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Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

Nutritive Value of Feeds Derived from Ramie Plant(Boehmeria

nivea)and its Effects on the Growth Performance of Broiler Chicken
(Gallus gallus domesticus)

AResearch proposal

Presented to the

Faculty of Senior High School – Science Technology

Engineering Mathematics Strand

Bayugan National Comprehensive High School

Bayugan City

As requirement for the Applied Track subject



Mazzel May Pacatan

Jaira May Romarate
Nicole Rafallo
Jopill Virtudazo
Francis John Labo-labo
Jerald Edicto


January 3, 2019

Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

Chapter 1
1.1 Background of the Study

One of the primary objectives of the animal enterprise is to produce great quality

feeds for both in benefit addition and to meet the population needs of animal protein.

The ideal way to outreach the desired result is to improve the animal feed. The better

the quality of the feed, the better the productivity of farm animals.

Boehmeria nivea from the family Urticaceae(CIDTA,2005),has herbaceous stems

which grow up to 3 m of height and leaves with hairs on the underside, from which a

textile fiber more resistant than flax is obtained and used alone or mixed in the

manufacturing of fabrics and for other purposes, such as:irrigation hoses, non-

combustible fabrics, banknotes, gas lamp mantles and parachutes.The ramie plant is

also a source of nutritious green feed. Ramie is palatable to all classes of domestic

livestock. The leaves and tops, unlike the stems, have a low fibre content and are rich

in protein,minerals,lysine and carotene. The nutritive value of has been described as

similar to that of lucerne, which it can, however, greatly outyield. When ramie is

grown fodder, up to fourteen cuttings a year can be taken from established crops,

yielding as much as 300 tons of freash materia(42 tons dry matter) per hectare per

year. The follage is palatable and has proved to be of value not only to stock but also

to pigs and poultry.The only problem associated with feeding the ramie is its high

mineral uptake, especially molybdenum on soils rich in this element; this can be

corrected by adding appropriate levels of copper sulphate to the diet.(Cleasby et


Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

The high protein content of its leaves navigate the researchers from tropical and

subtropical countries (Guatemala, Brazil and southern United States) to study its

forage capacity and consider it a plant with high feeding potential, due to the

production and quality of its forage. (Corzo et al.,2004)

In connection with the point previously mentioned, several authors have reported

protein averages between 24 and 28%; as well as calcium and magnesium values of

5,8 and 0,78%, respectively, which exceed the highest ones found in any other forage

plant(Calle and Uribe, 1969; Godinho, 1995a, 1995b). It is important to highlight

that when the cutting age increases the fiber content rises; thus, the best values of

protein and other nutrients are found in the ramie which is cut every 30 days, as

compared with the one cut every 45 and 60 days(Acosta, 1997).

As stated by Rubens (2008), the young leaves and regrowths are poor in fiber and

rich in protein, minerals, lysine and carotene unlike what occurs in the stems. The

nutritional value of ramie has been described as alike to that of alfalfa, in spite of the

fact that the former has the capacity to highly exceed the latter in yield. The ramie

foliage is attractive and it has been proven to be valuable not only for cattle, but also

for pigs and rabbits(Patino, Salazar and Lodono, 2006). The ramie meal is valuable

for poultry because it contributes carotenoids and riboflavin and it has also obtained

concentrate feed satisfactory mineral levels.

Hence,the poultry is immensely progressing today. There is no denying that it

is one of the world’s major producers of meat. Meanwhile, in the Philippines it has

been significantly contributing to the agriculture sector. According to


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PCCARRD(2019), the population of the chicken in the Philippines this year is

outgrowing, slightly higher with 0.2% than of the last year. But in spite of the extent

it has reached, still it is facing numerous challenge that establish its further

development.Despite the prevailing circumstances of the indications of the decrease

of competitiveness in international relations and the huge difficulties in production,

the country has efficiently assembled all resources to prevail over the hardships and

to maintain the goodness of rates of the poultry industry.

1.2 Conceptual/Theoretical Framework

A note on the nutritive value of ramie. Various concept can be supported by

different theories and other variables that can be supported to the basis of this

study.Chicken is the most exploited species of poultry, which is utilized for food

production in the whole world. According to anonymous(2009), the broiler and egg

production are the most progressive in the Philippine today. And according also to

them that the poultry industry is in fact begun as the backyard enterprise but has

shifted to the formation of very large integrated contract farming operation.

(Anonymous, 2009).

The growth is influenced by genetic and nutritional factors as well as intrauterine

conditions. Growth parameters assessed at birth help predict the subsequent growth

and development and risk of disease. The parameters are length, weight, and head


Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

According to FAO (2005), ramie plants per hectare can produce up to 300

tons o`f fresh forage/year, equivalent to 42 hectare can produce a dry matter. Ramie

plant meets all the main element of macro nutrients required livestock and contained.

