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Lesson Plan Template

1. Information
Grade: 5
Subject: English
Length of lesson: 50 mins

Day 1 Lesson Plan (Monday)


1. 5.IT.E.1 identify the author’s purpose and summarize the critical details of expository
text, maintaining chronological or logical order.

5.W.8. Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print
and digital sources: summarize key details or paraphrase information in notes and finished
work, and provide a list of sources.

5.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on fifth
grade and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly

Cognitive goals: Students will be able to grasp and achieve self-reliance.

Cognitive Objective: Students will be given a handout that explains how to evaluate the text's
aspect of the story from beginning to conclusion and also its protagonists at least 70 percent
Affective Objective: Students will get comfort using partnerships by demonstrating their
expressions and reading together by each chapter.
Affective Goals:
Assessment Plans
I. Chapter Summary
When the teacher distributes the handout, students may only concentrate on working with groups
to learn the setting, characters, and chronology of events through writing sessions.
Once students have finished their handout, one person from each group will share their
knowledge of how much they learned, their favorite part of the narrative, and what they missed
in each chapter.

Authentic materials and/or equipment:

● Pencils
● Book
● Folder
● Paper

Procedure (Step-by-Step)

Introduction: (10 MINS)

On Monday, the fifth graders were introduced in the classroom. The objective is to remind them
that the icebreaker game is just a warm-up for their excitement to prepare. Each student is
obliged to engage in class by asking them questions. The kind of Questions will be asked, such
as "what's your favorite ice cream flavor?" "What would you be if you had superpowers?" and
"Who do you want to be when you grow up?"
Main Activity (30 MIN)
After the warm-up activity, I would start my lesson by explaining to my students about the
handout on which they needed to fill in the areas. I would go through my presentation with them
and ask if they understood the characters, settings and chronology order. The presentation would
review the term of vocabulary and deliver it to the class by my example work.

I intend to explain to the students that each group will receive the book according to the
instructions given on the handout pages. They planned to discuss with the group what they noted
from the book before beginning to feed their paper with what they knew. When each group has
finished their handout paper, they will take turns sharing what they wrote on their paper with the
rest of the group.

Conclusion/Summary (10 MIN)

I would give my students an exit ticket by requiring them to know the terminology of characters,
setting and chronology. It will receive my understanding in order to prepare them for the
explanation of settings for the Tuesday lesson plan.

Universal Design for Learning or Differentiated Instruction

a. Explain and justify how UDL or DI were considered in the design of this lesson.
Universal Design for Learning:
I. Engagement: Students' engagement will be developed through group activities
that will lead to skills such as teamwork and leadership.
II. Representation: Students' representation will be diverse and open to learning
from others.

Technology (provide justification if no technology is used)

This lesson plan will include a review of my presentation via smartboard, but my students will be
unable to rely on technology and will instead focus on their hands on paper.

Attachments: Include copies of all instructional materials (i.e. handouts, assessment tools,
website links, etc)
Tuesday Lesson Plan
Grade: 5
Subject: English
Length of lesson: 45 min

1. 5.IT.E.1 identify the author’s purpose and summarize the critical details of expository
text, maintaining chronological or logical order.

5.W.8. Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print
and digital sources: summarize key details or paraphrase information in notes and finished
work, and provide a list of sources.

5.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on fifth
grade and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly

Cognitive Goals: Students will be able to improve their critical thinking skills in order to
prepare for forthcoming writing projects.
Cognitive Objective: Students will be able to comprehend the connection between characters
and setting at least 80% accuracy through reading and writing.
Affective Objective: Students will receive mentoring support from teacher to keep their
motivation and determined of their work

Assessment Plans:
I. Characters and Setting

When teachers give students the handout, they will concentrate on working in groups to establish
or comprehend the connection between characters and setting. Once students have finished their
handout paper, the teacher will check in with each group to ensure they are following up.

