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Dear distinguished guest/s of mine,

I sincerely apologize for the delay of my letter for it is due to the unfortunate and
changing weather that we had experienced for the past week as well as the flooding situation. I
am now reaching out to you in this letter bearing an invitation.

I am pleased to announce that my birthday celebration that would commemorate my

turning of 17. This celebration will be held at my humble abode and the party will start in the
afternoon but I must say that I have missed being with another person that I have personally
called my friends; So I am pleased to say that you can come to my humble abode at a much
earlier time, which is around the time of after lunch or 1PM.

Upon your early arrival at my humble abode, we will have to require you to stay outside
for an alcohol spray as well as waiting 5 minutes outside before coming in my humble abode.

I personally hope that you will be able to attend my celebration to commemorate my

turning of 17. I hope that you can come to have fun and enjoy this experience with me. Please
do reply to this humble letter I have made for you, my guest/s.

Sincerely yours/Your host,

Ashley <3

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