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 Comparison between sexual workers violence in forbidden countries and regulated

Prostitution is legal and regulated in the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Greece80 ,
Hungary and Latvia81 . In these Member States, prostitutes are recognised as workers;
engaging in sexual activities as a legitimate profession; in this sense, prostitution is seen as
an economic activity in which business can operate legally. In some Member States, on the
contrary, prostitution is outlawed (Lithuania, Romania82) meaning that selling and buying
is illegal. In others, prostitution itself is not illegal but some related activities such as
pimping, running brothels, living off the earnings of prostitution are criminal offenses
(Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal

In some of them, soliciting is illegal (Finland France, Ireland, UK). It is worth noting that
neither in those Member States in which prostitution is totally prohibited, nor in those
where it is tolerated, are clients sanctioned, while the prostitutes are fined for soliciting in
Finland, France, Ireland, and the UK, or even risk imprisonment in Romania.

 Examples of drugs in Canada and Netherland.

The Netherlands became the first European country to legalize prostitution. On 1
October 2000, the lifting of the general ban on brothels came into effect.
Prostitution as such has never been a criminal offence, provided that it was
voluntary and that no minors were involved. Brothels, however, were illegal until
the bill had passed. With this amendment of the law, “legislation has been adapted
to an actually existing practice, in which the ban on brothels was not enforced, or
hardly at all”94 . By lifting the ban on brothels, the government aimed to95:

 control and regulate the exploitation of voluntary prostitution through the

introduction of a municipal licensing system;
 protect the position of sex workers;  protect people from being coerced into
 protect minors against sexual abuse;
 reduce prostitution by foreign nationals residing illegally in the Netherlands;
 and sever the links between prostitution and crime.

Although the ban on brothels was lifted, no legislation governing prostitution was
introduced. It has been left to local authorities to formulate and implement policies
tailored to the circumstances prevailing in their area, so each municipality is
responsible for laying down the rules in its own jurisdiction and issuing licences for
sex businesses. Municipalities are not obliged to pursue a specific prostitution
policy. Main innovations of the bill:
 Pimping and running a brothel are no longer considered criminal activities;
 Brothels are legal as long they comply with the requirements and have a
 It is possible to conclude employment contracts between prostitutes and brothels;
 And if employed, prostitutes can gain access to the social security scheme.
The national statistics showed a decrease of almost 25% in the number of victims of
trafficking for sexual exploitation identified between 2002 and 2010

 Examples with another things forbidden in Colombia (Alcohol)

Sin embargo, hubo una época en la que la venta de
alcohol era ilegal en EEUU. Entre 1920 y 1933, se
prohibió el consumo de toda bebida alcohólica
mediante la Ley de la Prohibición Nacional, también
conocida como “ley seca” o “ley Volstead”.

La “ley seca” tuvo efectos inesperados y opuestos a los

que deseaban sus impulsores. Antes de la aplicación de
esta medida, el consumo anual per cápita y el porcentaje
de ingreso anual per cápita (la proporción del ingreso
promedio de una persona) gastado en alcohol había
disminuido constantemente.

Contrario a lo esperado, el consumo de bebidas

alcohólicas no se redujo significativamente después de
la aprobación de la ley. De hecho, aumentó tras un corto
periodo de implementación.

La prohibición, además, ocasionó un problema de salud

pública, ya que en el periodo de la aplicación de la ley
aumentó el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas
adulteradas “más fuertes”.

Según Thomas Coffey, autor de “Los largos treinta:

Prohibición en América 1920-1933”, la tasa de
mortalidad por licor adulterado fue más alta. De las
1,064 muertes ocurridas por este motivo en 1920, la
cantidad se incrementó a 4,154 en 1925. Así, no solo
aumentó el consumo de alcohol, sino también de licores
adulterados que eran más perjudiciales para la salud.

 Social gap in Colombia
 How many sexual workers are there?
 Recently sexual workers rights in Colombia
 Bill 079 of 2013 (talks about regulation in Colombia)

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