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With these divisions, each class in the French colony had been against the other.

There was a
high level of distrust between these groups and as such, arose conflicts between the mulattoes
and the whites, the whites and the blacks, the mulattoes and the blacks and the whites
themselves. This ongoing social instability of Saint Domingue was a leading factor in the Haitian
Revolution, but post revolution was where this division had hit the hardest. There had been more
rivalry especially between the mulattoes and the blacks. One such example of this can be seen in
the political division that had taken place in 1811 after Henri Christophe’s ascension to
presidency. This social tension can be relayed into today’s Haiti where there is still no social
unity among the people.

With these divisions, naturally, there had been resentment by the socially disadvantaged (or disabled)
towards the upper class.

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