16.35% crude protein,6.36% crude lipid, 13.61% crude fiber and 20.50% Ash

content(Despal et al, 2011). The ramie nutrients were crude protein and crude fiber

analyzed by proximate analysis method (AOAC, 2005) and lignin analyzed by the

method of Goering and Var soest(1970).

According to Banerjee(1988), pellet is a form of complete feed that is compacted

and extruded to about 1/8 inch in long. Using pellet is that there is little waste

feeding. According to mendes et al. Mash feeds give greater unification of growth,

less death loss and more economical. Mash pellet is a form of a complete feed that is

finely ground that provides a well-balance diet. Crumble feeds is a kind of a poultry

feed that prepared at a mill by pelleting of the mixed ingredient and then crushing the

pellet to a consistency coarser than mash, and this become popular due to its

convenience of feeding. (Choi et al.1995).


Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

Research Paradigm

Broiler Chicken

Growth Parameter

Ramie Plant

protein carotene

minerals lysine

1.3 Statement of the Problem

Amid of the recent problems faced by poultry producers worldwide nowadays is

the recognizable reducing of chicken meat consumption that is brought about by the

major outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza(HPAI). The occurrence caused

the exceedingly high prices of broiler meat and a build up in inventory.


Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

Research Objectives

The aim of the work are as follows:

1. To determine the chemical composition of feeds derived from ramie

plant(Boehmeria nivea)in terms of;

A.Ash content

B.Moisture content

C.Crude protein

D.Crude lipid/fat content

E.Crude fiber content

2. To determine the growth performance of the broiler chicken in terms of the weight

fed with;

A.Feeds derived from ramie

B.Commercial poultry feeds

C.Mixture of both

3. To determine if there is a significant difference in the weight of broiler chicken

between set-ups.

s Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

1.4 Significance of the Study

The findings of the study will redound to the beneficiary of this study.

Considering that feeds plays an important role in the country especially on the

agricultural economy. The results of the study will be of great benefit to the


Farmers - The result will provide the farmers with some knowledge on how ramie

plant can be used as an alternative feed to the broiler chicken. It will also give the

farmers a realization that such plant can give handful of benefits to them. This also

helps the broilers to be healthier since it has no chemical substances added into it.

Vendors - This research can help the vendors along the price of the chicken as it will

be reduced if the feeds that will be used is less expensive. As the ramie plant that will

be used is low-priced, it will affect the poultry’s price also. Thus, making it less

expensive as well.

House Hold - Like the vendors, the house hold too can lessen their expenses if the

price of the chicken will be reduce. It can make the house hold cope up with their

budget also.

Scope and Delimitation

The main focus of the study is to show how this ramie plant can be a feed for the

broiler chicken. The study will be executed in Saguma, Bayugan City, Agusan Del

Sur. The materials for doing the said work will be gathered from the Bayugan City

Market. The cage that will be constructed will be having 6 rooms in total with huge

Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

spacing to avoid difficulties in feeding the chickens with measured temperature also.

The feeds will be measured perfectly and accurately by a weighing scale. The

chickens will also be weighed every end of the week to monitor each progresses.

The duration of the experiment will be of two to three months relying on the


Definition of Terms

The terms are defined originally for the better understanding.

Feed Mills - a process and/or a combination of processed

used to produce a process food for fish, or

animals and for a human consumption.

Broilers - any chicken is bred and raised specifically for

meat production and are usually grown as

mixed-sex flocks in large sheds under intensive


Mash - a mixture of powdered malt and hot water,

which is stood until the sugars dissolved to

form the wort. It may be fed in a dry or wet

form to poultry and livestock.

Pellet - are perhaps the most common variety chicken

feeds available. These are essentially little


Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

compact of cylinders of chicken feed and are

small and rounded mass of a substance.

Crumble - are broken pellets, which are easier for poultry

to eat. Just like other pelleted feed, crumble are

concentrates of high-quality grain and plant

protein ingredients with vitamins and minerals


Poultry - poultry are domestic birds kept by humans for

their eggs, meat, or their feathers. These birds

are most typically members of the super order

Galloanserae, especially the order Galliformers.

Ramie - a vegetable fiber noted for its length and

toughness. These are plant of the nettle family

that yields ramie, native to tropical Asia and

cultivated elsewhere.

Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

Chapter 2
Review Related Literature
In this part of the research, it contains variables, independent and dependent

that further explain and elaborate what our research may all about. Hence creating

more chances and explanation to make our research more understandable and clearly

stated for the betterment of the paper.

2.1 Conceptual Literature

Different feed form pellet, mash and crumble that to be supplied to broiler are

the most important components which directly influence the cost of mixed feed and

production of broiler chicken.Pellet reduce waste of chicken feed, water soiling and

selective eating behavior in chickens. Pellets can then be crumbled into smaller

particle to allow the chicken to consume the feed efficiently. Pellet help the broiler

chicken in a way that there is little waste in feeding (Asha Rayni et al, 1998). Mash

gives great unification of growth and less death loss and it is more economical.

