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Dooley & Patten. (2021).

Chapter 1
Niccolò Machiavelli
Writer of The Prince
Asserted that power and not justice is most important analysis of politics
Amoral approach to politics stressed that the primary purpose of government is to prevent civil unrest and
to promote security at home and abroad
Social contract theorist
Focus on the power relationship between government and the individual. Typically make observations on
whether humans are more generally cooperative or competitive with each other, the types of problems
that are likely to occur in the absence of government and preferred form of government for addressing
these problems
Thomas Hobbes

- Leviathan: prove the correctness of Machiavelli contention that power rather than justice is most
important variable in studying politics, purpose of political power should not be used to primarily
promote ethical governance, but should instead be used to promote the more limited goal of
preventing social turmoil and war, advocates for authoritarian system of government
- He specifically emphasis on the individual surrendering all power to the government so the
government can more effectively govern to prevent unrest (Clear issues with this)
- JJR and Jl believe power should be more widely dispersed in democratic systems of governments
to achieve social harmony
John Locke

- Representative democracy; government with limited power and people select representatives to
make decisions on their behalf (Modern democracy?)
- Was important in late 18th century US (What was the context?)
- US case study: Thomas Jefferson contributed to expansion of political rights for ethnic minorities
and women, women suffrage movement
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

- Criticized representative democracies claiming that they facilitate the exploitation of the masses

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