Authentic materials and/or equipment:

● Paper
● Book
● Smart Board
● Pencil
● Folder

Procedure (Step-by-Step):
Introduction (10 MIN)
On Tuesday, all students will take their time putting their bags away and will receive yesterday's
folder. When everyone has taken their seats, I will begin distributing handouts of the book that
needs to be read, Bridge of Terabithia. They will only read one chapter at a time to relieve
Main Activity (30 MIN)

When all students have finished their reading chapter, I will ask them whether they remember the
vocabulary terms we studied in class on Monday; if not, I will begin my lesson presentation by
going over the definitions of settings and characters again.

After we go through the vocabulary terms, I will give the students an assignment of paper with
instructions on it. The requirements are that students choose one of the characters from the novel
and explain what makes them unique and who they are as persons, with visual arts. They will
also use visual arts to show the values of the characters and reflect the settings that have
transpired. I'll continue to visit each table to see if the students have followed up as well.

Conclusion (5 MIN)
After the students finished their homework, I requested anyone who wanted to speak and exhibit
their work by providing an example. I will likely commend every student on their excellent work
and remind them to place the assignments in the folder.

Universal Design for Learning or Differentiated Instruction:
I. Engagement: Students’ engagement to comprehension of character relationships
II. Representation:Students’ representatives To nurture recognizing-related traits
This lesson plan will include a review of my presentation via smartboard, but my students will be
unable to rely on technology and will instead focus on their hands on paper.
Wednesday Lesson Plan
a. Grade: 5
b. Subject: English
c. Length of lesson: 45 min

1. 5.IT.E.4 Determine an author’s position (i.e what the author is arguing) providing
supporting evidence from the text.

5.R.I.8. Explain how an author uses reason and evidence to support particular points in text,
identify which reason and evidence supports which point(s).

5.R.L.3 Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how
characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a
topic: summarize the text.

Cognitive goals: Students will be allowed to work independently to process their writing
Cognitive Objectives: Students will be able to develop their abilities in identifying the author's
purpose and reflecting on evidence analysis with an accuracy of 80%.
Affective Objective: Students will feel relieved when they receive feedback from teachers on
how to improve their strengths and flaws.

Assessment Plans:
I. Using my own Words
When teachers provide the handout to students, they will focus on how to comprehend the
author's goal and how to use their evidence to support their critical thinking on the assignment at

Authentic materials and/or equipment:

● Paper
● Book
● Smart Board
● Pencil
● Folder

Procedure (Step-by-Step):
Introduction (10 MIN)
When all kids arrive in class, I will inform them that we will play a warm-up game called Thump
up. I will advise them to go to their designated seat and have their head down with their eyes
closed, thumb up once, and shoulder tapped when they are ready. Once they have chosen,
whomever has chosen must select thumbs down, and they will guess who chose them.
Main Activity (30 MINS)
I will remind them that this assignment may be challenging when the enjoyable activities are
over. I'll begin by asking why understanding the author's message is critical. Did you think the
evidence should be supported? I would choose one of the quotations to read aloud to the class
and explain why I picked those phrases, using the author's intent for my own reflection.

I will provide a handout for them, and the book, bridge to Terabithia. They can use any chapter
that might feel important to comprehending the message, by filling those blank on the box. If
students are frustrated, they are encouraged to seek assistance, and I will provide comments for
their development.

Conclusion: (5 MIN).
I will advise students to retain their assignments in the folder so that I can provide comments and
remind them that we will have a one-on-one discussion on Friday.

Universal Design for Learning or Differentiated Instruction:

IV. Engagement: Students’ engagement willing to cave in to obstacles
V. Representation: Students will be represented by what they have accomplished.


This lesson plan will include a review of my presentation via smartboard, but my students
will be unable to rely on technology and will instead focus on their hands on paper.
Thursday Lesson Plan

1. Information
a. Grade: 5
b. Subject: Writing
c. Length of lesson: 50 min

1. 5.L.TN.11 Compare different versions of the same story from different cultures.

