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Course # 6305

Lecture # 06
ῼ Marketing Information System

 ‘Marketing Information System (MIS) consist of people, equipments and procedures to gather,
sort, analyze, evaluate and distribute needed, timely and accurate information to marketing
decision makers’ – Philip Kotler.
 ‘Marketing Information System (MIS) is a framework for the day-to-day management and
structuring of information gathered regularly from sources both inside and outside an
organization’-Pride & Ferrell.
 MIS provide a continuous flow of information about prices, sales, advertising, distribution
expenses and also about competition and consumer’s behavior.
 A marketing information system (MKIS) is a management information system (MIS) designed to
support marketing decision making.
 It is a system in which marketing data is formally gathered, stored, analyzed and distributed to
managers in accordance with their informational needs on a regular basis.

ῼ Marketing Information System: Functions

1) Assessing Information:
First, it interacts with the information users to assess information needs
2) Developing Information:
Second, it develops needed information from internal company databases, marketing intelligence
activities and marketing research.
3) Analyzing Information:
Third, it helps users to analyze information to put it in the right form for making marketing
decisions and managing customer relationships.
4) Distributing Information:
Finally, the MIS distributes the marketing information and helps managers use it in their decision
ῼ Information Needs – Why?

> Globalization of marketing system

> Needs are converted into wants & demand

> Not only price competition – brand, product differentiation, distribution, competition in
marketing promotion is increasing

> Marketing environment is changing continuously, so that, opportunities, threats, risk,

uncertainty are changing regularly.

** Good information is a facilitator of successful marketing and indeed, seen in this light,
marketing management becomes first and foremost an information processing activity.

ῼ Marketing Research

 “Marketing research is the systematic and objective identification, collection, analysis,

dissemination and use of information for the purpose of assisting management in decision making
related to the identification and solution of problems and opportunities in marketing”- N K

 Collection of accurate, reliable and useful information about the market for planning & growth of
the business enterprise is termed as marketing research.

Marketing research is, to collect the marketing information regarding purchase, sales, price,
distribution, packaging, advertisement of goods / services etc. and provide these to the
management. It is an organized attempt to enhance the marketing activities and minimize the
marketing risk.

ῼ Characteristics of Marketing Research

1) Marketing research is a systematic design;

2) Systematic planning is required at all stages of the marketing research process;
3) It attempts to provide accurate information that reflects a true state of affairs;
4) It should be conducted impartially;
5) It should be free from the personal or political biasness of the researcher or the management;
6) The motto of every researcher should be ‘Find it and tell it like it is’;
7) It involves the collection, analysis, dissemination and use of accurate information;
8) The terms of marketing research problem and market opportunity are used interchangeably;
9) Findings, implications and recommendations are provided in a format to use in marketing
decision making;
10) It is an organized attempt to enhance the marketing activities and to minimize the marketing risk;

ῼ Marketing Research: Why Needs?

► Identifying:
** Market share; ** Profitability ** Target market
** Consumer’s attitudes ** Causes for non-accepting the products
** Causes for accepting the product ** Possibility of value migration
► Developing:
** New product ** New packaging ** Product designing
** Promotional methods ** Marketing programs **Face competition
► Evaluating:
** Advertising campaign ** Reaction pattern
** Environmental forces ** Competitor’s attitudes etc.
** Govt. structure and attitude **International situations

ῼ Difference between MIS and Marketing Research

Issues MIS Marketing Research
1) Scope Wider Shorter- It is a part of MIS
2) Emphasis on External and Internal External
3) Solve the problem Prevention and solution of the Solution of specific problem
4) Process continuation Provides a continuous flow of Not continuous but systematic
information design of collecting and analyzing
5) Past/Future information Past as well as future Mainly past data and information
information are used are used
6) Use of computer Computer are used in flowing Not computer-based process.
of information Computer may use in analyzing of
7) Components Internal Accounting Records, An important component of MIS.
Marketing Intelligence System, Different sources and systematic
data collection, analysis,
Analytic Marketing System & presentations methods are used.
Marketing Research System
 The main difference between marketing information system and marketing research is that, an
MIS is a system that provides continuous data input for an organization whereas marketing
research is an information gathering process for specific situations.

 The components of a whole marketing information system are - Internal Accounting Records,
Marketing Intelligence System, Analytic Marketing System and Marketing Research System. So, it
may be called that, marketing research system is a part of marketing information system (MIS).

ῼ Importance of / Need for Marketing Information Systems

1) Quick decision making
2) Knowledge of consumer demand
3) Growing complexity of marketing
4) Expanding marketing activities
5) Proper utilization of resources
6) Knowing consumers dissatisfaction
7) Changing economic parameters
8) Quick development of science & technology
9) Fast growing of consumerism & environmentalism
10) Preparing marketing plan
11) Changing competitive environment

ῼ Research Proposal

 A research proposal is a work plan, prospectus, outline, statement and an offer of intent or
commitment from an individual researcher or an organization to produce a product or render a
service to a potential client or sponsor.

 The proposal tells us what, how, where, and to whom it will be done.

 It must also show the benefit of doing it. It systematically outlines the particular research
methodology and details the procedures that will be utilized at each stage of the research process.

ῼ Research Proposal : Features

 Essential document to conduct the study
 Systematic plan / Blue print
 Flexible / Changeable
 Accumulated task
 Provides a basis
 Gives a guideline
 Gives answer of the question of what, why and how?

ῼ Research Proposal : Where to be Submitted?

1) To the University

It is submitted by the potential researchers to the Universities for the master’s degree or to conduct
research work for the award of M.Phil. & Ph.D. degree.
2) To the Government Agency or Private Organizations by registered researchers
Prospective researchers submit the research proposal to a private or govt. agency such as NGO,
BIDS, BIBM for financial assistance.
3) To the University / UGC
Research proposal submitted to a University/UGC/Different autonomous research organizations by
a college/University teacher to get financial assistance.

ῼ Contents / Formation of a Research Proposal

1) The Title of the Study
2) Introduction
3) Statement of the Problem
4) Review of Related Literature
5) Rationale / Significance of the Study
6) Conceptual Framework
7) Research Questions / Hypotheses
8) Scope of the Study
9) Objectives of the Study
10) Methodology of the Study
11) Time Schedule
12) Budget Schedule / Cost of the Project
13) Organization of the Report
14) Practical Value of the Research
15) Bibliography

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