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Skew Modeling

Bruno Dupire
Bloomberg LP
Columbia University, New York
September 12, 2005
I. Generalities
Market Skews

Dominating fact since 1987 crash: strong negative skew on

Equity Markets σ impl

Not a general phenomenon

Gold: σ impl FX: σ impl


We focus on Equity Markets

Bruno Dupire 3
• Volatility Skew: slope of implied volatility as a
function of Strike
• Link with Skewness (asymmetry) of the Risk
Neutral density function ϕ ?

Moments Statistics Finance

1 Expectation FWD price
2 Variance Level of implied vol
3 Skewness Slope of implied vol
4 Kurtosis Convexity of implied vol

Bruno Dupire 4
Why Volatility Skews?
• Market prices governed by
– a) Anticipated dynamics (future behavior of volatility or jumps)
– b) Supply and Demand

σ impl Sup
Market Skew
Th. Skew

• To “ arbitrage” European options, estimate a) to capture

risk premium b)
• To “arbitrage” (or correctly price) exotics, find Risk
Neutral dynamics calibrated to the market

Bruno Dupire 5
Modeling Uncertainty
Main ingredients for spot modeling
• Many small shocks: Brownian Motion
(continuous prices) S

• A few big shocks: Poisson process (jumps)


Bruno Dupire 6
2 mechanisms to produce Skews (1)

• To obtain downward sloping implied volatilities


– a) Negative link between prices and volatility

• Deterministic dependency (Local Volatility Model)
• Or negative correlation (Stochastic volatility Model)

– b) Downward jumps

Bruno Dupire 7
2 mechanisms to produce Skews (2)
– a) Negative link between prices and volatility

S1 S2
– b) Downward jumps

S1 S2

Bruno Dupire 8
Leverage and Jumps
Dissociating Jump & Leverage effects
t0 t1 t2

x = St1-St0 y = St2-St1

• Variance : (x + y) = x + 2xy+ y
2 2 2

Option prices FWD variance

∆ Hedge

• Skewness : (x + y)3 = x3 + 3x2 y + 3xy2 + y3

Option prices Leverage
∆ Hedge
FWD skewness

Bruno Dupire 10
Dissociating Jump & Leverage effects

Define a time window to calculate effects from jumps and

Leverage. For example, take close prices for 3 months

∑ (δS )
• Jump: ti

∑ (S )( )
− S t1 δS ti
• Leverage: ti

Bruno Dupire 11
Dissociating Jump & Leverage effects

Bruno Dupire 12
Dissociating Jump & Leverage effects

Bruno Dupire 13
Break Even Volatilities
Theoretical Skew from Prices

Problem : How to compute option prices on an underlying without
For instance : compute 3 month 5% OTM Call from price history only.
1) Discounted average of the historical Intrinsic Values.
Bad : depends on bull/bear, no call/put parity.
2) Generate paths by sampling 1 day return recentered histogram.
Problem : CLT => converges quickly to same volatility for all
strike/maturity; breaks autocorrelation and vol/spot dependency.
Bruno Dupire 15
Theoretical Skew from Prices (2)

3) Discounted average of the Intrinsic Value from recentered 3 month

4) ∆-Hedging : compute the implied volatility which makes the ∆-
hedging a fair game.

Bruno Dupire 16
Theoretical Skew
from historical prices (3)
How to get a theoretical Skew just from spot price
history? S
Example: K
ST 1

3 month daily data

T1 t T2
1 strike K = k ST1
– a) price and delta hedge for a given σ within Black-Scholes
– b) compute the associated final Profit & Loss: PL(σ )
– ( ) ( ( ))
c) solve for σ k / PL σ k = 0
– d) repeat a) b) c) for general time period and average
– e) repeat a) b) c) and d) to get the “theoretical Skew”

Bruno Dupire 17
Theoretical Skew
from historical prices (4)

