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Democracy Drama

Table of Contents

1. Top 5 Signs That Your

Country Is Dedicated To
Protecting Your Freedoms

2. The Capitalist (and Socialist)

in me: How I’d Run An

3. Looking Back On It - A
Democracy, Freedoms, and the Function of Government

Top 5 Signs That Your Country Is Dedicated To Protecting Your Freedoms

Citizens have the right to Government/leader doesn’t abuse their power Equality for everybody
vote and elect As mentioned earlier before, if citizens don’t have This is one of the most conspicuous
representatives the power to elect leaders, the government has actions or measures that can tell you if
It is necessary that a country full control over how everything runs. your country cares about your freedoms.
gives citizens the liberty to Exploitation, the absence of freedom and human Equity of treatment regardless of race,
vote and elect representatives rights/privileges, it’s all possible. To know that religion, nationality, ethnicity, sexual
that can advocate for their your country’s leader or government isn’t abusing orientation, etc is a crucial part of a free
rights, priorities, and their power to serve their own interests or any country. This sort of ties into one of the 5
privileges. Suffrage is very others, there are several things that they should limits of power, Rights of the Minority,
important because people be doing for you to know that your freedom is because in a country where a certain
have more power and control their priority. There are a few rules that will help religion or ethnicity is uncommon,
as supposed to the you know the intentions of your government, they protecting the rights of these people
government. It is highly likely are prevalently known as the 5 Limits of Power. should be one of the many duties of the
that if the government had not The 5 limits are known as a constitution, Rule of government. According to Article 1 of the
allowed enfranchisement, a Law, Separation of Power, Consent of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
dictatorship would run in the Governed, and the Rights of the Minority. Some All human beings are born free and equal
place of a democracy. This of these may be familiar, but others may not. For in dignity and rights. It shouldn’t matter
could lead to the exploitation example, the Rule of Law is when a country’s whether they live in the USA, or
of citizens and eventually a laws are fair, enforced, and nobody is above the anywhere else in the world and this
revolt, as seen in the French law. Separation of Power is when power is should apply everywhere. Article 7 only
Revolution. But since citizens divided among several branches of government. reinforces this point when it says, all are
have the right to vote, Consent of the Governed is when citizens give equal before the law and are entitled
limitations, especially their permission to be governed. And lastly, without any discrimination to equal
economy-related ones, are Rights of the minority protects the rights of the protection of the law. So, if certain ethnic
scarce. Running businesses small or unpopular groups. If these limits are or minority groups are mistreated or
and corporations, granting actively implemented in your country, you can be denied basic rights within a country, that
franchises and rising up assured that your government is not corrupt and is a violation of the Universal Declaration
above the market are just doesn’t abuse its power. of Human Rights.
some examples.
Government transparency and an independent judicial system Social freedoms
If you didn’t know or weren’t aware, government transparency is an The last freedom that I think should be
important form of freedom in a country. Since many people don’t really acknowledged, is social freedoms, or the right to
know about it, the government often evade implementing or following this having jobs, education, marriage, etc. This is
rule, but it’s your chance to find out the truth. Transparency is the mostly prevalent, but there some countries that
government’s obligation to share information with the public, especially infringe on this freedom. There are many articles
concerning the use of taxpayer dollars and actions of political figures and in the UDHR that address and recognize
representatives. Transparency keeps the government accountable to the different social freedoms, such as Article 16,
people, which is an important concept in a democratic republic. In addition which states that men and women of full age,
to this, a country must also have an independent judicial system without any limitation due to race, nationality or
(Supreme Court and lower Courts) that is not controlled by the religion, have the right to marry and to found a
government. This ensures the branch is not manipulated or taken family. They are entitled to equal rights as to
advantage of by the government. This is an example of Separation of marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
Power (another of the 5 limits of power). The judicial branch is just one of Or Article 23 says that everyone, without any
3 branches in a federal government, along with the Executive branch discrimination, has the right to equal pay for
(President) and Legislative branch (Senate and House of equal work. Or Article 26 says technical and
Representatives). These 3 branches must be independent and cannot be professional education shall be made generally
influenced by each other in order to maintain fairness, equality, and available and higher education shall be equally
justice. accessible to all.
An example of a contravention of this freedom (judicial freedom It is highly important that your country enables
specifically) took place in the 1990s in Peru. A man called Alberto Fujimori its citizens and immigrants to have freedom in
came to power after the Peruvians elected him to be their President. Like this aspect, and this can definitely alleviate any
the USA, Peru had a constitution, congress, and judicial system (3 tensions between the people and the
branches of government). But what happened in Peru, was something that government.
was never seen before. On the night of April 5, 1992, Fujimori told
Peruvians via television, that he was dissolving Congress, and was going Conclusion
to reorganize the judicial branch. With no independent judicial branch, In conclusion, I think that having these 5 rights
thousands of suspects were killed without a trial. Additionally, it was suggests that your country has your equality
discovered that one of Fujimori’s government officials was caught and freedom in their best interests. Of course,
smuggling drugs and was aiding terrorists in the country. there are many more, but I think that these
Because Fujimori interfered with the branches outside his own, Peru ones are fundamental rights. If, however, your
became a country of chaos and scandal broke out everywhere. He not country doesn’t actively implement any of
only repudiated the limits of power but also violated the sacred oath he these, it will be up to you to make them aware
made before becoming President. and take action.
The Capitalist In Me: How I’d Run An Economy
Featured in this political pamphlet, is the world-famous, Amairah Islam, an economist with an idealistic scheme
to create a flawless economy system. You may have heard of her celebrated book, The Capitalist In Me: How
I’d Run An Economy, but if you haven’t, there’s no need to worry because we’ve included an abridged version
in this handbook.

