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Micaella Anne V. Decrepito | G12 - 05 HSS


What are the major issues affecting poor and marginalized communities?
The major issues that affects the poor and marginalized community are;
Food insecurity
High rates of crime
Lack of access to proper healthcare
Graft & Corruption in the government

What is the importance of knowing where the problems belong?

If we take the time to identify and understand the issue before proceeding with an action, we will often be capable of
coming up with a solution that satisfies the specific requirement or needs. This will allow us to address their problem area
more effectively while saving us all time, energy, as well as other resources.

Are the Filipino people easily affected by those issues? How Filipino handle their
Philippines is a nation with numerous social issues. This includes environmental deterioration, unemployment, inequality,
corruption, and lack of education access. These issues often result in poverty and food insecurity to the poor, as us citizens
of the country struggle to survive. Furthermore, this issues they may lead to widespread criminal activity. These challenges
must be addressed by the government and other institutions in order to enhance the lives of Filipinos and the nation as a
whole. Nowadays, economic concerns such as poverty, inequality, and corruption have a major impact on social issues in
the Philippines. These problems have caused considerable social discontent throughout the nation. Us Filipinos handle
these problem in a unhealthy way, especially in our mental health, this is because we discouraged from requesting aid,
help or assistance because of our RESILIENCY.

How can we find a solution to our problems?

To find solution to our problem we must first determine and analyze our priority. Which of these issues affect the people in
the community more. Then, when we finally understood the problem as well as the root causes, we must think of a several
possible solutions and effective interventions although we must consider the consequences for each of these solutions. By
doing so, we can determine which option may be better solution to these issues and problem for the community.

Why should the youth participate in community action? Support your answer.
With active cooperation and participation to community action, us young people are encouraged to play a significant role
in our own development as well as that of our communities, allowing us to acquire a critical life skills, understanding of
human rights and citizenship, and the promotion of good community action. In addition, community involvement can
assists us youth in becoming compassionate citizens who could continue such activities as adults. Furthermore, we can
become adolescents that give back to their communities that had acquired leadership skills, receive job experience, and
learn the value of assisting others.

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