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Nature of Communication Communication comes from

the Latin word communicare which means to share; it is
an act of conveying meaning to a person or group of
people using mutually understood symbols, gestures,
behaviors and semiotic rules. As much as communication
is acquired skills, not everyone can communicate properly
not unless they exert effort to develop and refine their
communication skill

Communication plays a significant role in a day-to-day

basis since it is used to persuade, inform, entertain and motivate. It is important to
develop variety of skills depending on its purpose, as well as to know how to interpret
conversation and information coming from others. Knowing your audience and
understanding how they need to receive information is equally important as knowing

Communication as the Lifeline of Business

In the field of work, communication is considered as a life blood of a business

organization. No organization can succeed or progress, build up reputation, and win
friends and customers without effective
communication skills. As supported by Peter
Drucker (1987), without the use of
communication; no work is conceivable in an
organization. The supervisor must be the top-
notch audience first, in the event that he, is to
impart well. In addition to that, in work
environments it is viewed that they possess
vibrant organizations, sensitive organizations,
dynamic organizations that are ahead of the times in their operations, output in the
form of results, outlook and openness are essentially the organizations that exemplify
a sound and effective communication systems.

On the contrary to that; Poor and ineffective communication system may result in
mismanagement, bad business and sure show down. Communication can build or
destroy trust depending or use of words. A poorly worded message or talk may result
in communication breakdown.

In conclusion, a planned and well-meant communication helps in better assistance,

eliminates misjudging and questions; develops kindness, advances business and
procures ideal references. It is the way to achievement in business and exchange.

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