Box Movin Load EU

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Notes: INDEX

1) Model
2) Bearing Pressure
3) Elastic Settlement of foundations
4) Wheel Load Dispersal
5) Moving Vehicle Calculations
6) Footway Loading
7) Load Effects and Summary

1) Model (Back to index)

The box is analysed using a plane frame model of a 1m width of the structure. Nodes have been selected to
coincide with the corners; end of splays; mid height of walls, roof and floor; and at d (depth to centre of
reinforcement from the compression face) away from the end of the splays. (Code requires design shears to
be measured at d from the support).
Variable actions are analysed using the short term modulus of elasticity of concrete.

2) Bearing Pressure under Base (Back to index)

Member actions are calculated assuming a trapezoidal pressure distribution across the
base to conform with the elastic matrix method of analysis used for distributing the loading.

3) Elastic Settlement of foundations (Back to index)

An estimation of the elastic settlement of the foundations under traffic loading is required for calculating
the total vertical movement in the roof slab for clause 10.5 of PD 6694-1:2011.
Using equation 3.2.2 from Geotechnical Problem Solving by John C. Lommler:
Elastic settlement S = qBIw(1-m2) / Es
where q = net bearing pressure, B = width of footing, Iw = 1.12 (square footing assumed),
m = 0.3 (Poisson's ratio - PD 6694-1:2011 cl. A.3.2), Es = soil modulus
This gives S = 1.02qB / Es

4) Wheel Load Dispersal (Back to index)

PD 6694-1:2011 Clause 10.2.7 says wheel loads can be transmitted though the fill down to the top of the
structure with a dispersal angle of 30°. The load on a metre width of structure is calculated using the
transverse dispersal of all wheel loads that may occupy the carriageway. Figure 11 of the document shows
how to determine the intensity on a metre strip where dispersal zones overlap.
The diagrams below show how the intensity is calculated in the spreadsheet depending on the depth of fill,
the number of lanes and the type of vehicle. Dispersal zones are also curtailed adjacent to walls.
It has been assumed that there is no dispersal for UDL loading in keeping with previous codes.

Wheel Load Dispersal for Load Model 1 positioned in centre of lane

Wheel base = 2.0
Contact width = 0.4
Lane width = 3.0
Hc = 1.0
Distance between vehicles = 0.6
2lanes U = 0.520
any V = 1.386
2lanes W = 2.252
2lanes X = 3.984
3lanes Y = 4.850
3lanes Z = 6.582
Wheel Load Dispersal for Load Model 2 positioned at edge of carriageway
Wheel base = 2.0
Contact width = 0.4
Lane width = 3.0
Hc = 1.0
V = 1.386

Wheel Load Dispersal for Load Model 3 - SV's & SOV tractor at edge of carriageway
LM1 Wheel base = 2.0
SV Wheel base = 2.65
LM1 Contact width = 0.4
SV Contact width = 0.35
Lane width = 3.0
Hc = 1.0
Distance between vehicles = 0.3
U = 0.260
V = 1.992
W = 2.555
X = 4.287

Note: The longitudinal position of the Tandem System to cause maximum effect on each member will
differ from the longitudinal position of the SV vehicle.
A1' and A2' are alternative positions of the metre strip which are affected by a constant width of load from
the LM1 tandem system.

Wheel Load Dispersal for Load Model 3 - SOV Trailers positioned at edge of carriageway
LM1 Wheel base = 2.0
SV Wheel base 1 = 0.80
SV Wheel base 2 = 1.05
SV Wheel base 3 = 0.80
LM1 Contact width = 0.4
S0V Contact width = 0.35
Lane width = 3.0
Hc = 1.0
Distance between vehicles = 0.3
S = 0.260
T = 0.390
U = 1.299
V = 1.992
W = 2.555
X = 4.287

Note: The longitudinal position of the Tandem System to cause maximum effect on each member will
differ from the longitudinal position of the SOV vehicle.
A1' and A2' are alternative positions of the metre strip which are affected by a constant width of load from
the LM1 tandem system.

5) Moving Vehicle Calculations (Back to index)

Moving Vehicles TS, SV/SOV, Construction Vehicle, Footway Service Vehicle, Accidental Axle and 10kN point
load are moved across the top of the structure in increments. The spreadsheet calculates member actions and
records the maximum effect on each member for the full range of positions of the vehicles.