2. 5.R.I.6 analyzes multiple accounts of the same events or topic, noting the similarities and
differences in the point of view they represent.

Cognitive Goals: Students will be able to comprehend two different worlds. Is it applied from
the book? Will students be able to apply the reality of life?
Cognitive Objectives: Students will be able to build critical thinking skills through the use of
their personal experiences and reflections from many viewpoints with 80 percent accuracy.
Affective Objective: students will be able to feel confidence of their expression and empathy of

Assessment Plans:
I. Paragraph Paper
Students will be able to share their personal experiences comprehending the notion of two
different worldviews when teachers provide the handout to them. Each learner has a unique set
of experiences and expressions.

Authentic materials and/or equipment:

● Paper
● Book
● Smart Board
● Pencil
● Folder

Procedure (Step-by-Step):
Introduction: (10 MINS)
When students enter the classroom, I will tell them to get their folders because I will be
reviewing them and asking them what they learned from the book by sharing it with the class;
their participation is expected.

Main Activity: (30 MINS)

When students share their book learning, I ask them, "How can you apply your experience
similar in the book, for example, have you ever witnessed someone being bullied?" Or struggle
to fit in. When the students notice something in the book that applies to real-world experience,
they will be allowed to write down their own reflection.

Conclusion: (5 MIN)
Students will talk about their experiences and culture that may be utilized throughout the book
with their group from their table.

Universal Design for Learning or Differentiated Instruction:

VI. Engagement: Students’ engagement will be able to use their knowledge in the real
VII. Representation: Students representations of their culture, values, and identity.

This lesson plan will include a review of my presentation via smartboard, but my students
will be unable to rely on technology and will instead focus on their hands on paper.

Friday Lesson Plan:

1. Introduction
2. Grade: 5
3. Subject: English
4. Length of lesson: 35 min

1. 5.W.E.3 Create multi paragraph essays that present effective introductions and
concluding paragraphs and guide and inform the reader’s understanding of key

2. 5.SL.4 Report on a topic or text or present an opinion, sequencing ideas logically and
using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes;
speak clearly and at an understandable pace

3. 5.R.I.5 compare and contrast the overall structure of events, ideas, concepts, or
information in two or more texts.

Cognitive Goals: Students will be allowed to share what they have learnt and their experiences
from the class.
Cognitive objectives: Students will be able to grasp settings, characters, and chronological
events on their own with 90 percent accuracy.
Affective Objective: students will be able to feel confidence and build the strength for upcoming
books and activities.

Assessment Plans:
I. Self Reflection
When the teacher gives exit tickets, students will be able to confidently describe what they've
learned from Monday to Friday, and the results will show me how much the students are
enjoying this class.

Authentic materials and/or equipment:

● Paper
● Pencil
● Folder

Procedure (Step-by-Step):

Introduction: (10 MIN)

When students enter the classroom, I will begin a warm-up by asking them what their weekend
plans are, and they will take turns sharing their weekend plans with the class.

Main Activity: (20 MIN)

Following the warm-up exercise, students will be given a handout of their exit tickets with the
instructions to write down what is working well, what needs more practice, and what they want
for the future lesson plan.

While students are working on their exit tickets, I would like to meet with students who were
struggling with their assignment from Thursday and examine their strengths and weaknesses in
order to enhance their performance throughout the writing.

Conclusion: (5 MIN)
Following the main activity, I will instruct students to collect all exit tickets. I would give kids
five minutes of free time for a mental break. I'll go over their exit tickets to make sure they've all
followed up.

Universal Design for Learning or Differentiated Instruction:

VIII. Engagement: Students’ engagement will be opportunity to work autonomously
IX. Representation: Students’ representatives of self assurement

This lesson plan will include a review of my presentation via smartboard, but my students
will be unable to rely on technology and will instead focus on their hands on paper.


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