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1. How do you define Christian ethics? Explain by your own words.

Christian ethics may be defined as the living standards and qualities of a Christian
which is applied in different contexts including his profession, business, trade or
social life which are deduced from the holy bible. In other word, Ethics can be
defined as a systematically thought through systems of beliefs about moral
behaviors which it is believed to be of value for personal protection, integrity and
right doing.
2. What are the key points concerning ethics? List out and discuss them depend on
the above definitions.
The bible in Romans 12:1-2 says “Therefore I urge you, brothers, by the
mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God,
which is your spiritual service. Don’t be conformed to this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good,
well-pleasing, and perfect will of God.”
According to this verse the key points concerning ethics are: holy, the will of
God and what is good acceptable to God and perfect.
 Holy: the bible in many verses tells us that Our God is holy and we also
should be holy as he is.
 The will of God: “my sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they
follow me.” – John 10:27. Since we are sheep of the LORD, we can hear his
voice and should follow his voice, walk according to his will.
 Acceptable to God: God is more concerned about our motive and heart
rather than our sacrifice. We should do whatever we are doing in a way that
honors and pleases God.
3. How could you plan to build strong intimacy with God to listen his Voice?
More than how we plan to build strong intimacy with God, God has a plan
for intimate relationship with mankind. Man is known by God and can know
him personally.
There are many voices in this world clamoring for our attention. To hear the
voice of God we should first have to know his voice because there are many voices
in this world. God mainly speaks through his word, the Holy Bible. Therefore, to
build up strong intimacy and to listen God’s voice we should always read and
meditate the bible every-time and daily.
4. To have a relationship with God is an important issue for all Christians.
However, how do you use this relationship to decide moral and ethical issues?
It is important that the servants of God maintain the highest scriptural
standard both in their personal lives and in their ministries, and serve as a role
model to the public.
5. From the six principles listed in your module which of them are most important
to make decision?
LOVE (The positive form of PROHIBITION) The ten commandments in our
bible shows things or activities that cannot describe the Kingdom of God. In
contrast, Love is the key to the new Christian positive ethics. Every decision we
are making should arise from love. As a Christian, we now have the ability to grow
fruits of the Spirit which is LOVE. We are now forbidden to do evil so we are free
to do good which is experienced by living selfless Christ-like love which is
abundant and free.
6. How do you use the above principle to expand your understanding and
challenge the contemporary world life style?

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