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Name: Sean Andrex G.


Course: BALIT 2A

Date: April 27, 2023

1. Milieu – The learning environment.

- Learning is induced by environmental factors, the classroom is the most common, but not the only

learning setting at school. Teachers need to make the learning environment as stimulating as

possible. Every stimulus in the classroom should help students learn. But the most important of

which is the teacher himself, is nonetheless a component of this environment. Checking for learning

stimuli, is to ensure that each learner is adequately equipped and oriented to accept cognitive


2. Matter – The content of the learning.

- This implies the learning objectives provided in the educational goal. When going on to the next

topic or unit, the educator should ensure that the class has met the minimal standard or level of

competency. Mastering of each lesson, rather than simple coverage by the entire class, is critical.

3. Method – The teaching strategy.

- This consists of deliberate, organized actions and tasks carried out by the teacher and the pupils in

the learning environment to achieve the intended educational goal. Methods are always a means to

an end, never an end in themselves. The method must be suitable for the learners' level of maturity

and intelligence. It must also be competent or enough for the instructional purpose, and the teacher

must be proficient or skilled in its use. The students must also demonstrate efficiency in managing

the exercise, completing it without difficulty.

4. Material – The resources of learning

- Materials are materials made accessible by teachers and students that act as stimuli in the process

of instruction and learning. This might be a human person or a physical object, and the goal of the

materials is to introduce children to the reality in which they live.

5. Media – The way of communication in learning and teaching.

- This is about a communication mechanism in a teaching-learning environment. This performs a

dual purpose: it promotes common understanding in instruction while also creating and

maintaining a positive psychological atmosphere in the classroom favorable for education.

6. Motivational – Sustaining interest in learning.

- Motivation is the most important concept in learning. A student will only learn what he is

interested in learning. motivation helps children and young people to focus their attention on a key

goal or outcome. In doing so, they are unfazed by possible distractions and are therefore able to

maintain their attention during longer periods of time.

7. Mastery – The end-all of learning.

- This refers to the absorption of learning, which results in an automatic or habitual change in

behavior through meaningful repetition and application.

8. Measurement – Getting evidence of learning.

- This is the final stage of the teaching-learning cycle, and it involves the methodical collecting of

learning evidence. This focuses on the "behavior" part of the goal.

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