Lorawan in Climate Monitoring in Advance Precision Agriculture System

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2018 International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced System (ICIAS)

LoRaWAN in Climate Monitoring in

Advance Precision Agriculture System
Nik Hisham Nik Ibrahim, Ahmad Rizan Ibrahim, Ibrahim Mat, Ahmad Nizar Harun
MIMOS Berhad
Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
{nik.hisham, rizan, ibm, nizar.harun}@mimos.my
Gunawan Witjaksono
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,

Abstract- Consumption of mushrooms has been on produced worldwide after champignon (Agaricus)
rise over the past several years in the world. Costly and Tiram (Pleurotus). Among the mushroom
and great market mushroom are insufficient in producing countries in the world, China and Japan
market. In that capacity, generation of such item are the largest producers of Shiitake fungi.
should be quickened. Generation of mushroom is
Among the mushroom consuming nations, Japan
critical to take care of this appeal item. Generation
of mushroom development is imperative because of is including the large Shiitake consuming. Due to
its healthful esteem, restorative esteem, and business the high level of fungus consumption of the
creation. Right now the mushroom development is community Japan, it is no surprise that Japan is
simply being done in an exceptionally crude the largest mushroom importer country from
manner. As such it is vital to overhaul the overall China. In 2004 Japan imported mushrooms from
processes to get better yields with optimum China at 87,722,085 kg including Shiitake with
resources. One of the strategy is by controlling the USD263,106,855. The Japanese people are
atmosphere to speed up and quicken the consuming fungus mainly Shiitake is due the
development in mushroom growth. Smart
existence of the nutritional value and potential for
Mushroom House (SMH) for shiitake growing is one
of the solution to increase this expensive products. the health of the fungus of Shiitake.
The framework created is to deal with the
communication between devices such as between Nutraceutical is one of the fastest growing
sensors and gateway. The framework uses Internet business aspects right now. The annual market
of Things innovation that comprises of sensor value of nutraceutical (supplements, minerals,
innovation with feedback framework to control the vitamins) including medicinal mushrooms is
ambient in the mushroom house. Proper control of
the ambient will produce better yields. LORAWAN
estimated at more than USD45billion with growth
plays role in the communication between sensor above 10%. For the cure sector of cardiovascular
nodes and the gateway. disease value. The myocardial drug market
reportedly reached USD8billion including a drop-
down category cholesterol (USD6billion),
Keywords – Internet of Things, sensors for antithrombolytics (USD1.4billion) and
agriculture, mushroom house, anticoagulants (USD700million). While the drug
LORAWAN. for high blood pressure reportedly reached USD
22billion in the global market [3].
Shiitake has long been known to be potential as
a preventive and healing agent Cardio-vascular
World mushroom market value of 2020 is disease are mainly cholesterol. With a market
expected to exceed USD50billion. [1]. Lentinus opportunity overview nutraceutical for the healing
edodes (Berkeley) Singer is best known by its of this cardiovascular disease, it can be said that
Japanese name (shiitake) and Chinese name the Shiitake fungus has a huge market potential as
(xiangu) [2]. In general, the use of Shiitake fungus agent base nutraceuticals for the disease. Cancer
is a food ingredient. By the existence and the cases increasingly growing, even in some
flavours that he possessed have placed Shiitake's countries have reached the frequency number 1
current position as the 3rd largest mushroom is out of 4 people are cancer patients. Symptoms of

978-1-5386-7269-3/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

this time where the disease is infectious by viruses
such as AIDS, SARS, and Bird Flu is an
additional niche Shiitake can be developed as a
nutraceutical agent. Many studies have proven
potential Shiitake can play a role in the above
cases. From the various studies it can be
summarized that Shiitake has a prominent
potential for 3 aspects of the disease namely
degenerative (anti-cholesterol), anti-cancer and
anti-microbial especially anti-virus [3], [9], [10].

