
verbs) ,

Data Collection and Data

The data for this study
was collected by asking the
participants to answer the
grammar test (pre& post)
questions; all the answers to the
tests were used as the data in
this study.
The obtained data was
statistically analyzed by using
descriptive statistic, inferential
statistics, SPSS 16, and excel

The present study was conducted to investigate the impact of input quality on second language grammar knowledge of young
children. Young children who were exposed to instructional input outperformed the ones being exposed to natural input. It shows the
indispensability of L2 instructional input for successful language development of L2 grammar. It follows the assumption that a better
understanding of the nature of instruction on SLA may lead to improvements in second language teaching practices. Thus, Evidence from
this research rejects the idea of Krashen’s acquisition/ learning hypothesis that children who are exposed to natural input (acquisition) are
better second language acquirers than the ones being exposed to instructional input (learning), and it points out that instructional input can
even help EFL children to be better second language learners in case of the second language grammar.

Hassanzade, M., & Haddad, M. (2016). _Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
70 ISSN. International Journal of English Language Teaching, 4(2), 2055-0839.

1. Four different models of input Instruments 1. It has been found that all
1. Yayun Anny processing are to be examined and To find the four different models four models agree that
Sun compared side-by-side. The studies of input-processing are examined cognitive/structural
on working memory and procedural and compared side-by-side, the comparison is the key to
and declarative knowledge may researcher utilized the qualitative
development, regardless of
provide additional evidence and research method- Grounded the specific location of
perspectives and may perhaps Theory operation, though it remains
INPUT augment the models to produce a largely beyond conscious
PROCESSING IN more comprehensive picture of the Approach to Research or control or instructional
SECOND Enquiries: Investigate manipulation.
process of SLA.
2. The discussion aims to procedures by examining then
disambiguate discrepancies in four different models of input- 2. The four processing
OF FOUR terminologies, identify common processing models, one can at least
INPPUT emphases on gap-noticing and conclude that attention (or
PROCESSING cognitive comparison, and suggest the Data Analysis Methods: Data even awareness) remains a
MODELS need for further research on the role of coding, categorization of themes, mediating factor in input
attention/consciousness in input- and description of implications processing. The appeal of
processing. attention in SLA research is
that it seems to be more
responsive to manipulation
and enhancement, whereas
the other mechanisms in the
acquisitional process (such as
the LAD) largely remain
beyond conscious control
The research study titled "Input Processing in Second Language Acquisition: A Discussion of Four Input Processing Models" by Yayun
Anny Sun is an academic analysis of four input processing models used to facilitate language learning. The study provides a clear and logical
structure, with a detailed examination of each model's theoretical foundations, key features, and empirical evidence supporting their effectiveness.
The author draws on a range of academic sources to support her arguments and offers a critical evaluation of each model's strengths and weaknesses.
The study is written in accessible language, making it a valuable resource for researchers, language teachers, and students seeking insights into input
processing in second language acquisition.

Sun, Y. A. (2008). Input Processing in Second Language Acquisition: A Discussion of Four Input Processing Models: Vol. Vol. 8, No. 1.
Teachers College, Columbia University, Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics.

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