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Keyword: Mental Health

Mental Health Awareness among Women entrepreneurs

Mental health awareness acts as a catalyst that allows women to take bold and confident decisions
in life. As an entrepreneur, they may have to take some tough and experimental decisions at any
stage of their business and only when they are mentally fit and strong, would they be able to foresee
the results of their actions.

Alain de Botton said about mental health that it is “having enough safe places in your mind for your
thoughts to settle.”

The awareness of having positive mental health among women entrepreneurs is essential. There are

many benefits to this as they not only ensure the country's economy but are also important to the
most fundamental unit of society—the family—whose foundation is a strong woman.

There's no denying that mental well-being affects every aspect of our lives, from how we feel to how
we behave and what we do. As a result, awareness of maintaining good mental state has become
critical to the health of our economy's foundation.

I would narrate a situation from my family in relation to the above premise.

My mom would wake up at 4 a.m. everyday. Before she left for office, she made sure my father,
brother, and I had tiffin and clothes ready to start our day. Even though she worked 8–9 hours a day,
she ensured that the house was tidy, groceries were done, and her family had nice food at home.
This cycle repeated regularly. As a child, I felt it was normal because my mother was visibly happy
doing everything for her family.

However, I remember unpleasant situations when she got angry about trivial things, which was
unlike her, and we didn't know how to handle her mood swings. It was after my own marriage and
being a working woman myself, I understood my mother's mental health position while trying to
balance work and family.

The global conversation about mental health has shifted significantly toward de-stigmatizing mental
issues and encouraging people to use resources to address the issue, but the same is not fully
accepted and implemented in our country. It's difficult to talk openly about them when many people
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don't have an awareness or supportive attitude toward those who are afflicted with mental health

Women Entrepreneurs and their Situation in our Society

It would not be an exaggeration to say that we live in a male-dominated world. It’s not hard to
believe the fact that women face significant disadvantages in the world of entrepreneurship and
business, which are traditionally viewed as the domain of men. Today's patriarchal society is the root
cause of the problem. In order to understand why there is so much prejudice, one must ask: Why are
women, no matter how well-qualified, expected to take a backseat in the workplace hierarchy? As
wives, their primary responsibility is to take care of their husbands, children and in-laws while also
completing their domestic responsibilities in the home.

For women thinking about starting or already running a business, the pressures of their families can
cause them to question their value as an entrepreneur. A woman from a rural area is even more
likely to encounter these difficulties. One example is that women entrepreneurs have a harder time
raising capital than male entrepreneurs. Investors tend to prefer a businessman over a
businesswoman due to the lack of trust they have in women due to their gender. All these are
factors of mental health issues among women in business.

Covid-19 and Mental Health issues

During the times of pandemic, the problems got even more inflated when women entrepreneurs
found it more difficult balancing the demands of their businesses with the demands of their families.
This was because the amount of work they did tripled as everyone was at home the whole day and
did work from home.

Change begins only with Awareness about Mental Health issues.

When we realize that achieving good and stable mental health is not a destination, but rather a
process, then only we will be better equipped to help those in need. As a woman their
entrepreneurial journey has its own ups and downs, just like that of anyone under the sun. So, they
must be open about their problems and seek help in whatever form it is available. It is a well-known
fact that a women's productivity is increased when their mental health is stable.

Numbers- 2 stats

On a concluding note, I would like to re-emphasize that as women entrepreneurs, you are expected
to solve a lot of problems, lead your teams, and provide encouragement and guidance to the team
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members. This means that the health and well-being of your companies — and your own mental and
physical health — are all intertwined.

So, all you strong women out there please do take care of yourselves as they say, “The world will see
you the way you see you and treat you the way you treat yourself.”

URL: mental-health-awareness

Meta description: Mental health awareness among women entrepreneurs is essential. There are
many benefits to this in the long term...

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