Bruno Dupire 18
Theoretical Skew
from historical prices (4)

Bruno Dupire 19
Theoretical Skew
from historical prices (4)

Bruno Dupire 20
Theoretical Skew
from historical prices (4)

Bruno Dupire 21
Barriers as FWD Skew trades
Beyond initial vol surface fitting

• Need to have proper dynamics of implied volatility

– Future skews determine the price of Barriers and

OTM Cliquets
– Moves of the ATM implied vol determine the ∆ of
European options

• Calibrating to the current vol surface do not impose

these dynamics

Bruno Dupire 23
Barrier Static Hedging

Down & Out Call Strike K, Barrier L, r=0 :

• With BS: DOCK ,L = CK − K L PL2
If S t = L ,unwind hedge, at 0
cost K

If not touched, IV’s are equal K L K

• With normal model

DOCK , L = C K − P2 L − K
dS = σdW 1 L K

Bruno Dupire 24
Static Hedging: Model Dominance
• Back to DOCK , L

• An assumption as the skew at L corresponds to

an affine model
dS = (aS + b )dW (displaced LN)
• DOCK ,L priced as in BS with shifted K and L gives
new hedging PF which is >0 when L is touched if
Skew assumption is conservative

Bruno Dupire 25
Skew Adjusted Barrier Hedges
dS = (aS + b )dW
aK + b
DOC K , L ↔ CK − PaL2 +b (2 L − K )
aL + b aK + b

⎛ ⎞ aK + b
↔ C K − (L − K )⎜ 2 Dig L +
UOC K , L CL ⎟ − C aL2 +b (2 L − K )
⎝ aL + b ⎠ aL + b aK + b

Bruno Dupire 26
Local Volatility Model
One Single Model
• We know that a model with dS = σ(S,t)dW
would generate smiles.
– Can we find σ(S,t) which fits market smiles?
– Are there several solutions?

ANSWER: One and only one way to do it.

Bruno Dupire 28
The Risk-Neutral Solution
But if drift imposed (by risk-neutrality), uniqueness of the solution

Diffusions Neutral

sought diffusion
(obtained by integrating twice
with Smile
Fokker-Planck equation)

Bruno Dupire 29
Forward Equations (1)
• BWD Equation:
price of one option C (K 0 ,T0 ) for different (S, t )
• FWD Equation:
price of all options C (K , T ) for current (S 0 ,t0 )
• Advantage of FWD equation:
– If local volatilities known, fast computation of implied
volatility surface,
– If current implied volatility surface known, extraction of
local volatilities,
– Understanding of forward volatilities and how to lock

Bruno Dupire 30
Forward Equations (2)
• Several ways to obtain them:
– Fokker-Planck equation:
• Integrate twice Kolmogorov Forward Equation
– Tanaka formula:
• Expectation of local time
– Replication
• Replication portfolio gives a much more financial

Bruno Dupire 31

• If dx = b( x, t )dW
∂ϕ 1 ∂ 2 (b 2ϕ )
• Fokker-Planck Equation: =
∂t 2 ∂x 2
∂ 2C
• Where ϕ is the Risk Neutral density. As ϕ =
∂K 2
2 ⎛ ∂C ⎞
⎛ ∂ 2C ⎞ 2⎛ 2 ∂ C ⎞

∂ ⎜ ⎟ ∂⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ ∂ ⎜⎜ b ⎟
2 ⎟
⎝ ∂t ⎠ = ⎝ ∂K ⎠ = 1 ⎝ ∂K ⎠
∂x 2 ∂t 2 ∂x 2

• Integrating twice w.r.t. x: ∂C b2 ∂2C

∂t 2 ∂K 2
Bruno Dupire 32
Volatility Expansion

•K,T fixed. C0 price with LVM σ 0 ( S t , t ) : dS t = σ 0 ( S t , t ) dWt

•Real dynamics: dSt = σt dWt

∂ ∂
T 2 T
C 1 C0 2
•Ito ( ST − K ) = C0 ( S 0 ,0) + ∫ dS + ∫ σ σ
+ 0
( − 2
0 ( S t , t )) dt
∂S 2 0 ∂S 2 t