6) Footway Loading (Back to index)

UK NA clause NA.2.36 provides an equation to calculate a reduced live load UDL for footways which is
proportional to the loaded length. The equation results in reductions for lengths greater than 30m only. As
the maximum overall length of a buried box structure is limited to 15m then no reduction to the 5kN/m² will
be applied.

7) Load Effects and Summary (Back to index)

The "Load Effects" worksheet contains an envelope of the maximum load effects for each member of the box
for each load case considered when the moving vehicle traverses the full length of the structure.
The "Summary" worksheet provides an envelope of all the load cases analysed and displays the results in a
'design friendly' series of tables.
As the results are presented as an envelope of the load effects then when designing for combined effects
at a node (i.e. moment + shear + axial) the result will be overestimated because the values are not concurrent.
In order to combine concurrent effects then the critical vehicle can be placed in the critical position by
selecting the 'Static Vehicle' option in the 'Vehicle Position' dropdown menu on the "Input_Data" worksheet.
Keep these values in same rows - t
Wheel Load Dispersal for Load M
Wheel base =
Contact width =
Lane width =

Distance between vehicles =


Wheel Load Dispersal for Load M

Wheel base =
Contact width =
Lane width =

Wheel Load Dispersal for Load Mo

LM1 Wheel base =
SV Wheel base =
LM1 Contact width =
SV Contact width =
Lane width =

Distance between vehicles =

Wheel Load Dispersal for Load Mo

LM1 Wheel base =
SV Wheel base 1 =
SV Wheel base 2 =
SV Wheel base 3 =
LM1 Contact width =
S0V Contact width =
Lane width =

Distance between vehicles =

Keep these values in same rows - this row to stay as row 51
Wheel Load Dispersal for Load Model 1 positioned in centre of lane
Wheel base = 2.0
Contact width = 0.400
Lane width = 3.000
Hc = 1.000
ance between vehicles = 0.600
U = 0.520
V = 1.386
W = 2.252
X = 3.984
Y = 4.850
Z = 6.582

Wheel Load Dispersal for Load Model 2 positioned at edge of carriageway

Wheel base = 2.0
Contact width = 0.400
Lane width = 3.000
Hc = 1.000
V = 1.386

Wheel Load Dispersal for Load Model 3 - SV's & SOV tractor at edge of carriageway
LM1 Wheel base = 2.0
SV Wheel base = 2.650
LM1 Contact width = 0.400
SV Contact width = 0.350
Lane width = 3.000
Hc = 1.000
ance between vehicles = 0.300
U = 0.260
V = 1.992
W = 2.555
X = 4.287

Wheel Load Dispersal for Load Model 3 - SOV Trailers positioned at edge of carriageway
LM1 Wheel base = 2.0
SV Wheel base 1 = 0.800
SV Wheel base 2 = 1.050
SV Wheel base 3 = 0.800
LM1 Contact width = 0.400
S0V Contact width = 0.350
Lane width = 3.000
Hc = 1.000
ance between vehicles = 0.300
S = 0.260
T = 0.390
U = 1.299
V = 1.992
W = 2.555
X = 4.287
Title: Box Culvert
Moving Vehicle Vertical Actions on Buried Concrete Structures to PD 6694-1:2011

Input Data
Geometry (m) Construction
Internal length 'X' = 2.5 Depth of fill 'Hc' = 1 m
Internal height 'Y' = 2 Road Construction Depth hs = 0.2 m
Thickness of roof slab 'hr' = 0.3 Length of structure parallel to walls 'LT' = 20.6 m
Thickness of floor slab 'hf' = 0.3 Length between longitudinal joints 'Lj' = 20.6 m
Thickness of walls 'hw' = 0.3 Edge of carriageway to face of headwall = 6.1 m HELP
Horizontal distance of roof splay 'Shr' = 0 Concrete Cylinder Strength of floor slab fck = 32 N/mm²
Vertical distance of roof splay 'Svr' = 0 Concrete Cylinder Strength of walls fck = 32 N/mm²
Horizontal distance of floor splay 'Shf' = 0 Concrete Cylinder Strength of roof slab fck = 32 N/mm²
Vertical distance of floor splay 'Svf' = 0 Average cover + ½ bar diameter = 0.07 m
Young's Modulus of soil to foundations E = 40000 kN/m² HELP
Variable Action Selected
BS EN 1991-2 Variable Actions: LM1, 2 & 3 (SV196)
Member Properties
Theta Eshort-term Area I
Member L (m) (deg) (kN/m2) (m2) (m4) End1 End2
1 0.15 90 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 1 2
2 0.23 90 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 2 3
3 0.77 90 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 3 4
4 0.77 90 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 4 5
5 0.23 90 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 5 6
6 0.15 90 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 6 7
7 0.15 0 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 7 8
8 0.23 0 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 8 9
9 1.02 0 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 9 10
10 1.02 0 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 10 11
11 0.23 0 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 11 12
12 0.15 0 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 12 13
13 0.15 270 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 13 14
14 0.23 270 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 14 15
15 0.77 270 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 15 16
16 0.77 270 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 16 17
17 0.23 270 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 17 18
18 0.15 270 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 18 19
19 0.15 180 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 19 20
20 0.23 180 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 20 21
21 1.02 180 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 21 22
22 1.02 180 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 22 23
23 0.23 180 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 23 24
24 0.15 180 33345764 0.30000001 0.00225 24 1