“If I was in charge, people can count on the fact that my preferred economic system would be a capitalist one.
But, as with everything, capitalism does have it’s flaws, which is why my ideal economy would actually be a
predominantly capitalist one, but with the bonus of socialistic characteristics and features. Economics is messy,
but it is a utilitarian business and must be treated as such, so my explanation will be blunt. The most important
aspect of capitalism is that it is a market-based economy made up of buyers (people) and sellers (private or
corporate-owned companies). The goods and services that are produced are intended to make a profit, and
this profit is reinvested into the economy, through taxes, etc. The government doesn’t interfere in the
economies of the free market, so the market determines investments, production, distribution and decisions.
This is the opposite of communism, where there is no market, and everything is controlled by the government.
This causes many disadvantages that hinder the progress of the economy instead of strengthening it. Since
there is no market, there is no incentive to work hard because everyone earns an equal profit regardless of
effort or hard work, and this not only makes an economy deteriorate, but can also result in corruption within a
government. I realize that a capitalist economy can result in a monopoly of power because there is the
possibility of people abusing their position by charging higher prices, but that is where socialistic traits come in.
Earlier I mentioned that the market and means of production are owned by businesses and corporations, but
there is actually more to that statement. I believe that economic success can be achieved when the means of
production are managed by both public enterprises and cooperatives, and individuals are compensated based
on the principle of individual contribution. This way there is a balance in control, the government can’t take
advantage of their power, and people cannot abuse their positions in the market.
In conclusion, I believe that the epitome of an impeccable economy includes a market where people can
buy and sell goods, but the market is neither in the hands of the people nor the government. Instead, it is
managed by both and both parties are able to cooperate and collaborate with each other to consolidate the
country’s economy”.

As Amairah Islam mentioned, the perfect economy is one that consists of both capitalistic and socialistic
features. Hopefully, this provided some insight about a pragmatic economy, and inspired you to take action to
make similar changes to your own economy.
The Truth Of What I’ve Really Learned - A Reflection
What I learned about myself Ideal Form of Government
During the unit on government, I became more aware There are many forms of government (Democracy, Autocracy,
of my values and beliefs in the aspect of politics and Oligarchy, Theocracy, Monarchy, etc), and these government
economics. There are certain systems that appealed systems are implemented and exercised all over the world.
to me because of what they did and how it affected Some work better than others and are quite successful, while
me. We explored several countries and their freedoms others don’t fare as well. I’m not a politician or a ruler, but I do
and I think that the activity made me more conscious of have an opinion. In some places in the world, having an opinion
the things I sometimes take for granted and how and voicing it out loud is illegal and can result in stringent
important they really are to me. For example, when punishments, so I don’t need to be a politician or a ruler to
we looked at Saudi Arabia’s freedoms on a spectrum, voice this next opinion. An ideal form of government, I think,
I wasn’t really surprised but I realized how grateful I that could achieve success in all aspects, is a representative
was to live in a country that respects and takes into democracy. This is because I think it is very important for the
consideration the freedom and well-being of its citizens.  people to have a choice in who leads their country. A
On a political spectrum, I found out that I fell under the representative democracy means that citizens can choose to
socialism category, which I think is quite accurate. I elect whoever they wish to advocate for their rights and
strongly believe that power should be distributed equally prerogatives. This system gives people a choice in the matter
to ensure that there is no abuse of power. It is similar to of leading a country. If it were the opposite, however, corruption
the concept of Separation of Power, where there are would be abundant and exploitation would be recurrent. Instead
several branches of power. This is a main of the government or leader having all the power, it is in a
characteristic of socialism, just like the economist sense, distributed among the population. That is why I think a
Amairah Islam mentioned in her book. representative democracy is ideal for the success of a country.
Overall, I think that on a spectrum, I will always be in In conclusion, I think this unit has really broadened my
the middle, because I don’t believe too strongly in understanding of both politics and economics by learning and
anything (that would be extreme), but rather believe thinking about the different forms of government and various
in moderation and in systems that allow me to economic systems. Learning about government and economic
exercise my rights as a human being, and also to systems helped me make connections and links to current
keep my values and beliefs without them being affairs and really enlightened my understanding and knowledge
influenced by anything else. of the subject.

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