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Esmod Jakarta Fashion Design and Business

Isnadia Qothrunnada




The materials needed for my fabric eco-printing are jati leaves and adenium obesum
flowers, vinegar and water. As for jati are taken in the area of Ragunan, South Jakarta, and for
adenium obesum flower from the nearest location within the writer's housing complex. The
other materials needed including steaming pot, bucket, plastic wrap, hemp rope and hose.

Other than jati leaves and adenium obesum flowers, the writer has tried several varieties
of them. The experiment including : papaya leaves, kamboja, ketapang, jati leaves and for the
flowers the writer has tried rose, adenium obesum, and bougainvillea flowers. In which, most of
them failed and left me with adenium obesum flowers and jati leaves.

Eco Printing Process

The first step eco printing process, the jati leaves should be drowned in water mixed
with vinegar. For this experiment, the writer used 2 liters of water and 200 ml of vinegar. The
mixture is then mixed evenly. The leaves are drowned in the mixture of water and vinegar, with
its whole leaves being sunken under the surface. The leaves are to be left in the bucket of
mixture within 5-10 minutes. The writer left the leaves for about 10 minutes to limp it Source.

Figure 1

Jati leaves in vinegar and water

Esmod Jakarta Fashion Design and Business

Note. Jati leaves being drowned in the mixture of vinegar and water

Source: Author

The fabric that is going to be used is cut by the size of 50 x 100 cm. Then another
language to taste and put it on the floor. Then arrange the teak leaves and flowers on a damp
cloth. After the jati is done from the mixture, Arrange the leaves and flowers in such way up to
it gets to the position desired.

After the jati is done from the mixture, pick it up and lay them the fabric prepared
before. Arrange the leaves and flowers in such way up to it gets to the position desired. The
writer arranged the flowers and jati in the middle of the fabric. Close the left and right sides on
top of the arranged side. The writer arranges flowers and teak on the left side of the cloth. Cover
the left side of the cloth with the right side of the blank cloth.

Figure 2

Arranged leaves and flowers pattern

Note. The arranged leaves and flowers in the left side of the cloth

Source: Author

After closing the fabric together, put the plastic wrap all over the top fabric and roll the
fabric with the hose prepared, and tie the hose and fabric together with hemp rope to secure the
roll. Put the roll in the steaming pot and close the lid up to 4-5 hours. because use teak leaves,
Esmod Jakarta Fashion Design and Business

The writer decided to steam it for 4 hours. while checking the water amount gradually, to make
sure the water did not run out.

Pick up the roll after 4 hours of steaming, and wait until it cools down before opening
the roll. Open the roll and dry it off on a flat surface.

Figure 3

Rolls of cloth ready to be steamed

Note. Rolls of cloth and leaves that have been

rolled and tied

Source: Author

Figure 4

Laying the rolls in the steamer

Note. The rolls are laid out in an arc

without breaking the leaves

Source: Author
Esmod Jakarta Fashion Design and Business

Figure 5

Finished product

Note. 6th trial product that has been dried off

Source: Author
Esmod Jakarta Fashion Design and Business

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