Variable Actions

Traffic Loading
Notional Lane Width = 3 m
Number of Lanes = 2
Load Model 1
UDL = qik · aqi
UDL on Lane 1 = 9 · 0.61 = 5.49
UDL on Lane 2 = 2.5 · 2.2 = 5.5
UDL applied in global Y direction to members 7 to 12

w = -5.5 · gQ
Additional actions in global Y direction from UDL between edge of box and centre-line of side walls:

Point load at node 7 = -0.825gQ kN

Point load at node 13 = -0.825gQ kN

Tandem system = Qik · aQi
TS1 axle load on Lane 1 = 300 · 1 = 300
TS2 axle load on Lane 2 = 200 · 1 = 200
Tandem is positioned in the centre of the lane (see EN 1991-2:2003 Clause 4.3.2(1)(a))
Transverse wheel load dispersal length L = Contact width + 2 · Hc · Tan30°
Transverse wheel load dispersal length L = 0.4 + 2 · 1 · Tan30° = 1.555
Curtailment of transverse dispersal occurs if it projects further than the face of the end wall
Wheel Load: 150 kN 150 kN 100 kN 100 kN
Dispersal Length: 1.555 1.555 1.555 1.555
Check loading with overlap between Tandem Systems in adjacent lanes
Fill depth at which wheel load dispersal start to overlap = 0.52 < 1 hence overlap occurs.
From Fig.11 of PD6694: Load on metre strip = bW1/L1 + aW2/L2
Overlap 'a' = Dispersal Length - 1 = 1.555 - 1 = 0.555 < 1 metre strip
Hence Load on metre strip = 150 / 1.555 + 0.555 · 100 / 1.555 = 132.161
Check loading under single wheel of TS1
Load on metre strip = 150 / 1.555 = 96.482
96.482 < 132.161 Hence critical load on metre strip = 132.161
Longitudinal Dispersal = 1.555 Hence distributed load = 132.161 / 1.555 = 85.007 kN/m
Distributed load 1.555m long applied to box in global Y direction = -85.007 kN/m for each axle.
Load is moved incrementally across roof slab, load effects are determined for each position.

Load Model 2
Axle Load = Qak · bQ
Axle load on Lane 1 = 400 · 1 = 400
Axle is positioned adjacent to the edge of the carriageway.
Transverse wheel load dispersal length L = Contact width + 2 · Hc · Tan30°
Transverse wheel load dispersal length L = 0.4 + 2 · 1 · Tan30° = 1.555
Curtailment of transverse dispersal occurs if it projects further than the face of the end wall
Wheel Load: 200 kN 200 kN
Dispersal Length: 1.555 1.555
Depth of fill at which wheel load dispersal start to overlap = 1.386 > 1 hence no overlap occurs.
Load on metre strip = 200 / 1.555 = 128.642
Longitudinal Dispersal = 1.555 Hence distributed load = 128.642 / 1.555 = 82.744 kN/m
Distributed load 1.555m long applied to box in global Y direction = -82.744 kN/m