Mushroom cultivation requires the

manufacturing of compost and the control of
growing environment. Control of growing
environment is one of the critical part in order to
produce good quality mushroom. Present systems Figure 1: Wireless Sensor Node
have many problems associated with control of
growing environment. This problem and
procedure will be addressed in this project. LoRa is a wireless communications system for
the Internet of Things, offering remote
The following parts of the paper will describe communication (> 15 km in remote area) and low
about the system platform and overall design of power (5-10 years). LoRa is an IoT technology
Smart Mushroom House. Finally the paper will built by Cycleo of Grenoble (France), then
present the data captured with the analysis and end acquired by Semtech in 2012 [4]. LoRa Physical
of with the conclusion. Layer Protocol works on sub-GHz frequencies of
frequency bands 433-, 868-, 915-, 923-MHz
II. SYSTEM PLATFORM depending on the regulation of each country [5].
LoRa frequency standard set by LoRa Alliance for
Asia region at frequency 923-925 MHz (AS923)
System platform in this project is based on [6].
Internet of Things technology. The system
consists of three main components. The task LoRaWAN technology will connect sensor
components are sensing, controlling, data sending nodes and gateway. LoRa is a wireless
or communication, data storing, data analysis and communication technology developed to create
data displaying. The sensing tasks are done by the low-power, wide-area networks (LPWANs)
several sensors. There are three sensors adapted to required for machine-to-machine (M2M) and
this system platform, humidity, temperature and Internet of Things (IoT) applications [4], [5]. The
Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Each of these sensors will advantage of Long Range (LoRa®) is in the
measure changes in environment inside the technology’s long range capability [6].
greenhouse. Smart Control Panel used to activate
the control devices. Data storage done by the LoRaWAN has advantages over other types of
internet database after received data onto gateway communications such as mobile, BLE and WiFi.
and sensor nodes. Data will be further analysed In Figure 1, LoRaWAN has long-range
and activate control devices accordingly. Data is communication capabilities like cellular but low
displayed in various viewing methods, mobile power such as BLE, so its use is perfectly suited
phone, PC and computer tab. for annual operating sensors with battery
resources and on wide area coverage. However,
Figure 1 shows the components in wireless LoRaWAN has limitations on data transmission
sensor node. Wireless sensor node consists of a speeds that range from 0.3 -50 kbps. However this
power supply, processor, communication and is not a problem as data transmitted small-scale
sensor element. Sensor elements involved in sensors (order 10-20 bytes). Such applications are
measuring the air wetness, air heat and Carbon particularly suitable for the transmission of
Dioxide. Communication module is a P2P various sensors [7].
LORAWAN. The other side module for
LORAWAN is located at the gateway. There are various sensors in SMH. The data
flow began from sensors inside the wireless
sensor node. The sensors captured the data about
temperature, humidity and CO2 inside the SMH. humidity level goes below 75%. Smart Control
Sensor node sent data onto gateway using Panel will power up the exhaust fan if Carbon
LORAWAN technology. Dioxide levels are more than 600ppm. The
purpose of the exhaust fan is to suck the Carbon
The distance between the nodes to the gateway Dioxide out from the cultivation area. Smart
to this project is less than 100 meters. On the other Control Panel will power down the exhaust fan if
hand, the data captured by the gateway collector the Carbon Dioxide reading less than 500ppm.
is passed to the gateway LoRa module. Then, the
data from gateway LoRa module is sent to the Sensors is situated inside the sensor node. Raw
internet and to a database server. PC and mobile data information will be packed into a data frame
phone users will gain data from the server. Figure and sent to gateway. Sensor node sends data
2 is the GUI for remote viewing purposes. Users regularly in every 90 second. The communication
able to view project data onto anywhere. between MCU and the collector is through serial
Stakeholders also able to track the record of interface [8]. Gateway sent data onto web and
parameters previous data. Data could be displayed server via LoRa network.
in text as well as graph forms.
In order to achieve higher performance in the
system design, a careful selection of
microprocessor has been done and adopted in this
IoT board design and evaluation. Two boards
were designed using different chipsets and both of
the systems were evaluated to understand their
performance against power consumption and cost
benefit. The two systems are Microcontroller
board Gateway and Microcontroller board LoRa
Node. The specification comparison are
summarized in Table 1.

Gateway LoRa Node

Speed 16-MHz, 80MHz

RTC Onboard Onboard
with battery with battery
Figure 2: Mobile User Interface Features
backup backup
Power 2A peak, 300mA peak,
consumption 5mA standby 30uA sleep
SMH has a controller to deal with observing System 5V DC 3.3V DC
and control the environment. SMH screens the
parameters and activate related control devices. Voltage
Humidifier work is to build the wetness to the air. Table 2: Board comparison (specifications) for
Exhaust fan is to remove excess CO2. Ventilation microcontroller Gateway and Sensor Node
device mobilizes the air inside SMH. Exhaust fan
will suck out the air from cultivation area till the
inside air is homogenous. Sensors are Gateway had the capability of adopting
continuously reading the condition inside the multiple radio using radio module socket but was
cultivation area. Sensing data will be transmitted not equipped with the sleep mode function and
to the gateway using LORAWAN technology. kept training at 2A at peak and 5MA time
compared to LoRa Node using one chip set
Data is analysed locally and will activate solution (LoRa with microcontroller) that had the
control devices according to the condition. duty cycle type of operation, giving the advantage
Maximum allowable humidity level is 85%. The on less consumption and current at 30uA sleep
humidifier will be stopped if humidity level more and 300mA during peak operation. Another
than 85%. The humidifier will be activated if the advantage of LoRa Node was the total cost of bill
materials at about RM10.00 as compared to Rate (PER). Received Signal Strength Indicator
RM65.00 for Gateway. (RSSI) on the other hand provided the
measurement of the power present at the receiver
side. The RSSI information and data was
produced by the sensor node.

