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Recap from wk 3

Market (invisible hand) - market failure (information asymmetry etc) - hence govt intervention needed
(depends on regime) - result in increased govt size and scope – govt failure – new public management
(intervene in different way, Thatcher, Clinton; Neoliberals) - reduce scope of govt intervention (public
sector) - Privatization, Deregulation, contracting out, Quasi (public) markets to resolve issue

Privatization: fully out of govt control

Contracting out: govt still retain power

Public choice alt is NPM – introduction of market forces in the government


President head of executive, PM head of executive and legislature

Public Policy Process (budgeting)

Idea of policy – review & approval (legislature) – implementation (execution; executives) - president sign
- outcome (audit)

Mandotory spending: health care etc must be approved

Discretionary spending: military etc are up to be discussed

President not responsible to legislative; separation of power but PM is – head of govt; fusion of power

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