Load Model 3
Special Vehicle SV196
Design Axle Load = DAF · Basic Axle Load
Design Axle Load (1) = 1.2 · 100 = 120
Design Axle Load (2) = 1.1 · 180 = 198
Design Axle Load (3) = 1.12 · 165 = 184.8
Vehicle positioned with wheel 1 at edge of carriageway in Lane 1
Transverse wheel load dispersal length L = Contact width + 2 · Hc · Tan30°
Transverse wheel load dispersal length L = 0.35 + 2 · 1 · Tan30° = 1.505
Curtailment of transverse dispersal occurs if it projects further than the face of the end wall
Wheel 1 Wheel 2
Dispersal Length: 1.505 1.505
Depth of fill at which wheel load dispersal start to overlap = 1.992 > 1 so no overlap occurs.
Load on metre strip for Axle 1 = 60 / 1.505 = 39.875
Load on metre strip for Axle 2 = 99 / 1.505 = 65.794
Load on metre strip for Axle 3 = 92.4 / 1.505 = 61.408
Longitudinal Dispersal = 1.505
Hence distributed load for Axle 1 = 39.875 / 1.505 = 26.5 kN/m
Hence distributed load for Axle 2 = 65.794 / 1.505 = 43.726 kN/m
Hence distributed load for Axle 3 = 61.408 / 1.505 = 40.811 kN/m
Distributed load 1.505m long applied to box in global Y direction = -26.5 kN/m for axle 1.
Distributed load 1.505m long applied to box in global Y direction = -43.726 kN/m for axle 2.
Distributed load 1.505m long applied to box in global Y direction = -40.811 kN/m for axle 3.

Loads are moved incrementally across roof slab, load effects are determined for each position. Associated
loads from frequent value of LM1 in Lane 2 are analysed separately to achieve the worst combined effect.

Frequent loading from LM1 in Lane 2

Frequent Value of Tandem System = y1 · Qik · aQi
TS2 axle load on Lane 2 = 0.75 · 200 · 1 = 150
Tandem is positioned in the centre of the lane (see EN 1991-2:2003 Clause 4.3.2(1)(a))
Transverse wheel load dispersal length L = Contact width + 2 · Hc · Tan30°
Transverse wheel load dispersal length L = 0.4 + 2 · 1 · Tan30° = 1.555
Curtailment of transverse dispersal occurs if it projects further than the face of the end wall
Wheel Load: 75 kN 75 kN
Dispersal Length: 1.555 1.555
Overlap width of LM1 dispersal on metre strip = 0.855m
Hence Additional Load on metre strip from TS1 = 0.855 · 75 / 1.555 = 41.246
Longitudinal Dispersal = 1.555
Hence additional distributed load = 41.246 / 1.555 = 26.53 kN/m
Distributed load 1.555m long applied to box in global Y direction = -26.53 kN/m for TS1 axles.
Load is moved incrementally across roof slab, load effects are determined for each position.

Associated UDL in Lane 2 = y1 · qik · aqi

UDL on Lane 2 = 0.75 · 2.5 · 2.2 = 4.125
Width of metre strip outside Lane 1 = 0.073
UDL applied in global Y direction to members 7 to 12

w = -4.125 · 0.073 · g Q = -0.3gQ

Additional actions in global Y direction from UDL between edge of box and centre-line of side walls:

Point load at node 7 = -0.045gQ kN

Point load at node 13 = -0.045gQ kN

Bearing Pressure
Bearing pressures are determined for each loading condition and applied to members 19 to 24 in
the floor slab as a trapezoidal load in the global Y direction.
Information Axis Notation Positive directions

Global Axis
1 1 X

Calculate Results
Select Variable Action Type Local Member Axis

Vehicle Position Numbering Notation:

Node Number 1
Member Number 1



Ground water depth to see if value changes
Table B.6
old values
0 <Apply Surfacing deviation
0 <Apply Surfacing deviation
Construction Live Loa <Use title on case printout
Variable Actions
y1 = 0.75 Frequent Factor applied to Load Model 1 in combination with Load Model 3
Load Model 3 (SV/SOV)
Axle Load DAF;sup
100 1.20
130 1.16
165 1.12
180 1.10
225 1.07

g Q;sup = 1.0 Partial Factor for maximum vertical traffic action on box

Load Effects for EU Load Models

LM1: Tandem + UDL

Deflection in roof slab (Global Axis). This check may be ignored if longitudinal joints are not provided.
Deflections due to permanent loads need to be added to the Total deflection due to traffic loads stated below.
PD 6694-1:2011 Clause 10.5
Maximum allowable mid span deflection of roof slab = 0.15Hc = 150 mm
Vertical midspan deflection due to traffic = 0.639 mm at node 10
Deflection from short term elastic settlement of foundation due to traffic = 6.74 mm
Total deflection = 7.4 mm <= 150 mm hence OK