• Taking expectation:
([ ] )
C ( S 0 ,0) = C0 ( S 0 ,0) + ∫∫ Γ0 ( S , t ) Ε σ t2 St = S − σ 02 ( S , t ) ϕ ( S , t )dSdt
[ ]
•Equality for all (K,T) Ù Ε σ t S t = S = σ 0 ( S , t )
2 2

Bruno Dupire 33
Summary of LVM Properties

Σ0 is the initial volatility surface

• σ (S,t ) compatible with Σ0 ⇔σ = local vol

•σ (ω ) compatible with Σ ⇔ E[σ

0 2 ST = K ] = (local vol)²

• σ̂ k,T deterministic function of (S,t) (if no jumps)

⇔ future smile = FWD smile from local vol

Bruno Dupire 34
Stochastic Volatility Models
Heston Model
⎡ dS
⎢ S = µ dt + v dW

( )
⎢⎣dv = κ v 2 ∞ − v dt + η v dZ dW , dZ = ρ dt

Solved by Fourier transform:

x ≡ ln τ =T −t
C K ,T ( x, v,τ ) = e x P1 ( x, v,τ ) − P0 ( x, v,τ )

Bruno Dupire 36
Role of parameters
• Correlation gives the short term skew
• Mean reversion level determines the long term
value of volatility
• Mean reversion strength
– Determine the term structure of volatility
– Dampens the skew for longer maturities
• Volvol gives convexity to implied vol
• Functional dependency on S has a similar effect
to correlation

Bruno Dupire 37
Spot dependency

2 ways to generate skew in a stochastic vol model

1) σ t = xt f (S , t ), ρ (W , Z ) = 0
2) σρ (W , Z ) ≠ 0 σ



-Mostly equivalent: similar (St,σt ) patterns, similar

-1) more flexible (and arbitrary!) than 2)
-For short horizons: stoch vol model Ù local vol model
+ independent noise on vol.
Bruno Dupire 43
SABR model
• F: Forward price
dF = F σ t dW

= α dZ

• With correlation ρ

Bruno Dupire 44
Smile Dynamics
Smile dynamics: Local Vol Model (1)
• Consider, for one maturity, the smiles associated
to 3 initial spot values

Skew case Local vols

Smile S −
Smile S 0
Smile S +

S − S0 S + K

– ATM short term implied follows the local vols

– Similar skews

Bruno Dupire 51
Smile dynamics: Local Vol Model (2)

• Pure Smile case

Local vols

Smile S +
Smile S −

Smile S 0

S− S0 S+ K

– ATM short term implied follows the local vols

– Skew can change sign

Bruno Dupire 52
Smile dynamics: Stoch Vol Model (1)
Skew case (r<0) Local vols

σ Smile S −
Smile S 0
Smile S +

S − S0 S+ K

- ATM short term implied still follows the local vols

(E [σ 2
T ]
S T = K = σ 2 (K , T ) )
- Similar skews as local vol model for short horizons
- Common mistake when computing the smile for another
spot: just change S0 forgetting the conditioning on σ :
if S : S0 → S+ where is the new σ ?
Bruno Dupire 53
Smile dynamics: Stoch Vol Model (2)
• Pure smile case (r=0)

Local vols
Smile S − Smile S +

Smile S 0

S− S0 S+ K

• ATM short term implied follows the local vols

• Future skews quite flat, different from local vol
• Again, do not forget conditioning of vol by S

