Worksheet - What Type of Communicator Are You

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Refer to the table of descriptions below. For each row, identify only one word/phrase which best describes you as a communicator, and underline your answer.
Do this for all 10 items and add the total number of words/phrase you have underlined per column. Take note of your result for processing in class.

1 Can't keep eye contact Loud and demanding voice Words don't match feelings
2 Go with the flow Intense eye contact Appears cooperative but does not
3 Slumped posture Dominates others Sarcastic
4 Can't say no Commands respect Does not confront but makes side comments
5 Speaks softly Uses humiliation Facial expression doesn't match feelings
6 Avoids conflict Does not listen well Agrees to do one thing but does not deliver
7 Apologizes often Interrupts frequently Denies that there is a problem
8 Can't speak for oneself Gets easily frustrated Gets even or takes revenge
9 Doesn't complain Critizes or threatens Shows silent treatment
10 Simply follows others Wants to be seen as a leader Spreads rumors behind people's backs

TOTAL 1 1 1

bes you as a communicator, and underline your answer.

note of your result for processing in class.

Stands up for one's rights
States needs and wants clearly
Listens well without interrupting
Owns up one's feelings and behaviors
Respectful in expressing oneself
Maintains good relationship with others
Expresses own needs but also considers others
Knows when to say no
Confident in voicing out needs and desires
Maintains eye contact

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