Member Actions (Local Axis) Distance from node 7 to front edge of distributed patch for leading axle
_______End1________ _______End2________ _______Minimum________ _______Maximum________
Member Fx(kN) Fy(kN) Mz(kNm) Fx(kN) Fy(kN) Mz(kNm) Fx(m) Fy(m) Mz(m) Fx(m) Fy(m)
1 144.18 -2.574 -35.604 -144.18 2.574 35.824 2.42 2.36 2.8 2.42 2.36
2 144.18 -2.574 -35.824 -144.18 2.574 36.161 2.42 2.36 2.8 2.42 2.36
3 144.18 -2.574 -36.161 -144.18 2.574 37.29 2.42 2.36 2.8 2.42 2.36
4 144.18 -2.574 -37.29 -144.18 2.574 38.418 2.42 2.36 2.8 2.42 2.36
5 144.18 -2.574 -38.418 -144.18 2.574 38.755 2.42 2.36 2.8 2.42 2.36
6 144.18 -2.574 -38.755 -144.18 2.574 38.975 2.42 2.36 2.8 2.42 2.36
7 2.574 144.18 -38.975 -2.574 -130.517 21.362 2.36 2.42 2.8 2.36 2.42
8 2.574 130.517 -21.362 -2.574 -109.568 -18.081 2.36 2.42 3.2 2.36 2.42
9 2.574 109.568 18.081 -2.574 30.401 -70.057 2.36 2.42 1.7 2.36 1.4
10 2.574 -30.401 70.057 -2.574 109.568 -18.085 2.36 1.4 2.8 2.36 3.13
11 2.574 -109.568 18.085 -2.574 130.517 21.364 2.36 3.13 3.85 2.36 3.13
12 2.574 -130.517 -21.364 -2.574 144.18 38.975 2.36 3.13 2.36 2.36 3.13
13 144.18 2.574 -38.975 -144.18 -2.574 38.755 3.13 2.36 2.75 3.13 2.36
14 144.18 2.574 -38.755 -144.18 -2.574 38.418 3.13 2.36 2.75 3.13 2.36
15 144.18 2.574 -38.418 -144.18 -2.574 37.289 3.13 2.36 2.75 3.13 2.36
16 144.18 2.574 -37.289 -144.18 -2.574 36.16 3.13 2.36 2.75 3.13 2.36
17 144.18 2.574 -36.16 -144.18 -2.574 35.823 3.13 2.36 2.75 3.13 2.36
18 144.18 2.574 -35.823 -144.18 -2.574 35.603 3.13 2.36 2.75 3.13 2.36
19 -2.562 -144.318 35.603 2.562 127.131 -16.108 2.36 2.42 2.75 2.36 2.75
20 -2.562 -127.131 16.108 2.562 103.167 16.549 2.36 2.75 3.62 2.36 2.75
21 -2.562 -103.167 -16.549 2.562 -21.203 62.93 2.36 2.75 1.7 2.36 1.55
22 -2.562 21.203 -62.93 2.562 -103.167 16.562 2.36 1.55 2.8 2.36 2.8
23 -2.562 103.167 -16.562 2.562 -127.131 -16.119 2.36 2.8 3.85 2.36 2.8
24 -2.562 127.131 16.119 2.562 -144.318 -35.604 2.36 2.8 1.93 2.36 3.13

LM2: Axle Load

Deflection in roof slab (Global Axis). This check may be ignored if longitudinal joints are not provided.
Deflections due to permanent loads need to be added to the Total deflection due to traffic loads stated below.
PD 6694-1:2011 Clause 10.5
Maximum allowable mid span deflection of roof slab = 0.15Hc = 150 mm
Vertical midspan deflection due to traffic = 0.389 mm at node 10
Deflection from short term elastic settlement of foundation due to traffic = 3.28 mm
Total deflection = 3.7 mm <= 150 mm hence OK