Bruno Dupire 54
Smile dynamics: Jump Model
Skew case
Local vols

Smile S −

Smile S 0
Smile S +

S− S0 S + K

• ATM short term implied constant (does not follows the

local vols)
• Constant skew
• Sticky Delta model

Bruno Dupire 55
Smile dynamics: Jump Model
Pure smile case

Local vols

Smile S 0
Smile S − Smile S +

S− S0 S+ K

• ATM short term implied constant (does not follows the

local vols)
• Constant skew
• Sticky Delta model

Bruno Dupire 56
Smile dynamics
Weighting scheme imposes
some dynamics of the smile for S1
a move of the spot: S0 K
For a given strike K,
S↑ ⇒ σ∃K ↓
(we average lower volatilities) t
Smile today (Spot St) 26

Smile tomorrow (Spot St+dt) 25.5

in sticky strike model 25

Smile tomorrow (Spot St+dt)
if σATM=constant 24

Smile tomorrow (Spot St+dt)
in the smile model
St+dt St

Bruno Dupire 57
Volatility Dynamics of different models

• Local Volatility Model gives future short term

skews that are very flat and Call ∆ lesser than
• More realistic future Skews with:
– Jumps
– Stochastic volatility with correlation and mean-
• To change the ATM vol sensitivity to Spot:
– Stochastic volatility does not help much
– Jumps are required

Bruno Dupire 58
ATM volatility behavior
Forward Skews

In the absence of jump :

model fits market ⇔ ∀K , T E[σ T2 ST = K ] = σ loc
(K ,T )
This constrains
a) the sensitivity of the ATM short term volatility wrt S;
b) the average level of the volatility conditioned to ST=K.

a) tells that the sensitivity and the hedge ratio of vanillas depend on the
calibration to the vanilla, not on local volatility/ stochastic volatility.
To change them, jumps are needed.
But b) does not say anything on the conditional forward skews.

Bruno Dupire 60
Sensitivity of ATM volatility / S

At t, short term ATM implied volatility ~ σt.

∂σ t
As σt is random, the sensitivity is defined only in average:
∂σ loc
(S , t )
Et [σ 2
t +δt − σ Sδt = St + δS ] = σ ( St + δS , t + δt ) − σ ( St , t ) ≈
2 2 2
⋅ δS
t loc loc

In average, σ ATM
follows σ loc
Optimal hedge of vanilla under calibrated stochastic volatility corresponds to
perfect hedge ratio under LVM.

Bruno Dupire 61
Market Model of Implied Volatility
• Implied volatilities are directly observable
• Can we model directly their dynamics? (r = 0)
⎪⎪ S = σ dW1

⎪dσˆ = α dt + u dW + u dW
⎪⎩ σˆ 1 1 2 2

where σ̂ is the implied volatility of a given C K ,T

• Condition on σˆ dynamics?

Bruno Dupire 62
Drift Condition
• Apply Ito’s lemma to C(S,σˆ , t )
• Cancel the drift term
• Rewrite derivatives of C(S,σˆ , t )
gives the condition that the drift α of dσˆ must satisfy.
For short T, we get the Short Skew Condition (SSC):
2 2
⎛ K ⎞ ⎛ K ⎞
C ( S ,σ ,̂ t)

t →T

σˆ = ⎜ σ + u1 ln( ) ⎟ + ⎜ u2 ln( ) ⎟

⎝ S ⎠ ⎝ S ⎠
close to the money: σˆ ~ σ + u1 ln( )

Î Skew determines u1

Bruno Dupire 63
Optimal hedge ratio ∆H

• C ( S , σˆ , t ) : BS Price at t of Call option with

strike K, maturity T, implied vol σ̂

• Ito: dC ( S , σˆ , t ) = 0dt + CS dS + Cσˆ dσˆ

• Optimal hedge minimizes P&L variance:
dC.dS dσˆ .dS
∆ =
= CS + Cσˆ 2
(dS ) (dS ) Implied Vol
BS Vega sensitivity
BS Delta