However, chicken fed mash had better feed conversion efficiency than those given

the pellet (Proudfoot and Hulan, 1982). Crumble a type of feed prepared at the mill

by pelleting of the mixed ingredients. They are concentrate of high quality grain and

plant protein ingredients with vitamins and minerals added. Recently this form of

feed is becomingpopular in broiler production due its convenience of feeding (Reece

et al. 1985).

Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

2.2 Research literature

Performance of Broiler fed on Mash, Pellet and Crumble

A total of 144 ISA-i757 broiler chicks were fed on mash, pellet and crumble

diet in the age duration of 21 to 56 days to compare the performance of broiler on

different dietary groups. All the forms of feed were of identical composition as well

as same environment and management were provided for all the treatments.

The net weight of birds fed on mash, pellet and crumble group from 4th to 8th

weeks of age differed significantly (P0.01). Total cost of fabrication was significantly

(P0.01). The highest, intermediate and the lowest body weight were observed for

crumble, pellet and mash group respectively. The body weight gains also highest in

crumble group. Feed consumption of the 3 treatments differed significantly (P0.01).

Total cost of production was significant. Crumble group showed high trend of feed

consumption. Higher FCR value (P0.01). It was observed for mash group, which

designate low feed conversion efficiency. On the contrary, crumble and pellet group

showed better fed conversion effectiveness. Significantly high (P0.01). Total cost of

production was significantly (P<0.O1) performance index and production number

were observed for crumble group. Survivability percent of all treatments did not

differ significantly. (P>0.01). Total cost of production was significantly (P>0.01) less

for crumble and this was statistically similar with pellet group. The results of this

experiment give an impression that crumble form of feed is better than mash and

pellet form for the production of commercial broiler for the age duration of 21 to 56

days. This literature is nearly associated to the current study for it directly mentions,

Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

the effect of different feed forms of broiler chicken which is closely related to the

current study. (Jahan, et. Al, 2016).

In similarities, this literature and the current study are related to each other

because the materials that are presented in the literature are of the same as in the

current research. The methods also that are used are of the same procedure. The only

difference is that the research literature has only tried commercial feeds while the

current research is trying another kind of feeds specifically the ramie which is the

home-made feed.

Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

Chapter 3
This chapter clearly explicates the research methods used to conduct the study.

The researchers explains how the imperative data and information to address the

research objectives and questions was gathered, presented and analyzed. Reasons and

justifications for the research design, research instruments, data collection techniques,

data presentation techniques and analytical techniques used are given.

3.1 Methods and Materials

Materials will be bought in the Bayugan City Public Market. The materials are

(1) broiler chickens which are the subject/object of the research to be experimented

about, (2) cages the shelter for the chickens to stay in, (3) watet for the chickens to

stay hydrated, (4) ramie the home-made feed and lastly,(5) the commercial feeds

namely the mash, pellet, crumble.

Production of Ramie to a Pellet form

The ramie plant will be collected from Saguma, Bayugan City, Philippines also

in which the study will be held. The leaves will be air-dried to about 10% moisture.

The production of this ramie plant in the form of pellet will be using the methods

described by Virablin et al (1993). The leaves will be pound finely and soaked in the

water and then on be homogenized in the blender for 5minutes. It will be filtered

using a cheese cloth and air-dried to allow it to settle and later on ground it into fine

powder. Finally, it will be mold in a bamboo stick to hold its shape making it in the

form of pellet.

Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

3.2 Experimental Process

3.2.1 Cage Set-Up

Fifteen chickens will be divided into three different feed treatment groups. The

first group will have the ramie; the second group of chickens will have the

commercial feeds namely: the mash, pellet, and crumble and the last group will have

the mixture of both. Each cage will be having a “sq m to give each chicken a

breathable and fine shelter.

3.3.2 Feeding Frequency

How much a chick eats, highly depends on its age. In the first six weeks, feed

consumption will be approximately 1kg for each(Manitoba). At about 8 weeks of

age, a broiler chick will consume about 1/3 pound of feed each day(Steve,2009). The

rest will be estimated depending on how the chicken will be reacting on the given


3.3.3 Temperature Gradient

At the first week of the chicks, a yellow light bulb will placed in their cage in

order for them to maintain their body temperature since they are newly hatched.

When the chicks starts to age the yellow light bulb will be removed.

Statistical Analysis

The statistical analysis of data that will be use was carried out by using scale to

know the weight of the broiler chicken of what is the progress to their development
Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

and growth. The T-test/Paired Sample T-test will be used to determine if there is

significant difference between the means of two groups.

Laboratory Analyses

A sample of the ramie plant in the form of pellet will be sent to the DOST

laboratory to analysed for the following:

A.Ash content

B.Moisture content

C.Crude protein

D.Crude lipid/fat content

E.Crude fiber content


Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

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Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

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