Member Actions (Local Axis) Distance from node 7 to front edge of distributed patch for leading axle
_______End1________ _______End2________ _______Minimum________ _______Maximum________
Member Fx(kN) Fy(kN) Mz(kNm) Fx(kN) Fy(kN) Mz(kNm) Fx(m) Fy(m) Mz(m) Fx(m) Fy(m)
1 93.042 -3.528 -16.461 -93.042 3.528 16.537 1.55 2.18 1.55 1.55 2.18
2 93.042 -3.528 -16.537 -93.042 3.528 16.848 1.55 2.18 1.55 1.55 2.18
3 93.042 -3.528 -16.848 -93.042 3.528 19.329 1.55 2.18 1.7 1.55 2.18
4 93.042 -3.528 -19.329 -93.042 3.528 22.046 1.55 2.18 2.18 1.55 2.18
5 93.042 -3.528 -22.046 -93.042 3.528 22.857 1.55 2.18 2.18 1.55 2.18
6 93.042 -3.528 -22.857 -93.042 3.528 23.386 1.55 2.18 2.18 1.55 2.18
7 3.528 93.042 -23.386 -3.528 -86.254 14.286 2.18 1.55 2.18 2.18 1.7
8 3.528 86.254 -14.286 -3.528 -75.649 -12.068 2.18 1.7 2.42 2.18 1.93
9 3.528 75.649 12.068 -3.528 -28.832 -41.663 2.18 1.93 1.4 2.18 2.95
10 3.528 28.832 41.663 -3.528 75.649 -12.071 2.18 2.95 2.18 2.18 2.42
11 3.528 -75.649 12.071 -3.528 86.254 14.287 2.18 2.42 2.95 2.18 2.65
12 3.528 -86.254 -14.287 -3.528 93.042 23.386 2.18 2.65 1.93 2.18 2.8
13 93.042 3.528 -23.386 -93.042 -3.528 22.857 2.8 2.18 2.18 2.8 2.18
14 93.042 3.528 -22.857 -93.042 -3.528 22.046 2.8 2.18 2.18 2.8 2.18
15 93.042 3.528 -22.046 -93.042 -3.528 19.329 2.8 2.18 2.18 2.8 2.18
16 93.042 3.528 -19.329 -93.042 -3.528 16.857 2.8 2.18 2.18 2.8 2.18
17 93.042 3.528 -16.857 -93.042 -3.528 16.551 2.8 2.18 2.65 2.8 2.18
18 93.042 3.528 -16.551 -93.042 -3.528 16.476 2.8 2.18 2.8 2.8 2.18
19 -3.511 -92.804 16.476 3.511 77.21 -10.953 2.18 1.55 2.8 2.18 1.55
20 -3.511 -77.21 10.953 3.511 55.213 11.783 2.18 1.55 2.8 2.18 1.55
21 -3.511 -55.213 -11.783 3.511 14.618 29.752 2.18 1.55 1.55 2.18 2.95
22 -3.511 -14.618 -29.752 3.511 -55.213 11.792 2.18 2.95 2.18 2.18 2.8
23 -3.511 55.213 -11.792 3.511 -77.21 -10.962 2.18 2.8 2.8 2.18 2.8
24 -3.511 77.21 10.962 3.511 -92.804 -16.461 2.18 2.8 1.55 2.18 2.8