Bruno Dupire 64
Optimal hedge ratio ∆H II
dσˆ .dS
∆ = CS + Cσˆ

(dS ) 2
⎧ dS
⎪⎪ S = σdW1
With ⎨
⎪ dσˆ = αdt + u dW + u dW
⎪⎩ σˆ 1 1 2 2

dσˆ .dS u1σS (dW1 ) 2 u1σˆ

= =
(dS ) 2
(σS ) (dW1 )
2 2

Î Skew determines u1, which determines ∆H

Bruno Dupire 65
Smile Arbitrage
Deterministic future smiles
It is not possible to prescribe just any future
If deterministic, one must have
C K ,T (S 0 , t 0 ) = ∫ ϕ (S 0 , t 0 , S , T1 ) C K ,T (S , T1 )dS
2 2

Not satisfied in general


t0 T1 T2

Bruno Dupire 67
Det. Fut. smiles & no jumps
=> = FWD smile
If ∃(S , t , K , T ) / VK ,T (S , t ) ≠ σ (K , T ) ≡ lim σ imp (K , T , K + δK , T + δT )
2 2
δK → 0
δT → 0
stripped from Smile S.t
Then, there exists a 2 step arbitrage:
Define ∂ 2C S0
( (K , T ) − V (S , t )) ∂K (S , t , K , T )
PL t ≡ σ K ,T 2 S
At t0 : Sell PL t ⋅ Dig S − ε ,t − Dig S + ε ,t ) t0 t T
At t: if S ∈ [S − ε , S + ε ] buy
CS K, T , sell σ 2
(K , T )δ K ,T
t 2
gives a premium = PLt at t, no loss at T

Conclusion: VK ,T (S , t ) independent of (S , t ) = VK ,T (S0 , t0 ) = σ 2 (K , T )

from initial smile

Bruno Dupire 68
Consequence of det. future smiles

• Sticky Strike assumption: Each (K,T) has a fixed σ impl ( K , T )

independent of (S,t)
• Sticky Delta assumption: σ impl ( K , T ) depends only on
moneyness and residual maturity

• In the absence of jumps,

– Sticky Strike is arbitrageable
– Sticky ∆ is (even more) arbitrageable

Bruno Dupire 69
Example of arbitrage with Sticky Strike
Each CK,T lives in its Black-Scholes (σ impl ( K , T ) )world
C1 ≡ C K 1 ,T1 C 2 ≡ C K 2 ,T2 assume σ 1 > σ 2
P&L of Delta hedge position over dt:

δ PL (C 1 ) = 1
((δ S ) − σ S δ t ) Γ

δ PL (C 2 ) = 1
((δ S ) − σ S δ t ) Γ
Γ1C 2
Γ2 C 1
Γ1Γ2 2 2
δ PL (Γ1C 2 − Γ2 C 1 ) =
S σ 1 − σ 22 δ t > 0 ) S t1 S t + δt
(no Γ , free Θ )
! If no jump

Bruno Dupire 70
Arbitrage with Sticky Delta

• In the absence of jumps, Sticky-K is arbitrageable and Sticky-∆ even more so.
• However, it seems that quiet trending market (no jumps!) are Sticky-∆.
In trending markets, buy Calls, sell Puts and ∆-hedge.

K1 St
PF ≡ C K 2 − PK1

σ 1 ,σ 2
∆-hedged PF gains
VegaK > Vega K
2 1 from S induced
σ 1 ,σ 2 volatility moves.
VegaK < Vega K
2 1

Bruno Dupire 71
• Both leverage and asymmetric jumps may generate skew
but they generate different dynamics

• The Break Even Vols are a good guideline to identify risk


• The market skew contains a wealth of information and in

the absence of jumps,
– The spot correlated component of volatility
– The average behavior of the ATM implied when the spot moves
– The optimal hedge ratio of short dated vanilla
– The price of options on RV

• If market vol dynamics differ from what current skew

implies, statistical arbitrage
Bruno Dupire 72

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