Average current consumption comparison

between 8-bit & 32-bit board@25°C
Wakeup/Transmit 8-bit 32-bit
interval board board
Every 1 Hour
10mA 45uA
(24 times/day)
Every 30 Mins
30mA 60uA
(48 times/day)
Every Minute
50mA 90uA
(1440 times/day)
Table 2: Current consumption comparison.
Figure 3: Gateway board overview

Figure 4: LoRa Node board overview.

Figure 5: Site Communication Test.

RF performance: both systems again were
There are results of evaluation assessed for
compared and tested at project site. Figure 5
System 1 and System 2. About current
shows the exact location and set up of the test
consumption, most of the IoT devices or nodes
used power from battery. The lowest current
consumption will ensure a longer life time and
LoRa Node which is the 32 bit one chip
reduce battery size. By using high ends multi-
solution LoRa IoT board has shown significant
meter, both systems were evaluated in one day for
and superior performance in advance features and
every hour, 30 minutes and every minute’s
cost effectiveness compared to Gateway (8 bit
transmission. The average current consumption is
microprocessor); even though LoRa is known to
as shown in Table 2.
have high power consumption, the pre-
programmed duty cycle type of operation (wake-
The measurement focuses on two types of data
up and sleep operation) was the perfect method to
were the packet error rate (PER) and sensitivity as
overcome the fast battery drain issue.
shown in Table 3. This study involved a single IoT
node and a commercial router that were both
Figure 6 shows that at 919MHz frequency, the
placed outdoors. The node acted as a transmitter
RF signals were badly affected between rotation
and the wireless router as a receiver. The node
angles -155 degrees until +95 degrees. This result
continuously sent 180bytes of JSON frame
matched with the concrete wall location.
protocol to the receiver with a separation distance
of 100m. The node RF transmit power was always
Figure 7 shows that at 921 MHz frequency, the
at its maximum and set by the API library. Quality
RF signals were slightly affected but still not good
of packets received referred to the number of
between rotation angles -150 degrees until +135
incorrect packets received per total number of
packet received and presented as Packet Error
Figure 8 shows that the RF signals were
slightly affected angle between -160 degrees until
+150 degrees. The above results found that the
high frequency signals were interrupted and the
RF power detected by the receiver was slightly
reduced when there was a concrete block nearby.
Precautions were considered prior to IoT node
installation to prevent signals degradation and
missing data problem.

Figure 8: RF Radiation at 923MHz

Average Smart Conventional

Per Mushroom mushroom
Mushroom House
Thickness 2.6cm 2.3cm
Weight 40gram 35gram
Table 3: Result Comparison between traditional
mushroom house and Smart Mushroom House.

Figure 6: RF Radiation at 919MHz.

In a Smart Mushroom House condition
utilizing control innovation, our test demonstrates
unmistakably that a framework is productive to
keep up the reasonable condition for mushroom
development. As a rule Smart Mushroom House
framework contributes important function to
maintain the mushroom development ambient.
Smart Mushroom House able to adjust the
conditions to the required ambient condition as
proposed by an agronomist. IoT technology in
smart Mushroom House has created better yields
contrasted with conventional mushroom house.


This mushroom venture was subsidized by

Figure 7: RF Radiation at 921MHz
Ministry of Science. We thank Agro-
Biotechnology Institute (ABI) and Koperasi
Pembangunan Desa (KPD) Sabah who gave
understanding and skill that helped the venture.
Table 3 shows the mushroom size comparison We thank to KPD Sabah who gave the area to the
between mushroom harvested from Smart task.
Mushroom House and harvested from
Conventional mushroom house. Result shows that
Smart Mushroom House produced bigger and
thicker mushroom compared to conventional
mushroom house within the same period of time.
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