LM3: SV196 (1.2m Bogie Spacing) + Associated LM1

Deflection in roof slab (Global Axis). This check may be ignored if longitudinal joints are not provided.
Deflections due to permanent loads need to be added to the Total deflection due to traffic loads stated below.
PD 6694-1:2011 Clause 10.5
Maximum allowable mid span deflection of roof slab = 0.15Hc = 150 mm
Vertical midspan deflection due to traffic = 0.526 mm at node 10
Deflection from short term elastic settlement of foundation due to traffic = 5.992 mm
Total deflection = 6.5 mm <= 150 mm hence OK HELP Notation: When a letter 'R' is shown then the vehicle
has been reversed across the structure.
Member Actions (Local Axis) Distance from node 7 to front edge of distributed patch for leading axle
_______End1________ _______End2________ _______Minimum________ _______Maximum________
Member Fx(kN) Fy(kN) Mz(kNm) Fx(kN) Fy(kN) Mz(kNm) Fx(m) Fy(m) Mz(m) Fx(m) Fy(m)
1 76.38 -1.195 -19.722 -76.38 1.195 19.614 15.1 19.225R 14 15.1 19.225R
2 76.38 -1.195 -19.614 -76.38 1.195 19.449 15.1 19.225R 14 15.1 19.225R
3 76.38 -1.195 -19.449 -76.38 1.195 18.897 15.1 19.225R 14 15.1 19.225R
4 76.38 -1.195 -18.897 -76.38 1.195 18.504 15.1 19.225R 14 15.1 19.225R
5 76.38 -1.195 -18.504 -76.38 1.195 18.604 15.1 19.225R 23.845R 15.1 19.225R
6 76.38 -1.195 -18.604 -76.38 1.195 18.668 15.1 19.225R 26.245R 15.1 19.225R
7 1.195 76.38 -18.668 -1.195 -68.375 9.561 19.225R 15.1 26.245R 19.225R 16.45
8 1.195 68.375 -9.561 -1.195 -56.448 -8.047 19.225R 16.45 27.265R 19.225R 14.28
9 1.195 56.448 8.047 -1.195 15.236 -32.676 19.225R 14.28 18.545R 19.225R 5.8
10 1.195 -15.236 32.676 -1.195 56.448 -8.048 19.225R 5.8 15.18 19.225R 14.82
11 1.195 -56.448 8.048 -1.195 68.375 9.562 19.225R 14.82 21.05 19.225R 16.25
12 1.195 -68.375 -9.562 -1.195 76.38 18.668 19.225R 16.25 12.33 19.225R 14
13 76.38 1.195 -18.668 -76.38 -1.195 18.604 14 19.225R 26.245R 14 19.225R
14 76.38 1.195 -18.604 -76.38 -1.195 18.504 14 19.225R 26.245R 14 19.225R
15 76.38 1.195 -18.504 -76.38 -1.195 18.897 14 19.225R 15.75 14 19.225R
16 76.38 1.195 -18.897 -76.38 -1.195 19.449 14 19.225R 15.1 14 19.225R
17 76.38 1.195 -19.449 -76.38 -1.195 19.614 14 19.225R 15.1 14 19.225R
18 76.38 1.195 -19.614 -76.38 -1.195 19.721 14 19.225R 15.1 14 19.225R
19 -1.189 -76.464 19.721 1.189 68.151 -8.932 19.225R 15.1 15.1 19.225R 15.1
20 -1.189 -68.151 8.932 1.189 55.446 7.416 19.225R 15.1 14 19.225R 15.1
21 -1.189 -55.446 -7.416 1.189 -9.841 33.39 19.225R 15.1 11.88 19.225R 11.5
22 -1.189 9.841 -33.39 1.189 -55.446 7.421 19.225R 11.5 13.98 19.225R 14
23 -1.189 55.446 -7.421 1.189 -68.151 -8.932 19.225R 14 27.715R 19.225R 14
24 -1.189 68.151 8.932 1.189 -76.464 -19.722 19.225R 14 15.1 19.225R 14
for leading axle

for leading axle


n the vehicle

for leading axle

Load Effects from Variable Traffic Actions
Maximum Load Effects in Wall Members 1 2 3 4 5 6
Maximum Tensile Axial Force = 0 kN
Maximum Compressive Axial Force = 144.18 kN
Maximum Shear at d from Haunch at Node 3 = 3.528 kN
Maximum Shear at d from Haunch at Node 5 = 3.528 kN
Table of Maximum Moments(Mz) with Axial(Fx) and Shear(Fy) (Effects not Coexistent)
___Tension on Outside Face___ ___Tension on Inside Face___
Node Mz(kNm) Fx(kN) Fy(kN) Mz(kNm) Fx(kN) Fy(kN)
1 -35.604 144.18 -2.574 0 0 0
2 -35.824 144.18 -2.574 0 0 0
3 -36.161 144.18 -2.574 0 0 0
4 -37.29 144.18 -2.574 0 0 0
5 -38.418 144.18 -2.574 0 0 0
6 -38.755 144.18 -2.574 0 0 0
7 -38.975 144.18 2.574 0 0 0

