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Tuesday, September 27th

Thank you for coming in for me today! I truly appreciate your willingness to come into my classroom. 😊
You will need a computer from the office to access documents for the day. Documents can be found on the
flash drive in on my desk.

A few things about my classroom:

-Everything you should need for today is located on the back counter unless noted in the activity description.
-Students can receive critter cards for good behavior. They can choose to take their card home or put it in the
jar. I will count the jar with them when I come back to school.
-If you find you have extra time—there are fall books you can read in the blue stripped basket, or you can put a
Jack Hartman song or GoNoodle on the SMART Board

7:45-8:15 Breakfast
Assist in the hallway by reminding students to hang up coats/backpacks and grab their folders out
of their backpacks.

Mrs. Bailey will be in the room helping students make their lunch choice and get their breakfast
packages open.
8:20-8:30 Bathroom Break
Students are expected to stand quietly with hands to self.
8:30-8:40 Attendance
Take attendance using the class roster and have Mrs. Bailey deliver to the office before 9am.
Morning Meeting-
Days of the Week
10 Frame
Wish You Well (PowerPoint slide on desktop. Put in present mode to play song)
Pledge of Allegiance
Critter Pledge
8:40-9:05 Whole Group Reading (Routines Day 20) –See attached or teacher manual for more details
 Phonological Awareness
o Blending Syllables
o Segmenting Initial Phonemes
 Letter Formation
o Review letters A-Y
o Model Letter Z
o Letter Z Video
9:05-9:25 Boost Up—IF IT IS NICE OUT: Skip the below activities and go to the playground.
If it is not nice enough to go outside….
 These are new activities—students will need an explanation of what to do
 Split students into 4 groups (see below)
 Students spend 4 minutes at each station before rotating
Group #1- Beckett, Dominic, Xena, Kaylee, Yesmine
Group #2- Xavier, Alyson, Arleth, Olawale, Lida, Augie
Group #3- Jameson, Caleb, Samantta, Addi, Bamack
Group #4- Daniel, Jaxon, Avery, Eva, Jasmine

9:25-9:35 Whole Group Reading

** Ms Apolo may choose any of the fall books on the bookshelf
Tuesday, September 27th

9:35-10:35 Reading Centers

Larson- Seasons Book (finish book from yesterday’s lesson)

Bailey- Letter Z handwriting

Apolo- Sorting Activity (repeat Monday’s sort)

iPad Table- Seesaw Lesson—then ABC game

10:35-11:05 Recess/Prep
11:05-11:35 Lunch
11:35-12:05 Classroom Play Cart
Black Play Cart is located in the hallway near the fish bulletin board. Students may play with
items from that cart and the purple lidded bins near my white board.

Students are expected to play nicely, respect toys and school property, allow others to join them
and clean up before moving on to the next area.
12:05-12:10 Transition Back to Learning
Transition students back to learning mode by having students complete a series of breathing
exercises or GoNoodle

12:10-12:45 Math Chapter 1 Review- Break students up into 3 groups. Groups will have 12 minutes at each
group to compete the tasks.

Larson- Review Worksheets

(Olawale, Lida, Daniel, Kaylee, Bamack, Caleb, Jaxon, Dominic, Alyson)

Bailey-File Folder Games

(Arleth, Xavier, Yesmine, Samantta, Daniel)

Apolo-Apple Stacks: Students stack block towers on top of apples on sheet. Number of blocks in
stack is determined by the number on the apple
(Beckett, Addi, Eva, Augie, Xena, Jameson, Avery)

After groups are done, students may explore math blocks (grey lidded bins) on the carpet

12:45-1:10 Clean Up/Writing

As students begin to clean up, start a “my favorite part of fall” drawing on chart paper. Add
details to your drawing, label items drawn and as many details as possible.

Send students off to their tables to draw their favorite part of fall. Encourage them to label using
letters/sounds they know.
Tuesday, September 27th
1:10-1:55 SEL/Science- Seasons Books and Writing

 Return to carpet-- ask a few students to share their drawings with the class
 Read a fall book from bookshelf
 Art project-- Have students add a combination of yellow, orange, brown and green leaves
to their “fall tree”
1:55 Dismissal—Dismissal sheet is at the bottom of daily bin

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