Maximum Load Effects in Roof Members 7 8 9 10 11 12

Max. Sagging Moment = 70.066kNm at 1.41m from Node 7 and vehicle positioned at X = 2.8m from Node 7
Maximum Tensile Axial Force = 0 kN
Maximum Compressive Axial Force = 3.528 kN
Maximum Shear at d from Haunch at Node 9 = 109.568 kN
Maximum Shear at d from Haunch at Node 11 = 109.568 kN
Table of Maximum Moments(Mz) with Axial(Fx) and Shear(Fy) (Effects not Coexistent)
___Tension on Outside Face___ ___Tension on Inside Face___
Node Mz(kNm) Fx(kN) Fy(kN) Mz(kNm) Fx(kN) Fy(kN)
7 -38.975 2.574 144.18 0 0 0
8 -21.362 2.574 130.517 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 18.081 2.574 109.568
10 0 0 0 70.057 2.574 -30.401
11 0 0 0 18.085 2.574 -109.568
12 -21.364 2.574 -130.517 0 0 0
13 -38.975 2.574 144.18 0 0 0

Maximum Load Effects in Wall Members 13 14 15 16 17 18

Maximum Tensile Axial Force = 0 kN
Maximum Compressive Axial Force = 144.18 kN
Maximum Shear at d from Haunch at Node 15 = 3.528 kN
Maximum Shear at d from Haunch at Node 17 = 3.528 kN
Table of Maximum Moments(Mz) with Axial(Fx) and Shear(Fy) (Effects not Coexistent)
___Tension on Outside Face___ ___Tension on Inside Face___
Node Mz(kNm) Fx(kN) Fy(kN) Mz(kNm) Fx(kN) Fy(kN)
13 -38.975 144.18 2.574 0 0 0
14 -38.755 144.18 2.574 0 0 0
15 -38.418 144.18 2.574 0 0 0
16 -37.289 144.18 2.574 0 0 0
17 -36.16 144.18 2.574 0 0 0
18 -35.823 144.18 2.574 0 0 0
19 -35.603 144.18 -2.574 0 0 0

Maximum Load Effects in Floor Members 19 20 21 22 23 24

Maximum Tensile Axial Force = 3.511 kN
Maximum Compressive Axial Force = 3.511 kN
Maximum Shear at d from Haunch at Node 21 = 103.167 kN
Maximum Shear at d from Haunch at Node 23 = 103.167 kN
Table of Maximum Moments(Mz) with Axial(Fx) and Shear(Fy) (Effects not Coexistent)
___Tension on Outside Face___ ___Tension on Inside Face___
Node Mz(kNm) Fx(kN) Fy(kN) Mz(kNm) Fx(kN) Fy(kN)
19 -35.603 -2.562 -144.318 0 0 0
20 -16.108 -2.562 -127.131 0 0 0
21 0 0 0 16.549 -2.562 -103.167
22 0 0 0 62.93 -2.562 21.203
23 0 0 0 16.562 -2.562 103.167
24 -16.119 -2.562 127.131 0 0 0
1 -35.604 2.562 -144.318 0 0 0
Construction Vehicles

Enter details of Construction Vehicles (if any) that need to be ana

Over-write values in the table below; these have only been provide
W1,W2 etc = axle weights (kN) X = Track Width (m)
A1, A2 etc = axle spacings (m) Wheel square contact area (
Vehicle Length X W1 A1 W2 A2 W3
Reference (m) (kN) (m) (kN) (m) (kN)
HTM 804 1.8 70 1.65 70 3.25 93
T282C 5.6 2000 6.55 4000
TA230 2.5 115 4.35 210 1.7 210
MK88 2.31 125 2.34 125 2.9 120
LTM11200 2.6 118 1.48 118 2.08 118
s (if any) that need to be analysed. (maximum of 10 vehicles)
these have only been provided for demonstration purposes
ck Width (m) length width
quare contact area ( 0.4 0.4 m) is based on BD 86/11 Cl. 3.14
A3 W4 A4 W5 A5 W6 A6 W7 A7 W8
(m) (kN) (m) (kN) (m) (kN) (m) (kN) (m) (kN)
1.25 93

1.65 120
1.5 118 1.48 118 3.07 118 1.5 118 3.3 118
A8 W9 A9 W10 Weight Vehicle No of Max
(m) (kN) (m) (kN) (kN) Length Axles W
326 6.15 4 93
6000 6.55 2 4000
535 6.05 3 210
490 6.89 4 125
1.48 118 1062 15.89 9 118
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Symmetry Check (1=unsymmetrical)

861.75 1002.45 1
13100 19650 1
1052.75 1618.375 1
1628 1688.05 1
8891.3 8437.59 1
0.0 0.0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

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